Faces of Truth: Prominent People World Wide Say Bad Things About America and 9/11

Daniel B. Barnum: United States

Prominent Status Accomplished: Fellow, American Institute of Architects, Over forty years experience architecture, Fellow American Institute of Architects, His projects have been widely published and have received design awards from AIA, Vice President of AIA Houston


Quote: "I have known from day one that the buildings were imploded and that they could not and would not have collapsed from the damage caused by the airplanes that ran into them."
Max isn't even reading what he's cutting and pasting anymore. :rofl:

You are the one not doing the reading otherwise you would admit the many disturbing facts instead of concocting ways to derail the information
Opinions ≠ facts.

Try again.
Daniel B. Barnum: United States

Prominent Status Accomplished: Fellow, American Institute of Architects, Over forty years experience architecture, Fellow American Institute of Architects, His projects have been widely published and have received design awards from AIA, Vice President of AIA Houston


Quote: "I have known from day one that the buildings were imploded and that they could not and would not have collapsed from the damage caused by the airplanes that ran into them."
Max isn't even reading what he's cutting and pasting anymore. :rofl:

You are the one not doing the reading otherwise you would admit the many disturbing facts instead of concocting ways to derail the information
can't come up with a better dodge then that,?,

the only fact you have is, your facts are not facts.
David Paul Helpern: United States

Prominent Status Accomplished: Fellow American Institute of Architects, Founder Helpern Architects leading-edge architectural design firm for educational institutions to universities


Quote: "The speed and symmetry of the collapses is not consistent with the damage. A new investigation is needed."
Max isn't even reading what he's cutting and pasting anymore. :rofl:

You are the one not doing the reading otherwise you would admit the many disturbing facts instead of concocting ways to derail the information
can't come up with a better dodge then that,?,

the only fact you have is, your facts are not facts.

Yes they are and anyone can do their own research to find out that they are indisputable facts...
david paul helpern: United states

prominent status accomplished: Fellow american institute of architects, founder helpern architects leading-edge architectural design firm for educational institutions to universities


quote: "the speed and symmetry of the collapses is not consistent with the damage. A new investigation is needed."
link link link link !
Paul Stevenson Oles: United States

Prominent Status Accomplished: Fellow American Institute of Architects, Received AIA Institute Honor, Co-founded the American Society of Architectural Perspectivists, LOEB Fellow Harvard University, Author of Architectural Illustration, Author of Drawing the Future


Quote: As unthinkable as it is to suspect the United States government or military of willful complicity in these horrendous acts, it is even more heinous to allow such complicity to remain undiscovered and unpunished. Therefore, a thorough and impartial investigation by an independent, well-funded commission is fully merited."
david paul helpern: United states

prominent status accomplished: Fellow american institute of architects, founder helpern architects leading-edge architectural design firm for educational institutions to universities


quote: "the speed and symmetry of the collapses is not consistent with the damage. A new investigation is needed."
link link link link !

You have been shown countless links and documentaries in many threads and ignore them and post your BS derailing intellectual discussion as fast as you can...

These are all facts anyone can research into
You are the one not doing the reading otherwise you would admit the many disturbing facts instead of concocting ways to derail the information
can't come up with a better dodge then that,?,

the only fact you have is, your facts are not facts.

Yes they are and anyone can do their own research to find out that they are indisputable facts...
bullshit! I guess you don't understand the definition of indisputable : ˌin-di-ˈspyü-tə-bəl, (ˌ)in-ˈdis-pyə-\
Definition of INDISPUTABLE
: not disputable : unquestionable <indisputable proof>
— in·dis·put·able·ness noun
— in·dis·put·ably \-bl&#275;\ adverb
<an indisputable fact that is not subject to interpretation

if your bullshit was indisputable then bush would be in prison, there would have been lots O thermite and a million other things that you can't prove as the version of 911 that you masturbate about is based on a false premise..
any information taken from that false premise is also false...
so in reality your "facts" are extremely disputable....to say otherwise is a lie to yourself and everybody else!
david paul helpern: United states

prominent status accomplished: Fellow american institute of architects, founder helpern architects leading-edge architectural design firm for educational institutions to universities


quote: "the speed and symmetry of the collapses is not consistent with the damage. A new investigation is needed."
link link link link !

