Facebook uncovers "Russia"-funded misinformation campaign

Zuckerberg opposes supposed propaganda but does nothing about the horrific snuff films posted on his site.
omg, not ads! anything but that!

Well, seeing how ads basically buy elections, it's actually a big deal.

The problem here is that the Russians can't hope to outspend the Koch Brothers and others out there who will basically be telling America what to think, and there are enough lemmings who will be hypnotized into jumping off the cliff the money tells them to jump off.

Then why didn't Hillary win? She spent far more than Trump did. Funny how all that Clinton money being spent isn't magically hypnotizing people into jumping off a cliff, but Republican money somehow does.

So which is it? Are Republicans able to hypnotize people through ads and Dems aren't (even though Dems tell everyone what they want to hear, "more free stuff for you")? Or are you just full of it?

Because it's not a simple case of money automatically buys you support.

Also Trump managed to harness part of the media to work for him.

The problem here seems to be you want a simple answer. But you won't get simple, but life isn't simple.

You're the one that stated money basically buys elections. You got called out and can't explain why Dems spending money is OK, but Republicans spending money on campaigns and ads is "telling America what to think".

Well I'm not wrong. The problem is you have just taken what I said and made it very simple.

I didn't say Democrats spending money is okay and Republicans spending it is "telling America what to think", did I?

The simple fact is that Trump went into an election with money. He also went into the election with name recognition. Name recognition can often cost people a lot of money. Trump's money and he TV entertainment job had already bought this.

He also managed to harness the power of the media, get it working for him. He took a big risk in doing what he did, but it worked for him. He didn't need to spend the money. But Trump isn't ordinary and most people wouldn't have gotten away with what he did. So while Trump spent less money, we don't actually know how much money was spent by super PAC and the like.

This is the problem here.

There were two sides to the whole affair. There were those who didn't want Trump in the Republican Party, and those who once Trump was candidate, didn't want Hillary to be President. They wanted that Supreme Court justice and thought they could live with Trump for four years.

The Koch Brothers, as an example because they appear to be spending the most amount of money on politics, got the power to spend unlimited amounts of money on politics through the Supreme Court. I'd assume they take it very seriously to keep the Supreme Court right wing.

I'd say Trump being President is less important to them than who sits on the Supreme Court.

Let's try this

Tracking the 2016 Presidential Money Race

Trump raised $82 million for super PACS, $564 million for campaign spending. Yet the Koch Brothers poured in $900 million. So not all the money thre Republicans spent went on Trump.

In fact I think the Koch Brothers are spending lots of money on POLICIES rather than on the politicians necessarily.

How The Koch Brothers Are Secretly Manipulating The 2016 Election (VIDEO)

This article has plenty of evidence for that.

So they push for the Supreme Court justice, this benefits Trump directly. How many people voted for issues like that rather than actually wanting Trump to be President?

And your hero the shrilary didn't? What the hell are you smoking. The facts are that the shrilary outspent trump by more than three to one. Where did all of that cash come from? Hmmmm? She also had the overwhelming majority of the lap dog media on her side.

Trump still won.

That tells you how shitty a candidate she was. That's all it does. The rest of your sniveling is immaterial to the fact that the dnc put forth the worst candidate in the history of the USA.
She got more votes because no one campaigned in CA and NY. It is not the system you know it but dividing the country is more important to you then is the truth. Typical democrat.

Tell me one person who changed their mind about Hillary because of anything the Russians did. You can't.

I can't tell you what was on everyone's mind. If you were a hateful racist and misogynist, you were going to vote for Trumpenfuhrer no matter what.

But if you were someone who was on the fence in Ohio or Michigan and you heard those stories that turned out to be bullshit, but you believe whatever you read on facebook, you might have voted for Stein or Johnson.

If purchasing advertisement is "rigging and election", sHillary should be the first one arrested.
I watched her crap on TV for months. She hit Florida hard.
Why didn't she win Florida? Is FB advertising more powerful than TV?

Americans can buy advertising. When a foreign government does it, it's illegal. If they did it in collusion with the Trump campaign, it's impeachable. Happy to have cleared that up for you.
There maybe some moderates in the democrat party, but as you say, they are hiding their heads, for damn good reason.
I am thinking that it is time for a true third party. Now is the time to start it, not wait until before the next election so forming one would just ensure a democrat victory.
But it won't happen the establishment is just too powerful.

Sure, there are LOTS of moderate, reasonable democrats in hiding afraid to speak out and say they do not agree with the Pelosi's and Waters and Warren's of the world! These people are the democrats of the 60's and 70's and maybe 80's that are still alive, before the party began to be turned under the Clintons. They are still there and not very happy, some of them turned away to vote for Trump and with the continued radical stridency of the Left, yet more may turn in the next election!

