Failures of Reaganomics

Reagan called Russia the evil empire. Now the United States is the evil empire and Russia is a Christian country
Both were evil empires (imperialism) and both were Christian, even under Reagan and the Communists.
History speaks for itself. Reagan was the best president of the 20th century, maybe beyond. And he's better than anyone we've had since, especially that muslim piece of shit we have now.

Reagan easily rivals Obama as a Muslim ass-kisser. He cozied up to the Taliban big time. With the support of Pakistan's military dictator, General Zia-ul-Haq, the U.S. began recruiting and training both mujahideen fighters from the 3 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan and large numbers of mercenaries from other Islamic countries. Estimates of how much money the U.S. government channeled to the Afghan rebels over the next decade vary, but most sources put the figure between $3 billion and $6 billion, or more. Whatever the exact amount, this was "the largest covert action program since World War II" - much bigger, for example, than Washington's intervention in Central America at the same time, which received considerably more publicity.

Seven Muslim 'Conspirators' Even Michele Bachmann Won't Call Out - Page 6 of 8 - The National Memo - President Ronald Reagan meets his Taliban friends in the White House.
The Taliban and al Qaeda were unknown quantities back then. To criticize Reagan for dealing with them is disingenuous. At the time, those groups were fighting who were then our enemies (our KNOWN enemies). Obama, on the other hand, has sent aid directly to our SWORN ENEMIES. Big difference.

Nobody in this forum has attacked Obama more mercilessly than me for his Muslim ass-kissing, if not downright jihadist policies (

But Reagan's Muslim connections were very bad too. I'm not buying it that "The Taliban and al Qaeda were unknown quantities"

The president of the United States has the responsibility to PROTECT the American people from harm, and to know what he's doing, and whether these raghead lunatics were fighting the Soviets or not, that does not make them friends of anybody in Western civilization, and the POTUS should have enough moxy to know that > at any time in our history.

You think the 1980s was to soon to know about Muslim gooneybirds ? Thomas Jefferson fought them in the Barbary Coast war after the the Treaty of Tripoli, negotiated by Jefferson's friend Joel Barlow, failed to satisfy the Muslim pirates leader, as was discovered by Jefferson and John Adams when they went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Secretary of State John Jay, and to the Congress:

"The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise."

Jefferson came to grips with Islam, and like thousands of other political leader for 1200 years before him, he found out the nature of Islam.. that these are uncivilized, deranged, barbaric savages, who follow their loon book to make war against everyone in the world other than them.

Reagan had plenty of advance notice on the reality of radical Muslims. He had Jefferson's example and that of other presidents as well. To be president of the US and handing over military arms of a major magnitude to these murderous dirtbags is inexcusable for any govt leader, of ANY country, since 622 AD.

That Reagan did just that, shows what a reckless fool he was, and this is part of his failure as a president.
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Reagan easily rivals Obama as a Muslim ass-kisser. He cozied up to the Taliban big time. With the support of Pakistan's military dictator, General Zia-ul-Haq, the U.S. began recruiting and training both mujahideen fighters from the 3 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan and large numbers of mercenaries from other Islamic countries. Estimates of how much money the U.S. government channeled to the Afghan rebels over the next decade vary, but most sources put the figure between $3 billion and $6 billion, or more. Whatever the exact amount, this was "the largest covert action program since World War II" - much bigger, for example, than Washington's intervention in Central America at the same time, which received considerably more publicity.

Seven Muslim 'Conspirators' Even Michele Bachmann Won't Call Out - Page 6 of 8 - The National Memo - President Ronald Reagan meets his Taliban friends in the White House.
The Taliban and al Qaeda were unknown quantities back then. To criticize Reagan for dealing with them is disingenuous. At the time, those groups were fighting who were then our enemies (our KNOWN enemies). Obama, on the other hand, has sent aid directly to our SWORN ENEMIES. Big difference.

Nobody in this forum has attacked Obama more mercilessly than me for his Muslim ass-kissing, if not downright jihadist policies (

But Reagan's Muslim connections were very bad too. I'm not buying it that "The Taliban and al Qaeda were unknown quantities"

The president of the United States has the responsibility to PROTECT the American people from harm, and to know what he's doing, and whether these raghead lunatics were fighting the Soviets or not, that does not make them friends of anybody in Western civilization, and the POTUS should have enough moxy to know that > at any time in our history.

