Failures of Reaganomics

The middle class kept getting poorer through the Reagan Admin and all that have followed.

Oh the Median Family incomes might have continued to rise but their purchasing power fell and continues to fall every year.
You need to step away from the computer and take a drive around and see how other people live. Then get back to us and tell us how much less the middle class has. They are taking a hit now but Reagan isn't in office anymore.
History speaks for itself. Reagan was the best president of the 20th century, maybe beyond. And he's better than anyone we've had since, especially that muslim piece of shit we have now.

You must have been totally asleep during the Ronnie/Nancy era.
You must have been dead during that time. 20 million jobs were created while the Soviet Union was collapsing. What do we have now? 5 years of $4/gallon gas, stagflation, big brother watching our every move, a revitalized Russia invading neighbors, Iran building a nuke with Obama's blessing, sending money to al Qaeda, giving weapons to Mexican drug lords, IRS targeting Obama's political opponents, should I go on?
The Obama Regime is destroying the American Dollar by inflation.
Been to the supermarket lately?

Actually, the reason that prices at the supermarket have increased is because of the drought that has not only affected crops, but cattle as well.

Try again..................
History speaks for itself. Reagan was the best president of the 20th century, maybe beyond. And he's better than anyone we've had since, especially that muslim piece of shit we have now.

You must have been totally asleep during the Ronnie/Nancy era.
You must have been dead during that time. 20 million jobs were created while the Soviet Union was collapsing. What do we have now? 5 years of $4/gallon gas, stagflation, big brother watching our every move, a revitalized Russia invading neighbors, Iran building a nuke with Obama's blessing, sending money to al Qaeda, giving weapons to Mexican drug lords, IRS targeting Obama's political opponents, should I go on?
Are you fucking retarded? Have you ever heard of Iran-Contra? Do you have even the slightest idea of what was involved in that?


That's okay, though, because he was white and didn't have a Muslim-sounding name, right?
Are you fucking retarded? Have you ever heard of Iran-Contra? Do you have even the slightest idea of what was involved in that?


That's okay, though, because he was white and didn't have a Muslim-sounding name, right?
We also sided with Stalin during WW2 against Hilter. It's called an enemy of my enemy...
Are you fucking retarded? Have you ever heard of Iran-Contra? Do you have even the slightest idea of what was involved in that?


That's okay, though, because he was white and didn't have a Muslim-sounding name, right?
We also sided with Stalin during WW2 against Hilter. It's called an enemy of my enemy...
Is Russia still our enemy? Or are they not? Crimea? Ukraine? As if Republicans care at all about those places (or can even locate them on a map).

If the enemy of my enemy is my friend (regardless of the fact that they hate us and want to kill us, too) then why aren't we still sending shoulder-fired missiles to the Mujaheddin? We could use them to fight the Russians again. After all, the Muj are enemies of Russia.

But from the way it sounds from asshole Republicans on this forum, Republicans seem to want Russia to win just to prove how weak of a tyrant Obama really is.

Which is it? Is Russia an ally or a competitor? If Russia is not an ally then should the US follow Reagan's holy example and send weapons and funding to Muslim terrorists?
The Obama Regime is destroying the American Dollar by inflation.
Been to the supermarket lately?

Actually, the reason that prices at the supermarket have increased is because of the drought that has not only affected crops, but cattle as well.

Try again..................

I can't dispute this....but some supporting documentation would be nice.
The Obama Regime is destroying the American Dollar by inflation.
Been to the supermarket lately?

Actually, the reason that prices at the supermarket have increased is because of the drought that has not only affected crops, but cattle as well.

Try again..................

I can't dispute this....but some supporting documentation would be nice.

Just Google "u.s. drought" and see that California and much of the Midwest is currently in a drought.

Those are the places where we grow the majority of our crops.

Additionally, ranchers up here in Amarillo had to sell off lots of their herds last year because there wasn't enough water to keep the cows alive.
Those who praise Ronald Reagan as a good president rarely, if ever mention his numerous (and very serious) failures. Rarely do we hear from them any mention of immigration AMNESTY, Briggs Inititative, Iran-Contra, the Lebanon Marine barracks fiasco, or the worst job growth and GDP growths since 1950.

