Failed by US Healthcare

You can get another job. Listen, a core plank of the liberal platform is this attempt to equate economic power with political power (because they want both). But the difference between the power a business has and the power of the government is profound. It's the difference between getting fired and getting thrown in prison.
Where, odds are, you'd at least get the healthcare you need. Stay, quit, or "get fired" - you're fucked without healthcare. Likely dead.

So, are you really saying you'd rather go to prison than get fired??

I suppose you are. This is really the argument in a nutshell.
You can get another job. Listen, a core plank of the liberal platform is this attempt to equate economic power with political power (because they want both). But the difference between the power a business has and the power of the government is profound. It's the difference between getting fired and getting thrown in prison.
Where, odds are, you'd at least get the healthcare you need. Stay, quit, or "get fired" - you're fucked without healthcare. Likely dead.

The Republican Healthcare Plan

Where is that wife-beating twat now?
I miss his moronic whining on the floor of the House.
You can get another job. Listen, a core plank of the liberal platform is this attempt to equate economic power with political power (because they want both). But the difference between the power a business has and the power of the government is profound. It's the difference between getting fired and getting thrown in prison.
Where, odds are, you'd at least get the healthcare you need. Stay, quit, or "get fired" - you're fucked without healthcare. Likely dead.

So, are you really saying you'd rather go to prison than get fired??

I suppose you are. This is really the argument in a nutshell.
Because you're nuts or lack a brain it seems. No, the point obviously was getting yourself fired doesn't help with your healthcare problem. Try to focus instead of dissembling.
You can get another job. Listen, a core plank of the liberal platform is this attempt to equate economic power with political power (because they want both). But the difference between the power a business has and the power of the government is profound. It's the difference between getting fired and getting thrown in prison.
Where, odds are, you'd at least get the healthcare you need. Stay, quit, or "get fired" - you're fucked without healthcare. Likely dead.

So, are you really saying you'd rather go to prison than get fired??

I suppose you are. This is really the argument in a nutshell.
Because you're nuts or lack a brain it seems. No, the point obviously was getting yourself fired doesn't help with your healthcare problem. Try to focus instead of dissembling.

I'm trying to explain the difference between state power and economic power. Why are you deflecting?
I'm trying to explain the difference between state power and economic power. Why are you deflecting?
Meanwhile, the topic remains "Failed by US Healthcare"

Right. And the entire thread is an argument for creating a state monopoly on health insurance.
As though we had a right to some minimal standard of healthcare like the rest of the developed world or something. Go figure.

Your defining "economic power" as "the power a business has" as opposed to "state power" is ridiculous anyway. It's hardly an either/or situation and conveniently neglects (distracts from) the billionaire class (the actual main culprits). Dissembling. The main purpose of politics wherever billionaires are left to their own devices.
I'm trying to explain the difference between state power and economic power. Why are you deflecting?
Meanwhile, the topic remains "Failed by US Healthcare"

Right. And the entire thread is an argument for creating a state monopoly on health insurance.
As though we had a right to some minimal standard of healthcare like the rest of the developed world or something. Go figure.

Your defining "economic power" as "the power a business has" as opposed to "state power" is ridiculous anyway. It's hardly an either/or situation and conveniently neglects (distracts from) the billionaire class (the actual main culprits). Dissembling. The main purpose of politics wherever billionaires are left to their own devices.

I'm not sure what you're going on about here. But I think going from a handful of dominant corporations, to one, is a mistake.

I suppose you're thinking that one insurance company, owned by the state, would be more attentive to consumer desires than a free market. But it's hard to see how. If anything, I suspect it would be much less responsive - especially when it comes to minority markets. Once they've appeased 51% of voters there's no need to go further, no need to cater to small demographics.
Well, no real need to guess there with so many 1st world countries serving as guinea pigs...
The giant pharmaceutical and health insurance lobbies have spent billions of dollars over the past decades to ensure that their profits come before the health of the American people. We must defeat them, together. That means:

  • Joining every other major country on Earth and guaranteeing health care to all people as a right, not a privilege, through a Medicare-for-all, single-payer program.
And to lower the prices of prescription drugs now, we need to:

  • Allow Medicare to negotiate with the big drug companies to lower prescription drug prices with the Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Act.
  • Allow patients, pharmacists, and wholesalers to buy low-cost prescription drugs from Canada and other industrialized countries with the Affordable and Safe Prescription Drug Importation Act.
  • Cut prescription drug prices in half, with the Prescription Drug Price Relief Act, by pegging prices to the median drug price in five major countries: Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Japan.
If anything, I suspect it would be much less responsive - especially when it comes to minority markets. Once they've appeased 51% of voters there's no need to go further, no need to cater to small demographics.
Really beginning too worry, huh?

Hence, this generation, which might be called Generation Z-Plus, is the first truly minority white generation, at 49.6 percent white, where 26 percent of its members are Hispanics, 13.6 percent African-Americans, and nearly 10 percent include Asians and persons of two or more races.
Click here to support Help Devin Walk & Conquer Surfer's Myelopathy organized by Jim Morris

The extended family has rallied around Devin and the fight for his recovery is in full swing. We set up this GoFundMe page as a communication platform to ensure we keep all of Devin's family and friends up-to-date on his status, progress and recovery. As you can imagine, the Gildners will incur significant medical bills, additional living expenses and extensive travel costs over the coming months and potentially years. Any donations towards Devin's recovery and his family's needs are greatly appreciated. If you are unable to donate, prayers and good vibes are just as important!

In the developed world this young man would just have to focus on getting well.

How many anti-American threads you gonna start or post on today?
When it comes to healthcare he has a point. We are increasingly regressive.
Hispanics are all black/non-white?
Math is hard. Harder if you're already an idiot.
Yes, you are clear evidence of that. Now address his point.
Ah, look at you. So cute, laughing at his "point" and all.. Okay, I'll hold your hands..
From the same source (Brookings):
First, for the first time since the Census Bureau has released these annual statistics, they show an absolute decline in the nation’s white non-Hispanic population—accelerating a phenomenon that was not projected to occur until the next decade.
Ah, see, they do exist! it's just that the Hispanic whites are apparently still breeding like the rest. It's just the non-Hispanic whites throwing in the towel. So funny, hahahaha!
If anything, I suspect it would be much less responsive - especially when it comes to minority markets. Once they've appeased 51% of voters there's no need to go further, no need to cater to small demographics.
Really beginning too worry, huh?

What are you getting at? Are you trying to make a point about something relevant?
Click here to support Help Devin Walk & Conquer Surfer's Myelopathy organized by Jim Morris

The extended family has rallied around Devin and the fight for his recovery is in full swing. We set up this GoFundMe page as a communication platform to ensure we keep all of Devin's family and friends up-to-date on his status, progress and recovery. As you can imagine, the Gildners will incur significant medical bills, additional living expenses and extensive travel costs over the coming months and potentially years. Any donations towards Devin's recovery and his family's needs are greatly appreciated. If you are unable to donate, prayers and good vibes are just as important!

In the developed world this young man would just have to focus on getting well.
How much did you give?

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