You think the 1980s was to soon to know about Muslim gooneybirds ? Thomas Jefferson fought them in the Barbary Coast war after the the Treaty of Tripoli, negotiated by Jefferson's friend Joel Barlow, failed to satisfy the Muslim pirates leader, as was discovered by Jefferson and John Adams when they went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Secretary of State John Jay, and to the Congress:

"The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise."

Jefferson came to grips with Islam, and like thousands of other political leader for 1200 years before him, he found out the nature of Islam.. that these are uncivilized, deranged, barbaric savages, who follow their loon book to make war against everyone in the world other than them.

Reagan had plenty of advance notice on the reality of radical Muslims. He had Jefferson's example and that of other presidents as well. To be president of the US and handing over military arms of a major magnitude to these murderous dirtbags is inexcusable for any govt leader, of ANY country, since 622 AD.

That Reagan did just that, shows what a reckless fool he was, and this is part of his failure as a president.
"Failure"??? What planet are you living on?
The Taliban and al Qaeda were unknown quantities back then. To criticize Reagan for dealing with them is disingenuous. At the time, those groups were fighting who were then our enemies (our KNOWN enemies). Obama, on the other hand, has sent aid directly to our SWORN ENEMIES. Big difference.

Nobody in this forum has attacked Obama more mercilessly than me for his Muslim ass-kissing, if not downright jihadist policies (

But Reagan's Muslim connections were very bad too. I'm not buying it that "The Taliban and al Qaeda were unknown quantities"

The president of the United States has the responsibility to PROTECT the American people from harm, and to know what he's doing, and whether these raghead lunatics were fighting the Soviets or not, that does not make them friends of anybody in Western civilization, and the POTUS should have enough moxy to know that > at any time in our history.

You think the 1980s was to soon to know about Muslim gooneybirds ? Thomas Jefferson fought them in the Barbary Coast war after the the Treaty of Tripoli, negotiated by Jefferson's friend Joel Barlow, failed to satisfy the Muslim pirates leader, as was discovered by Jefferson and John Adams when they went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Secretary of State John Jay, and to the Congress:

"The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise."

Jefferson came to grips with Islam, and like thousands of other political leader for 1200 years before him, he found out the nature of Islam.. that these are uncivilized, deranged, barbaric savages, who follow their loon book to make war against everyone in the world other than them.

Reagan had plenty of advance notice on the reality of radical Muslims. He had Jefferson's example and that of other presidents as well. To be president of the US and handing over military arms of a major magnitude to these murderous dirtbags is inexcusable for any govt leader, of ANY country, since 622 AD.

That Reagan did just that, shows what a reckless fool he was, and this is part of his failure as a president.
"Failure"??? What planet are you living on?

The one in which I have explained to you the various ways that Reagan was a failure to the American people. It's all there, factually, and with all the US govt statistics (provided by the Reagan & Bush administrations) you need to confirm it.

If you choose to ignore the facts, and fall into denial, that's up to you. Not my problem.
Nobody in this forum has attacked Obama more mercilessly than me for his Muslim ass-kissing, if not downright jihadist policies (

But Reagan's Muslim connections were very bad too. I'm not buying it that "The Taliban and al Qaeda were unknown quantities"

The president of the United States has the responsibility to PROTECT the American people from harm, and to know what he's doing, and whether these raghead lunatics were fighting the Soviets or not, that does not make them friends of anybody in Western civilization, and the POTUS should have enough moxy to know that > at any time in our history.

You think the 1980s was to soon to know about Muslim gooneybirds ? Thomas Jefferson fought them in the Barbary Coast war after the the Treaty of Tripoli, negotiated by Jefferson's friend Joel Barlow, failed to satisfy the Muslim pirates leader, as was discovered by Jefferson and John Adams when they went to call on Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. They asked him by what right he extorted money and took slaves in this way. As Jefferson later reported to Secretary of State John Jay, and to the Congress:

"The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise."