You have been shown countless links and documentaries in many threads and ignore them and post your BS derailing intellectual discussion as fast as you can...

These are all facts anyone can research into
link ?
David A. Johnson: United States

Prominent Status Accomplished: MCP City Planning, PhD Regional Planning, F.AICP – Internationally recognized architect and city and regional planner. Professor Emeritus, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Tennessee, Professor and Chair of the Planning Departments at Syracuse University and Ball State University. Elected Fellow, American Institute of Certified Planners , President of the Fulbright Association of the United States, Recipient of five Fulbright Scholarships for continued education in Cyprus, India, Thailand, and the Soviet Union. Directed educational projects in Brazil and Portugal. Active in reconstruction efforts in Bosnia and bicommunal peace-making in Cyprus. Professional planner on the staffs of the Washington National Capital Planning Commission and the Regional Plan Association of New York, Editorial board member of the Journal of the American Planning Association, Author of numerous journal articles on urban and regional planning theory and history, Author of Planning the Great Metropolis, Co-author of The TVA Regional Planning and Development Program, Contributing author to Two Centuries of American Planning


Quote: "I was dubious of the official explanations from the outset. You see, as a professional city planner in New York, I knew those buildings and their design. I attended and participated in the hearings at the New York City Hall when the buildings were first proposed. I argued for the buildings on the basis that the interior core represented a way of internalizing the cost of mass transit, which in our system is almost impossible to finance through public bond issues."

"So I was well aware of the strength of the core with its steel columns, surrounding the elevators, and stairwells. I should also mention that with a degree in architecture and instruction in steel design I am no novice in structural design."

"When I saw the rapid collapse of the towers, I knew that they could not come down the way they did without explosives and the severing of core columns at the base. The spewing of debris from the towers where the planes entered also could not have occurred simply with just a structural collapse. Something else was happening to make this occur."

"Moreover, the symmetrical collapse is strong evidence of a controlled demolition. A building falling from asymmetrical structural failure would not collapse so neatly, nor so rapidly, as you have pointed out."

"What we are faced with is a lie of such proportions that even to suggest it makes one subject to ridicule and scorn. Who could have done such a terrible thing? Certainly not our government or military. Rogue elements in the intelligence agencies? I have no idea."

"I do know that the official explanation doesn't hold water. An open, honest re-opening of the case is in order. A near majority of Americans agrees with this view. Let us keep pressing for an honest investigation."
David A. Johnson: United States

Prominent Status Accomplished: MCP City Planning, PhD Regional Planning, F.AICP – Internationally recognized architect and city and regional planner. Professor Emeritus, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Tennessee, Professor and Chair of the Planning Departments at Syracuse University and Ball State University. Elected Fellow, American Institute of Certified Planners , President of the Fulbright Association of the United States, Recipient of five Fulbright Scholarships for continued education in Cyprus, India, Thailand, and the Soviet Union. Directed educational projects in Brazil and Portugal. Active in reconstruction efforts in Bosnia and bicommunal peace-making in Cyprus. Professional planner on the staffs of the Washington National Capital Planning Commission and the Regional Plan Association of New York, Editorial board member of the Journal of the American Planning Association, Author of numerous journal articles on urban and regional planning theory and history, Author of Planning the Great Metropolis, Co-author of The TVA Regional Planning and Development Program, Contributing author to Two Centuries of American Planning


Quote: "I was dubious of the official explanations from the outset. You see, as a professional city planner in New York, I knew those buildings and their design. I attended and participated in the hearings at the New York City Hall when the buildings were first proposed. I argued for the buildings on the basis that the interior core represented a way of internalizing the cost of mass transit, which in our system is almost impossible to finance through public bond issues."

