Fake GOP scandals stick to the Clintons, real scandals slide off Teflon Trump

Win, you are funny. She's going down in flames. Fuck your dynasty. She'll be hammered dogshit by the end of summer.
That must be why she is still the odds on favorite?

Keep lying to yourself. Trump beat the best the GOP could throw at him and all of those people were better quality than Killary. Her public record smells like a pig farm. You stick by that 'ole stink bag. We really can't wait for the main event.
The GOP ran idiots, like those here.

Stop looking in the mirror. There is nobody else there in your mother's basement with you.

Name Hillary's accomplishment. She's done nothing that any real voter can be proud of. She is scandal after scandal going all the way back to being a staffer during Whitewater. You've got wish in one hand and shit in the other and you are rubbing them together like you are an alchemist. Let me give you a piece of advice: you can't shine shit.
8 years senator of NY State, Sec of state and for more just google it Now trump the con man the vile nasty pos you want as president?

What are her accomplishments? Being elected to office is not an accomplishment. Being appointed to Sec. of State, is NOT an accomplishment. That, as you know, came about because Lame Duck President Obama also believed in the adage to, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. You also know she made a royal SNAFU of the job.
Trump is so crude:

Flat chested women can't be a 10.

Mexicans are rapists.

(asked about tax returns says) Mind your own business


His butler of years says the president should be hung in front of the White Mosque, not White House

Ban Muslims

Trump refuses to release tax returns.

Trump is one disgusting and nasty person.

Hillary and her entire family have been attacked by Republicans for 30 years. Republicans have spent millions of dollars of taxpayer money attacking this one family over decades.

On his TV show, early in the Clinton administration, Limbaugh put up a picture of Socks, the White House cat, and asked, 'Did you know there's a White House dog?' Then he put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton, who was 13 years old at the time and as far as I know had never done any harm to anyone.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) reportedly told a "joke" about Chelsea Clinton in 1998, saying, "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."

The general election hasn't even started yet. What happens when people really go looking for stuff on Trump?

Staggering History of Trump's Attacks on African-Americans: including DOJ suing him for Discrimination - The Ring of Fire Network

During O’Donnell’s tenure as president of the Trump Plaza Hotel, Trump told him that he hates “black guys counting my money!” He added that “the only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” To Trump, “laziness is a trait in blacks.” Several years later, Trump didn’t bother to deny it: “The stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.”

In 1989, Trump again stirred up race-centered controversy when he published a full-page ad in the New York Times, calling for the death penalty for five teenagers, all black or Hispanic, who had been accused of raping and beating a jogger in Central Park. According to Eugene Puryear of Justice First, Trump was “using vastly racist discourse about black thugs and criminals and being black animals and roaming the park to racialize this incident.” The five youths were convicted, but later acquitted after a sixth man confessed to the crime. Even after the acquittal, Trump was unrepentant. A recent message on Twitter asked: “What were they doing in the park, playing checkers?”

Not sure about the Teflon claim. Trump is getting his ass handed to him, and it's just the beginning of a relentless campaign that will have him limping into the General making McCain's botched run look like a stellar effort.

In your post you claimed, and I quote: "Trump is getting his ass handed to him". Might you show us where you found that happening?
Everything you need to know about how Hillary Clinton conducts herself can be learned from her first major scandal of Travelgate. She fucked Billy Dale and put him through hell after he had served every President starting with Kennedy and had a great reputation. She wanted to funnel money to one of her cronies and instead of firing Dale, which would have raised some eyebrows because the press loved him, she accused him falsely of embezzling and made his life a living hell.
The Right love Dale because he ADMITTED he embezzled money from the news organizations that cover the president and got away with it.

Taking the witness stand in his own defense during the trial, Dale acknowledged that he exercised poor judgment in putting 55 "refund checks" totaling $54,000 through his own bank account. But he insisted he had used the money to defray costs of future trips because news executives had complained about soaring expenses.

The 55 checks were refunds that the travel office received primarily from telephone and bus companies that had overbilled for services provided on prior presidential trips. Dale acknowledged he should have given those checks directly to the news organizations.

He testified that he made similar use of $14,000 from the office's petty cash fund.

