FACT:12/08 136.7 million full time employees;04/14 118 million


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How many people were working full time at the end of 2008...... 136,790,000

How many people at the end of April 2014 ....... 118,070,000
? U.S. full-time employees: April 2014, unadjusted number | Timeline

This means a loss of 18.7 million jobs over 6 years under Obama... 13% of people that wanted to work are now NOT working...

And that is NOT the end!

Health-care law will prompt over 2 million to quit jobs or cut hours, a CBO report says
The Washington Post
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Nonsense. We're entering the Summer of Recovery for the seventh year in a row!

Plus you're a racist.
Liberals will offer that all these folks retired and have chosen not to work anymore....
And the fact that they are mostly in the age range of 18-50 changes nothing....
Yea....none of those numbers are baby boomers retiring. Carry on.
How many people were working full time at the end of 2008...... 136,790,000

How many people at the end of April 2014 ....... 118,070,000
? U.S. full-time employees: April 2014, unadjusted number | Timeline

This means a loss of 18.7 million jobs over 6 years under Obama... 13% of people that wanted to work are now NOT working...

And that is NOT the end!

Health-care law will prompt over 2 million to quit jobs or cut hours, a CBO report says
The Washington Post

Pssst ... keep ignoring the enormous job loss under the Bush regime that we have still not recovered from.
How many people were working full time at the end of 2008...... 136,790,000

How many people at the end of April 2014 ....... 118,070,000
? U.S. full-time employees: April 2014, unadjusted number | Timeline

This means a loss of 18.7 million jobs over 6 years under Obama... 13% of people that wanted to work are now NOT working...

And that is NOT the end!

Health-care law will prompt over 2 million to quit jobs or cut hours, a CBO report says
The Washington Post

Pssst ... keep ignoring the enormous job loss under the Bush regime that we have still not recovered from.

Pssst..... Obama has made it worst, with no plan to help the economy. We do have worst healthcare, free birth control, and gay marriage. Those three things really helps pay the bills!
Liberals will offer that all these folks retired and have chosen not to work anymore....
And the fact that they are mostly in the age range of 18-50 changes nothing....

Well pelosi said that all this unemployment is a good thing. The unemployed get to spend more time with their family, and unemployment benefits is good for the economy.
The new American dream brought to you by the Democrat party....
You really don't need to work.
You can stay home and collect government checks and still be part of the great Democrat machine that drives the economy.Let that dopey guy down the street go out everyday and bust his ass at work.
You're better then that.You have the Democrat party behind you.

You don't need a job but you will have full medical coverage so you can persue your dream of being a puppet maker or design doll houses of just stay home and think great thoughts....
The new American dream brought to you by the Democrat party....
You really don't need to work.
You can stay home and collect government checks and still be part of the great Democrat machine that drives the economy.Let that dopey guy down the street go out everyday and bust his ass at work.
You're better then that.You have the Democrat party behind you.

You don't need a job but you will have full medical coverage so you can persue your dream of being a puppet maker or design doll houses of just stay home and think great thoughts....

Which is why I posted this thread: Can non-profit organizations exist without for profit organizations??
The Idiot in chief now REWARDS working for "non-tax paying" tax dollar consuming non-profits!

Pay As You Earn allows students under certain circumstances to borrow an unlimited amount and then cap monthly payments at 10% of their discretionary income. If they choose productive work in the private economy, the loans are forgiven after 20 years. But if they choose to work in government or for a nonprofit, Uncle Sugar forgives their loans after 10 years.

For aspiring community organizers who go to college and then grad school before moving into a job that the government defines as public service, the forgiven debt can be $150,000 or more, courtesy of the taxpayer. And unlike with some other federal programs, when the government forgives the debt of one of the exalted class of nonprofit or government workers, the do-gooder doesn't have to report it as income to the IRS.
Who wouldn't want to pick up $150,000 tax-free?
Telling Students to Earn Less - WSJ.com

As I mentioned in the other thread:
Nonprofits can and do utilize the following sources of income to help them fulfill their missions:
Sources of Revenue for Reporting Public Charities..
23.2% -- from Fees for goods and/or services from Government... AGAIN from Profit making TAX PAYERS TAX DOLLARS
52.4% -- from Fees for goods and/or services from private sources
13.6% -- Corporate contributions/ Individual donations and major gifts Bequests --- again from profit making companies/individuals that have PAID taxes.
8.9% -- Foundation grants Government grants and contracts -- TAX dollars from profit making -- sure not from NON-Profits!
2.1% -- Other

View attachment 30088

How are nonprofits funded
How many people were working full time at the end of 2008...... 136,790,000

How many people at the end of April 2014 ....... 118,070,000
? U.S. full-time employees: April 2014, unadjusted number | Timeline

This means a loss of 18.7 million jobs over 6 years under Obama... 13% of people that wanted to work are now NOT working...

And that is NOT the end!

