Facts About The Ahmaud Arbery Case: Racism? Seems Not.

You're a liar.. The contractor said nothing had been taken from his jobsite. Those guys are retarded and racist.

I never lie, but I understand your use of the charge, as I have exposed your lies numerous times.

From 6:30 this trial attorney explains the law and the knowledge the defendants had.

I hope that hurts.
I never lie, but I understand your use of the charge, as I have exposed your lies numerous times.

From 6:30 this trial attorney explains the law and the knowledge the defendants had.

I hope that hurts.

You haven't exposed anything.. Where did you immigrate from?
No it doesn't.

You're simply lying.

"Georgia, along with other states principally in the South, expanded those laws to allow citizens to arrest someone they reasonably suspected of trying to escape from a felony."
Post the GA Law that supports that claim. I posted exactly what the law says and you are to much of a coward to admit you are wrong.
"Georgia, along with other states principally in the South, expanded those laws to allow citizens to arrest someone they reasonably suspected of trying to escape from a felony."

Yes. But you can’t say. “Stop. We want to talk to you.” “Stop or I’ll blow your fucking head off.”

You have to inform the arrestee that he or she is in fact under arrest.

Otherwise the stop we want to talk to you is a request which can without any legal problems can be refused. The second one. Stop or I’ll blow your fucking head off.” Is a threat. A threat coupled with the ability to carry it out. Say possession of a firearm, is aggravated assault in Georgia.

As is whipping out a firearm against an Unarmed man with the intention of scaring him into complying with your demands.

There was and is no provision under Georgia Law to hold someone at Gunpoint for the police.

In fact. Before the McMichaels ran all Lynch Mob on Arbery the Legislature was debating changing the Aggravated Assault law to permit someone to hold a criminal under Citizens Arrest at gunpoint.

The McMichaels were Punks. They thought tough meant carrying a gun. If you aren’t tough without the gun. You ain’t tough with it.

Travis testified that he thought he could scare Arbery into complying.

If Arbery had complied. And if the police had shown up. The McMichaels and Roddy would still be the only Felons there. They would still be going to prison even without the murder. And thanks to the lawyers decisions. They are almost certain to go to prison.
Yes. But you can’t say. “Stop. We want to talk to you.” “Stop or I’ll blow your fucking head off.”

You have to inform the arrestee that he or she is in fact under arrest.

Otherwise the stop we want to talk to you is a request which can without any legal problems can be refused. The second one. Stop or I’ll blow your fucking head off.” Is a threat. A threat coupled with the ability to carry it out. Say possession of a firearm, is aggravated assault in Georgia.

As is whipping out a firearm against an Unarmed man with the intention of scaring him into complying with your demands.

There was and is no provision under Georgia Law to hold someone at Gunpoint for the police.

In fact. Before the McMichaels ran all Lynch Mob on Arbery the Legislature was debating changing the Aggravated Assault law to permit someone to hold a criminal under Citizens Arrest at gunpoint.

The McMichaels were Punks. They thought tough meant carrying a gun. If you aren’t tough without the gun. You ain’t tough with it.

Travis testified that he thought he could scare Arbery into complying.

If Arbery had complied. And if the police had shown up. The McMichaels and Roddy would still be the only Felons there. They would still be going to prison even without the murder. And thanks to the lawyers decisions. They are almost certain to go to prison.

"Yes. But....."
Ok, a Black Man walks up to you and pulls a gun on you. He says stop or I’ll blow your fucking head off. Do you stop? Do you run? Do you scream for help? Why is he stopping you? What are his intentions?

OK....you were responsible for a series of felonies, burglaries, and there are five videos of you on the site of those thefts....and you know the police would like to question you.....

Take it from there.
OK....you were responsible for a series of felonies, burglaries, and there are five videos of you on the site of those thefts....and you know the police would like to question you.....

Take it from there.

But nothing was stolen. And Arbery was not a suspect in the handful of thefts in the neighborhood.

