Faces of Truth: Prominent People World Wide Say Bad Things About America and 9/11

9/11 conspiracies are on the same level as Obama birth certificate conspiracies. It's why they are called "conspiracies", a word that starts with "con".

yeah it is on the same level as in undeniable evidence that just like obama is a citizen of kenya,9/11 was also an inside job.

here is the biggest CON of them all in this link below.:lol:

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I see the cracker kid troll afraid of the truth is out in full force now.
So are you up to the challenge of posting the names and the proof for your assertion that people are being paid to post here, fuckface? Or are you going to puss out as usual?
9/11 conspiracies are on the same level as Obama birth certificate conspiracies. It's why they are called "conspiracies", a word that starts with "con".

Not even close...9/11 conspiracy has countless prominent people agreeing with it and promoting it world wide

some people like him like to live in a fairy tale land and fool themselves.it makes them feel better believing the myth we are a free country.

thanks for admitting you cant counter it that high prominent distingused people dont accpet the government fairy tales either.:clap2:
Distingused [sic] people like Roseanne Barr.


Rosanne who ??

Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Ford and Carter. U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions. (PhD in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering, Cal Tech). Former Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Assistant Dean at the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology. 22-year Air Force career. Also taught Mathematics and English at the University of Southern California, the University of Maryland, and Phillips University.
Member: Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"Scholars and professionals with various kinds of expertise---including architects, engineers, firefighters, intelligence officers, lawyers, medical professionals, military officers, philosophers, religious leaders, physical scientists, and pilots---have spoken out about radical discrepancies between the official account of the 9/11 attacks and what they, as independent researchers, have learned.

They have established beyond any reasonable doubt that the official account of 9/11 is false and that, therefore, the official “investigations” have really been cover-up operations.

Thus far, however, there has been no response from political leaders in Washington or, for that matter, in other capitals around the world. Our organization, Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth, has been formed to help bring about such a response.

We believe that the truth about 9/11 needs to be exposed now---not in 50 years as a footnote in the history books---so the policies that have been based on the Bush-Cheney administration’s interpretation of the 9/11 attacks can be changed.

We are, therefore, calling for a new, independent investigation of 9/11 that takes account of evidence that has been documented by independent researchers but thus far ignored by governments and the mainstream media."

Video 9/11/04: "A lot of these pieces of information, taken together, prove that the official story, the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 is a bunch of hogwash. It’s impossible. … There’s a second group of facts having to do with the cover up. … Taken together these things prove that high levels of our government don’t want us to know what happened and who’s responsible.…

Who gained from 9/11? Who covered up crucial information about 9/11? And who put out the patently false stories about 9/11 in the first place? When you take those three things together, I think the case is pretty clear that it’s highly placed individuals in the administration with all roads passing through Dick Cheney.

I think the very kindest thing that we can say about George W. Bush and all the people in the U.S. Government that have been involved in this massive cover-up, the very kindest thing we can say is that they were aware of impending attacks and let them happen. Now some people will say that’s much too kind, however even that is high treason and conspiracy to commit murder." http://video.go

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11:
"We want truthful answers to question. … As Americans of conscience, we ask for four things:An immediate investigation by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
Immediate investigation in Congressional Hearings.
Media attention to scrutinize and investigate the evidence.
The formation of a truly independent citizens-based inquiry.

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
The reality is, wheather one is a 'truther' or not, America had the sympathys of all these nay sayers after the attack

politically, we squandered that with our own arrogant jingoism

Not sure which "we" you're talking about there, but those who deceptively whipped the masses into a frenzy in the aftermath of 9/11/01 ...most certainly didn't squander the opportunities presented. Rest assured, the false wave of patriotism that seemingly swept across the country unquestionably served its intended purpose.

yep.so very true.
I love the people of my country...I don't like the direction this country is headed.

I'm stuck with it for better or for worse.

Would like to see the many disturbing descrepencies independently investigated...that would help me love my country.

We've talked it over. We can get by fine without you sock boy. Please fuck off and die.

Here are some writings on Stages of Denial...see where you fit in...

The Five Stages of Denial

The "Five Stages of Denial" may be considered the components of the psychological process by which people deal with unfortunate or unpleasant circumstances.

• Stage 1, Reality Warping:
• Stage 2, Anger:
• Stage 3, Bargaining:
• Stage 4, Depression:
• Stage 5, Acceptance:

I'm going to say you're at about Stage 2...

that definetely describes these Bush dupes that come here.:clap2:
Ted Muga: United States

Prominent Status Accomplished: Pan-Am commercial airline pilot. Boeing 707 and 727. 7,500 total commercial hours flown. Grumman E-1 Tracer and E-2 Hawkeye. 3,800 total military hours flown. Commander U.S. Navy


Quote: "The maneuver at the Pentagon was just a tight spiral coming down out of 7,000 feet. And a commercial aircraft, are very, very, very difficult. And it would take considerable training. In other words, commercial aircraft are designed for a particular purpose and that is for comfort and for passengers and it's not for military maneuvers. It takes some very, very talented pilots to do that."

"When a commercial airplane gets that high, it gets very, very close to getting into what you refer to as a speed high-speed stall. And a high-speed stall can be very, very violent on a commercial-type aircraft and you never want to get into that situation. I just can't imagine an amateur even being able to come close to performing a maneuver of that nature."