"So I was well aware of the strength of the core with its steel columns, surrounding the elevators, and stairwells. I should also mention that with a degree in architecture and instruction in steel design I am no novice in structural design."

"When I saw the rapid collapse of the towers, I knew that they could not come down the way they did without explosives and the severing of core columns at the base. The spewing of debris from the towers where the planes entered also could not have occurred simply with just a structural collapse. Something else was happening to make this occur."

"Moreover, the symmetrical collapse is strong evidence of a controlled demolition. A building falling from asymmetrical structural failure would not collapse so neatly, nor so rapidly, as you have pointed out."

"What we are faced with is a lie of such proportions that even to suggest it makes one subject to ridicule and scorn. Who could have done such a terrible thing? Certainly not our government or military. Rogue elements in the intelligence agencies? I have no idea."

"I do know that the official explanation doesn't hold water. An open, honest re-opening of the case is in order. A near majority of Americans agrees with this view. Let us keep pressing for an honest investigation."

Never gets old watching you hand the trolls their asses to them on a platter.:clap2: they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkeys they are.:lol:
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Daniel B. Barnum: United States

Prominent Status Accomplished: Fellow, American Institute of Architects, Over forty years experience architecture, Fellow American Institute of Architects, His projects have been widely published and have received design awards from AIA, Vice President of AIA Houston


Quote: "I have known from day one that the buildings were imploded and that they could not and would not have collapsed from the damage caused by the airplanes that ran into them."
Max isn't even reading what he's cutting and pasting anymore. :rofl:

You are the one not doing the reading otherwise you would admit the many disturbing facts instead of concocting ways to derail the information

yep,yep,and yep.
David A. Johnson: United States

Prominent Status Accomplished: MCP City Planning, PhD Regional Planning, F.AICP – Internationally recognized architect and city and regional planner. Professor Emeritus, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Tennessee, Professor and Chair of the Planning Departments at Syracuse University and Ball State University. Elected Fellow, American Institute of Certified Planners , President of the Fulbright Association of the United States, Recipient of five Fulbright Scholarships for continued education in Cyprus, India, Thailand, and the Soviet Union. Directed educational projects in Brazil and Portugal. Active in reconstruction efforts in Bosnia and bicommunal peace-making in Cyprus. Professional planner on the staffs of the Washington National Capital Planning Commission and the Regional Plan Association of New York, Editorial board member of the Journal of the American Planning Association, Author of numerous journal articles on urban and regional planning theory and history, Author of Planning the Great Metropolis, Co-author of The TVA Regional Planning and Development Program, Contributing author to Two Centuries of American Planning


Quote: "I was dubious of the official explanations from the outset. You see, as a professional city planner in New York, I knew those buildings and their design. I attended and participated in the hearings at the New York City Hall when the buildings were first proposed. I argued for the buildings on the basis that the interior core represented a way of internalizing the cost of mass transit, which in our system is almost impossible to finance through public bond issues."

"So I was well aware of the strength of the core with its steel columns, surrounding the elevators, and stairwells. I should also mention that with a degree in architecture and instruction in steel design I am no novice in structural design."

"When I saw the rapid collapse of the towers, I knew that they could not come down the way they did without explosives and the severing of core columns at the base. The spewing of debris from the towers where the planes entered also could not have occurred simply with just a structural collapse. Something else was happening to make this occur."

"Moreover, the symmetrical collapse is strong evidence of a controlled demolition. A building falling from asymmetrical structural failure would not collapse so neatly, nor so rapidly, as you have pointed out."

"What we are faced with is a lie of such proportions that even to suggest it makes one subject to ridicule and scorn. Who could have done such a terrible thing? Certainly not our government or military. Rogue elements in the intelligence agencies? I have no idea."