One example was the Defense hero. A guy who had a trailer stolen. But didn’t report it. How did Arbery steal a trailer while jogging? Nobody had seen him driving in the neighborhood. Nobody had seen him pulling a trailer. And if our defense Hero had reported it. Then maybe the police might have found the thriving redneck who had stolen it.

What could Arbery steal while wearing shorts and a t shirt? A handful of nails? A small screwdriver? At most misdemeanor petty theft. That is IF your assumption is correct and he was a thief.

The McMichaels had no Justification to set off in pursuit. None.

But I believe I know what happened. And this is using their statements and my knowledge of the type of person we are talking about.

Travis reported a gun stolen out of his truck. He decided that Arbery. The black guy jogging around had stolen it. It ate at him. It offended him. In his testimony he described two events where showing guns to Blacks had scared them. He viewed Blacks as you and others do. Criminals. Nothing but criminals. So of course Arbery was the thief.

It ate at him. And he knew if he could get the guy the cops could make him confess. Daddy told him about that. And he knew how scared Blacks were when you showed them a gun.

So finally opportunity and luck was with him. They saw the damned Black Criminal. They armed up. Everyone knows how dangerous Blacks are to poor defenseless White folks.

The insult of a Black Guy stealing from him was too much to endure. Travis couldn’t let it go.

So the two idiots set off. And began a crime spree of incredible proportions. And they knew they were in trouble. Greg activated the Good Old Boys network by calling Jackie Johnson to ask for help.

Now there we enter the political. Jackie wanted to help. And as the reports came in she realized it was a shit show and she wanted nothing to do with it. She had already gone way out on a limb to say they should not be arrested that weekend.

Now there is a procedure for recusing yourself. You call the Attorney General and tell him the problem. The Attorney General assigns the case to another DA. No problem. Conflict of interest is avoided.

Jackie didn’t. She handed the case of to a neighboring DA and informed the Attorney General. In doing so she made it seem like a simple self defense case. And the review was to check the proverbial block.

This DA sat on it for a while and then realized he didn’t want it either. He asked the Attorney General to give it to another and then wrote the famous memo saying it was self defense.

The hope was that the third DA would not look closely at it and just check the block. And honestly that might have happened.

Except Greg McMichaels decided to take matters into his own hands. He released the video to the press through an attorney. This showed everyone what happened.

This third DA realizing the shit had hit the fan asked for support from the GBI. The GBI showed up and started to read the files. They said it was a clear case of Murder. Here is the dirty little secret. Everyone knew it was. The cops said they wanted to arrest the McMichaels and were told no. At first Jackie Johnson denied this and swore she hadn’t talked to the police. A phone log was produced and showed she had called. Jackie shut the hell up. Finally.

The second DA said he had not studied the files and was going off of what Jackie had told him. This way he was lazy and incompetent. Not corrupt. He could claim his own cases were keeping him busy. That was why he didn’t study the files he had gotten. Overworked.

Every time there was a decision point. The McMichaels picked the wrong option. Seriously. They didn’t do anything right.

They decided to set off in pursuit while arming up. Bad choice. They tried to stop Arbery without saying the magic words that might give them some cover legally. Bad choice. They broke out the bang sticks and committed another Felony. Bad choice. Then the shooting.

Now. Somewhere in this nation is the worst lawyer in the country. He is so incompetent that he screws up personal injuries. That worst lawyer in the nation will tell you to say nothing to the cops. Wait and let a lawyer talk to them.

Greg and Travis along with Roddy decided to go with the other option. The good old boys network. Bad choice. It was a hot potato for the network and it was going to be tough. Probably too tough to bury easily.

But it seemed to be working. Sort of. And then Greg decided to release the video.

The thing about the Good Old Boys network is it will evaporate like fog in sunshine when it is in danger of being exposed.

