Facts About Judaism

I suggest you read the link and then ask me any questions you still have.
I was more interested in hearing you talk about it first hand.

There’s a perception here, an inaccurate one I might add, that the G-d of Abraham is cruel. What’s your response to that?

None. That sort of philosophy is beyond my education. Ask a rabbi.
Well, what kind of things aren’t beyond your education?

Do you even believe that G-d exists?

Listen for a change. I gave you a link which describes Jews and their beliefs completely. If you are gonna refuse to even read it, I don't have time or patience for you. I will not be subject to an interrogation.
I did read it. I asked you a couple of questions from what I read.

Are you ashamed of your beliefs?

No. I don't like you and don't trust you. I don't want to discuss anything with you anymore. I will now ignore you.
Judaism is a religion, but it deals with the here and now, and not on heaven and salvation.
Yes. Do keep in mind that the majority of Christians (beginning with Catholics) do not dwell on heaven overly much. While many non-Catholic Christians use the word "saved", Catholics talk of being a redeemed people who live this life a certain way because this life extends into eternity for our spirits. We are now in the process of living our eternal life.

It has been those of the Jewish faith who have given me the best understanding of what Christians call the Old Testament, and for that I will be eternally grateful.
I was more interested in hearing you talk about it first hand.

There’s a perception here, an inaccurate one I might add, that the G-d of Abraham is cruel. What’s your response to that?

None. That sort of philosophy is beyond my education. Ask a rabbi.
Well, what kind of things aren’t beyond your education?

Do you even believe that G-d exists?

Listen for a change. I gave you a link which describes Jews and their beliefs completely. If you are gonna refuse to even read it, I don't have time or patience for you. I will not be subject to an interrogation.
I did read it. I asked you a couple of questions from what I read.

Are you ashamed of your beliefs?

No. I don't like you and don't trust you. I don't want to discuss anything with you anymore. I will now ignore you.

awww, Joey----be nice to DINGBAT, he is just trying to UNDERSTAND. He is very scholarly -----in a waspy-way
One of the flaws of religions of revelation is so called sacred texts which were written under the guise of God. And therefore, they must be completely accurate and truthful. But they were written by people based on their perceptions and contain some unreliable things (made up stories).

Let's remember the Plagues of Egypt. It is hard to imagine that these events underwent without notice of Egyptian historians of the time. But there is no mention of them in the literature.

What do the religious Jews feel about that? How is this explained?

to what literature do you allude? the daily cairo chronicle? the NILE TIMES?
It is lame. The history of Ancient Egypt has been expored quite well, the hierogliphs deciphered, established the history of various dynasties and so on. And it is strange that there havent been found any 'official documents' (please don't equate them with leaked emails, ok) about these significant events.

try again----the hieroglyphs of Egypt are found on tombs (aka pyramids) and
record the GLORIOUS lives of the GLORIOUS dead------not the miseries of the
country. The material available to actually figure out the details of the history of
Egypt-----are very scant. In fact, in the history of Egypt---various "kings" actually
expunged stuff they did not like-------including the entire history of the OTHER kings they hated. Your concept of a well detailed "OFFICIAL RECORD" is kinda
Your assertions are simplified, if not to say primitive. According to Jewish tradition, Moses lived at the times of New Kingdom of Egypt. This period is the most prominent in Ancient Egypt's history, with the most prominent pharaohs. It is the time when political might and culture reached their zenith. It was when a 'profession' of scribes emerged.
Tombs you say? Read something about papirus.

learn to spell-----PAPYRUS. The scribes were actually a POSSESSION OF THE KING (0k pharaoh). The schools that taught the chosen few to BE SCRIBES----were entirely under the ROYAL THUMB. They wrote for HIM and
that which he wanted written. They were not free agent Journalists or writers of satire.
When you find the comprehensive history of
Egypt by the dissident Egyptian writer for the
CAIRO ONION-----let me know. (you should learn something about actual real
Egyptian society---very controlled and caste like and MOSTLY ILLITERATE except for the
Yes, the scribes were a tiny percent of the population. And it may well be that they were under full control of the ruling class. But I highly doubt that such events as the Plagues were possible to hide. They would inevitably have remained in the memory of people. As oral tradition in the beginning, and later in a written form. And it is not only my opinion. So called scientific consensus admits that Moses as depicted in the Torah is a mythical figure.

You can believe in everything you want, and wait for the next issue of the Cairo Onion. There are people who still believe that the Earth is flat. So, you won't be alone in waiting.
Judaism is a religion, but it deals with the here and now, and not on heaven and salvation.
Yes. Do keep in mind that the majority of Christians (beginning with Catholics) do not dwell on heaven overly much. While many non-Catholic Christians use the word "saved", Catholics talk of being a redeemed people who live this life a certain way because this life extends into eternity for our spirits. We are now in the process of living our eternal life.

