Failed by US Healthcare

You seemed worried about "minority markets" not being served.

Back to the Census:
The 1997 OMB standards permit the reporting of more than one race. An individual’s response to the race question is based upon self-identification.

An individual’s response to the race question is based upon self-identification. The Census Bureau does not tell individuals which boxes to mark or what heritage to write in. For the first time in Census 2000, individuals were presented with the option to self-identify with more than one race and this continued with the 2010 Census. People who identify with more than one race may choose to provide multiple races in response to the race question. For example, if a respondent identifies as "Asian" and "White," they may respond to the question on race by checking the appropriate boxes that describe their racial identities and/or writing in these identities on the spaces provided.
I wasn't referring to race,
Well, maybe you should try to be clearer.

Sorry. I was referring to minority voting blocks. If government takes over, the services available to any given demographic will depend on how much political influence they have. Niche markets at least have a chance in a free market. They are likely to be ignore entirely with a centralized state solution.
I wasn't referring to race,
Well, maybe you should try to be clearer.

Sorry. I was referring to minority voting blocks. If government takes over, the services available to any given demographic will depend on how much political influence they have. Niche markets at least have a chance in a free market. They are likely to be ignore entirely with a centralized state solution.
That's why it's called stuff like "Universal Healthcare", "Medicare For All", ... Because all have the same right and are to be served equally by the govt. That's the entire basis.
I wasn't referring to race,
Well, maybe you should try to be clearer.

Sorry. I was referring to minority voting blocks. If government takes over, the services available to any given demographic will depend on how much political influence they have. Niche markets at least have a chance in a free market. They are likely to be ignore entirely with a centralized state solution.
That's why it's called stuff like "Universal Healthcare", "Medicare For All", ... Because all have the same right and are to be served equally by the govt. That's the entire basis.

I have the same right to wait 6 months for treatment as the guy who needs a heart transplant.
I wasn't referring to race,
Well, maybe you should try to be clearer.

Sorry. I was referring to minority voting blocks. If government takes over, the services available to any given demographic will depend on how much political influence they have. Niche markets at least have a chance in a free market. They are likely to be ignore entirely with a centralized state solution.
That's why it's called stuff like "Universal Healthcare", "Medicare For All", ... Because all have the same right and are to be served equally by the govt. That's the entire basis.

We don't do equal rights in this country. Your "rights" depend on how much lobbying clout you can muster.
Lots of deflection on this thread.

Let me pose a question.

Shouldnt you have a system in place where you can be sick without needing charity ?
I'm sure it's you and not your employer that's the problem.

I realize personal attacks are all you have when you can't defend a bad system.

Work for yourself but then again you'd proibaby be a shitty boss so you'd wind up complaining about yourself

I do currently work for myself... that's not the point. The point is, when you get rid of unions and the government works for the rich and not working people, like it does now, it kind of sucks to be a working person.

When my boss at the company that changed my mind on politics screwed over my career, knowing that I couldn't change jobs when I had an operation coming up, he said, verbatim, "This is why I'm so glad I don't have to deal with a union!"

You see, here's the thing. If people voted their own economic interests, the Republicans would be gone, gone, gone. Deader than the Whigs and far more deserving.

What keeps STUPID people like you voting for them is they bring up all the God, Guns and Gays bullshit. With healthy dollups of racism.

Do have a memory problem?

I haven't voted for a republican in 20 years. I don't care if gay people get married or adopt kids, I don't really believe in God, and the only racist asshole I see in this thread is you.

And you chose to work for a shitty company and you're still whining about it how many years later?

Grow the fuck up and get over it
Click here to support Help Devin Walk & Conquer Surfer's Myelopathy organized by Jim Morris

The extended family has rallied around Devin and the fight for his recovery is in full swing. We set up this GoFundMe page as a communication platform to ensure we keep all of Devin's family and friends up-to-date on his status, progress and recovery. As you can imagine, the Gildners will incur significant medical bills, additional living expenses and extensive travel costs over the coming months and potentially years. Any donations towards Devin's recovery and his family's needs are greatly appreciated. If you are unable to donate, prayers and good vibes are just as important!

In the developed world this young man would just have to focus on getting well.
Thanks, Obama!
So you're a minority voting block. Who knew?

Are you talking to me? If so, WTF are you trying to say?
No, I was addressing the previous comment.

