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Fact-checkers are taking aim at American Sniper

Kyle was a racist. And a sociopath. and a Liar. But, man, they made him look good, didn't they?
It is easy to talk trash about someone who is unable to defend himself.

It's easy to trash talk someone who put his racism, lies and sociopathy in printed form for everyone to see.

Now, if Eastwood had actually filmed the book Kyle had written, I don't think you'd have liked him so much.
American Sniper s Biggest Lie Clint Eastwood Has a Delusional Fox News Problem Alternet

But to focus on “American Sniper’s” depiction of Kyle is to miss the larger problems of the film. In addition to sugarcoating Kyle, the film suffers from major myopia — from a complete inability to see the larger picture. And that is why criticism of the film has to look at its director, Clint Eastwood, and the troubling ways he represents a dark, disturbing feature of the GOP mind-set.

In order to have the bigger picture we need to remember two key moments in recent Eastwood public appearances. The first took place in 2005 when Eastwood confronted filmmaker Michael Moore at the National Board of Review dinner, where both men were being honored. Moore was there for his documentary on U.S. gun culture, “Bowling for Columbine.” Eastwood had “Million Dollar Baby.” After Eastwood accepted his award, he directed comments at Moore. “Michael Moore and I actually have a lot in common – we both appreciate living in a country where there’s free expression.” Eastwood then added: “But, Michael, if you ever show up at my front door with a camera – I’ll kill you. I mean it.” The tone was I’m sort of joking, but maybe not really joking, provoking nervous laughter from both the audience and Moore himself.

Eastwood said he would kill Moore if he showed up at his door. This was his response to a film that raised much-needed conversation about U.S. gun culture. Eastwood’s reaction tells us a lot about the way that some members of the GOP treat those with whom they disagree. If you don’t agree with me on guns, I’ll just kill you.
Kyle was a racist. And a sociopath. and a Liar. But, man, they made him look good, didn't they?
It is easy to talk trash about someone who is unable to defend himself.
Its OK though to shoot a little kid or a woman from ambush who cannot defend themselves. In fact for folks like you that is downright heroic.....Facts are not your friend on account facts have a "liberal bias"....
Kyle was a racist. And a sociopath. and a Liar. But, man, they made him look good, didn't they?
It is easy to talk trash about someone who is unable to defend himself.

It's easy to trash talk someone who put his racism, lies and sociopathy in printed form for everyone to see.

Now, if Eastwood had actually filmed the book Kyle had written, I don't think you'd have liked him so much.
Throughout history, soldiers always identified the enemy among themselves with some kind of epithet such as: Union soldiers were called "Bluebellies," Confederate soldiers were called "Rebs," in WW II the Germans were called "Krauts," the Japanese were called "Japs," in Korea and Vietnam the enemy was called "Gooks," we can go back to the era of Genghis Khan when the Tartars were called the "Dog Headed Tartars." Nowadays, in the war in the Middle East they are called "Ragheads." Does this make the soldiers racist or is it the fact that they face death every time when they face the enemy, therefore, they dislike the enemy? Maybe those who have never been soldiers, especially in war zone, can identify with the fear and dislike of death with sharks, crocodiles, alligators, venomous snakes or spiders. Maybe the same underlying factor causes some people to fear guns and want to ban gun ownership.
Kyle was a racist. And a sociopath. and a Liar. But, man, they made him look good, didn't they?
It is easy to talk trash about someone who is unable to defend himself.
Its OK though to shoot a little kid or a woman from ambush who cannot defend themselves. In fact for folks like you that is downright heroic.....Facts are not your friend on account facts have a "liberal bias"....
I suspect that you confuse the concept of "cover and concealment" with "ambush." You never consider counter-snipers which necessitates cover and concealment. You leave out of consideration that in this present war there are no front lines neither are the enemy combatants in uniforms for easy identification.

"Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding."
hysterical leftists over a frikkin movie


get a life for once


I love the people who go nuts over a movie like The American Sniper.
The ones who rant about this and that, rant about the right-wing nut jobs that go to watch it and whatnot.

The lefties are really just pissed the movie blew out so many other feel-good bullshit movies they put out.
Face it ... If the movie scores $200 million the opening weekend, it is just a testament to the left's failure to make heads or tails of what at least 50% of Americans find both interesting and entertaining.

Haven't seen the movie myself ... Will wait for the DVD to add it to my collection.
Rant, hate, try to disavow the movie ... It doesn't matter as long as it is entertaining.
Some Americans don't get their marching orders from movies ... The same Americans that don't have to be told what to do by the movie industry or provided for by the government.

It's a movie, not a history. Glory was not fact checked, but errors certainly existed in the narrative.

Take all the criticism with a pound of salt, folks.
Glory wasn't fact checked? i'll bet dollars to donuts i can find several websites that will document the historical errors in it

i haven't seen the movie, but everything i've heard about it seems to point to it being a somewhat disturbing film that should make everyone question the price of war for the individuals involved

that said, i do have a problem with chris kyle, and that the movie, again from reports, seems to gloss over his very large and very real character flaws.

i also have a problem with the right-wing deification of the man.

