Facts About Judaism

amazing ----will they be posting ----I LOVE THEIR SERMONS
I love their evasiveness.

in what way are John and Charles evasive?

Ding should know. He has a black belt in the art of it.

I always answer questions about my beliefs

I’m not ashamed of my beliefs.

What's that got to do with anything?
Unmmm... your secretiveness with your beliefs.

I’m not trying to argue or criticize Jewish beliefs. I just want to discuss them.
Get someone to invite you to next year's Seder. Then you'll find out.
Or you could just answer it now.

This is a perfect example of the evasiveness I was talking about.

You don't need to set the precedent of how things should be discussed. According to you.

And you should own your evasiveness.

Don’t evade it.

I got wise to you long ago. And therefore, tread warily.
Yes, I’m very dangerous.

I ask questions. :lol:

No you don't.
I love their evasiveness.

in what way are John and Charles evasive?

Ding should know. He has a black belt in the art of it.

I always answer questions about my beliefs

I’m not ashamed of my beliefs.

What's that got to do with anything?
Unmmm... your secretiveness with your beliefs.

I’m not trying to argue or criticize Jewish beliefs. I just want to discuss them.

What for?
Other that collecting IP addresses for Mossad to geolocate, what is the point of a thread trying to explain Judaism to non-Jews?

Judaism is complicated enough to discuss among other Jews. It's impossible to discuss with someone who has no shared frame of reference.

Now you are being silly.
Other that collecting IP addresses for Mossad to geolocate, what is the point of a thread trying to explain Judaism to non-Jews?

Judaism is complicated enough to discuss among other Jews. It's impossible to discuss with someone who has no shared frame of reference.

Now you are being silly.

He's absolutely correct.
Or you could just answer it now.

This is a perfect example of the evasiveness I was talking about.

You don't need to set the precedent of how things should be discussed. According to you.

And you should own your evasiveness.

Don’t evade it.

I got wise to you long ago. And therefore, tread warily.
Yes, I’m very dangerous.

I ask questions. :lol:

No you don't.
Sure I do.

Do you believe in the G-d of Abraham?

If so, do you believe the ancient accounts of G-d show him to be cruel or living?

See? Those were questions.
Other that collecting IP addresses for Mossad to geolocate, what is the point of a thread trying to explain Judaism to non-Jews?

Judaism is complicated enough to discuss among other Jews. It's impossible to discuss with someone who has no shared frame of reference.

Now you are being silly.

He's absolutely correct.
Actually he’s not. He’s rationalizing not trying.
You don't need to set the precedent of how things should be discussed. According to you.

And you should own your evasiveness.

Don’t evade it.

I got wise to you long ago. And therefore, tread warily.
Yes, I’m very dangerous.

I ask questions. :lol:

No you don't.
Sure I do.

Do you believe in the G-d of Abraham?

If so, do you believe the ancient accounts of G-d show him to be cruel or living?

See? Those were questions.

No they weren't.
Other that collecting IP addresses for Mossad to geolocate, what is the point of a thread trying to explain Judaism to non-Jews?

Judaism is complicated enough to discuss among other Jews. It's impossible to discuss with someone who has no shared frame of reference.

Now you are being silly.

He's absolutely correct.
Actually he’s not. He’s rationalizing not trying.

Actually he is.
in what way are John and Charles evasive?

Ding should know. He has a black belt in the art of it.

I always answer questions about my beliefs

I’m not ashamed of my beliefs.

What's that got to do with anything?
Unmmm... your secretiveness with your beliefs.

I’m not trying to argue or criticize Jewish beliefs. I just want to discuss them.

What for?
Curiosity, comparative analysis, search for common ground, fellowship, etc.
Ding should know. He has a black belt in the art of it.

I always answer questions about my beliefs

I’m not ashamed of my beliefs.

What's that got to do with anything?
Unmmm... your secretiveness with your beliefs.

I’m not trying to argue or criticize Jewish beliefs. I just want to discuss them.