Post the whole situation, not just a piece. The money was all used for the benefit of those same news agencies with Dale paying out of pocket for services and tips for these same agencies and this was common knowledge at the time. No news agency ever reported being shorted, in fact they testified in his defense. Ex-White House Travel Chief Denies Embezzling Funds : Courts: Lawyer says Billy Dale was trying to save reporters money through inexact methods.
GEE, the embezzler's lawyers deny his embezzlement. What a surprise. Dale claimed he had records of all his spending, but his records could not be produced, so surprise surprise the lawywea blamed "politics."
The fact remains there is no proof of how and how much Dale spent.

Really. I guess that is why he was cleared in court. But you know better because you are a liberal who thinks they know more than the court who examined the evidence. Typical dumbass liberal.
(asked about tax returns says) Mind your own business
Ahhhh, but other peoples tax returns are Hypocrite Trump's concern!!!!!

"Every hour we're getting calls from reporters from The Washington Post asking ridiculous questions," Trump told Fox News' Sean Hannity. "And I will tell you, this is owned as a toy by Jeff Bezos ... Amazon is getting away with murder, tax-wise. He's using The Washington Post for power so that the politicians in Washington don't tax Amazon like they should be taxed."

When did Trump say he was concerned about the returns of other candidates?
he said romney should show his taxes and now he's giving Amazon a hard time Funny how the con man is afraid to show america how he rips off the irs but he has problems with others?? shame on you and him

Please explain how Donald Trump is ripping off the IRS. He has stated, what every other person thinks, says, and does. Mr. Trump said that he pays as little as possible in taxes.

Might you share with us how much more you pay than you are mandated by law to pay. You know, do you pay 5% more? 10%? 20%?
Trump is so crude:

Flat chested women can't be a 10.

Mexicans are rapists.

(asked about tax returns says) Mind your own business


His butler of years says the president should be hung in front of the White Mosque, not White House

Ban Muslims

Trump refuses to release tax returns.

Trump is one disgusting and nasty person.

Hillary and her entire family have been attacked by Republicans for 30 years. Republicans have spent millions of dollars of taxpayer money attacking this one family over decades.

On his TV show, early in the Clinton administration, Limbaugh put up a picture of Socks, the White House cat, and asked, 'Did you know there's a White House dog?' Then he put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton, who was 13 years old at the time and as far as I know had never done any harm to anyone.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) reportedly told a "joke" about Chelsea Clinton in 1998, saying, "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."

The general election hasn't even started yet. What happens when people really go looking for stuff on Trump?

Staggering History of Trump's Attacks on African-Americans: including DOJ suing him for Discrimination - The Ring of Fire Network

During O’Donnell’s tenure as president of the Trump Plaza Hotel, Trump told him that he hates “black guys counting my money!” He added that “the only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” To Trump, “laziness is a trait in blacks.” Several years later, Trump didn’t bother to deny it: “The stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.”

In 1989, Trump again stirred up race-centered controversy when he published a full-page ad in the New York Times, calling for the death penalty for five teenagers, all black or Hispanic, who had been accused of raping and beating a jogger in Central Park. According to Eugene Puryear of Justice First, Trump was “using vastly racist discourse about black thugs and criminals and being black animals and roaming the park to racialize this incident.” The five youths were convicted, but later acquitted after a sixth man confessed to the crime. Even after the acquittal, Trump was unrepentant. A recent message on Twitter asked: “What were they doing in the park, playing checkers?”

Not sure about the Teflon claim. Trump is getting his ass handed to him, and it's just the beginning of a relentless campaign that will have him limping into the General making McCain look like a superstar.

Leftwing douche bag wishful thinking.
REpublicans would vote for dog shit rather than vote for a good person a dem, to run the country That's how they roll

If you find a good Democrat, please let us know.
And Trump is 70 and his gold-digging whore is 46, is Trump' being 24 years older than his whore any different?

Monica was 20 at the time, younger than Clinton's daughter.
She was 23 at the time of the scandal, you lying POS!

Slick was nailing her several years before the facts became public, douche bag.
She was 22 when she STARTED as a page.
You see the Right just has to make up stuff to confirm their lies.

The difference is too trivial for anyone to care about.
So why lie about it then?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Everything you need to know about how Hillary Clinton conducts herself can be learned from her first major scandal of Travelgate. She fucked Billy Dale and put him through hell after he had served every President starting with Kennedy and had a great reputation. She wanted to funnel money to one of her cronies and instead of firing Dale, which would have raised some eyebrows because the press loved him, she accused him falsely of embezzling and made his life a living hell.
The Right love Dale because he ADMITTED he embezzled money from the news organizations that cover the president and got away with it.