It has been those of the Jewish faith who have given me the best understanding of what Christians call the Old Testament, and for that I will be eternally grateful.

Most Christians don't read the Old Testament. They know very little about it.
Most Christians don't read the Old Testament. They know very little about it.
Catholics read through it every three years as we have two Old Testament readings (with the same themes as our New Testament readings) each Sunday. However, as the commentary/homily almost always centers on the New Testament we miss a lot of the wisdom contained in the Old Testament.
Judaism is a religion, but it deals with the here and now, and not on heaven and salvation.
Yes. Do keep in mind that the majority of Christians (beginning with Catholics) do not dwell on heaven overly much. While many non-Catholic Christians use the word "saved", Catholics talk of being a redeemed people who live this life a certain way because this life extends into eternity for our spirits. We are now in the process of living our eternal life.

It has been those of the Jewish faith who have given me the best understanding of what Christians call the Old Testament, and for that I will be eternally grateful.

Most Christians don't read the Old Testament. They know very little about it.

long ago---my baby moved from a jewish day school to a public high school----we is actually secular but my "LOCATION" seemed to have only very dangerous grammar schools with children armed with guns and razor blades.-----so he went from jewish day school to public high school. One of his observations "ma---the muslim kids think that history begins with muhummad and the Christian kids that history begins with Jesus and------that the "tanach" is something like a
comic book"
Isn’t Jesus king of the Jews.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

the romans invented that idea so that they could execute him for sedition
against Rome. At that time the Romans decided who should be king
So Jesus wasn't a Jew?

yes-----there were jews in Judea at that time whom the romans placed in various
positions. But Jesus was a Pharisee------the romans hated Pharisees and the feeling was mutual. They preferred Sadducees
There is no indication that Jesus was a pharisee. As a matter of fact there is no indication that Jesus belonged to any specific Jewish religious faction.
You have been lied to. Jews cannot be trusted.

Mama Von Blow is a good-looking woman, is she?
One of the flaws of religions of revelation is so called sacred texts which were written under the guise of God. And therefore, they must be completely accurate and truthful. But they were written by people based on their perceptions and contain some unreliable things (made up stories).

Let's remember the Plagues of Egypt. It is hard to imagine that these events underwent without notice of Egyptian historians of the time. But there is no mention of them in the literature.

What do the religious Jews feel about that? How is this explained?

The Thera eruption is my favourite pet theory.
I was more interested in hearing you talk about it first hand.

There’s a perception here, an inaccurate one I might add, that the G-d of Abraham is cruel. What’s your response to that?

None. That sort of philosophy is beyond my education. Ask a rabbi.
Well, what kind of things aren’t beyond your education?

Do you even believe that G-d exists?

Listen for a change. I gave you a link which describes Jews and their beliefs completely. If you are gonna refuse to even read it, I don't have time or patience for you. I will not be subject to an interrogation.
I did read it. I asked you a couple of questions from what I read.

Are you ashamed of your beliefs?

No. I don't like you and don't trust you. I don't want to discuss anything with you anymore. I will now ignore you.
Your call.
Judaism is a religion, but it deals with the here and now, and not on heaven and salvation.
Yes. Do keep in mind that the majority of Christians (beginning with Catholics) do not dwell on heaven overly much. While many non-Catholic Christians use the word "saved", Catholics talk of being a redeemed people who live this life a certain way because this life extends into eternity for our spirits. We are now in the process of living our eternal life.

It has been those of the Jewish faith who have given me the best understanding of what Christians call the Old Testament, and for that I will be eternally grateful.

Most Christians don't read the Old Testament. They know very little about it.
I’m guessing we know more than you.
None. That sort of philosophy is beyond my education. Ask a rabbi.
Well, what kind of things aren’t beyond your education?

Do you even believe that G-d exists?

Listen for a change. I gave you a link which describes Jews and their beliefs completely. If you are gonna refuse to even read it, I don't have time or patience for you. I will not be subject to an interrogation.
I did read it. I asked you a couple of questions from what I read.

Are you ashamed of your beliefs?

No. I don't like you and don't trust you. I don't want to discuss anything with you anymore. I will now ignore you.

awww, Joey----be nice to DINGBAT, he is just trying to UNDERSTAND. He is very scholarly -----in a waspy-way
Bless your heart.
I was more interested in hearing you talk about it first hand.

There’s a perception here, an inaccurate one I might add, that the G-d of Abraham is cruel. What’s your response to that?

whose perception is that? that of John and Charles Wesley?? we got
their followers here?
Right on cue.

amazing ----will they be posting ----I LOVE THEIR SERMONS
I love their evasiveness.

There is no law that requires anyone to answer your questions about anything. As a matter of fact, the 5th amendment to the United States Constitution gives every American the right to remain silent. Obviously, your education is sorely lacking.
The Amendments are restrictions which apply to the federal government, Joey.

