Covid-19 started in a wet market in Wuhan

^^^:04: he-he

So much for the rightwing wet dream - it was a wet market.

The Strongest Evidence Yet That an Animal Started the Pandemic
A new analysis of genetic samples from China appears to link the pandemic’s origin to raccoon dogs.

This week, an international team of virologists, genomicists, and evolutionary biologists may have finally found crucial data to help fill that knowledge gap. A new analysis of genetic sequences collected from the market shows that raccoon dogs being illegally sold at the venue could have been carrying and possibly shedding the virus at the end of 2019. It’s some of the strongest support yet, experts told me, that the pandemic began when SARS-CoV-2 hopped from animals into humans, rather than in an accident among scientists experimenting with viruses.

You will almost certainly be stone cold dead come 2025 or sooner, happy trails..... :banana:
I think the article is all about them now having more facts.

Well, I'm going to be it isn't. Let's see.

"A new analysis of genetic samples from China appears to link the pandemic’s origin to raccoon dogs."

So, there are some genetic samples sent from China to some scientists. How did they get ahold of these genetic samples?

"The genetic sequences were pulled out of swabs taken in and near market stalls around the pandemic’s start."

So, number one we have to accept that these swabs were genuinely from people who got the coronavirus at the beginning, and the Chinese government sent them without concern to Canada.

Why would the Chinese government send the legitimate swabs?

"Late last week, the data were quietly posted by researchers affiliated with the country’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention, on an open-access genomic database called GISAID. By almost pure happenstance, scientists in Europe, North America, and Australia spotted the sequences, downloaded them, and began an analysis."

So, if I can get this right, for three years China gave NO INFORMATION, they hide things, they blocked access to everything, then ALL OF A SUDDEN they post some data from these supposed swabs on an open-access database where scientists all over could look at them.

And no one has stopped to ask "why?"

"“Do I believe there were infected animals at the market? Yes, I do,” Andersen told me. "
And it's even possible, I would suppose, that animals at the market got infected by an outbreak at the Wuhan lab at the center of all of this.

I'm not saying it is so. I'm saying we simply don't know.

This article raises more questions than it answers (doesn't really answer any questions).
Two agencies suggested that it came from a lab. One of them was the Department of Energy. What is their expertise in virology?

At least two other agencies leaned toward the Wuhan wet market.

You're right about the rightwing wet dream, but it's more the radical right, the MAGA/QAnon cultists. You don't see John Thune or John Barrasso or John Cornyn making these claims.

Thing is, when people grow up BELIEVING rather than trying to figure things out, it comes naturally to them. They will BELIEVE whatever they want. Even when it's clear we don't have enough evidence for one way or the other.
Two agencies suggested that it came from a lab. One of them was the Department of Energy. What is their expertise in virology?

At least two other agencies leaned toward the Wuhan wet market.

You're right about the rightwing wet dream, but it's more the radical right, the MAGA/QAnon cultists. You don't see John Thune or John Barrasso or John Cornyn making these claims.
Yep, but the nut balls are like the old joke about wives, you can't live with them, but you can't kill'm, yet we are going to live with them for a while. The virus origin will never be settled, and most of us don't care about the conspiracy theories of it anymore. Most of us have had it, or been vaxxed or both, most healthy, and settling theories (some curiosity, some conspiracy) of origin (not possible) will not bring back the millions of dead around the world. My sections of fence blown down by the windstorm with 70 mph gusts is coming along well though.
Yep, but the nut balls are like the old joke about wives, you can't live with them, but you can't kill'm, yet we are going to live with them for a while. The virus origin will never be settled, and most of us don't care about the conspiracy theories of it anymore. Most of us have had it, or been vaxxed or both, most healthy, and settling theories (some curiosity, some conspiracy) of origin (not possible) will not bring back the millions of dead around the world. My sections of fence blown down by the windstorm with 70 mph gusts is coming along well though.
But you didn’t see the elephant orgy in the room.
Yep, but the nut balls are like the old joke about wives, you can't live with them, but you can't kill'm, yet we are going to live with them for a while. The virus origin will never be settled, and most of us don't care about the conspiracy theories of it anymore. Most of us have had it, or been vaxxed or both, most healthy, and settling theories (some curiosity, some conspiracy) of origin (not possible) will not bring back the millions of dead around the world. My sections of fence blown down by the windstorm with 70 mph gusts is coming along well though.
Why wouldn't you "care" about its origins??

Why wouldn't you "care" about its origins??

At this point, it just isn't important, especially since totally unprovable in the court of public opinion, so it becomes much ado about nothing as it does not lead to a remedy of the viral event or undo the damage and no damages will be paid, that have not been paid. Like I said, though. My fence is coming along nicely and I will complete before opening the pool. I did contractor project approval, and funding planning on the deck project, PJ has been pushing. My brother-n-law's (the Cheif) surgery went well, and the Col will be going to duty. The Jack Reacher novel I am reading is coming together as they always do. One of the granddaughter is making straight A's and the other is doing enough better, I'm not having to tutor Geometry anymore. I know the next thing to check on the power washer for it's start problem that developed since being put away for the winter, and the 5-month-old indoor Tom Kitty is much calmer, since we had his nuts cut out and not attacking my JVC SP-555s, so we may not have to hunt for a vet to remove his front claws. In other words, I have a life.
Lab leak is the most likely scenario. I mean, just THINK(if you can) about it.
Ground zero is a couple blocks away from a virology lab that has been manipulating corona viruses for years. It doesnt take a rocket scientist...
Apparently there are some soon to be unemployed CDC employees spreading disinformation.
CCP is getting what they paid for.

The democrats are actively covering for their lab leak.

Democrats still believe the spy balloon was a weather balloon because that's what Xi told them.

NWO shillbots and NPCs cover for China because their democrat masters are on the take.
So much for the rightwing wet dream - it was a wet market.

The Strongest Evidence Yet That an Animal Started the Pandemic
A new analysis of genetic samples from China appears to link the pandemic’s origin to raccoon dogs.

This week, an international team of virologists, genomicists, and evolutionary biologists may have finally found crucial data to help fill that knowledge gap. A new analysis of genetic sequences collected from the market shows that raccoon dogs being illegally sold at the venue could have been carrying and possibly shedding the virus at the end of 2019. It’s some of the strongest support yet, experts told me, that the pandemic began when SARS-CoV-2 hopped from animals into humans, rather than in an accident among scientists experimenting with viruses.


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