Taking the witness stand in his own defense during the trial, Dale acknowledged that he exercised poor judgment in putting 55 "refund checks" totaling $54,000 through his own bank account. But he insisted he had used the money to defray costs of future trips because news executives had complained about soaring expenses.

The 55 checks were refunds that the travel office received primarily from telephone and bus companies that had overbilled for services provided on prior presidential trips. Dale acknowledged he should have given those checks directly to the news organizations.

He testified that he made similar use of $14,000 from the office's petty cash fund.

Post the whole situation, not just a piece. The money was all used for the benefit of those same news agencies with Dale paying out of pocket for services and tips for these same agencies and this was common knowledge at the time. No news agency ever reported being shorted, in fact they testified in his defense. Ex-White House Travel Chief Denies Embezzling Funds : Courts: Lawyer says Billy Dale was trying to save reporters money through inexact methods.
GEE, the embezzler's lawyers deny his embezzlement. What a surprise. Dale claimed he had records of all his spending, but his records could not be produced, so surprise surprise the lawywea blamed "politics."
The fact remains there is no proof of how and how much Dale spent.

You're really desperate aren't you?

"On January 5, 1996, a new development thrust the travel office matter again to the forefront. A two-year-old memo from White House director of administration David Watkins surfaced that identified First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton as the motivating force behind the firings, with the additional involvement of Vince Foster and Harry Thomason.[39] "Foster regularly informed me that the First Lady was concerned and desired action. The action desired was the firing of the Travel Office staff."[40] Written in fall 1993, apparently intended for McLarty, the Watkins memo also said "we both know that there would be hell to pay" if "we failed to take swift and decisive action in conformity with the First Lady's wishes."[39] This memo contradicted the First Lady's previous statements in the GAO investigation, that she had played no role in the firings and had not consulted with Thomason beforehand; the White House also found it difficult to explain why the memo was so late in surfacing when all the previous investigations had requested all relevant materials.[40] House committee chair Clinger charged a cover-up was taking place and vowed to pursue new material."

White House travel office controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans claim that Hillary lies. But what hasn't Trump lied about? It's as if EVERYTHING he says is a lie. but that's OK. Only Democrats are held accountable by the GOP. Only Democrats.
Keep lying to yourself. Trump beat the best the GOP could throw at him and all of those people were better quality than Killary. Her public record smells like a pig farm. You stick by that 'ole stink bag. We really can't wait for the main event.
The GOP ran idiots, like those here.

Stop looking in the mirror. There is nobody else there in your mother's basement with you.

Name Hillary's accomplishment. She's done nothing that any real voter can be proud of. She is scandal after scandal going all the way back to being a staffer during Whitewater. You've got wish in one hand and shit in the other and you are rubbing them together like you are an alchemist. Let me give you a piece of advice: you can't shine shit.
8 years senator of NY State, Sec of state and for more just google it Now trump the con man the vile nasty pos you want as president?

What did she accomplish as Senator? Secretary of State?
Too long to write Google her accomplishments

Did you really write, and I quote: "Too long to write Google her accomplishments". When asked, Hillary Clinton has not been able to give even one example nor have her strongest supporters.

Glad to see you went out of your way to confirm that her "accomplishments" have been only negative.
Everything you need to know about how Hillary Clinton conducts herself can be learned from her first major scandal of Travelgate. She fucked Billy Dale and put him through hell after he had served every President starting with Kennedy and had a great reputation. She wanted to funnel money to one of her cronies and instead of firing Dale, which would have raised some eyebrows because the press loved him, she accused him falsely of embezzling and made his life a living hell.
The Right love Dale because he ADMITTED he embezzled money from the news organizations that cover the president and got away with it.

Taking the witness stand in his own defense during the trial, Dale acknowledged that he exercised poor judgment in putting 55 "refund checks" totaling $54,000 through his own bank account. But he insisted he had used the money to defray costs of future trips because news executives had complained about soaring expenses.

The 55 checks were refunds that the travel office received primarily from telephone and bus companies that had overbilled for services provided on prior presidential trips. Dale acknowledged he should have given those checks directly to the news organizations.