To boot, the combination of significant tax cuts and a massive increase in Cold War related defense spending 91981-1988) resulted in large budget deficits, an expansion in the U.S. trade deficit, as well as the stock market crash of 1987, while also contributing to the Savings and Loan crisis. The ultimate cost of the Savings and Loan crisis is estimated to have totaled around $150 billion, about $125 billion of which was consequently and directly subsidized by the U.S. government. John Kenneth Galbraith called it "the largest and costliest venture in public misfeasance, malfeasance and larceny of all time."

In order to cover new federal budget deficits, the United States borrowed heavily both domestically and abroad, raising the national debt from $997 billion to $2.85 trillion, and the United States moved from being the world's largest international creditor to the world's largest debtor nation. Reagan described the new debt as the "greatest disappointment" of his presidency.

Trickle-Down Economics: Four Reasons Why It Just Doesn't Work | United for a Fair Economy

FDIC: The S&L Crisis: A Chrono-Bibliography

John Kenneth Galbraith, The Culture of Contentment. (Houghton Mifflin, 1992).

Ronald Reagan: The Presidential Portfolio: History as Told through the Collection of the Ronald Reagan Library and Museum: Lou Cannon: 9781891620843: Books (see page 128)

Reaganomics, a Success Story | The Brussels Journal

Our non-Belgian readers may be surprised that that the Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt recently spoke out in favor of Reaganomics in an interview with Flemish weekly Humo. He underlined some of the concepts introduced by Reaganomics, which are taken for granted today.

When I think of Reagan, I'm thinking of Reaganomics and the Laffer curve. (Enthusiastically:) Do you remember: a tax cut could create more revenues! Reagan is dead now, but several of his ideas are now self-evident. The Flemish government lowered the estate and gift taxes. Surprisingly, the government got more income.

Few Belgians have analyzed Reaganomics in such an exhaustive way as the retired financial consultant Willy De Wit from Antwerp. Today, he is a member of the Flemish independent think thank WorkForAll. Recently, he gave a lecture for “FACS” (Free Association for Civilization Studies), a Flemish libertarian think tank lead by Martin De Vlieghere. Loaded with facts and figures, De Wit proved that Reaganomics did deliver results and was a success story.

As well as politically, economically, Reagan's low tax policy set the US up for the worst job growth and GDP growths since 1950, while running up a huge unprecedented debt. The facts of history are the proof in the pudding.
History speaks for itself. Reagan was the best president of the 20th century, maybe beyond. And he's better than anyone we've had since, especially that muslim piece of shit we have now.

Reagan easily rivals Obama as a Muslim ass-kisser. He cozied up to the Taliban big time. With the support of Pakistan's military dictator, General Zia-ul-Haq, the U.S. began recruiting and training both mujahideen fighters from the 3 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan and large numbers of mercenaries from other Islamic countries. Estimates of how much money the U.S. government channeled to the Afghan rebels over the next decade vary, but most sources put the figure between $3 billion and $6 billion, or more. Whatever the exact amount, this was "the largest covert action program since World War II" - much bigger, for example, than Washington's intervention in Central America at the same time, which received considerably more publicity.

Seven Muslim 'Conspirators' Even Michele Bachmann Won't Call Out - Page 6 of 8 - The National Memo - President Ronald Reagan meets his Taliban friends in the White House.
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You must have been totally asleep during the Ronnie/Nancy era.
You must have been dead during that time. 20 million jobs were created while the Soviet Union was collapsing. What do we have now? 5 years of $4/gallon gas, stagflation, big brother watching our every move, a revitalized Russia invading neighbors, Iran building a nuke with Obama's blessing, sending money to al Qaeda, giving weapons to Mexican drug lords, IRS targeting Obama's political opponents, should I go on?
Are you fucking retarded? Have you ever heard of Iran-Contra? Do you have even the slightest idea of what was involved in that?