Jefferson came to grips with Islam, and like thousands of other political leader for 1200 years before him, he found out the nature of Islam.. that these are uncivilized, deranged, barbaric savages, who follow their loon book to make war against everyone in the world other than them.

Reagan had plenty of advance notice on the reality of radical Muslims. He had Jefferson's example and that of other presidents as well. To be president of the US and handing over military arms of a major magnitude to these murderous dirtbags is inexcusable for any govt leader, of ANY country, since 622 AD.

That Reagan did just that, shows what a reckless fool he was, and this is part of his failure as a president.
"Failure"??? What planet are you living on?

The one in which I have explained to you the various ways that Reagan was a failure to the American people. It's all there, factually, and with all the US govt statistics (provided by the Reagan & Bush administrations) you need to confirm it.

If you choose to ignore the facts, and fall into denial, that's up to you. Not my problem.
I was ready to give you the benefit of the doubt and write off your idiocy as simply being misled by the left wing media but now I can see that you're just another moron who was never taught to think for himself. Enjoy your darkness.
"Failure"??? What planet are you living on?

The one in which I have explained to you the various ways that Reagan was a failure to the American people. It's all there, factually, and with all the US govt statistics (provided by the Reagan & Bush administrations) you need to confirm it.

If you choose to ignore the facts, and fall into denial, that's up to you. Not my problem.
I was ready to give you the benefit of the doubt and write off your idiocy as simply being misled by the left wing media but now I can see that you're just another moron who was never taught to think for himself. Enjoy your darkness.

What a coincidence! That's exactly what I was thinking about you. Well, read my posts (if you ever read them in the first place) and click the links, whenever you feel like removing head from sand.
The one in which I have explained to you the various ways that Reagan was a failure to the American people. It's all there, factually, and with all the US govt statistics (provided by the Reagan & Bush administrations) you need to confirm it.

If you choose to ignore the facts, and fall into denial, that's up to you. Not my problem.
I was ready to give you the benefit of the doubt and write off your idiocy as simply being misled by the left wing media but now I can see that you're just another moron who was never taught to think for himself. Enjoy your darkness.

What a coincidence! That's exactly what I was thinking about you. Well, read my posts (if you ever read them in the first place) and click the links, whenever you feel like removing head from sand.
You're a waste of time. Get back to me when you can think for yourself.
I was ready to give you the benefit of the doubt and write off your idiocy as simply being misled by the left wing media but now I can see that you're just another moron who was never taught to think for himself. Enjoy your darkness.

What a coincidence! That's exactly what I was thinking about you. Well, read my posts (if you ever read them in the first place) and click the links, whenever you feel like removing head from sand.
You're a waste of time. Get back to me when you can think for yourself.

What are you talking about ? What leads you to say I'm not thinking for myself ????
What a coincidence! That's exactly what I was thinking about you. Well, read my posts (if you ever read them in the first place) and click the links, whenever you feel like removing head from sand.
You're a waste of time. Get back to me when you can think for yourself.

What are you talking about ? What leads you to say I'm not thinking for myself ????
You're not unique. I know a parrot when I see one.
We need another "failure" like Reagan, otherwise the US will turn into the shit hole envisioned by Obama.

You know...............I was on active duty for the U.S. Navy during Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and Bush Jr. (aka Shrub).

I felt safer walking around places overseas when Clinton was in office. Under Reagan, those who didn't like the policies of Reagan were bombing USO's.
Those who praise Ronald Reagan as a good president rarely, if ever mention his numerous (and very serious) failures. Rarely do we hear from them any mention of immigration AMNESTY, Briggs Inititative, Iran-Contra, the Lebanon Marine barracks fiasco, or the worst job growth and GDP growths since 1950.

To boot, the combination of significant tax cuts and a massive increase in Cold War related defense spending 91981-1988) resulted in large budget deficits, an expansion in the U.S. trade deficit, as well as the stock market crash of 1987, while also contributing to the Savings and Loan crisis. The ultimate cost of the Savings and Loan crisis is estimated to have totaled around $150 billion, about $125 billion of which was consequently and directly subsidized by the U.S. government. John Kenneth Galbraith called it "the largest and costliest venture in public misfeasance, malfeasance and larceny of all time."