I'm not Deifying him. (did your shift button break or are you just an inconsiderate dick?)

In fact, I'm not even 100% sure I like Snipers, even our own

I am a Veteran. A Former Soldier. A Combat Infantryman

Not an assassin.

But...... Anybody that puts on the Uniform deserves credit. I may not agree with what he did, but I'm not going to put him down for it.
He kept soldiers like you alive by killing people you didn't see
hysterical leftists over a frikkin movie


get a life for once


I love the people who go nuts over a movie like The American Sniper.
The ones who rant about this and that, rant about the right-wing nut jobs that go to watch it and whatnot.

The lefties are really just pissed the movie blew out so many other feel-good bullshit movies they put out.
Face it ... If the movie scores $200 million the opening weekend, it is just a testament to the left's failure to make heads or tails of what at least 50% of Americans find both interesting and entertaining.

Haven't seen the movie myself ... Will wait for the DVD to add it to my collection.
Rant, hate, try to disavow the movie ... It doesn't matter as long as it is entertaining.
Some Americans don't get their marching orders from movies ... The same Americans that don't have to be told what to do by the movie industry or provided for by the government.


what pisses them off the most about it

1 - a number one smash hit

2 -promotes American family values

3- shows the jihadist scumbags for what they are

4- a Clint Eastwood production

5- other not related anti American beliefs

6- leftist groupthink

7- all of the above
Kyle was a racist. And a sociopath. and a Liar. But, man, they made him look good, didn't they?
It is easy to talk trash about someone who is unable to defend himself.
Its OK though to shoot a little kid or a woman from ambush who cannot defend themselves. In fact for folks like you that is downright heroic.....Facts are not your friend on account facts have a "liberal bias"....
I suspect that you confuse the concept of "cover and concealment" with "ambush." You never consider counter-snipers which necessitates cover and concealment. You leave out of consideration that in this present war there are no front lines neither are the enemy combatants in uniforms for easy identification.

"Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding."

I suspect you confuse murder with heroism..

What was Chris Kyle doing in a foreign country shooting its civilians for no good reason...
The left can't afford any positive influence in this country anymore.
that's the thing, kyle was not and should not be regarded as a 'positive influence'
he was a skilled sniper, but that skill set alone shouldn't make him anyone's hero

Kyle was most certainly a positive influence for his fellow soldiers he kept alive by his skills. I do agree that he was not a hero. Hero is a sobriquet that is bandied about far too
frequently. A hero knowingly places himself into a situation that he knows has a good chance of killing him. Usually to save someone else's life, though not always. That is what a hero does. Anything else is just their job, which they can do well or poor, but it's just their job.
What the fuck is a navy seal...a baby sitter? Get real, dude.

No, a Navy SEAL is a incredibly well trained commando. Their job is to infiltrate by land, sea or air, engage and destroy the enemy. That's it. If a SEAL enters into a building full of bad guys to extract a comrade, and he knows he has little chance of surviving it, that is heroic. Merely shooting people is not.
You don't know shit about snipers. Or special forces.
Kyle was a racist. And a sociopath. and a Liar. But, man, they made him look good, didn't they?
It is easy to talk trash about someone who is unable to defend himself.

It's easy to trash talk someone who put his racism, lies and sociopathy in printed form for everyone to see.

Now, if Eastwood had actually filmed the book Kyle had written, I don't think you'd have liked him so much.
Throughout history, soldiers always identified the enemy among themselves with some kind of epithet such as: Union soldiers were called "Bluebellies," Confederate soldiers were called "Rebs," in WW II the Germans were called "Krauts," the Japanese were called "Japs," in Korea and Vietnam the enemy was called "Gooks," we can go back to the era of Genghis Khan when the Tartars were called the "Dog Headed Tartars." Nowadays, in the war in the Middle East they are called "Ragheads." Does this make the soldiers racist or is it the fact that they face death every time when they face the enemy, therefore, they dislike the enemy? Maybe those who have never been soldiers, especially in war zone, can identify with the fear and dislike of death with sharks, crocodiles, alligators, venomous snakes or spiders. Maybe the same underlying factor causes some people to fear guns and want to ban gun ownership.
Iraqis are not my enemy...they never were...I never bought into that lying bull shit you all feasted on and continue to feast on..
The left can't afford any positive influence in this country anymore.
that's the thing, kyle was not and should not be regarded as a 'positive influence'
he was a skilled sniper, but that skill set alone shouldn't make him anyone's hero

