Faces of Truth: Prominent People World Wide Say Bad Things About America and 9/11

The president of Iran is very prominent and a twoofer......why do I not see a quote from him in this thread?

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My prediction is the next false flag attack will be nuclear here in the U.S. to go into Iran.

Why nuclear? Because China said if anyone attacks Iran they will step in.

Why nuclear? Because Russia recently made the harshest statements since the cold war threatening nuclear war and WWIII.

Plus the clear and distinct patterns to get the public to support war are bigger shock and awe false flag attacks to generate fear and world support.

Simply a matter of sacrificing pawns to gain strategic squares on the worlds chessboard.

A counter to Russia with China strategies of attempting geo-strategic alliances around the planet.

Is that before or after the Pope converts to Islam. :cuckoo:
The president of Iran is very prominent and a twoofer......why do I not see a quote from him in this thread?

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

My prediction is the next false flag attack will be nuclear here in the U.S. to go into Iran.

Why nuclear? Because China said if anyone attacks Iran they will step in.

Why nuclear? Because Russia recently made the harshest statements since the cold war threatening nuclear war and WWIII.

Plus the clear and distinct patterns to get the public to support war are bigger shock and awe false flag attacks to generate fear and world support.

Simply a matter of sacrificing pawns to gain strategic squares on the worlds chessboard.

A counter to Russia with China strategies of attempting geo-strategic alliances around the planet.
Looks like someone's been playing too much Age of Empires.
The president of Iran is very prominent and a twoofer......why do I not see a quote from him in this thread?

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

My prediction is the next false flag attack will be nuclear here in the U.S. to go into Iran.

Why nuclear? Because China said if anyone attacks Iran they will step in.

Why nuclear? Because Russia recently made the harshest statements since the cold war threatening nuclear war and WWIII.

Plus the clear and distinct patterns to get the public to support war are bigger shock and awe false flag attacks to generate fear and world support.

Simply a matter of sacrificing pawns to gain strategic squares on the worlds chessboard.

A counter to Russia with China strategies of attempting geo-strategic alliances around the planet.

Is that before or after the Pope converts to Islam. :cuckoo:

We already know your brain is scrambled...no need for sign language to show us
I see the paid shills handlers are getting desperate now and sending them out in full force to try and derail your thread.the newest one is long time troll Slackass.
Danny Jowenko: Netherlands

Prominent Status Accomplished: Controlled Demolition Expert, Explosives Engineer, European demolition and construction company, Certified and holds permits to Dutch Explosives for Civil Use Act and the German Explosives Act, German Certificate of Qualifications for Shotfiring issued by The European Federation of Explosive Engineers, European Certificate for Shotfiring issued by The European Federation of Explosive Engineers.


Quote: "This is a controlled demolition which was carried out by a team of experts."

"I looked at the drawings, the construction and it couldn't be done by fire. So, no, absolutely not."

"Only two intelligence agencies had the expertise, assets, access and political protection to execute 9/11 in the air and on the ground: our CIA and Israel's Mossad."

R.I.P. Danny Jowenko - WTC7 Demolition Interviews, 1 of 3 - YouTube

R.I.P. Danny Jowenko - WTC7 Demolition Interviews, 2 of 3 - YouTube

R.I.P. Danny Jowenko - WTC7 Demolition Interviews, 3 of 3 - YouTube


the trolls that keep coming back on here posting stupid garbage can only sling shit in defeat like the monkeys they are.:lol::lol::lol: Josenko,like many people who gave versions different than the governments version,ended up dying in mysterious deaths.There was this one lady on alex jones show once who was talking about explosives being planted in the towers and said on his show that if he she ended up dying to not believe the medias version.To know that she was murdered because she would never take her own life.

well a couple months later after that,she was found hanging from the ceiling.Just like Josenko and Barry Jennings who was the smoking gun for bld 7 that explosives were used that these trolls have never been able to get around.I cant remember her name but just like Josenko and Jennings,her death was very convient for the government and the trolls here can only sling shit in defeat and their handlers are angry they cant debunk it along with all this other information you have posted.:lol::clap2::clap2:

do you remember hearing that story about her by chance?
Torin Wolf: United States

Prominent Status Accomplished: Demolitions Expert, Designed and Implemented well over 100 Controlled Demolitions, Mega Construction around the World with Skyscrapers, Building Construction Contractor, Certified Structural Welder, Certified Asbestos and Hazardous Materials


Quote: "Worst-case scenario would require 0.5 seconds per floor for collapse. The absolute minimum amount of time for a progressive collapse would be 43 seconds. How long did it take for the building to fall in reality, about 8.6 Seconds."

“For the towers to fall at so close to free fall speed nothing is holding the building up, no resistance."

"NIST created 16 separate physics programs to simulate the WTC 1 & 2 collapses and only got 1 to collapse partially."

“When they did get the partial collapse, they removed 40% of the structural support in the computer model.”

"The World Trade Center with its pulverized concrete 100 microns or smaller, just seconds after the start of collapse."

“There is no doubt about it, this is a controlled demolition."

of course what a demolitions expert says means nothing to these official conspiracy theory apologists and paid shills on here.Only what the corporate owned media and our government institutions say is what counts.:lol::lol::lol:
two farts in a row from the trolls including one from paid shill slackass.:poop: I guess Slackass's handlers must have thought there were enough paid shills here a while back so they sent him away for a while to other sites for a while to troll there instead.Looks like at those sites they finally got their quota so they had him come back here again for his newest assignment to troll again here.
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I don't know who you are trying to convince but it ain't gonna happen, it's all opinion, conjecture or anecdotal evidence. And not to be rude but using some friggin' actor as proof of a conspiracy is not a good way to change someone's mind. Who cares what Roseanne thinks of 9/11? Show me the smoking gun.

FTR I am not a paid troll but if you can introduce me to someone who will pay me to post here I would greatly appreciate it.

I don't know who you are trying to convince but it ain't gonna happen, it's all opinion, conjecture or anecdotal evidence. And not to be rude but using some friggin' actor as proof of a conspiracy is not a good way to change someone's mind. Who cares what Roseanne thinks of 9/11? Show me the smoking gun.

FTR I am not a paid troll but if you can introduce me to someone who will pay me to post here I would greatly appreciate it.


yeah its obvious YOU are not a paid troll.oh and dont expect these shills here that have penetrated this site to give you any truthful information on how to get paid to troll because all they ever do is lie in their posts all the time.

oh and funny that the ONLY person you spoke about on this thread is Rosey and ignored all the other credible people on this thread he posted.:cuckoo: Looks like you are one of those official conspiracy theory apologists in denila who only see what they want to see.Thieres hundreds of those flotaing around as well cause its only conjecture and opinion if you only know the facts on what the 9/11 coverup commission tells you.someone would really have to be on drugs to believe in this fairy tale in these two links below.:lol::lol::lol:

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories


talk about conjecture and opinions.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol

thats the funniest and wackiest conspiracy theory ever.None of the paid trolls here or the official conspirayc theory apologists in denial such as yourself,ever even bother to addresss the points brought up in those two links,they run off and change the subject EVERYTIME and cant acknowledge howabsurd the governments version is like any logical common sense open minded person would.:cuckoo:
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