In order to cover new federal budget deficits, the United States borrowed heavily both domestically and abroad, raising the national debt from $997 billion to $2.85 trillion, and the United States moved from being the world's largest international creditor to the world's largest debtor nation. Reagan described the new debt as the "greatest disappointment" of his presidency.

Trickle-Down Economics: Four Reasons Why It Just Doesn't Work | United for a Fair Economy

FDIC: The S&L Crisis: A Chrono-Bibliography

John Kenneth Galbraith, The Culture of Contentment. (Houghton Mifflin, 1992).

Ronald Reagan: The Presidential Portfolio: History as Told through the Collection of the Ronald Reagan Library and Museum: Lou Cannon: 9781891620843: Books (see page 128)

No doubt about it. Trickle down economics is the biggest political lie ever told. 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut is all Bush has to show for. In fact, twice as many private jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8.

It's not like it was official or anything

[ame=]Bush admits America is facing a 2009 Great Depression - YouTube[/ame]
We need another "failure" like Reagan, otherwise the US will turn into the shit hole envisioned by Obama.

You know...............I was on active duty for the U.S. Navy during Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and Bush Jr. (aka Shrub).

I felt safer walking around places overseas when Clinton was in office. Under Reagan, those who didn't like the policies of Reagan were bombing USO's.

Foreign Policy is an awesome discussion.

The Left tends to do the exact same as the Right. But the Left tends to use CIA/undercover methods. The Right beat's it's chest and barges in guns blazing. Either way, same outcome, different approach.

Today, we see the Right attacking the Left's undercover approaches (Benghazi, the gun running station to Libya and Syria)

The entire world knows what Benghazi is but America is still in question. Imagine that.
Are you fucking retarded? Have you ever heard of Iran-Contra? Do you have even the slightest idea of what was involved in that?


That's okay, though, because he was white and didn't have a Muslim-sounding name, right?
We also sided with Stalin during WW2 against Hilter. It's called an enemy of my enemy...
Is Russia still our enemy? Or are they not? Crimea? Ukraine? As if Republicans care at all about those places (or can even locate them on a map).

If the enemy of my enemy is my friend (regardless of the fact that they hate us and want to kill us, too) then why aren't we still sending shoulder-fired missiles to the Mujaheddin? We could use them to fight the Russians again. After all, the Muj are enemies of Russia.

But from the way it sounds from asshole Republicans on this forum, Republicans seem to want Russia to win just to prove how weak of a tyrant Obama really is.

Which is it? Is Russia an ally or a competitor? If Russia is not an ally then should the US follow Reagan's holy example and send weapons and funding to Muslim terrorists?
Which decade are you living in? Attacking Republicans doesn't make Obama more effective as a leader. He a community organizer, not a leader. He has no clue what to do if people don't submit to his rhetoric, that's not the way it's supposed to work.
We need another "failure" like Reagan, otherwise the US will turn into the shit hole envisioned by Obama.

You know...............I was on active duty for the U.S. Navy during Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and Bush Jr. (aka Shrub).

I felt safer walking around places overseas when Clinton was in office. Under Reagan, those who didn't like the policies of Reagan were bombing USO's.
It's a good thing you weren't on the USS Cole. Your myopic world view would have been shattered.
We need another "failure" like Reagan, otherwise the US will turn into the shit hole envisioned by Obama.

You know...............I was on active duty for the U.S. Navy during Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and Bush Jr. (aka Shrub).

I felt safer walking around places overseas when Clinton was in office. Under Reagan, those who didn't like the policies of Reagan were bombing USO's.
If you were that much of a coward and thought that US foreign policy should be dictated by keeping the US armed forces overseas safe, you should have probably never enlisted. You were not sent abroad to be kept out of harms way. You could have just as easily been a failure at home.
If you were that much of a coward and thought that US foreign policy should be dictated by keeping the US armed forces overseas safe, you should have probably never enlisted. You were not sent abroad to be kept out of harms way. You could have just as easily been a failure at home.
For some the military was/is a career and economic security. If you've been in, you know the type.

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