Failed by US Healthcare

Is there a Go Fund Me to help Tommy grow a brain?
Still not chipped in Sue ?

You know what's pathetic Tommy is you don't give a crap about this kid and haven't donated one red cent yourself. You only care about the issues your overlords have pounded into your thick skull: that through controlling all the healthcare of the nation they can take total control over the population. Not being satisfied that this has happened in your nation, you have to find people who are suffering over here to meddle with.

So really, spare me your false compassion. Your overlords have control over you--goody for you. They don't have control over us. Your totalitarian heart is just going to have to live with that Tommy, however difficult it is for you.
Yes, you can see that this kids family are enjoying their "freedom" right now. Having to beg in order to pay your bills really supports your dignity as an individual.

You still havent put a cent in babe. If you dont like the family do it for America !!! (And "freedom" natch)

Not your babe Tommy. Will never be your babe, mark it. That's for starters.

For enders, Go Fund Me is not begging. But drinking water in a hospital out of a vase---now there's some dignity
You are such a hypocrite. Cant you and the other muppets on here spare a dollar between you ?

Why don't you donate all your earnings first and show us how we should behave!
Click here to support Help Devin Walk & Conquer Surfer's Myelopathy organized by Jim Morris

The extended family has rallied around Devin and the fight for his recovery is in full swing. We set up this GoFundMe page as a communication platform to ensure we keep all of Devin's family and friends up-to-date on his status, progress and recovery. As you can imagine, the Gildners will incur significant medical bills, additional living expenses and extensive travel costs over the coming months and potentially years. Any donations towards Devin's recovery and his family's needs are greatly appreciated. If you are unable to donate, prayers and good vibes are just as important!

In the developed world this young man would just have to focus on getting well.


Put on a waiting list and hope the British Healthcare allow him to live...

It's not that bad.
Click here to support Help Devin Walk & Conquer Surfer's Myelopathy organized by Jim Morris

The extended family has rallied around Devin and the fight for his recovery is in full swing. We set up this GoFundMe page as a communication platform to ensure we keep all of Devin's family and friends up-to-date on his status, progress and recovery. As you can imagine, the Gildners will incur significant medical bills, additional living expenses and extensive travel costs over the coming months and potentially years. Any donations towards Devin's recovery and his family's needs are greatly appreciated. If you are unable to donate, prayers and good vibes are just as important!

In the developed world this young man would just have to focus on getting well.


Put on a waiting list and hope the British Healthcare allow him to live...

It's not that bad.

It is bad enough...
Tommy Tainant Where are you tainty? How about responding to YOUR sick twisted medical system that will allow an 8 year old child to die because they are so fucked up. C'mon tainty. Defend this shit!

Sick boy, aged 8, 'condemned to die' by NHS wrangling
An EIGHT-year-old boy who suffers from a rare fatal illness has been effectively condemned to death after being denied a new life-saving treatment offered for free.
Sick boy, aged 8, 'condemned to die' by NHS wrangling
This is what happens when conservatives manage healthcare. We need a socialist government to sort this out and protect us from tories.

The NHS ain't conservatives asshole. It is brainless, heartless bureaucracies determining who lives and who dies on a whim.

You fucking pissant.
Tommy Tainant Where are you tainty? How about responding to YOUR sick twisted medical system that will allow an 8 year old child to die because they are so fucked up. C'mon tainty. Defend this shit!

Sick boy, aged 8, 'condemned to die' by NHS wrangling
An EIGHT-year-old boy who suffers from a rare fatal illness has been effectively condemned to death after being denied a new life-saving treatment offered for free.

Hey, Westy, ever hear of Nataline Sarkisyan? She was a 17 year old girl who needed a liver transplant that was denied by Cigna because it was deemed "experimental". Unlike this kid, she had a chance at recovery.

Do you really think there is an insurance company that would pay out $600,000 on a kid who was going to die anyway?

Have more brains than you do.
If that asshole Obama hadn't screwed up health care by running up the cost of health insurance's co payments, deductibles and premiums with Obamacare a lot more people would have better coverage.

But he did and too many people are reaping the consequences of the stupid Moon Bats electing him to office.

Obamacare was a disaster that was sold with lies and the idiot Moon Bats should bitch about what they caused by electing the worst President in the history of the Republic.
None of that has anything to do with what I posted.

Um, yeah, it did. It's the tired old song of the dumb tools. "But if the Socialized medicine is so great, why do some rich people fly here to get treatment."

The answer is, THEY DON'T.

But lots of Americans who can't get insurance do go down to Mexico where they can pay for procedures out of pocket.

I think I know why you want a government job. Because you really don't want to work very hard but you want all the benefits.

I'd just be happy with an employer who didn't fuck me at every opportunity... You know, what we had until you shitheads got rid of the unions.

