FACT in 46 months "Obama blames Bush" over 1 million times!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I did a google search for "Obama blames Bush" and found about 1,060,000 results in less then 3 years.

My "Bush blames Clinton" Google search found in 8 years about 24,900 results.

Now no question MANY of the citations on BOTH sides were NOT direct statements by Bush or Obama.. BUT
with 42 times MORE citations by Obama in half the time... It just seems evident that Obama is more of a whiner then Bush!
I did a google search for "Obama blames Bush" and found about 1,060,000 results in less then 3 years.

My "Bush blames Clinton" Google search found in 8 years about 24,900 results.

Now no question MANY of the citations on BOTH sides were NOT direct statements by Bush or Obama.. BUT
with 42 times MORE citations by Obama in half the time... It just seems evident that Obama is more of a whiner then Bush!
Eh... The statement "FACT in 46 months "Obama blames Bush" over 1 million times!" followed up with the "proof" of what you just gave...

Well... You're an idiot. thank you, that is all.
I did a google search for "Obama blames Bush" and found about 1,060,000 results in less then 3 years.

My "Bush blames Clinton" Google search found in 8 years about 24,900 results.

Now no question MANY of the citations on BOTH sides were NOT direct statements by Bush or Obama.. BUT
with 42 times MORE citations by Obama in half the time... It just seems evident that Obama is more of a whiner then Bush!

You REALLY should try to better understand the results that Google gives you and what drives them BEFORE making yourself look like more of an asshole than you previoulsy have....
I did a google search for "Obama blames Bush" and found about 1,060,000 results in less then 3 years.

My "Bush blames Clinton" Google search found in 8 years about 24,900 results.

Now no question MANY of the citations on BOTH sides were NOT direct statements by Bush or Obama.. BUT
with 42 times MORE citations by Obama in half the time... It just seems evident that Obama is more of a whiner then Bush!
Eh... The statement "FACT in 46 months "Obama blames Bush" over 1 million times!" followed up with the "proof" of what you just gave...

Well... You're an idiot. thank you, that is all.

YOU have just PROVEN how the MSM writes their headlines and stories with SLANTS favorable and biased towards Obama!
That was the point of my thread and YOU PROVED IT!
I did a google search for "Obama blames Bush" and found about 1,060,000 results in less then 3 years.

My "Bush blames Clinton" Google search found in 8 years about 24,900 results.

Now no question MANY of the citations on BOTH sides were NOT direct statements by Bush or Obama.. BUT
with 42 times MORE citations by Obama in half the time... It just seems evident that Obama is more of a whiner then Bush!
Eh... The statement "FACT in 46 months "Obama blames Bush" over 1 million times!" followed up with the "proof" of what you just gave...

Well... You're an idiot. thank you, that is all.

That about sums it up.
I did a google search for "Obama blames Bush" and found about 1,060,000 results in less then 3 years.

My "Bush blames Clinton" Google search found in 8 years about 24,900 results.

Now no question MANY of the citations on BOTH sides were NOT direct statements by Bush or Obama.. BUT
with 42 times MORE citations by Obama in half the time... It just seems evident that Obama is more of a whiner then Bush!

You REALLY should try to better understand the results that Google gives you and what drives them BEFORE making yourself look like more of an asshole than you previoulsy have....

Shouldn't you be running away by now like you did earlier today on the other thread? :lol:
I did a google search for "Obama blames Bush" and found about 1,060,000 results in less then 3 years.

My "Bush blames Clinton" Google search found in 8 years about 24,900 results.

Now no question MANY of the citations on BOTH sides were NOT direct statements by Bush or Obama.. BUT
with 42 times MORE citations by Obama in half the time... It just seems evident that Obama is more of a whiner then Bush!

You REALLY should try to better understand the results that Google gives you and what drives them BEFORE making yourself look like more of an asshole than you previoulsy have....

Shouldn't you be running away by now like you did earlier today on the other thread? :lol:

I don't have the luxury to lurk here all day like some do. What are you babbling about again?
We are talking George Bush here

When all is said and done, Bush will be blamed for the next 50 years.

The Bush legacy will follow him to the grave
We are talking George Bush here

When all is said and done, Bush will be blamed for the next 50 years.

The Bush legacy will follow him to the grave

You didn't answer the question LEFTIST. Do you or ANY LIBERAL have an ounce of intellectual integrity to hold this President accountable FOR ANYTHING??? DO YOU????
I did a google search for "Obama blames Bush" and found about 1,060,000 results in less then 3 years.

My "Bush blames Clinton" Google search found in 8 years about 24,900 results.

Now no question MANY of the citations on BOTH sides were NOT direct statements by Bush or Obama.. BUT
with 42 times MORE citations by Obama in half the time... It just seems evident that Obama is more of a whiner then Bush!
Eh... The statement "FACT in 46 months "Obama blames Bush" over 1 million times!" followed up with the "proof" of what you just gave...

Well... You're an idiot. thank you, that is all.

YOU have just PROVEN how the MSM writes their headlines and stories with SLANTS favorable and biased towards Obama!
That was the point of my thread and YOU PROVED IT!
I have just somehow proven that MSM writes it's headlines and stories with slant? I'm not even sure how I would do that, let alone already have done it.

I already think you are an idiot... Why remove all shadow of doubt?
We are talking George Bush here

When all is said and done, Bush will be blamed for the next 50 years.

The Bush legacy will follow him to the grave

You didn't answer the question LEFTIST. Do you or ANY LIBERAL have an ounce of intellectual integrity to hold this President accountable FOR ANYTHING??? DO YOU????

What question?

That Bush failed horribly and will be blamed by history forever?

Blame Bush is not on some timeclock
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dumbest post I've read all day...


You do realize that things on the internet get rehashed? You do realize you can search for one incident and get multiple hits? Man that must mean it happened a ton of times. If I search "civil war" and get a billion hits, must have been a billion of those.

The entire premise of this thread is based in stupidity.
I did the same search:

The results are mostly rightwing sites whining about it.

washingtonexaminer, townhall, theblaze, freerepublic, foxnews,

that's just off the first page...
dumbest post I've read all day...


You do realize that things on the internet get rehashed? You do realize you can search for one incident and get multiple hits? Man that must mean it happened a ton of times. If I search "civil war" and get a billion hits, must have been a billion of those.

The entire premise of this thread is based in stupidity.

No.....unfortunately, he doesn't realize. Must be another one of those Left Wing Conspiracies or something....
We are talking George Bush here

When all is said and done, Bush will be blamed for the next 50 years.

The Bush legacy will follow him to the grave

You didn't answer the question LEFTIST. Do you or ANY LIBERAL have an ounce of intellectual integrity to hold this President accountable FOR ANYTHING??? DO YOU????

If you had any integrity you'd quit posing as a twenty-something Grandma.
I did a google search for "Obama blames Bush" and found about 1,060,000 results in less then 3 years.

My "Bush blames Clinton" Google search found in 8 years about 24,900 results.

Now no question MANY of the citations on BOTH sides were NOT direct statements by Bush or Obama.. BUT
with 42 times MORE citations by Obama in half the time... It just seems evident that Obama is more of a whiner then Bush!

I think God oversampled shit when he was constructing your brain.
What would Bush have been blaming Clinton for?

Too few unemployed people? Too much extra money in the budget? Not enough wars?
FACT in 46 months "Obama blames Bush" over 1 million times!

That's ALL??!!!!


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