"I do know that the official explanation doesn't hold water. An open, honest re-opening of the case is in order. A near majority of Americans agrees with this view. Let us keep pressing for an honest investigation."
can't come up with a better dodge then that,?,

the only fact you have is, your facts are not facts.

Yes they are and anyone can do their own research to find out that they are indisputable facts...
if your bullshit was indisputable then bush would be in prison!

The investigations go like this in American government...here is a perfect example on how investigations get manipulated in U.S. government...

Senators trapped forever into silence and organized group

Asia Times Online :: Asian news and current affairs
"According to a report by Bloomberg published in early October 2001, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) began a probe into certain stock market transactions around 9/11 that included 38 companies, among them: American Airlines, United Airlines, Continental Airlines, Northwest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Boeing, Lockheed Martin Corp., American Express Corp., American International Group, AXA SA, Bank of America Corp., Bank of New York Corp., Bear Stearns, Citigroup, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., Morgan Stanley, General Motors and Raytheon.

So far, so good. In the same month, however, the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper reported that the SEC took the unprecedented step to deputize hundreds, if not even thousands of key stakeholders in the private sector for their investigation. In a statement that was sent to almost all listed companies in the US, the SEC asked the addressed companies to assign senior staff for the investigation, who would be aware of "the sensitive nature" of the case and could be relied on to "exercise appropriate discretion".

In essence, it was about controlling information, not about provision and disclosure of facts. Such a course of action involves compromising consequences.

Ruppert: What happens when you deputize someone in a national security or criminal investigation is that you make it illegal for them to disclose publicly what they know. Smart move. In effect, they become government agents and are controlled by government regulations rather than their own conscience. In fact, they can be thrown into jail without a hearing if they talk publicly. I have seen this implied threat time after time with federal investigators, intelligence agents, and even members of United States Congress who are bound so tightly by secrecy oaths and agreements that they are not even able to disclose criminal activities inside the government for fear of incarceration."

Here is another example...

Proof 9/11 Investigation rigged:

Immediately following the 11 September attacks, the Zionist network was methodically maneuvering behind the scenes to quash any legitimate investigation that might reveal what really happened that day. They made it their goal to control any and all angles of so called "investigation" so that they could quickly cover up any and all evidence pointing to Zionist involvement

All appointed chief judges were Zionist Jews:
Alvin K. Hellerstein - a judge for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York and has been involved in several high-profile 9/11 related cases including consolidated master case against three airlines, ICTS International NV and Pinkerton's airport security firms, the World Trade Center owners, and Boeing Co., the aircraft manufacturer. Hellerstein is a dedicated Zionist and Israeli nationalist who has ties to the Jewish mafia dating back to 1956. Hellerstein's wife is a former senior officer & current treasurer of AMIT. From its website it states: "Founded in 1925, AMIT is the world's leading supporter of religious Zionist education and social services for Israel's children and youth, nurturing and educating Israeli children to become productive, contributing members of society."
Michael B. Mukasey -
This Orthodox Jewish judge oversaw the litigation between Larry Silverstein and insurance companies after 9/11. Silverstein was awarded billions. Mukasey prevented full inquiry into the Five Dancing Israelis incident who were arrested in connection with 9/11. He played a role in their release. He was later appointed attorney general by President Bush. He defended the patriot act, and he supports torture policies.
Michael Chertoff - In charge of the Criminal Division in the Justice Department on 9/11. Essentially responsible for the 9/11 NON-investigation. He let hundreds of Israeli spies who were arrested prior to and on 9/11 go back home to Israel. He was also a prosecuting judge in the first terrorist attack on the WTC in 1993. Chertoff purportedly holds dual citizenship with the US and Israel. His family is one of the founding families of the state of Israel and his mother was one of the first ever agents of the Mossad, Israel's spy agency. His father and uncle are ordained rabbis and teachers of the Talmud.
Kenneth Feinberg - set up the victim&#8217;s compensation fund ($7 billion); controlled by a Zionist cabal, it managed to get 97% of the victims&#8217; families to take money in exchange for dropping demands a legal investigation of 9/11.
Sheila Birnbaum -
Another key Zionist involved in the cover-up of 9/11 is Sheila Birnbaum of Skaddan, Arps law firm. Birnbaum was appointed 'special mediator' of the legal suits filed by the 3% of families who decided not to be bought off. Nothing of significance has happened with these claims since.
Benjamin Chertoff - (cousin of Michael Chertoff) - Ben wrote the 9/11 hit piece in Popular Mechanics claiming to "debunk 9/11 conspiracy theories". His use of ridiculous straw-man arguments largely discredits the piece though it is still widely quoted by defenders of 'the official narrative'. He claims his relation to Michael Chertoff is "distant" but Chris Bollyn proves otherwise.
Stephen Cauffman - Leader of NIST investigations which in total amount to a systematic coverup of the WTC 7 collapse. The NIST position remains that fire, together with minor damage caused by 'ejected debris' from the collapse of the North Tower situated a block away with WTC building 8 in between, brought down WTC building 7.