Look at those espousing the new radical attitudes, watch videos of protests, riots---- they are all children! The young! College grads and the like. People too brief in this world to have any real idea what it is about. The very people MOST susceptible under the influence of education and government agencies (same difference). You won't see many older Americans there. Look at the silent Democrats in hiding, they are much older. If JFK were alive today, he would have much more in common with the GOP than the current Democratic Party he was once head of. That is because the Democrats have moved extremely far to the distant Left while the GOP has moved somewhat away from its true conservative founding closer to the middle.

The Left learned nothing in the last election, only to keep doing what they have always done, just do MORE of it. They cannot bend, they cannot change, exactly because the Hard Left didn't think Hillary was left-leaning enough. Obama wasn't Left-Leaning enough. Sanders wasn't left-leaning enough, and maybe Waters and Warren aren't even left-leaning enough! THESE PEOPLE are by nature, anarchists.

Time for a third party? IT IS HERE! Donald Trump IS that third party, he is an infusion of the Tea Party, a little of the GOP, a tad of the Democrats, and a mix of populist practical thinking. Trump is a businessman not a politician, so by nature all he cares about is the shortest-straightest line between two points. He will NEVER play ball with the entrenched deep state, because they are the very PERSONIFICATION of politics for politics's sake! It is a self-sustaining machine, existing to its own end like a tumor on the side of your neck. It contributes nothing, gets in the way and saps you of blood and strength.

That is why the entire political machine Left and Right essentially reviles against Trump! Those that hate and resist him are announcing their love of keeping things just as they are, serving a tiny few at the expense of all others; when you find a true Trump supporter in Washington, you know at once that this is a person with honest intentions to remake America in the way the Founders intended------ a country of the People.

They are all scared to death that Trump's unforeseen and remarkable victory spells an end to their lazy and corrupt lifestyle, and every effort must be made to support him and to elect as many others that will contribute to the fight to topple the big, hairy beast we call the Washington Bureaucracy.

She got more votes because no one campaigned in CA and NY. It is not the system you know it but dividing the country is more important to you then is the truth. Typical democrat.

Tell me one person who changed their mind about Hillary because of anything the Russians did. You can't.

I can't tell you what was on everyone's mind. If you were a hateful racist and misogynist, you were going to vote for Trumpenfuhrer no matter what.

But if you were someone who was on the fence in Ohio or Michigan and you heard those stories that turned out to be bullshit, but you believe whatever you read on facebook, you might have voted for Stein or Johnson.

If purchasing advertisement is "rigging and election", sHillary should be the first one arrested.
I watched her crap on TV for months. She hit Florida hard.
Why didn't she win Florida? Is FB advertising more powerful than TV?

Americans can buy advertising. When a foreign government does it, it's illegal. If they did it in collusion with the Trump campaign, it's impeachable. Happy to have cleared that up for you.

Please cite the statute that says foreign nationals cannot buy advertising.

Foreign nationals cannot donate to a campaign, they didn't.
If any group not part of the campaign worked with the official campaign regarding advertising that would be a campaign finance violation,
A long way from impeachment.
omg, not ads! anything but that!

Well, seeing how ads basically buy elections, it's actually a big deal.

The problem here is that the Russians can't hope to outspend the Koch Brothers and others out there who will basically be telling America what to think, and there are enough lemmings who will be hypnotized into jumping off the cliff the money tells them to jump off.
Considering that Madame Resident Clintoon spent 1.2 billion on the election, maybe trying to buy elections doesn't work so well.
For months Facebook has denied that any Russian entity bought adds on Facebook--that were false adds against Hillary Clinton. They admit that an a Russian company did it out of St. Petersburg. Now the interesting part of this is that Foreigners cannot spend any money on an American election. If there was any American that knew about this, they will be charged with a crime.

"Facebook reps told congressional investigators Wednesday that it had unwittingly sold ads during the presidential election to a Russian company that was targeting voters, a new report said Wednesday.

The officials said that they traced the ad sales worth $100,000 to a shadowy Russian “troll farm” with a history of pushing pro-Kremlin propaganda, The Washington Post reported, citing sources.

Some of the 3,300 ads, which first appeared in the summer of 2015, named eventual nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton by name, the paper said.

Facebook came clean as congressional investigators and special counsel Robert Mueller are probing Russian meddling in the US election and whether there was collusion with the Trump campaign

The president has denied the allegations of potential collusion, dismissing them as “fake news” and “a hoax.”"


Tell us how these ads made you flip your vote
they didn't push ads, they pushed fake news and directed it towards people and right wing media sites on the net who were susceptible to the topic of the fake news propaganda Russia pushed...derogatory fake news on gun control, on BLM, on lgbt, on transgender, on the wall, on illegals, on SC Justice picks etc etc etc.... spent $100,000 on it...

it's not a crime unless Trump team conspired with them and/ or directed the ads or promised something like sanctions being removed from Russia... a quid pro quo or colluding with them. for campaign help.
except that fake news isn't a russian thing. we do it, they do it, thousands of sites out there do it.

to illustrate my point - pee-gate. that was fake news born from 4chan that was billed as fake but the left didn't care. they ran with it cause they liked it and knew it would cause damage regardless.

if russia trolled us - score for russia.
is pee-gate, the golden showers rumor? at least they STATED it was NOT verified... fake news does not do that, they tell you it is true with not even a fine print disclaimer.
they didn't have to state it or even use it. 4chan said when they wrote it how full of shit they were. but they used it anyway.

why? it's fake?

if this is headed into a "only 1 side does fake news" convo let me know and i'll bow out now.
btw, no official has said it was fake. Only donald has said it was fake and he has lied so much, like the boy who cried wolf, that no one in their right mind would believe him.