Then you picked a shitty Insurance co

I have been paying my own insurance since I was in my late 20's and have never once had any problems getting medical care

That's the point. I didn't pick it. My employer did. And I opted for the most expensive plan because I knew I was getting to the age where I'd have more medical issues than when I was in my 20's.

But Cigna pretty much fucked me over... because that's what big insurance does.
Facts in evidence say exactly the opposite. Lie all you like, but thinking people are on to your lies now.

I do enjoy the space I occupy in your head.... but the facts are the facts.

The British outperform us in every metric of health and wellness.

So let's go with some charts. Here's what both countries spend, as a percentage of GDP.


Here's what people think about their health care.


Here's charts on accessability.


Here's how the US compares on life expectency and infant mortality.

Click here to support Help Devin Walk & Conquer Surfer's Myelopathy organized by Jim Morris

The extended family has rallied around Devin and the fight for his recovery is in full swing. We set up this GoFundMe page as a communication platform to ensure we keep all of Devin's family and friends up-to-date on his status, progress and recovery. As you can imagine, the Gildners will incur significant medical bills, additional living expenses and extensive travel costs over the coming months and potentially years. Any donations towards Devin's recovery and his family's needs are greatly appreciated. If you are unable to donate, prayers and good vibes are just as important!

In the developed world this young man would just have to focus on getting well.

You guys must have some groovy cures for this stuff, eh?

Why don't you send him some?
None of that has anything to do with what I posted.

Um, yeah, it did. It's the tired old song of the dumb tools. "But if the Socialized medicine is so great, why do some rich people fly here to get treatment."

The answer is, THEY DON'T.

But lots of Americans who can't get insurance do go down to Mexico where they can pay for procedures out of pocket.

I think I know why you want a government job. Because you really don't want to work very hard but you want all the benefits.

I'd just be happy with an employer who didn't fuck me at every opportunity... You know, what we had until you shitheads got rid of the unions.

Then you picked a shitty Insurance co

I have been paying my own insurance since I was in my late 20's and have never once had any problems getting medical care

That's the point. I didn't pick it. My employer did. And I opted for the most expensive plan because I knew I was getting to the age where I'd have more medical issues than when I was in my 20's.

But Cigna pretty much fucked me over... because that's what big insurance does.

I can't be bothered with any of that.

You just don't get it.
Then you picked a shitty employer.

They're all shitty. The best companies I worked for were owned by foreigners...


I knew I was working for shitballs pretty early, but didn't want to change employers while I was undergoing medical treatment and have the next guy call it a "pre-existing condition".

Now, here's the thing. If we eliminated employer health insurance without doing single payer, the medical system would collapse in a few years. Young people wouldn't buy insurance and old folks couldn't afford it.
I can't be bothered with any of that.

You just don't get it.

I get it just fine... You believe a myth. The kernal of truth is that rich people from other countries will come here for treatments most Americans can't even dream of accessing. Being rich is actually kind of awesome.

But average Brits or Canadians are not flocking here. Instead, average Americans are flocking to Mexico to get treatment.
Then you picked a shitty employer.

They're all shitty. The best companies I worked for were owned by foreigners...


I don't know. Why do you?

It think it's because many people actually want to be slaves. That want to be owned.
Click here to support Help Devin Walk & Conquer Surfer's Myelopathy organized by Jim Morris

The extended family has rallied around Devin and the fight for his recovery is in full swing. We set up this GoFundMe page as a communication platform to ensure we keep all of Devin's family and friends up-to-date on his status, progress and recovery. As you can imagine, the Gildners will incur significant medical bills, additional living expenses and extensive travel costs over the coming months and potentially years. Any donations towards Devin's recovery and his family's needs are greatly appreciated. If you are unable to donate, prayers and good vibes are just as important!

In the developed world this young man would just have to focus on getting well.

Do you need me to start linking to all the failure of the NHS?

I don't think you do......
They're all shitty. The best companies I worked for were owned by foreigners...


I guess most of you are too incompetent to take care of yourselves
Do you need me to start linking to all the failure of the NHS?

I don't think you do......

You can cherry pick horror stories from either system. In the US, 96,000 Americans die every year due to medical mistakes.

But on the metrics...

The British spend less
Their people are happier with their system than we are with ours
They live longer
Less of their babies die
nobody goes bankrupt because they got sick and lost their jobs.
I can't be bothered with any of that.

You just don't get it.

I get it just fine... You believe a myth. The kernal of truth is that rich people from other countries will come here for treatments most Americans can't even dream of accessing. Being rich is actually kind of awesome.

But average Brits or Canadians are not flocking here. Instead, average Americans are flocking to Mexico to get treatment.

Where do you get the idea that average Brits are flocking to America for treatment? It's usually a last resort, to get treatment for a severe condition, not treatable in the UK.

Just not available. Do you get it? I thought I'd already made that clear.

And as it's not covered by the British health service, these people have to somehow raise the money for the costs themselves. That's how desperate they are. Particularly when it involves their children.

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