9/11 Commission: Zionist controlled

Philip Zelikow -9/11 Commission Executive Director Philip Zelikow (Dual Citizen US / Israel) - 9/11 Commission Gatekeeper

Zelikow was appointed the executive director of the 9/11 commission - the most powerful position of the committee. This Zionist Jew is responsible for concocting the contrived fiction that was presented as the 9/11 Commission Report - official narrative. The report contains hundreds of glaring anomalies, contradictions, omissions and downright falsehoods. It even manages to omit any reference at all to the collapse of Building 7 at 5:20 pm.

Initially Henry Kissenger was appointed as executive director but surrendered the post after enormous protest. This paved the way for Zionist operative Zelikow to take the helm. Zelikow has numerous conflicts of interest that clearly inhibited his ability to tell the truth to the American people about the 9/11 terror attacks.

Zelikow was a Bush Admin insider, having been on the transition team in early 2000. In 1989-91 Zelikow worked with Condoleezza Rice on the National Security Council for the Bush Sr. Administration. In 1995, Zelikow and Rice wrote a book together. From 1996-98 Zelikow is director of the Aspen Strategy Group which also included people such as Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz as fellow members. After George W. Bush took office, Zelikow was named to a position on the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board [PFIAB], and worked on other Administration task forces and commissions. Zelikow position on the Commission made him its 'Gatekeeper" enabling him to decide which topics would or would not be investigated. He was also secretly in contact with one of Bush's close advisors - Karl Rove - throughout the gestation of the Commission Report.

Here is an excellent source for information on 9/11...the real story...not what was spoonfed to mass media and pitty little Americans...LOL
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Yes they are and anyone can do their own research to find out that they are indisputable facts...
if your bullshit was indisputable then bush would be in prison!

The investigations go like this in American government...here is a perfect example on how investigations get manipulated in U.S. government...

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Yes they are and anyone can do their own research to find out that they are indisputable facts...
if your bullshit was indisputable then bush would be in prison!

The investigations go like this in American government...here is a perfect example on how investigations get manipulated in U.S. government...

Senators trapped forever into silence and organized group

Asia Times Online :: Asian news and current affairs
"According to a report by Bloomberg published in early October 2001, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) began a probe into certain stock market transactions around 9/11 that included 38 companies, among them: American Airlines, United Airlines, Continental Airlines, Northwest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Boeing, Lockheed Martin Corp., American Express Corp., American International Group, AXA SA, Bank of America Corp., Bank of New York Corp., Bear Stearns, Citigroup, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., Morgan Stanley, General Motors and Raytheon.

So far, so good. In the same month, however, the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper reported that the SEC took the unprecedented step to deputize hundreds, if not even thousands of key stakeholders in the private sector for their investigation. In a statement that was sent to almost all listed companies in the US, the SEC asked the addressed companies to assign senior staff for the investigation, who would be aware of "the sensitive nature" of the case and could be relied on to "exercise appropriate discretion".

