Facts: Wuhan genetic code and virus sequence

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Update. Update. Update.

Facts Matter!

We have an outdated system. It's obvious that we here in the USA, have some people using this for partisan political purposes. This should be mainly a scientific issue, dealing with GenBank and worldwide reporting systems. But realities being what they are, if we are to stay on top of future diseases that spread into a pandemic ...

In late December 2019, eight pages of genetic code were sent to computers at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md.


One of the submitters, Lili Ren, who worked at a pathogen institute within the state-affiliated Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in Beijing, did not respond to a request for comment.


Dr. Ren’s team worked to sequence the virus.

The swab containing the virus they analyzed was taken from the 65-year-old patient, a vendor at the large market where the illness was first seen spreading, on Dec. 24, 2019.

One of the submitters, Lili Ren, who worked at a pathogen institute within the state-affiliated Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in Beijing, did not respond to a request for comment. The Chinese embassy said China’s response was “science-based, effective and consistent with China’s national realities.”

There was an older thread relating to the facts:

That older thread also contained this important link:

China and our own medical leaders including Fauci are responsible for the Covid plague that leaked from the Wuhan Virology Lab. The worst part of it was it COULD have been contained in China but Xi Jinping allowed his citizens to spread it over the globe while Fauci launched a series of lies and cover-ups. It is inconsequential whether we received genetic code before the outbreak or not since the NIH and Fauci were obviously covering their own asses as well as China.

And now there is a NEW Covid virus the Chinese just cooked up that is MORE LETHAL than Covid-19.
January 2020 ... the virus is less than a month old ... Trump Officials contact Chinese Officials and the Chinese claim they have proof the virus doesn't spread human-to-human ... and there's nothing to be alarmed about ...

Cowards in Washington won't call China on their LIES ... that's our fault ... Trump and Biden are the same old bullshit ... only rhetoric differs ... policy is the same ...

STOP buying Chinese goods ...
Gain of Function mainly at Chapel Hill , north Carolina 2014 and spread by the US team at the Military Games in Wuhan in October 2019 .

Not the narrative that you Americans are given .
But you will find it hard to dent , let alone break .

It had to be done that way because of international law and I suggest that your criminal in chief was Fauci with his team, but who were guided by Obama -- your key traitor .

The lab leak into a market is just the cover story . Good False Flag planning and execution .
January 2020 ... the virus is less than a month old ... Trump Officials contact Chinese Officials and the Chinese claim they have proof the virus doesn't spread human-to-human ... and there's nothing to be alarmed about ...

Cowards in Washington won't call China on their LIES ... that's our fault ... Trump and Biden are the same old bullshit ... only rhetoric differs ... policy is the same ...

STOP buying Chinese goods ...
Its not as if that would have made any difference. At least, not here.
Its not as if that would have made any difference. At least, not here.

No .. it didn't ... Trump Officials didn't believe the Chinese ...

Most Chinese folks live with their animals ... chickens, ducks, guinea fowl all are housed right there in the family home ... cows, pigs, dogs, goats ... any ground suitable for growing rice is growing rice ... no room for barns or sties ... these are the places the flu and covid migrate form bird to human ...

Use Google Earth and zoom in ... see how these people live ...
But Trump sure did. He praised them publicly.

Yes ...

“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” --- Donald Trump --- January 24th, 2020 --- Twitter ...

There's a thousand people in prison right now helping this idiot stay President ... Trump is smarter than his supporters, that's for shore ...
We all know that a totalitarian Communist government, will not accept responsibility for allowing a deadly killer virus to escape, to infect the entire Earth. They have the global Communist party reputation to maintain.?!There are possibly more variations of this Covid-19 virus. There may be a Covid-20, or Covid-21 virus, just waiting to be released.? This virus may not have come from a farm animal.?
Who knows where it came from. No one , to this day, has identified the virus source.??!!
We all know that a totalitarian Communist government, will not accept responsibility for allowing a deadly killer virus to escape, to infect the entire Earth. They have the global Communist party reputation to maintain.?!
Um... how do they do that, if they kill themselves and all of their own people?

I don't think you thought this one through.
I've read the genome would take 1000 years to evolve naturally

so we can take bats off the table

especially given the next deadlier variation we're hearing about

the thing is our NIH is complicit , we've farmed out biological warfare


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