Health-care law will prompt over 2 million to quit jobs or cut hours, a CBO report says
The Washington Post

Pssst ... keep ignoring the enormous job loss under the Bush regime that we have still not recovered from.

Ignoring "job loss"...
YES YOU ARE 100% right! THERE WERE JOB losses starting in 2000 when the Clinton recession started in 3/2001 only 41,000 job gains.
But let's look at some EVENTS that have NEVER happened in any other administration.. 4 events!
Year End AVERAGE/year
2000...... 131,785,000 dot.com and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11 Event ONE Dot.com Bust..
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 effect off 9/11-- remember that.. 400,000 jobs lost...affect felt in 2003...
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 But of course YOU idiots then forget from 2004 to 2007 nearly 7,599,000 NEW jobs!!
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.

SO YES THERE WERE JOB losses.. oh and by the way
Gross domestic product increased by 16% during those 8 years!
Let's see,

ACA will cost another 2 million jobs
The left wants to raise minimum wage, another 500,000 jobs destroyed
Military cuts to Pre World War 2 levels, what's the estimate on job loss there?

I've said it before, I'll say it again. The left has a plan to turn the United States into a socialist or, dare I say it?...communist country. What better way to implement the socialist and communist policies than when people are desperate?

The left, just like always, says, "Nothing to see here folks, move along. It's just crazy, crackpot, right wing, fear mongering."
Don't y'all right wing teabaggers know that "unemployment benefits and food stamps" stimulate the economy!! This is great news!!

Another stupid thread for vapid right-wing ideologues.

The full-time jobs count is lower today than it was 5 or 6 years ago because millions of Americans are working full-time hours but are billed with part-time status in their employment.

You don't have to give a worker benefits when they're designated forever as part-timers.

I believe every family in America either has a full-time worker designated as part-timer in their household, or they know somebody who is.

One of the real disparities created within the failed construct of Trickle Down Economics, a failure which the right-wing owns, is that there are millions of part-time designated workers working full-time hours and not making enough money to support themselves. That we the taxpayer have to pay to help the workers of multinational corporations in order so they can fucking eat is outrageous.

Under George W. Bush and the Republicans, the manufacturing sector wilted and was sent packing. His administration veered America into becoming a primarily service sector economy, and it's still what we've got now because we decided to sell this country down the river to multinationals whose employees we need to subsidize while we also send them tens of billions of dollars every year in corporate welfare.

We've finally just recovered all the jobs that were lost in the Great Recession, and though there's been a rise in manufacturing jobs two years in row for the first time since Clinton, we live in a right-wing created economy they said would lead us to prosperity, but only led us to ruin.

Pretty disingenuous to start another thread where moronic rw ideologues complain about the very situation they themselves voted to create in handing the country over to corporations.

As full-time designation has dropped; part-time designation has soared. Every piece of empirical data this last decade proves as much.
How many people were working full time at the end of 2008...... 136,790,000

How many people at the end of April 2014 ....... 118,070,000
? U.S. full-time employees: April 2014, unadjusted number | Timeline

This means a loss of 18.7 million jobs over 6 years under Obama... 13% of people that wanted to work are now NOT working...

And that is NOT the end!

Health-care law will prompt over 2 million to quit jobs or cut hours, a CBO report says
The Washington Post

Man...you are stupid.
How many people were working full time at the end of 2008...... 136,790,000

How many people at the end of April 2014 ....... 118,070,000
? U.S. full-time employees: April 2014, unadjusted number | Timeline

This means a loss of 18.7 million jobs over 6 years under Obama... 13% of people that wanted to work are now NOT working...

And that is NOT the end!

Health-care law will prompt over 2 million to quit jobs or cut hours, a CBO report says
The Washington Post

Man...you are stupid.

If I'm stupid that what the f..k are you calling me a name without giving a reason?
At least I can prove what I've written what is you f...king excuse?
OH yea you are a person that is NOT A RACIST cause YOU proved that by voting for Obama!
Another validation of idiots that voted for Obama... "Yea will you are stupid" is such a totally 3rd grade response!
This is an adult board! Go find a kindergarden that you might impress!
How many people were working full time at the end of 2008...... 136,790,000

How many people at the end of April 2014 ....... 118,070,000
? U.S. full-time employees: April 2014, unadjusted number | Timeline

This means a loss of 18.7 million jobs over 6 years under Obama... 13% of people that wanted to work are now NOT working...

And that is NOT the end!

Health-care law will prompt over 2 million to quit jobs or cut hours, a CBO report says
The Washington Post

I think you are comparing apples to oranges. The first is total Non-Farm Employment, and includes part time jobs. The April 2014 figure is just full-time jobs. If you're going to compare statistics, at least make sure they are based on the same methodology. You can run a fuller time series at your first link. Peak full-time employment was in 2007 at 121M. We do have less full time jobs now, but not the delta you described. The other missing bit is the lack of job creation to keep up with population growth - that is a big jobs deficit.
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