In essence, it was about controlling information, not about provision and disclosure of facts. Such a course of action involves compromising consequences.

Ruppert: What happens when you deputize someone in a national security or criminal investigation is that you make it illegal for them to disclose publicly what they know. Smart move. In effect, they become government agents and are controlled by government regulations rather than their own conscience. In fact, they can be thrown into jail without a hearing if they talk publicly. I have seen this implied threat time after time with federal investigators, intelligence agents, and even members of United States Congress who are bound so tightly by secrecy oaths and agreements that they are not even able to disclose criminal activities inside the government for fear of incarceration."

Here is another example...

Proof 9/11 Investigation rigged:

Immediately following the 11 September attacks, the Zionist network was methodically maneuvering behind the scenes to quash any legitimate investigation that might reveal what really happened that day. They made it their goal to control any and all angles of so called "investigation" so that they could quickly cover up any and all evidence pointing to Zionist involvement

All appointed chief judges were Zionist Jews:
Alvin K. Hellerstein - a judge for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York and has been involved in several high-profile 9/11 related cases including consolidated master case against three airlines, ICTS International NV and Pinkerton's airport security firms, the World Trade Center owners, and Boeing Co., the aircraft manufacturer. Hellerstein is a dedicated Zionist and Israeli nationalist who has ties to the Jewish mafia dating back to 1956. Hellerstein's wife is a former senior officer & current treasurer of AMIT. From its website it states: "Founded in 1925, AMIT is the world's leading supporter of religious Zionist education and social services for Israel's children and youth, nurturing and educating Israeli children to become productive, contributing members of society."
Michael B. Mukasey -
This Orthodox Jewish judge oversaw the litigation between Larry Silverstein and insurance companies after 9/11. Silverstein was awarded billions. Mukasey prevented full inquiry into the Five Dancing Israelis incident who were arrested in connection with 9/11. He played a role in their release. He was later appointed attorney general by President Bush. He defended the patriot act, and he supports torture policies.
Michael Chertoff - In charge of the Criminal Division in the Justice Department on 9/11. Essentially responsible for the 9/11 NON-investigation. He let hundreds of Israeli spies who were arrested prior to and on 9/11 go back home to Israel. He was also a prosecuting judge in the first terrorist attack on the WTC in 1993. Chertoff purportedly holds dual citizenship with the US and Israel. His family is one of the founding families of the state of Israel and his mother was one of the first ever agents of the Mossad, Israel's spy agency. His father and uncle are ordained rabbis and teachers of the Talmud.
Kenneth Feinberg - set up the victim’s compensation fund ($7 billion); controlled by a Zionist cabal, it managed to get 97% of the victims’ families to take money in exchange for dropping demands a legal investigation of 9/11.
Sheila Birnbaum -
Another key Zionist involved in the cover-up of 9/11 is Sheila Birnbaum of Skaddan, Arps law firm. Birnbaum was appointed 'special mediator' of the legal suits filed by the 3% of families who decided not to be bought off. Nothing of significance has happened with these claims since.
Benjamin Chertoff - (cousin of Michael Chertoff) - Ben wrote the 9/11 hit piece in Popular Mechanics claiming to "debunk 9/11 conspiracy theories". His use of ridiculous straw-man arguments largely discredits the piece though it is still widely quoted by defenders of 'the official narrative'. He claims his relation to Michael Chertoff is "distant" but Chris Bollyn proves otherwise.
Stephen Cauffman - Leader of NIST investigations which in total amount to a systematic coverup of the WTC 7 collapse. The NIST position remains that fire, together with minor damage caused by 'ejected debris' from the collapse of the North Tower situated a block away with WTC building 8 in between, brought down WTC building 7.

