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Facebook yanks page of 12-year-old conservative who said Obama doesn't love U.S

But he IS underage. Why would Facebook have to justify to you, some mentally retarded spaced out perpetually incoherent scary split-tail on the internet, why they locked the account of someone who was underage?

Again FACEBOOK is the one who said it was suspended due to suspicious activity, this underage thing is something one of you left loons came up with and are trying to justify it with. Go ahead and believe your own BS if it helps you sleep better

WE came up with it? Do you wish to dispute Facebook policy? Fine prove that 12 year olds can have accounts on Facebook and be in compliance with Facebook rules.

Be specific, and cite sources.

Look jackwad, this is easy, why did Facebook say the account was suspended? It's right above, just scroll up. You're making something out of something that isn't there and got caught and now you're lost. Typical libturd

How do you actually know what Facebook said and why would it matter. Maybe the suspicious activity means that they found it suspicious that someone who is well known to be 12 YEARS OLD managed to lie his way onto Facebook.
Your spin and deflection has became annoying, you lost, lick your wounds and go comment on a homo thread

Deflection from what? If you had shit for brains it would be an upgrade.
Again FACEBOOK is the one who said it was suspended due to suspicious activity, this underage thing is something one of you left loons came up with and are trying to justify it with. Go ahead and believe your own BS if it helps you sleep better

WE came up with it? Do you wish to dispute Facebook policy? Fine prove that 12 year olds can have accounts on Facebook and be in compliance with Facebook rules.

Be specific, and cite sources.

Look jackwad, this is easy, why did Facebook say the account was suspended? It's right above, just scroll up. You're making something out of something that isn't there and got caught and now you're lost. Typical libturd

How do you actually know what Facebook said and why would it matter. Maybe the suspicious activity means that they found it suspicious that someone who is well known to be 12 YEARS OLD managed to lie his way onto Facebook.
Your spin and deflection has became annoying, you lost, lick your wounds and go comment on a homo thread

Deflection from what? If you had shit for brains it would be an upgrade.

Grow up
Weird. It isn't like people were forced to view his page. I bet a large number of people flagged/reported him to try and cause him hassles and get his page locked.

This is not out of the ordinary, plenty of people try the report tactic to force people or groups they don't like off Facebook.
Mark FUCKERBURG is a leftist JACKASS. We all know he licks progtard DICK, and worships Barry the America hating kenyan muslim.

THAT is why anyone speaking the conservative agenda is his enemy.

They all hate America. They're filthy commie trash.
More evidence you're retarded. Zuckerberg is for the Keystone-XL, immigration reform, drilling in ANWR. He's against ObamaCare and threw fund raisers for Republican candidates.
Mark Zuckerberg s Political Status It s Complicated - ABC News

Surprising Facebook CEO s New Political Group Bankrolls Ads That Bash Obama Support GOP Sen. and Promote Keystone Pipeline Video TheBlaze.com

Then explain why facebook jerked that 12 year old boy?
Maybe because he's admittedly not 13 yet?
WE came up with it? Do you wish to dispute Facebook policy? Fine prove that 12 year olds can have accounts on Facebook and be in compliance with Facebook rules.

Be specific, and cite sources.

Look jackwad, this is easy, why did Facebook say the account was suspended? It's right above, just scroll up. You're making something out of something that isn't there and got caught and now you're lost. Typical libturd

How do you actually know what Facebook said and why would it matter. Maybe the suspicious activity means that they found it suspicious that someone who is well known to be 12 YEARS OLD managed to lie his way onto Facebook.
Your spin and deflection has became annoying, you lost, lick your wounds and go comment on a homo thread

Deflection from what? If you had shit for brains it would be an upgrade.

Grow up
Well, it looks that boy needs to grow up one more year.
But he IS underage. Why would Facebook have to justify to you, some mentally retarded spaced out perpetually incoherent scary split-tail on the internet, why they locked the account of someone who was underage?

Again FACEBOOK is the one who said it was suspended due to suspicious activity, this underage thing is something one of you left loons came up with and are trying to justify it with. Go ahead and believe your own BS if it helps you sleep better

WE came up with it? Do you wish to dispute Facebook policy? Fine prove that 12 year olds can have accounts on Facebook and be in compliance with Facebook rules.

Be specific, and cite sources.

Look jackwad, this is easy, why did Facebook say the account was suspended? It's right above, just scroll up. You're making something out of something that isn't there and got caught and now you're lost. Typical libturd

How do you actually know what Facebook said and why would it matter. Maybe the suspicious activity means that they found it suspicious that someone who is well known to be 12 YEARS OLD managed to lie his way onto Facebook.
Your spin and deflection has became annoying, you lost, lick your wounds and go comment on a homo thread

Did you see his Facebook page before it was locked?
"Pearson says the lock affects only his personal Facebook page. His public figure page is still up and running..."