"And as far as hijacking the airplanes, once again getting back to the nature of pilots and airplanes, there is no way that a pilot would give up an airplane to hijackers."

"I mean, hell, a guy doesn't give up a TV remote control much less a complicated 757. And so to think that pilots would allow a plane to be taken over by a couple of 5 foot 7, 150 pound guys with a one-inch blade boxcutter is ridiculous."

"And also in all four planes, if you remember, none of the planes ever switched on their transponder to the hijack code. There's a very, very simple code that you put in if you suspect that your plane is being hijacked. It takes literally just a split-second for you to put your hand down on the center console and flip it over. And not one of the four planes ever transponded a hijack code, which is most, most unusual."

"Commercial airplanes are very, very complex pieces of machines. And they're designed for two pilots up there, not just two amateur pilots, but two qualified commercial pilots up there. And to think that you're going to get an amateur up into the cockpit and fly, much less navigate, it to a designated target, the probability is so low, that it's bordering on impossible."

your making wayyyyyyyyyyy too much since for these trolls to comprehend.
stop it,you will over load their brain with way too much logic and common sense.:lol:

Looks like you're keeping at your job...LOL

If the official 9/11 story were true then there wouldn't be a need for so many recruits accross the message boards to fight so hard to defend it.

Usually the truth doesn't have to go through such great lengths to try and defend itself...lol

Or have posters at the ready to try and derail threads from intelligent discussion.



Looks like your keeping at your job...LOL

If the official 9/11 story were true then there wouldn't be a need for so many recruits accross the message boards to fight so hard to defend it.

Usually the truth doesn't have to go through such great lengths to try and defend itself...lol

if that were so then you would have no need to keep repeating INDISPUTABLE FACTS. :lol::lol::lol:

Under multiple ID's at that.
How hilarious to read the conspiracy babble from the usual pedlars of myth and fairy tale. Do you think they participate in shape-shifting in their spare moments?

But anyway, thanks for the laughs. You guys should consider a career in standup. You'd have them rolling in the aisles! :lol:
They have established beyond any reasonable doubt that the official account of 9/11 is false and that, therefore, the official “investigations” have really been cover-up operations.
Beyond all reasonable doubt? Not quite.
How hilarious to read the conspiracy babble from the usual pedlars of myth and fairy tale. Do you think they participate in shape-shifting in their spare moments?

But anyway, thanks for the laughs. You guys should consider a career in standup. You'd have them rolling in the aisles! :lol:

you Bush ass kissers are the ones that give laughs and should consider a career in standup.you guys are the ones that would have grade school graduates rolling in the aisles of ignoring the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years with YOUR babbles you have here.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

You would have them laughing like crazy the way you worship these facts of these two links here below like you do.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


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How hilarious to read the conspiracy babble from the usual pedlars of myth and fairy tale. Do you think they participate in shape-shifting in their spare moments?

But anyway, thanks for the laughs. You guys should consider a career in standup. You'd have them rolling in the aisles! :lol:

you Bush ass kissers are the ones that give laughs and should consider a career in standup.you guys are the ones that would have grade school graduates rolling in the aisles of ignoring the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years with YOUR babbles you have here.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

You would have them laughing like crazy the way you worship these facts of these two links here below like you do.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories


Bush ass kisser? Really? :lol: Neither bright nor observant, are you. But please do continue. I'm busting a blood vessel with laughter. :lol:
How hilarious to read the conspiracy babble from the usual pedlars of myth and fairy tale. Do you think they participate in shape-shifting in their spare moments?

But anyway, thanks for the laughs. You guys should consider a career in standup. You'd have them rolling in the aisles! :lol:

you Bush ass kissers are the ones that give laughs and should consider a career in standup.you guys are the ones that would have grade school graduates rolling in the aisles of ignoring the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years with YOUR babbles you have here.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

You would have them laughing like crazy the way you worship these facts of these two links here below like you do.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories


Bush ass kisser? Really? :lol: Neither bright nor observant, are you. But please do continue. I'm busting a blood vessel with laughter. :lol:

ahh so the chicken ass coward like all bush dupes changes the subject and wont look at those links,how convient.no suprise,thats typical of a 9/11 deniar.and yes,you are kissing the asses of the bush administration by defending their fairy tales.keep living in denial about that,they love you for that.
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you Bush ass kissers are the ones that give laughs and should consider a career in standup.you guys are the ones that would have grade school graduates rolling in the aisles of ignoring the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years with YOUR babbles you have here.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

You would have them laughing like crazy the way you worship these facts of these two links here below like you do.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories


Bush ass kisser? Really? :lol: Neither bright nor observant, are you. But please do continue. I'm busting a blood vessel with laughter. :lol:

ahh so the chicken ass coward like all bush dupes changes the subject and wont look at those links,how convient.no suprise,thats typical of a 9/11 deniar.and yes,you are kissing the asses of the bush administration by defending their fairy tales.keep living in denial about that,they love you for that.

Why would i want to look at a whackjob link provided by a whackjob, whackjob? Hans Christian Anderson is far more rewarding.

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