9/11 Commission: Zionist controlled

Philip Zelikow -9/11 Commission Executive Director Philip Zelikow (Dual Citizen US / Israel) - 9/11 Commission Gatekeeper

Zelikow was appointed the executive director of the 9/11 commission - the most powerful position of the committee. This Zionist Jew is responsible for concocting the contrived fiction that was presented as the 9/11 Commission Report - official narrative. The report contains hundreds of glaring anomalies, contradictions, omissions and downright falsehoods. It even manages to omit any reference at all to the collapse of Building 7 at 5:20 pm.

Initially Henry Kissenger was appointed as executive director but surrendered the post after enormous protest. This paved the way for Zionist operative Zelikow to take the helm. Zelikow has numerous conflicts of interest that clearly inhibited his ability to tell the truth to the American people about the 9/11 terror attacks.

Zelikow was a Bush Admin insider, having been on the transition team in early 2000. In 1989-91 Zelikow worked with Condoleezza Rice on the National Security Council for the Bush Sr. Administration. In 1995, Zelikow and Rice wrote a book together. From 1996-98 Zelikow is director of the Aspen Strategy Group which also included people such as Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz as fellow members. After George W. Bush took office, Zelikow was named to a position on the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board [PFIAB], and worked on other Administration task forces and commissions. Zelikow position on the Commission made him its 'Gatekeeper" enabling him to decide which topics would or would not be investigated. He was also secretly in contact with one of Bush's close advisors - Karl Rove - throughout the gestation of the Commission Report.

Here is an excellent source for information on 9/11...the real story...not what was spoonfed to mass media and pitty little Americans...LOL

the trolls here like dawgshit just cant get enough of you handing them their ass to them on a platter.:D
if your bullshit was indisputable then bush would be in prison!

the investigations go like this in american government...here is a perfect example on how investigations get manipulated in u.s. Government...

Senators trapped forever into silence and organized group

asia times online :: Asian news and current affairs
"according to a report by bloomberg published in early october 2001, the us securities and exchange commission (sec) began a probe into certain stock market transactions around 9/11 that included 38 companies, among them: American airlines, united airlines, continental airlines, northwest airlines, southwest airlines, boeing, lockheed martin corp., american express corp., american international group, axa sa, bank of america corp., bank of new york corp., bear stearns, citigroup, lehman brothers holdings inc., morgan stanley, general motors and raytheon.

So far, so good. In the same month, however, the san francisco chronicle newspaper reported that the sec took the unprecedented step to deputize hundreds, if not even thousands of key stakeholders in the private sector for their investigation. In a statement that was sent to almost all listed companies in the us, the sec asked the addressed companies to assign senior staff for the investigation, who would be aware of "the sensitive nature" of the case and could be relied on to "exercise appropriate discretion".

In essence, it was about controlling information, not about provision and disclosure of facts. Such a course of action involves compromising consequences.

Ruppert: What happens when you deputize someone in a national security or criminal investigation is that you make it illegal for them to disclose publicly what they know. Smart move. In effect, they become government agents and are controlled by government regulations rather than their own conscience. In fact, they can be thrown into jail without a hearing if they talk publicly. I have seen this implied threat time after time with federal investigators, intelligence agents, and even members of united states congress who are bound so tightly by secrecy oaths and agreements that they are not even able to disclose criminal activities inside the government for fear of incarceration."

here is another example...

Proof 9/11 investigation rigged:

immediately following the 11 september attacks, the zionist network was methodically maneuvering behind the scenes to quash any legitimate investigation that might reveal what really happened that day. They made it their goal to control any and all angles of so called "investigation" so that they could quickly cover up any and all evidence pointing to zionist involvement