That's okay, though, because he was white and didn't have a Muslim-sounding name, right?
Well, if you HAD any credibility before, you just blew it on that ridiculous post. Any more of your black talking points you want to spew so the rest of us can laugh at your ignorance of history?
History speaks for itself. Reagan was the best president of the 20th century, maybe beyond. And he's better than anyone we've had since, especially that muslim piece of shit we have now.

Reagan easily rivals Obama as a Muslim ass-kisser. He cozied up to the Taliban big time. With the support of Pakistan's military dictator, General Zia-ul-Haq, the U.S. began recruiting and training both mujahideen fighters from the 3 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan and large numbers of mercenaries from other Islamic countries. Estimates of how much money the U.S. government channeled to the Afghan rebels over the next decade vary, but most sources put the figure between $3 billion and $6 billion, or more. Whatever the exact amount, this was "the largest covert action program since World War II" - much bigger, for example, than Washington's intervention in Central America at the same time, which received considerably more publicity.

Seven Muslim 'Conspirators' Even Michele Bachmann Won't Call Out - Page 6 of 8 - The National Memo - President Ronald Reagan meets his Taliban friends in the White House.
The Left hates Reagan because he called them an Evil Empire, vowed to challenge and defeat them and caused the breakup of the USSR.

He freed hundreds of millions of people from the crushing oppression of Soviet Communism

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

The cause of the Soviet break up had more to do with it than just Reagan, by doing this you undermine the hard work many people died for in the 40 years of Soviet tyranny and the churches role in helping to throw off Soviet rule...In the Soviet Union itself the system collapsed upon itself because the West was able to out produce and outsmart the Soviets. Reagan did nothing compared to Gorbachev and his reforms....

What I dislike is how Reagan and Bush pushed for most favored nation position for China so we could open markets there. Even though 50 million Chinese lost their life to the communist during Mao's reign..

Look at the situation today, Russia is a small fraction of what the USSR was and thanks to our feckless leadership, they are causing trouble and using military might to take back what they lost thanks to Reagan.

Strong leader in the USA and the Soviet Leader reformed itself into nonexistence

Feckless leader in the USA and the Russia is reforging its old Empire

Reagan was the difference

FALSE! Reagan had little or nothing to do with the demise of the Soviet Union. It died out from decades of overspending on military ans space. Reagan just conveniently happened to be around when it happened, and his followers heaped the praise on him, and you fall for it.
Reaganomics has been dead and proven wrongheaded over and over. Trickle down not only doesn't work but the greed factor alone gave new meaning to the rich just keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer.

The land of opportunity died with Reaganomics.
There was a lot more opportunity with Reaganomics. Socialism leads people to poverty, which has been proven time and time again in place as diverse as Greece and China.

Until recently, the US had been fortunate to avoid that kind of stupidity.

I don't know what you define as "socialism", but when the 28-31% top bracket tax of Reagan/Bush was around, the US had its worst job growth & GDP growth years since 1950. Conversely, when the "Socialistic high tax period of 75-80% tax was in force, job growth & GDP growth scored the top marks.
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History speaks for itself. Reagan was the best president of the 20th century, maybe beyond. And he's better than anyone we've had since, especially that muslim piece of shit we have now.

Reagan easily rivals Obama as a Muslim ass-kisser. He cozied up to the Taliban big time. With the support of Pakistan's military dictator, General Zia-ul-Haq, the U.S. began recruiting and training both mujahideen fighters from the 3 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan and large numbers of mercenaries from other Islamic countries. Estimates of how much money the U.S. government channeled to the Afghan rebels over the next decade vary, but most sources put the figure between $3 billion and $6 billion, or more. Whatever the exact amount, this was "the largest covert action program since World War II" - much bigger, for example, than Washington's intervention in Central America at the same time, which received considerably more publicity.