Kyle was most certainly a positive influence for his fellow soldiers he kept alive by his skills. I do agree that he was not a hero. Hero is a sobriquet that is bandied about far too
frequently. A hero knowingly places himself into a situation that he knows has a good chance of killing him. Usually to save someone else's life, though not always. That is what a hero does. Anything else is just their job, which they can do well or poor, but it's just their job.
was he a positive influence, or did he just do a job that benefited them?
in other words, did his actions and example make them better soldiers and people? i would guess not.
What he dis was save lives. What have you done that even comes close?
The left can't afford any positive influence in this country anymore.
that's the thing, kyle was not and should not be regarded as a 'positive influence'
he was a skilled sniper, but that skill set alone shouldn't make him anyone's hero

Kyle was most certainly a positive influence for his fellow soldiers he kept alive by his skills. I do agree that he was not a hero. Hero is a sobriquet that is bandied about far too
frequently. A hero knowingly places himself into a situation that he knows has a good chance of killing him. Usually to save someone else's life, though not always. That is what a hero does. Anything else is just their job, which they can do well or poor, but it's just their job.
What the fuck is a navy seal...a baby sitter? Get real, dude.

No, a Navy SEAL is a incredibly well trained commando. Their job is to infiltrate by land, sea or air, engage and destroy the enemy. That's it. If a SEAL enters into a building full of bad guys to extract a comrade, and he knows he has little chance of surviving it, that is heroic. Merely shooting people is not.
You don't know shit about snipers. Or special forces.
snipers = Bush whackers...special forces are Murder inc
The left can't afford any positive influence in this country anymore.
that's the thing, kyle was not and should not be regarded as a 'positive influence'
he was a skilled sniper, but that skill set alone shouldn't make him anyone's hero

Kyle was most certainly a positive influence for his fellow soldiers he kept alive by his skills. I do agree that he was not a hero. Hero is a sobriquet that is bandied about far too
frequently. A hero knowingly places himself into a situation that he knows has a good chance of killing him. Usually to save someone else's life, though not always. That is what a hero does. Anything else is just their job, which they can do well or poor, but it's just their job.
was he a positive influence, or did he just do a job that benefited them?
in other words, did his actions and example make them better soldiers and people? i would guess not.

No, people who are good at a job will rub off on those around them. It's called "modeling" and is a well known psychological principle. Championship teams are created the same way. There is always a person, or persons, who are catalysts who make everyone around them better.
except as a sniper, he wasn't really part of a team.
The more popular the movie is the more hysterical the left gets. Which means the more popular the movie gets.
I hope Chris Kyle's wife gets some of the money it's generating. I know that Chris dedicated the book sales to the families of killed Seals.
did he? seems like his family has made money on the book - and that's okay - but let's not pretend it was a non-profit endeavor for him.
A sniper is part of the team dummy
Let me tell you something delusion and aggressive violence is at the heart of being a conservative Right winger...that is why you all like to strut around in "open carry" mode ...this is why you all have fallen in a heavy bromance with Chris Kyle....Chris Kyle is the type of man who would brag he killed 30 American citizens he called looters or trouble makers from the New Orleans super dome roof when he did no such thing and if he had done such a thing it would be properly labeled "mass murder"...he also bragged of shooting two robbers when he did no such thing...seriously what kind of ass hole does those things ???? Make up bull shit to make money off his book...
that's the thing, kyle was not and should not be regarded as a 'positive influence'
he was a skilled sniper, but that skill set alone shouldn't make him anyone's hero
He is to the men who came from from Iraq because Kyle was there taking down your heroes.
he was a skilled sniper. what did he do that was heroic?
Saved lives and killed terrorists who deserved to die
what the fuck was Kyle doing in another country killing its civilians...WTF was that ?
Kyle was a racist. And a sociopath. and a Liar. But, man, they made him look good, didn't they?
It is easy to talk trash about someone who is unable to defend himself.

It's easy to trash talk someone who put his racism, lies and sociopathy in printed form for everyone to see.

Now, if Eastwood had actually filmed the book Kyle had written, I don't think you'd have liked him so much.
Throughout history, soldiers always identified the enemy among themselves with some kind of epithet such as: Union soldiers were called "Bluebellies," Confederate soldiers were called "Rebs," in WW II the Germans were called "Krauts," the Japanese were called "Japs," in Korea and Vietnam the enemy was called "Gooks," we can go back to the era of Genghis Khan when the Tartars were called the "Dog Headed Tartars." Nowadays, in the war in the Middle East they are called "Ragheads." Does this make the soldiers racist or is it the fact that they face death every time when they face the enemy, therefore, they dislike the enemy? Maybe those who have never been soldiers, especially in war zone, can identify with the fear and dislike of death with sharks, crocodiles, alligators, venomous snakes or spiders. Maybe the same underlying factor causes some people to fear guns and want to ban gun ownership.
Iraqis are not my enemy...they never were...I never bought into that lying bull shit you all feasted on and continue to feast on..
I did not even hint that I agreed with the Iraq War. So do not spin into that direction because I won't bite on that lure. I have never agreed to tip the balance of the region by taking Hussein out.

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