He testified that he made similar use of $14,000 from the office's petty cash fund.

Post the whole situation, not just a piece. The money was all used for the benefit of those same news agencies with Dale paying out of pocket for services and tips for these same agencies and this was common knowledge at the time. No news agency ever reported being shorted, in fact they testified in his defense. Ex-White House Travel Chief Denies Embezzling Funds : Courts: Lawyer says Billy Dale was trying to save reporters money through inexact methods.
GEE, the embezzler's lawyers deny his embezzlement. What a surprise. Dale claimed he had records of all his spending, but his records could not be produced, so surprise surprise the lawywea blamed "politics."
The fact remains there is no proof of how and how much Dale spent.

You're really desperate aren't you?

"On January 5, 1996, a new development thrust the travel office matter again to the forefront. A two-year-old memo from White House director of administration David Watkins surfaced that identified First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton as the motivating force behind the firings, with the additional involvement of Vince Foster and Harry Thomason.[39] "Foster regularly informed me that the First Lady was concerned and desired action. The action desired was the firing of the Travel Office staff."[40] Written in fall 1993, apparently intended for McLarty, the Watkins memo also said "we both know that there would be hell to pay" if "we failed to take swift and decisive action in conformity with the First Lady's wishes."[39] This memo contradicted the First Lady's previous statements in the GAO investigation, that she had played no role in the firings and had not consulted with Thomason beforehand; the White House also found it difficult to explain why the memo was so late in surfacing when all the previous investigations had requested all relevant materials.[40] House committee chair Clinger charged a cover-up was taking place and vowed to pursue new material."

White House travel office controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Diverting from the fact that there is no proof of how Dale spent the money to claim it was wrong of Clinton to expose the embezzlement.
Trump is so crude:

Flat chested women can't be a 10.

Mexicans are rapists.

(asked about tax returns says) Mind your own business


His butler of years says the president should be hung in front of the White Mosque, not White House

Ban Muslims

Trump refuses to release tax returns.

Trump is one disgusting and nasty person.

Hillary and her entire family have been attacked by Republicans for 30 years. Republicans have spent millions of dollars of taxpayer money attacking this one family over decades.

On his TV show, early in the Clinton administration, Limbaugh put up a picture of Socks, the White House cat, and asked, 'Did you know there's a White House dog?' Then he put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton, who was 13 years old at the time and as far as I know had never done any harm to anyone.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) reportedly told a "joke" about Chelsea Clinton in 1998, saying, "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."

The general election hasn't even started yet. What happens when people really go looking for stuff on Trump?

Staggering History of Trump's Attacks on African-Americans: including DOJ suing him for Discrimination - The Ring of Fire Network

During O’Donnell’s tenure as president of the Trump Plaza Hotel, Trump told him that he hates “black guys counting my money!” He added that “the only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” To Trump, “laziness is a trait in blacks.” Several years later, Trump didn’t bother to deny it: “The stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.”

In 1989, Trump again stirred up race-centered controversy when he published a full-page ad in the New York Times, calling for the death penalty for five teenagers, all black or Hispanic, who had been accused of raping and beating a jogger in Central Park. According to Eugene Puryear of Justice First, Trump was “using vastly racist discourse about black thugs and criminals and being black animals and roaming the park to racialize this incident.” The five youths were convicted, but later acquitted after a sixth man confessed to the crime. Even after the acquittal, Trump was unrepentant. A recent message on Twitter asked: “What were they doing in the park, playing checkers?”

Flat chested women can't be a 10

He seriously said that?????

View attachment 74751

Curious, CAN a flat-chested woman be a 10? Of course not. That scale is entirely based on a woman's physical appearance.
Stop looking in the mirror. There is nobody else there in your mother's basement with you.

Name Hillary's accomplishment. She's done nothing that any real voter can be proud of. She is scandal after scandal going all the way back to being a staffer during Whitewater. You've got wish in one hand and shit in the other and you are rubbing them together like you are an alchemist. Let me give you a piece of advice: you can't shine shit.
8 years senator of NY State, Sec of state and for more just google it Now trump the con man the vile nasty pos you want as president?