We don't do equal rights in this country. Your "rights" depend on how much lobbying clout you can muster.
That's the sad reality for the most part. Not the ideal. "Failed by US Healthcare" is the topic. I don't waste my time worrying about how best to tweak hopelessly broken systems from within. Let's replace it with something that we already know works, unlike Obamacare. Improved Medicare For All. We can take the best of what other countries have done and experienced and use those ideas to improve upon the best of what we've done and experienced (VA and Medicare).

Shouldnt you have a system in place where you can be sick without needing charity ?
Everyone can get sick here without needing charity. They just need to follow The Republican Healthcare Plan as outlined here by Alan Grayson previously. Or we could get serious..
That's just not true, Joe. I haven't bought a Microsoft product in years. I "voted" Bill Gates out of my life by simply not doing business with him.

Well, if you like to think so.. go ahead. (Psst. Psst. If you have an Apple, Bill still owns you!)

Really? How'd that go last time? If you're relying on an election to get your way, your "say" is approximately 1 in 100,000,000. If you make your own decisions, and aren't relying on government to make them for you, your vote is the only one that matters.

It went just fine... until the Russians stole it.

You can get another job. Listen, a core plank of the liberal platform is this attempt to equate economic power with political power (because they want both). But the difference between the power a business has and the power of the government is profound. It's the difference between getting fired and getting thrown in prison.

Here's the difference. Yes, we give government a LOT of power. It's called CIVILIZATION. The thing is, we have a whole lot of rules of under what circumstances the government can throw us in jail. Our criminal justice system has problems, but most of the people in jail did what got them in there.

On the other hand, in a world of "At Will" employment, you can have the rug pulled out from underneath you at any time. That company that screwed me over. Worked for them for six years. Put in long hours, made them a lot of money by putting in the extra effort. And the minute I got injured and started running up medical bills, they were looking for ways to screw me.

Single Payer... take the power away from them, give it back to US.

That works for me.

If they've taken your money and provided you with nothing, sue them. I mean, that's not really what we're talking about here, but if your complaint is that insurance companies are committing fraud, I'm right there with you. Lock 'em up.

Are you some kind of fucking retard? I'm just asking for a friend. The Insurance Industry spends BILLIONS lobbying congress.

This is what needs to change. We need to keep the rich from buying our democracy. We need to treat lobbying and contributions as what they are - BRIBES. Everyone involved goes to big boy jail.

My ideal world- Ed Hanaway is charged with murdering Nataline Sarkisyan... and he gets thrown in jail with an oversexed cellmate.

Dr. Trump will see you now.

Yeah, you know what, Trump sucks up for votes just like the rest of them. That's why he hasn't disbanded O-care as much as he rants about it. What does that tell you?
We don't thump bibles.

You should get out more.

Actually, you morons do. YOu keep voting against your own economic interests because some idiot says "Jesus" to you sincerely...

I'm not sure what you're going on about here. But I think going from a handful of dominant corporations, to one, is a mistake.

I suppose you're thinking that one insurance company, owned by the state, would be more attentive to consumer desires than a free market. But it's hard to see how. If anything, I suspect it would be much less responsive - especially when it comes to minority markets. Once they've appeased 51% of voters there's no need to go further, no need to cater to small demographics.

Again, rest of the world does it this way... they live longer, spend less and are happier with their systems.
We don't thump bibles.

You should get out more.

Actually, you morons do. YOu keep voting against your own economic interests because some idiot says "Jesus" to you sincerely...

I'm not sure what you're going on about here. But I think going from a handful of dominant corporations, to one, is a mistake.

I suppose you're thinking that one insurance company, owned by the state, would be more attentive to consumer desires than a free market. But it's hard to see how. If anything, I suspect it would be much less responsive - especially when it comes to minority markets. Once they've appeased 51% of voters there's no need to go further, no need to cater to small demographics.

Again, rest of the world does it this way... they live longer, spend less and are happier with their systems.

Who are you to say who's a moron?
Do have a memory problem?

I haven't voted for a republican in 20 years. I don't care if gay people get married or adopt kids, I don't really believe in God, and the only racist asshole I see in this thread is you.

And you chose to work for a shitty company and you're still whining about it how many years later?

Grow the fuck up and get over it

Hey, guy, given how bad the GOP fucks everything up, I see why you'd be embarrassed about supporting them, yet you shill for their positions here every day..

They're all shitty companies. If they weren't, they wouldn't have to pay us to be there. I'm fine with that.

What I'm not fine with... them having as much say in our well-being as they do.

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