What for?
Curiosity, comparative analysis, search for common ground, fellowship, etc.

If you're curious, ask the rabbi.

I always answer questions about my beliefs

I’m not ashamed of my beliefs.

What's that got to do with anything?
Unmmm... your secretiveness with your beliefs.

I’m not trying to argue or criticize Jewish beliefs. I just want to discuss them.

What for?
Curiosity, comparative analysis, search for common ground, fellowship, etc.

If you're curious, ask the rabbi.
Don’t know any.

Many people know very little about Judaism. This site will answer most any questions you have.
Not all Jews do things exactly the same. There are 3 main denominations:Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. Orthodox are the most dedicated of the 3. Reform are the most casual.

Jews are a tiny minority. There are only 13 million Jews worldwide, which represents only 0.2% of the population.
Are you Jewish?

Shall we discuss this here or face to face?

It’s a simple yes or no kind of question.

I mean I could just assume you are Jewish, right? But isn’t actually better if I ask instead.
I am

Many people know very little about Judaism. This site will answer most any questions you have.
Not all Jews do things exactly the same. There are 3 main denominations:Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. Orthodox are the most dedicated of the 3. Reform are the most casual.

Jews are a tiny minority. There are only 13 million Jews worldwide, which represents only 0.2% of the population.
I got this from your link.

What is Judaism? What does it mean to be a Jew? Most people, both Jewish and gentile, would instinctively say that Judaism is a religion. And yet, there are militant atheists who insist that they are Jews!

Are you a militant atheist Jew?

No. I am a Conservative Jew and believe very much in God.

Thanks for the site. but I am still fuzzy on whether Judaism is a religion or a philosophy.

13 Principles of Faith
The closest that anyone has ever come to creating a widely-accepted list of Jewish beliefs is Rambam's thirteen principles of faith. These principles, which Rambam thought were the minimum requirements of Jewish belief, are:

  1. G-d exists
  2. G-d is one and unique
  3. G-d is incorporeal
  4. G-d is eternal
  5. Prayer is to be directed to G-d alone and to no other
  6. The words of the prophets are true
  7. Moses' prophecies are true, and Moses was the greatest of the prophets
  8. The Written Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) and Oral Torah (teachings now contained in the Talmud and other writings) were given to Moses
  9. There will be no other Torah
  10. G-d knows the thoughts and deeds of men
  11. G-d will reward the good and punish the wicked
  12. The Messiah will come
  13. The dead will be resurrected
The first 10 don't really specify what is actually believed, and there seems to be wide disagreement about the last three. For example:

11. When, where and how does G-d administer reward and punishment?

12. Will the Messiah be a person, prophet and/or G-d Himself? What, exactly, will he do?

13. Will the dead be physically resurrected on Earth or transported to heaven? What will happen to nonbelievers? Where do they go?

I would appreciate any answers you can provide.

11. Now here, and in the world to come, by measurements of kindness and justice
12. Yes a ruler, yes, help people realize G-d is the only King
13. Yes, there won't be non-believers, knowledge of G-d will cover earth.

The only one (I know) who covered this subject in whole is Rambam (Maimonides),
though much of Jewish thought revolves around arguments between sages, there's no argument against Rambam's position - that we will know how and in what exact order, only when it happens.

Unlike religions, Judaism is focused much on this world,
rather than some idea of transcendental cloudy stuff after death.

Judaism is a religion, but it deals with the here and now, and not on heaven and salvation.
I suggest you read the link and then ask me any questions you still have.
I was more interested in hearing you talk about it first hand.

There’s a perception here, an inaccurate one I might add, that the G-d of Abraham is cruel. What’s your response to that?

whose perception is that? that of John and Charles Wesley?? we got
their followers here?
Right on cue.

amazing ----will they be posting ----I LOVE THEIR SERMONS
I love their evasiveness.

There is no law that requires anyone to answer your questions about anything. As a matter of fact, the 5th amendment to the United States Constitution gives every American the right to remain silent. Obviously, your education is sorely lacking.

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