What did she accomplish as Senator? Secretary of State?
Too long to write Google her accomplishments

I have Googled her accomplishments: nada.
Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments, So Quit Saying She Doesn’t Have Any
April 13, 2015 1:52 am ·
There are many, many people who seem to think Hillary Clinton hasn’t accomplished anything. Apparently, being a First Lady, a Senator, as well as Secretary of State doesn’t count as accomplishments to her critics. But here is a very simple summary that encompasses Hillary Clinton and what she has accomplished throughout her life — Courtesy of a friend:

“First ever student commencement speaker at Wellesley College. Distinguished graduate of Yale Law School. Former Director of the Arkansas Legal Aid Clinic. Former civil litigation attorney. Former Law Professor at the University of Arkansas School of Law. Former First Lady of Arkansas. Former First Lady of the United States, and the first FLOTUS in US History to hold a postgraduate degree. First ex-FLOTUS in US History to be elected to the United States Senate. Elected by the… State of New York to serve two terms in the United States Senate. Former US Secretary of State. GRAMMY Award Winner. Author. Self proclaimed Pantsuit Aficionado. Married to a man named Bill, who plays the saxophone.”

You don’t have to like Hillary Clinton or her ideas. I get it. She’s a Democrat, a progressive (in most eyes), and conservatives don’t like that. However, you cannot say she does not have any accomplishments. Here are just a few:

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These are not all of her accomplishments. Her activism on behalf of women a children across the world is renowned. Her activism for raising the minimum wage and combating climate change is stellar. You do not have to support what she does or stands for. But do not say she doesn’t have any accomplishments. The conservatives who say this are the ones who are pushing for Ted Cruz – who brought on a $24 billion shut down. That, to them, is an accomplishment?

Yes, Hillary Clinton has accomplishments. You don’t have to like them, but they do, in fact, exist.

Your "accomplishments" are amusing.

The one thing she did accomplish was being the most traveled Secretary of State in history. Lame Duck President Obama insisted that she be kept away from Washington.

As for the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, that too is coming under investigation by the FBI.

Look up the Clinton Foundation here and tell us what you find.

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Face facts. Everything you need to know about how Hillary Clinton conducts herself can be learned from her first major scandal of Travelgate. She fucked Billy Dale and put him through hell after he had served every President starting with Kennedy and had a great reputation. She wanted to funnel money to one of her cronies and instead of firing Dale, which would have raised some eyebrows because the press loved him, she accused him falsely of embezzling and made his life a living hell.

Fuck Hillary.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
She wants all this stuff but is guilty of nothing. Odd how that works. Amazing that you should just "know" what Hillary wants.

Are you REALLY saying that corrupt Hillary Clinton is guilty of nothing?

You're being facetious aren't you?
Everything you need to know about how Hillary Clinton conducts herself can be learned from her first major scandal of Travelgate. She fucked Billy Dale and put him through hell after he had served every President starting with Kennedy and had a great reputation. She wanted to funnel money to one of her cronies and instead of firing Dale, which would have raised some eyebrows because the press loved him, she accused him falsely of embezzling and made his life a living hell.
The Right love Dale because he ADMITTED he embezzled money from the news organizations that cover the president and got away with it.

Taking the witness stand in his own defense during the trial, Dale acknowledged that he exercised poor judgment in putting 55 "refund checks" totaling $54,000 through his own bank account. But he insisted he had used the money to defray costs of future trips because news executives had complained about soaring expenses.

The 55 checks were refunds that the travel office received primarily from telephone and bus companies that had overbilled for services provided on prior presidential trips. Dale acknowledged he should have given those checks directly to the news organizations.

He testified that he made similar use of $14,000 from the office's petty cash fund.

Post the whole situation, not just a piece. The money was all used for the benefit of those same news agencies with Dale paying out of pocket for services and tips for these same agencies and this was common knowledge at the time. No news agency ever reported being shorted, in fact they testified in his defense. Ex-White House Travel Chief Denies Embezzling Funds : Courts: Lawyer says Billy Dale was trying to save reporters money through inexact methods.
GEE, the embezzler's lawyers deny his embezzlement. What a surprise. Dale claimed he had records of all his spending, but his records could not be produced, so surprise surprise the lawywea blamed "politics."
The fact remains there is no proof of how and how much Dale spent.

You're really desperate aren't you?

