Fact check of last Republican debate

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Not looking good:

AP FACT CHECK: GOP claims on carpet bombs, Kurds and economy AP FACT CHECK: GOP claims on carpet bombs, Kurds and economy

Heres one:

MARCO RUBIO: "You cannot destroy ISIS with a military that's being diminished."

CRUZ: Obama has "dramatically degraded our military.

"THE FACTS: The charge that President Barack Obama has starved the Pentagon has become a refrain in the GOP primary campaign, but amounts spent on weapons modernization are about the same as they were when Republican George W. Bush was president.

Any military cuts GOP contenders are complaining about were approved by both Republicans and Democrats in Congress. The military budget is being squeezed by the insistence of lawmakers in both parties that money be spent on bases and equipment that the Pentagon says it doesn't need.
Not looking good:

AP FACT CHECK: GOP claims on carpet bombs, Kurds and economy AP FACT CHECK: GOP claims on carpet bombs, Kurds and economy

Heres one:

MARCO RUBIO: "You cannot destroy ISIS with a military that's being diminished."

CRUZ: Obama has "dramatically degraded our military.

"THE FACTS: The charge that President Barack Obama has starved the Pentagon has become a refrain in the GOP primary campaign, but amounts spent on weapons modernization are about the same as they were when Republican George W. Bush was president.

Any military cuts GOP contenders are complaining about were approved by both Republicans and Democrats in Congress. The military budget is being squeezed by the insistence of lawmakers in both parties that money be spent on bases and equipment that the Pentagon says it doesn't need.
Fact checking politicians.....


Not sure why we even try sometimes
Rubio said he did not support Cap and Trade but saw it as inevitable and urged Florida to prepare for it. Some moron at CNN then reproduced a quote from Rubio that said EXACTLY the same thing. Incredibly, this idiot then concluded that Rubio's statement at the debate was FALSE!

I take CNN's political bias as a given, but are they blind, as well as stupid?

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