Intelligence officials have said they do not know if the golden showers accusation is fake or real...they said they have not even tried to verify that aspect of the Dossier.

The golden showers story is of no concern, it is everything else in the Dossier that they are verifying that is the problem.
Tell us how these ads made you flip your vote
they didn't push ads, they pushed fake news and directed it towards people and right wing media sites on the net who were susceptible to the topic of the fake news propaganda Russia pushed...derogatory fake news on gun control, on BLM, on lgbt, on transgender, on the wall, on illegals, on SC Justice picks etc etc etc.... spent $100,000 on it...

it's not a crime unless Trump team conspired with them and/ or directed the ads or promised something like sanctions being removed from Russia... a quid pro quo or colluding with them. for campaign help.
except that fake news isn't a russian thing. we do it, they do it, thousands of sites out there do it.

to illustrate my point - pee-gate. that was fake news born from 4chan that was billed as fake but the left didn't care. they ran with it cause they liked it and knew it would cause damage regardless.

if russia trolled us - score for russia.
is pee-gate, the golden showers rumor? at least they STATED it was NOT verified... fake news does not do that, they tell you it is true with not even a fine print disclaimer.
they didn't have to state it or even use it. 4chan said when they wrote it how full of shit they were. but they used it anyway.

why? it's fake?

if this is headed into a "only 1 side does fake news" convo let me know and i'll bow out now.
btw, no official has said it was fake. Only donald has said it was fake and he has lied so much, like the boy who cried wolf, that no one in their right mind would believe him.

Intelligence officials have said they do not know if the golden showers accusation is fake or real...they said they have not even tried to verify that aspect of the Dossier.

The golden showers story is of no concern, it is everything else in the Dossier that they are verifying that is the problem.
this "he has lied so much..." crap is not just donald.

i can add up CNN lies also. i can add up other "media outlet" lies. our entire society is now built on finding the people who report news you like so you'll like them, OR news you hate so you'll tell them how stupid they are and they get their website hits just the same.

as far as i'm concerned every time some ass-nugget cries WHITE SUPREMACIST they're lying.

so now what? every one is a liar. well unless you happen to like or agree with what they are saying then no this would happen to be the truth.

really sucks to have us as a culture in this position but if we keep at it it's only going to prolong how long we stay here.

Anne Applebaum: Russia 'wants to change the rules'

Anne Applebaum — "Russian" propaganda and fake news

Controlling the Media: Putin’s Propaganda Machine (Part 2)
What are the odds Trump does not make even so much as a single tweet about this hostile act by a hostile foreign power?

Buying ads on a website. Gee what an act of war.

By the way, is Facebook giving back the money, or are they conspirators with "hostile foreign power"?
What are the odds Trump does not make even so much as a single tweet about this hostile act by a hostile foreign power?

Buying ads on a website. Gee what an act of war.

By the way, is Facebook giving back the money, or are they conspirators with "hostile foreign power"?

Like I said, it's all just a made up excuse to purge facebook of opinions Zuckerberg doesn't like. All of the political discussion groups I was a member of are gone now. Every last one.
What are the odds Trump does not make even so much as a single tweet about this hostile act by a hostile foreign power?

Buying ads on a website. Gee what an act of war.

By the way, is Facebook giving back the money, or are they conspirators with "hostile foreign power"?
Hey, we already know you tards are okay with a hostile power interfering our election.

It wasn't necessary for you to tell us again, traitor.
What are the odds Trump does not make even so much as a single tweet about this hostile act by a hostile foreign power?

Right as rain! If it appears on FACEBOOK, it HAS TO BE TRUE!

What are the odds Trump does not make even so much as a single tweet about this hostile act by a hostile foreign power?

Buying ads on a website. Gee what an act of war.

By the way, is Facebook giving back the money, or are they conspirators with "hostile foreign power"?
Hey, we already know you tards are okay with a hostile power interfering our election.

It wasn't necessary for you to tell us again, traitor.

You're a fucking retard if you think buying an ad on Facebook is proof of "Russia interference in our election".
Less than 500 accounts, but how many idiots buy into it? There may be a few enemies of this country on this board, here to stir shit up, but what's sad is how many well intentioned people buy it and start spreading it. That ends up being lots lots more than 500.

Funny, less than 500 illegal votes in 2016, but how many idiots buy into it?

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