"On January 5, 1996, a new development thrust the travel office matter again to the forefront. A two-year-old memo from White House director of administration David Watkins surfaced that identified First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton as the motivating force behind the firings, with the additional involvement of Vince Foster and Harry Thomason.[39] "Foster regularly informed me that the First Lady was concerned and desired action. The action desired was the firing of the Travel Office staff."[40] Written in fall 1993, apparently intended for McLarty, the Watkins memo also said "we both know that there would be hell to pay" if "we failed to take swift and decisive action in conformity with the First Lady's wishes."[39] This memo contradicted the First Lady's previous statements in the GAO investigation, that she had played no role in the firings and had not consulted with Thomason beforehand; the White House also found it difficult to explain why the memo was so late in surfacing when all the previous investigations had requested all relevant materials.[40] House committee chair Clinger charged a cover-up was taking place and vowed to pursue new material."

White House travel office controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Diverting from the fact that there is no proof of how Dale spent the money to claim it was wrong of Clinton to expose the embezzlement.

It isn't embezzlement if the news companies were ok with the arrangement. That was why he was acquitted. Memo Places Hillary Clinton At Core of Travel Office Case
I like how people here rate truths they can't accept as funny? Funny.
Because the 40 years has been a failure. Failed as a wife.
Failed first lady.
Failed at being self sufficient as first lady. We were dead broke when we left the white house.
Had to move to a liberal state, she knew she could win. To become senator. With no accomplishments, unless you consider the Iraq vote she gave a yes too. An accomplishment?
Secretary of State? Benghazi, emails?
President nominee in 2008? Really, lol!
She is a train wreck, Trump will bury her in the debates!
Bury her with what exactly?

What you rightwing jackasses fail to understand is that hatred doesn't win elections.

What NEW scandal will Trump pull out of his A$$? Benghazi or something from 20+ years ago?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Calling everything you disagree with "hate" also doesn't win elections. It just makes people think you're a douche bag, and they are right.
Face facts. Everything you need to know about how Hillary Clinton conducts herself can be learned from her first major scandal of Travelgate. She fucked Billy Dale and put him through hell after he had served every President starting with Kennedy and had a great reputation. She wanted to funnel money to one of her cronies and instead of firing Dale, which would have raised some eyebrows because the press loved him, she accused him falsely of embezzling and made his life a living hell.

Fuck Hillary.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
She wants all this stuff but is guilty of nothing. Odd how that works. Amazing that you should just "know" what Hillary wants.

Are you REALLY saying that corrupt Hillary Clinton is guilty of nothing?

You're being facetious aren't you?

The libturd power of self delusion is limitless.
Monica was 20 at the time, younger than Clinton's daughter.
She was 23 at the time of the scandal, you lying POS!

Slick was nailing her several years before the facts became public, douche bag.
She was 22 when she STARTED as a page.
You see the Right just has to make up stuff to confirm their lies.

The difference is too trivial for anyone to care about.
So why lie about it then?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

It's not worth it to look up, so I just guessed. It doesn't change the point one iota.
I like how people here rate truths they can't accept as funny? Funny.
Because the 40 years has been a failure. Failed as a wife.
Failed first lady.
Failed at being self sufficient as first lady. We were dead broke when we left the white house.
Had to move to a liberal state, she knew she could win. To become senator. With no accomplishments, unless you consider the Iraq vote she gave a yes too. An accomplishment?
Secretary of State? Benghazi, emails?
President nominee in 2008? Really, lol!
She is a train wreck, Trump will bury her in the debates!
Bury her with what exactly?

What you rightwing jackasses fail to understand is that hatred doesn't win elections.

What NEW scandal will Trump pull out of his A$$? Benghazi or something from 20+ years ago?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

What NEW scandal will Mr. Trump pull out?

Benghazi hearings are still taking place. They would have been finished long ago except for this administration stonewalling turning over documents and having to be sued, time after time, to produce them. As you know, new documents were turned over just last week.

The email hearings are still going on along with the FBI INVESTIGATION. That would be a criminal investigation as they do NOT do "security inquiries".

The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation is also being investigated. Isn't it curious that as soon as the Clintons learned that their slush fund was coming under scrutiny, they scrambled and filed FIVE YEARS of "AMENDED" tax returns? I thought so too!

Then there was the sniper fire she was able to dodge.


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