Many people know very little about Judaism. This site will answer most any questions you have.
Not all Jews do things exactly the same. There are 3 main denominations:Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. Orthodox are the most dedicated of the 3. Reform are the most casual.

Jews are a tiny minority. There are only 13 million Jews worldwide, which represents only 0.2% of the population.
I got this from your link.

What is Judaism? What does it mean to be a Jew? Most people, both Jewish and gentile, would instinctively say that Judaism is a religion. And yet, there are militant atheists who insist that they are Jews!

Are you a militant atheist Jew?

No. I am a Conservative Jew and believe very much in God.
Me too.

I was being serious about wanting to understand your faith and beliefs.
One of the flaws of religions of revelation is so called sacred texts which were written under the guise of God. And therefore, they must be completely accurate and truthful. But they were written by people based on their perceptions and contain some unreliable things (made up stories).

Let's remember the Plagues of Egypt. It is hard to imagine that these events underwent without notice of Egyptian historians of the time. But there is no mention of them in the literature.

What do the religious Jews feel about that? How is this explained?

The Thera eruption is my favourite pet theory.
I think you understand that the earthquake couldn't cause the Plagues as they were depicted. It may well be though that this natural event and its consequences caused the creation of some myth about it afterwards. But in this case one should admit that the Plagues are only a myth which was influenced by a natural event and adopted to a certain ideological line.
One of the flaws of religions of revelation is so called sacred texts which were written under the guise of God. And therefore, they must be completely accurate and truthful. But they were written by people based on their perceptions and contain some unreliable things (made up stories).

Let's remember the Plagues of Egypt. It is hard to imagine that these events underwent without notice of Egyptian historians of the time. But there is no mention of them in the literature.

What do the religious Jews feel about that? How is this explained?

The Thera eruption is my favourite pet theory.
I think you understand that the earthquake couldn't cause the Plagues as they were depicted. It may well be though that this natural event and its consequences caused the creation of some myth about it afterwards. But in this case one should admit that the Plagues are only a myth which was influenced by a natural event and adopted to a certain ideological line.

you make no point-----in fact jewish scholars do sophistry just as well as do Christian scholars. -------HEAVEN MADE IT HAPPEN---IT WAS ORDAINED
You want to discuss the idiot myths that
One of the flaws of religions of revelation is so called sacred texts which were written under the guise of God. And therefore, they must be completely accurate and truthful. But they were written by people based on their perceptions and contain some unreliable things (made up stories).

Let's remember the Plagues of Egypt. It is hard to imagine that these events underwent without notice of Egyptian historians of the time. But there is no mention of them in the literature.

What do the religious Jews feel about that? How is this explained?

The Thera eruption is my favourite pet theory.
I think you understand that the earthquake couldn't cause the Plagues as they were depicted. It may well be though that this natural event and its consequences caused the creation of some myth about it afterwards. But in this case one should admit that the Plagues are only a myth which was influenced by a natural event and adopted to a certain ideological line.

you make no point-----in fact jewish scholars do sophistry just as well as do Christian scholars. -------HEAVEN MADE IT HAPPEN---IT WAS ORDAINED
You want to discuss the idiot myths that
There are certain things that were preordained so to speak. For instance, life was preordained. Intelligence was preordained. Both are written into the laws of nature.

Reason and logic were preordained.
One of the flaws of religions of revelation is so called sacred texts which were written under the guise of God. And therefore, they must be completely accurate and truthful. But they were written by people based on their perceptions and contain some unreliable things (made up stories).

Let's remember the Plagues of Egypt. It is hard to imagine that these events underwent without notice of Egyptian historians of the time. But there is no mention of them in the literature.

What do the religious Jews feel about that? How is this explained?

The Thera eruption is my favourite pet theory.
I think you understand that the earthquake couldn't cause the Plagues as they were depicted. It may well be though that this natural event and its consequences caused the creation of some myth about it afterwards. But in this case one should admit that the Plagues are only a myth which was influenced by a natural event and adopted to a certain ideological line.

you make no point-----in fact jewish scholars do sophistry just as well as do Christian scholars. -------HEAVEN MADE IT HAPPEN---IT WAS ORDAINED
You want to discuss the idiot myths that
There are certain things that were preordained so to speak. For instance, life was preordained. Intelligence was preordained. Both are written into the laws of nature.

Reason and logic were preordained.

so sad-------not all of the creation gets to share in the pre-ordained GLORY
Jews rule the world. They are everywhere. Even on Ketchup bottles. The Jews are the chosen people. Every mostly Jewish neighborhood in the US is safe and wealthy. You don’t see Jew on Jew crime. The flag of Israel has cool colors and they kill radical Islamists. Bow to the Jews you infidels.

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