Fact-checking Trump's B.S. in yesterday's news conference (No. 1)


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
This may perhaps be WHY Trump will have a hate-filled relation with the press/media outlets.

Trump yesterday stated:

“You saw yesterday Fiat Chrysler; big, big factory going to be built in this country as opposed to another country. Ford just announced that they stopped plans for a billion-dollar plant in Mexico and they’re going to be moving into Michigan and expanding, very substantially, an existing plant.”

Trump claims credit for these announcements, but that’s wrong.

Sergio Marchionne, the Fiat Chrysler chief executive, said the plan had been in the works for more than a year and had nothing to do with Trump; he credited instead talks with the United Auto Workers.

With regards to Ford, analysts say Ford’s decision to expand in Michigan rather than in Mexico has more to do with the company’s long-term goal — particularly, its plans to invest in electric vehicles — than the Trump administration. It’s easier for companies to find highly skilled workers to build new products, such as electric cars, in the United States than in Mexico.

Fact-checking President-elect Trump’s news conference
Trump , seems to me that he will be fine with his personal electronic 'bully pulpit' [twitter] where he can dispense news and TRUTH . Also occurs to me that the media or some of the media might also start to tell the Truth Nat .
I mean , not many rep0rters want to be publicly ignored and put in their place like that 'cnn' rep0rter was yesterday Nat !! :afro:
Sergio Marchionne, the Fiat Chrysler chief executive, said the plan had been in the works for more than a year and had nothing to do with Trump
I don't see any of the Chumps starting any topics about this to thank Obama. Hmmm...
[twitter] where he can dispense news and TRUTH

Well, Pissmore, if you're willing to strictly get your "truths" from an orange charlatan. go for it !!
------------------------------------------------ i'm only really interested in getting the military rebuilt , Obamacare gone , good gun laws for Americans in the USA , a Conservative Supreme Court , a border wall , destruction of mrobama legasy [sp] and a few other things . The thing is that your TRUTHFUL or LYING releases don't matter to me , the jobs are coming to the USA and that's all that matters Nat !! -------------------------- in other words , your breathless releases of Fluff news means nothing to me except an opportunity to mess with you Nat. :afro:
[twitter] where he can dispense news and TRUTH

Well, Pissmore, if you're willing to strictly get your "truths" from an orange charlatan. go for it !!
------------------------------------------------ i'm only really interested in getting the military rebuilt , Obamacare gone , good gun laws for Americans in the USA , a Conservative Supreme Court , a border wall , destruction of mrobama legasy [sp] and a few other things . The thing is that your TRUTHFUL or LYING releases don't matter to me , the jobs are coming to the USA and that's all that matters Nat !! -------------------------- in other words , your breathless releases of Fluff news means nothing to me except an opportunity to mess with you Nat. :afro:

see my post number 6 as we spend MORE money under President Trump on rebuilding USA military and cleaning up the damage that mrobama has done to USA military Nat !!
I don't know what that means.

I took it as authentic, but it didn't make me vote for Hillary.

Well, then, a video tape of Russian hookers urinating will NOT change your opinion either.
Keep in mind that Trump flaunts "family values" and Christian tenets....
so what is it , another 8 days and Americans will have an American back in the Whitehouse as President eh Nat ??
so what is it , another 8 days and Americans will have an American back in the Whitehouse as President eh Nat ??

Well, Morepiss, that is true.....and a WHITE president at that to better suit your "delicate sensibilities."
about 8 days and an American , proAmerican , America Firster American will be President . I just hope that American voters have learned something after these last 8 years of 'barrack hussein obama' Nat !!
I mean , if American parents learned something and learned the easily recognized warning signs and if they teach their kids the warning signs of unworthy Political and Presidential candidates everything will be cool in the future Nat . :afro:
so , yeah , 'barrack Hussein obama' is a good teaching tool to be pointed out as unworthy of any kinda political power or any other kinda power Nat !!
and really , all we need is for parents to display his picture and tell the kids about his un-American schemes Nat !!

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