And that is exactly what happened. Everyone who had been part of the don’t arrest them movement began waving their hands and saying it wasn’t their fault. Rodney Dangerfield didn’t look that uncomfortable doing his act.

At every single point where a choice had to be made. They picked the wrong one.

And this continued through the trial. The choice to put Travis on the stand was idiotic. The Prosecution clearly showed he went against the very training he claimed was the justification of his actions.

I mentioned the magic words. If you don’t say them. You are under arrest. Then you aren’t detaining to trying to legally. You are assaulting the person. You have to declare this in order for your actions to be legal. You have to inform the subject of the arrest what you are doing.

Every single choice they made was wrong.
But nothing was stolen. And Arbery was not a suspect in the handful of thefts in the neighborhood.

One example was the Defense hero. A guy who had a trailer stolen. But didn’t report it. How did Arbery steal a trailer while jogging? Nobody had seen him driving in the neighborhood. Nobody had seen him pulling a trailer. And if our defense Hero had reported it. Then maybe the police might have found the thriving redneck who had stolen it.

What could Arbery steal while wearing shorts and a t shirt? A handful of nails? A small screwdriver? At most misdemeanor petty theft. That is IF your assumption is correct and he was a thief.

The McMichaels had no Justification to set off in pursuit. None.

But I believe I know what happened. And this is using their statements and my knowledge of the type of person we are talking about.

Travis reported a gun stolen out of his truck. He decided that Arbery. The black guy jogging around had stolen it. It ate at him. It offended him. In his testimony he described two events where showing guns to Blacks had scared them. He viewed Blacks as you and others do. Criminals. Nothing but criminals. So of course Arbery was the thief.

It ate at him. And he knew if he could get the guy the cops could make him confess. Daddy told him about that. And he knew how scared Blacks were when you showed them a gun.

So finally opportunity and luck was with him. They saw the damned Black Criminal. They armed up. Everyone knows how dangerous Blacks are to poor defenseless White folks.

The insult of a Black Guy stealing from him was too much to endure. Travis couldn’t let it go.

So the two idiots set off. And began a crime spree of incredible proportions. And they knew they were in trouble. Greg activated the Good Old Boys network by calling Jackie Johnson to ask for help.

Now there we enter the political. Jackie wanted to help. And as the reports came in she realized it was a shit show and she wanted nothing to do with it. She had already gone way out on a limb to say they should not be arrested that weekend.

Now there is a procedure for recusing yourself. You call the Attorney General and tell him the problem. The Attorney General assigns the case to another DA. No problem. Conflict of interest is avoided.

Jackie didn’t. She handed the case of to a neighboring DA and informed the Attorney General. In doing so she made it seem like a simple self defense case. And the review was to check the proverbial block.

This DA sat on it for a while and then realized he didn’t want it either. He asked the Attorney General to give it to another and then wrote the famous memo saying it was self defense.

The hope was that the third DA would not look closely at it and just check the block. And honestly that might have happened.

Except Greg McMichaels decided to take matters into his own hands. He released the video to the press through an attorney. This showed everyone what happened.

This third DA realizing the shit had hit the fan asked for support from the GBI. The GBI showed up and started to read the files. They said it was a clear case of Murder. Here is the dirty little secret. Everyone knew it was. The cops said they wanted to arrest the McMichaels and were told no. At first Jackie Johnson denied this and swore she hadn’t talked to the police. A phone log was produced and showed she had called. Jackie shut the hell up. Finally.

The second DA said he had not studied the files and was going off of what Jackie had told him. This way he was lazy and incompetent. Not corrupt. He could claim his own cases were keeping him busy. That was why he didn’t study the files he had gotten. Overworked.

Every time there was a decision point. The McMichaels picked the wrong option. Seriously. They didn’t do anything right.

They decided to set off in pursuit while arming up. Bad choice. They tried to stop Arbery without saying the magic words that might give them some cover legally. Bad choice. They broke out the bang sticks and committed another Felony. Bad choice. Then the shooting.