Seven Muslim 'Conspirators' Even Michele Bachmann Won't Call Out - Page 6 of 8 - The National Memo - President Ronald Reagan meets his Taliban friends in the White House.
The Taliban and al Qaeda were unknown quantities back then. To criticize Reagan for dealing with them is disingenuous. At the time, those groups were fighting who were then our enemies (our KNOWN enemies). Obama, on the other hand, has sent aid directly to our SWORN ENEMIES. Big difference.
The cause of the Soviet break up had more to do with it than just Reagan, by doing this you undermine the hard work many people died for in the 40 years of Soviet tyranny and the churches role in helping to throw off Soviet rule...In the Soviet Union itself the system collapsed upon itself because the West was able to out produce and outsmart the Soviets. Reagan did nothing compared to Gorbachev and his reforms....

What I dislike is how Reagan and Bush pushed for most favored nation position for China so we could open markets there. Even though 50 million Chinese lost their life to the communist during Mao's reign..

Look at the situation today, Russia is a small fraction of what the USSR was and thanks to our feckless leadership, they are causing trouble and using military might to take back what they lost thanks to Reagan.

Strong leader in the USA and the Soviet Leader reformed itself into nonexistence

Feckless leader in the USA and the Russia is reforging its old Empire

Reagan was the difference

FALSE! Reagan had little or nothing to do with the demise of the Soviet Union. It died out from decades of overspending on military ans space. Reagan just conveniently happened to be around when it happened, and his followers heaped the praise on him, and you fall for it.
WRONG! You need to learn how to give credit when credit is due. The Soviet Empire didn't fall, it was pushed.
Sound economic policies require time to take effect, there is no such thing as a magic pill that fixes the economy instatntaneously - I believe that Obamanomics have proven that - they are an obamanation.

Reagonomics took time to have its effects felt , Reagan Policies are responsible for the unprecedented prosperity sustained through much of the 80s - the administration of George the First and Slick WIlly the Cigar Peddler benefited from Reagonomics as neither President had much of an inkling as to what they were doing , in particlar the Cigar Man. At least George the First had many of Reagans People to guide him.

Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev are the reason there is no longer a Soviet Union, and the Eastern Bloc nations are now free, East Germans can enjoy the prosperity of their West German countrymen etc ... - Reagans Briiliant strategic Cold War tactics, bankrupted their military establishment.

Here's what Reaganomics did for "George the First" >>

As for Reagan bankrupting the Soviet military establishment ? Nah. I think it just happened out that way. The overspending the Soviets did on military, harkens back through 6 other presidents before Reagan, and it included the space program as well as the military.
Look at the situation today, Russia is a small fraction of what the USSR was and thanks to our feckless leadership, they are causing trouble and using military might to take back what they lost thanks to Reagan.

Strong leader in the USA and the Soviet Leader reformed itself into nonexistence

Feckless leader in the USA and the Russia is reforging its old Empire

Reagan was the difference

FALSE! Reagan had little or nothing to do with the demise of the Soviet Union. It died out from decades of overspending on military ans space. Reagan just conveniently happened to be around when it happened, and his followers heaped the praise on him, and you fall for it.
WRONG! You need to learn how to give credit when credit is due. The Soviet Empire didn't fall, it was pushed.

Refuted in the very next post >> # 77.
There were no Failures of Reaganomics

Did exactly what was expected: rich got richer, poor got poorer
Sound economic policies require time to take effect, there is no such thing as a magic pill that fixes the economy instatntaneously - I believe that Obamanomics have proven that - they are an obamanation.

Reagonomics took time to have its effects felt , Reagan Policies are responsible for the unprecedented prosperity sustained through much of the 80s - the administration of George the First and Slick WIlly the Cigar Peddler benefited from Reagonomics as neither President had much of an inkling as to what they were doing , in particlar the Cigar Man. At least George the First had many of Reagans People to guide him.

Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev are the reason there is no longer a Soviet Union, and the Eastern Bloc nations are now free, East Germans can enjoy the prosperity of their West German countrymen etc ... - Reagans Briiliant strategic Cold War tactics, bankrupted their military establishment.

Here's what Reaganomics did for "George the First" >>

As for Reagan bankrupting the Soviet military establishment ? Nah. I think it just happened out that way. The overspending the Soviets did on military, harkens back through 6 other presidents before Reagan, and it included the space program as well as the military.

good points. Voodoo economics were bad then & they're bad now.

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