Facts are Poll: 1.8 million Americans have turned down jobs due to unemployment benefits

My company cannot find well-paid truck drivers.

Of course, I work in the state with the country's most-generous unemployment benefits...

Truck drivers were hard to find before, during and after Covid. It has more to do with government interference and bureaucracies than it does unemployment. But I'm sure in this situation it adds fuel to the fire. I would be working myself if not for that, but the bureaucrats kept making it harder and harder for me to work until I could no longer comply with their new idiotic regulations. I had no choice but to give up, plus I was sick of fighting with them year after year anyway.

So now our government is taking safe and well experienced American drivers off the road and allowing foreigners to take those jobs instead. Foreigners don't need any education, no experience, and not even have to take our tests that American drivers have to take. Just show them how to start the truck and off they go on our highways next to you in your minivan with your family in it, and they don't even know how to read the Fn road signs yet alone drive.
Biden is still in the hole 7.5 million jobs compared to Trump. Borrowing money to pay people to sit home on their ass while the rest of us work and pay our own bills is idiotic.
Exactly right. There are reasons people don’t take these jobs. They are shitty low paying jobs.
Shitty jobs for shitty people

Bit now old joe is going to pay them to sit home and watch tv
Everywhere I go I see Help Wanted signs. Why in the hell are we paying unemployment when so many jobs are available? That is stupid, isn't it?
Everywhere I go I see Help Wanted signs. Why in the hell are we paying unemployment when so many jobs are available? That is stupid, isn't it?

Not if you want your citizens to be government dependent it isn't. The government gives you all of 2021 off. I'm voting for those people again!
Now add the income-restricted child tax credit that starts today to this mess and see how much longer people stay home. We are creating a dependency class that will not go away. Working Democrats are too naive to recognize what is happening and what the ultimate goal truly is.

Apparently you right wing fascists don't care about children. It proves abortion is a wedge issue and nothing more. Republicans don't give a damn about children.
Let em pay more and the workers will come. Any decent place to work has ZERO issues finding beyond great workers. The rest of the employers are subpar. I hope they struggle.
Exactly right. There are reasons people don’t take these jobs. They are shitty low paying jobs.

The trouble with many employers is that they don't respect their workers. They treat them like dogshit and many employees have had enough. What is so bad is that many people who work can't make ends meet so they qualify for welfare payments. In effect we are subsidizing businesses. Yet right wing fascists have no issue with this.
The trouble with many employers is that they don't respect their workers. They treat them like dogshit and many employees have had enough. What is so bad is that many people who work can't make ends meet so they qualify for welfare payments. In effect we are subsidizing businesses. Yet right wing fascists have no issue with this.

It's not up to the employer to make your labor worth more, it's up to you.

People want to do menial jobs and expect great pay. That was the 70s, and people better wake up and realize it's 50 years later.
Based on this poll:
View attachment 513036

This is what that costs the rest of us!
View attachment 513038
I think that is a vastly understated number too.... I think its more like 20 million. Here's the thing...while the government pays these idiots to stay home the illegal aliens are coming in like a swarm and filling up the empty job positions.... So when the Unemployment ends they won't even be able to find work. It almost appears to be by design.
I think that is a vastly understated number too.... I think its more like 20 million. Here's the thing...while the government pays these idiots to stay home the illegal aliens are coming in like a swarm and filling up the empty job positions.... So when the Unemployment ends they won't even be able to find work. It almost appears to be by design.

After the recession ended under DumBama, people continued to stay on unemployment even though there were jobs out there. I believe it was like two years with the extension. When they exhausted every last day of those two years and went to look for a job, employers wouldn't hire those people as they felt they were slackers that would take advantage of any given situation in order stay home.

Employers do not look for people that want a job, they look for people that want to work. I see the same thing happening this time around.
I think that is a vastly understated number too.... I think its more like 20 million. Here's the thing...while the government pays these idiots to stay home the illegal aliens are coming in like a swarm and filling up the empty job positions.... So when the Unemployment ends they won't even be able to find work. It almost appears to be by design.

After the recession ended under DumBama, people continued to stay on unemployment even though there were jobs out there. I believe it was like two years with the extension. When they exhausted every last day of those two years and went to look for a job, employers wouldn't hire those people as they felt they were slackers that would take advantage of any given situation in order stay home.

Employers do not look for people that want a job, they look for people that want to work. I see the same thing happening this time around.
No satire. If a business can't find workers they probably are a poorly run business that is best avoid d. No business is entitled to have workers.
Apparently you right wing fascists don't care about children. It proves abortion is a wedge issue and nothing more. Republicans don't give a damn about children.

Typical leftist. "You made a point I can't answer, so . . . YOU HATE CHILDREN!"

It's always hilarious watching the most disgusting and ignorant people in society - leftists - expecting their insults to matter. I'm sure we're all shaking in our boots at the thought that you might not approve of us. Oh noes!!!
The trouble with many employers is that they don't respect their workers. They treat them like dogshit and many employees have had enough. What is so bad is that many people who work can't make ends meet so they qualify for welfare payments. In effect we are subsidizing businesses. Yet right wing fascists have no issue with this.

The trouble with all leftists is that they think they're entitled to respect simply for generating body heat.

Here's a tip: if you don't think your employer respects you enough, go find another job. If you can't do that, then maybe your employer disrespects you for a good reason.
The trouble with all leftists is that they think they're entitled to respect simply for generating body heat.

Here's a tip: if you don't think your employer respects you enough, go find another job. If you can't do that, then maybe your employer disrespects you for a good reason.

Or one could start their own business if they don't like the way every other business treats them as an employee.
Yup. I'm guessing becoming an employer with whining slacker employees would be a hard reality check to certain leftists who shall remain nameless.

They all assume that business are sitting on a pile of cash and too cheap to pay the employees more money or provide more benefits. If that's what they believe, then they can open up their own business and pay employees great money, and see how long they last against their competitors.

Years ago when I bought my rental property, people asked me why I had a job? What? Well yes, it looks great when you start adding all the rents I get every month, not so great when you're writing out those checks to keep the place going. There is water and sewer that has to be paid, structure insurance, property taxes, mortgages, and that's before I fix one sink or buy one gallon of gasoline to do the lawns or to snowblow the parking lot and drive.

It all looks good when you're on the outside looking in and making assumptions. Now double the national minimum wage and see these places that are just holding on shutdown, because wages are only part of an employee expense. When you increase wages, other costs increase as well.

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