Now. Somewhere in this nation is the worst lawyer in the country. He is so incompetent that he screws up personal injuries. That worst lawyer in the nation will tell you to say nothing to the cops. Wait and let a lawyer talk to them.

Greg and Travis along with Roddy decided to go with the other option. The good old boys network. Bad choice. It was a hot potato for the network and it was going to be tough. Probably too tough to bury easily.

But it seemed to be working. Sort of. And then Greg decided to release the video.

The thing about the Good Old Boys network is it will evaporate like fog in sunshine when it is in danger of being exposed.

And that is exactly what happened. Everyone who had been part of the don’t arrest them movement began waving their hands and saying it wasn’t their fault. Rodney Dangerfield didn’t look that uncomfortable doing his act.

At every single point where a choice had to be made. They picked the wrong one.

And this continued through the trial. The choice to put Travis on the stand was idiotic. The Prosecution clearly showed he went against the very training he claimed was the justification of his actions.

I mentioned the magic words. If you don’t say them. You are under arrest. Then you aren’t detaining to trying to legally. You are assaulting the person. You have to declare this in order for your actions to be legal. You have to inform the subject of the arrest what you are doing.

Every single choice they made was wrong.

"But nothing was stolen."


Appraise yourself of the facts before you post.

It will improve your image.
1. We've all pretty much been appraised of the facts of the Rittenhouse case....but this HLN attorney discusses facts of which very few knew of the Arbery Trial.....begins at 6:30 of the vid.

Before the Verdict: NYC Trial Attorney Misty Marris​

2. Based on the (biased) news reporting, this was an open and shut case of armed white racist vigilances chasing down an innocent black jogger....and shooting him.
Now it comes down to a question of whether a citizens arrest was legal in this case.
Evidence now appears to strengthen the view that Arbery was engaged in some sort of criminal acts.
The statute in Georgia requires a reasonable suspicion that a felony had been committed.

3. Testimony of Robert Rash, a Glynn County police officer, ...Arbery had been caught five times, on camera, at a house under construction, where material had been stolen.

There is body cam footage from the officer, talking with the defendants about what was known....that Arbery had been at the site of thefts five times, and told by the officer that the individual in the five vids had been trespassing "or maybe something more"....a possible felony.

4. There is body cam vid of Officer Rash in that house, at night, gun drawn......making clear that this is a serious crime.....police looking for the individual seen on the vids.....who ended up being identified as Arbery. This is a serious crime....burglary....and something the defendants knew when they intercepted Arbery.
The defendants were told 'if you see this guy, call the police'.....which seems to fit the Georgia statute for citizen's arrest.

5. In the vid one of the defendants states that he had seen Arbery before and believes he was armed....."a new narrative which supports the McMichael's side of the case...."
A game changer: now there are facts, information, testimony and body cam video.

6. To use the 'citizen's arrest law' the defense needs to show justification based on the preponderance of the evidence, the slightest bit over 50%......not 'beyond a reasonable doubt.'
If there was a reasonable suspicion that a crime had been committed, and they could use police body cam footage to show it was information that they knew at the time, then the 'Citizen's Arrest Law' is applicable....

7. "There have not been any racial sluts toward Arbery....they called him a joker and a rat...on body cam footage....."

Rather than race, the ubiquitous claim by the party of racism, why are so many of the Democrat's heroes felons, criminals, assaulters....?????

Even so why were inbred hicks putting the law into their own hands? AA wasn’t rioting. This is not as simple as the KR case IMO
Show us one video showing he committed a burglary. What felonies was he guilty of?

Show us one video showing he committed a burglary. What felonies was he guilty of?

Show us one video showing he committed a burglary. What felonies was he guilty of?

Superbadbrutha said:
If you don't "SEE" him how in the hell would you know he committed a crime?

Post #76
PoliticalChic said:
Why would they have to 'see' the crime?
"That is what the law states you need to see."

That's not true, is it.

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