all appointed chief judges were zionist jews:
alvin k. Hellerstein - a judge for the u.s. District court for the southern district of new york and has been involved in several high-profile 9/11 related cases including consolidated master case against three airlines, icts international nv and pinkerton's airport security firms, the world trade center owners, and boeing co., the aircraft manufacturer. Hellerstein is a dedicated zionist and israeli nationalist who has ties to the jewish mafia dating back to 1956. Hellerstein's wife is a former senior officer & current treasurer of amit. From its website it states: "founded in 1925, amit is the world's leading supporter of religious zionist education and social services for israel's children and youth, nurturing and educating israeli children to become productive, contributing members of society."
michael b. Mukasey -
this orthodox jewish judge oversaw the litigation between larry silverstein and insurance companies after 9/11. Silverstein was awarded billions. Mukasey prevented full inquiry into the five dancing israelis incident who were arrested in connection with 9/11. He played a role in their release. He was later appointed attorney general by president bush. He defended the patriot act, and he supports torture policies.
michael chertoff - in charge of the criminal division in the justice department on 9/11. Essentially responsible for the 9/11 non-investigation. He let hundreds of israeli spies who were arrested prior to and on 9/11 go back home to israel. He was also a prosecuting judge in the first terrorist attack on the wtc in 1993. Chertoff purportedly holds dual citizenship with the us and israel. His family is one of the founding families of the state of israel and his mother was one of the first ever agents of the mossad, israel's spy agency. His father and uncle are ordained rabbis and teachers of the talmud.
kenneth feinberg - set up the victim’s compensation fund ($7 billion); controlled by a zionist cabal, it managed to get 97% of the victims’ families to take money in exchange for dropping demands a legal investigation of 9/11.
sheila birnbaum -
another key zionist involved in the cover-up of 9/11 is sheila birnbaum of skaddan, arps law firm. Birnbaum was appointed 'special mediator' of the legal suits filed by the 3% of families who decided not to be bought off. Nothing of significance has happened with these claims since.
benjamin chertoff - (cousin of michael chertoff) - ben wrote the 9/11 hit piece in popular mechanics claiming to "debunk 9/11 conspiracy theories". His use of ridiculous straw-man arguments largely discredits the piece though it is still widely quoted by defenders of 'the official narrative'. He claims his relation to michael chertoff is "distant" but chris bollyn proves otherwise.
stephen cauffman - leader of nist investigations which in total amount to a systematic coverup of the wtc 7 collapse. The nist position remains that fire, together with minor damage caused by 'ejected debris' from the collapse of the north tower situated a block away with wtc building 8 in between, brought down wtc building 7.

9/11 commission: Zionist controlled

philip zelikow -9/11 commission executive director philip zelikow (dual citizen us / israel) - 9/11 commission gatekeeper

zelikow was appointed the executive director of the 9/11 commission - the most powerful position of the committee. This zionist jew is responsible for concocting the contrived fiction that was presented as the 9/11 commission report - official narrative. The report contains hundreds of glaring anomalies, contradictions, omissions and downright falsehoods. It even manages to omit any reference at all to the collapse of building 7 at 5:20 pm.

Initially henry kissenger was appointed as executive director but surrendered the post after enormous protest. This paved the way for zionist operative zelikow to take the helm. Zelikow has numerous conflicts of interest that clearly inhibited his ability to tell the truth to the american people about the 9/11 terror attacks.

Zelikow was a bush admin insider, having been on the transition team in early 2000. In 1989-91 zelikow worked with condoleezza rice on the national security council for the bush sr. Administration. In 1995, zelikow and rice wrote a book together. From 1996-98 zelikow is director of the aspen strategy group which also included people such as condoleezza rice, dick cheney and paul wolfowitz as fellow members. After george w. Bush took office, zelikow was named to a position on the president's foreign intelligence advisory board [pfiab], and worked on other administration task forces and commissions. Zelikow position on the commission made him its 'gatekeeper" enabling him to decide which topics would or would not be investigated. He was also secretly in contact with one of bush's close advisors - karl rove - throughout the gestation of the commission report.

here is an excellent source for information on 9/11...the real story...not what was spoonfed to mass media and pitty little americans...lol

the trolls here like dawgshit just cant get enough of you handing them their ass to them on a platter.:d
another masturbation fantasy by handjob!

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