There goes "he was suspended for his age. Morons

12-year-old political activist locked out of Facebook after posting video saying President Obama doesn t love America

Not necessarily. I think Facebook acts on reports...if only one page was reported, that page would be acted on.

There's just no way to know. I wouldn't have started this thread because of the vulnerability to a very plausible alternate explanation. If I wanted to make the case that FB is biased, I would have chosen a case that has no other explanation. This thread has done nothing but reveal the folly of making an argument with ambiguous examples.
12 is too young to be a "conservative" or a "liberal" for that matter. He was simply parroting an adult in his life.

Regarding the OP, I doubt if it we have heard the full story.

My dad was trotting me around before age 12.
If he'd been around in WWII he's the type that would have turned in hidden Jews to save his skin...and when the Nazis were done with the useful idiot they would have shipped him off to a gas chamber

If the King had tits, he'd be the Queen :)
I would. I'd piss in the cake dough and mix shit in with the frosting.

Fags are used to licking and sucking on piss and shit soaked organs anyway. They'd love it.

Facebook is run by far left progressives, so this is no surprise

It's no surprise an underaged kid was removed from Facebook?

Except Facebook said it was shutdown over "suspicious" activity.

On Friday, C.J. Pearson, a 12-year-old conservative from Georgia who posted a viral video supporting Rudy Giuliani, discovered that his personal Facebook page was locked. In an exclusive interview with Examiner.com on Saturday, Pearson said he received a message from someone about 6 a.m. Friday. That's when he learned his account and page had been locked for "suspicious activity."

Nice try though

He's 12. How is it possible for you to think that a website with a minimum age of 13 for membership should allow a 12 year old on?

Take it up with what Facebook said, simply saying he was underage was an easy out, instead they chalk it up to suspicious activity.

But he IS underage. Why would Facebook have to justify to you, some mentally retarded spaced out perpetually incoherent scary split-tail on the internet, why they locked the account of someone who was underage?

It is just laughable watching Liberals laud Democrats for enabling and encouraging 5 Million people to break US Immigration Laws yet they want Facebook to bring the hammer to a 12 year old Black youth from The South.
If the King had tits, he'd be the Queen :)
It's no surprise an underaged kid was removed from Facebook?

Except Facebook said it was shutdown over "suspicious" activity.

On Friday, C.J. Pearson, a 12-year-old conservative from Georgia who posted a viral video supporting Rudy Giuliani, discovered that his personal Facebook page was locked. In an exclusive interview with Examiner.com on Saturday, Pearson said he received a message from someone about 6 a.m. Friday. That's when he learned his account and page had been locked for "suspicious activity."

Nice try though

He's 12. How is it possible for you to think that a website with a minimum age of 13 for membership should allow a 12 year old on?

Take it up with what Facebook said, simply saying he was underage was an easy out, instead they chalk it up to suspicious activity.

But he IS underage. Why would Facebook have to justify to you, some mentally retarded spaced out perpetually incoherent scary split-tail on the internet, why they locked the account of someone who was underage?

It is just laughable watching Liberals laud Democrats for enabling and encouraging 5 Million people to break US Immigration Laws yet they want Facebook to bring the hammer to a 12 year old Black youth from The South.

Who wants that?
STFU OP, Facebook can pull anything they don't like. It's you that are more in line with communist if anything... FREEEDOM you dumb fuk, facebook has the FREEEEDOM to do as they like with their product.

Lets bitch about business's that give us free shit!

Are you serious with this dude? Hopefully that wasn't you behind there typing that message...

Nobody has the right to limit the speech of others. Nobody. You don't get to enforce your opinions by the barrel of a gun (so to speak), or your product. It's ironic that we libertarians preach about individual freedom, but someone like you sides with a multi-billion dollar corporation over the individual. Heh, this is one of the rare occasions where I disagree.

Wow. Your post is a stunner. After all your other posts defending the right of a business to refuse service to anyone they didn't want to do business with,

NOW, suddenly, when allegedly it's a conservative on the other end,

you've completely flip flopped. Nothing could be less surprising.

comparing facebook to a brick and mortar store is a stretch.
The first rule of Facebook is that FB has rules. It is a private entity that makes it rules as it wishes.

There is no absolute right to freely say what you wish... where ever you wish... when ever you wish...it just does not exist.

It is Sunday morning...I can not just walk into any Church I wish and begin to preach an alternate gospel uninvited. My Freedom of Speech has never allowed that..

It's time that 12 year old, and those that think like him, learned that fact.

But what the kid said wasn't like screaming "FIRE" in a movie theater. He simply spoke his mind and didn't say anything that deserved censorship.
It doesn't matter if he was screaming One Eyed One horned Flying Purple People Eater (Yeah we know. Your Progressive Occupy Millennial ass will have to look that one up on Google). Again it is not a freedom of speech issue. If the PRIVATELY owned site wants to censor him they can.

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