Fake GOP scandals stick to the Clintons, real scandals slide off Teflon Trump

Bury her with what exactly?

What you rightwing jackasses fail to understand is that hatred doesn't win elections.

What NEW scandal will Trump pull out of his A$$? Benghazi or something from 20+ years ago?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Hatred helped Obama. Hillary hasn't debated someone who isn't afraid to hit her back. Trump will, hell no democrat has had a hard debate.
Describe how hatred helped Obama. I gotta hear this one.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Hatred of Bush.
Of the slimebag that got 1000's killed by starting a BS war? GWB should be hung by his neck
He liberated a country dumbass, to NAD Obama cut and ran and screwed it up. Making all those 1000's of soldiers that died. Died in vain.
Liberated a country. If someone invaded the US and claimed to have "liberated it", would they be hero's in your eyes?
8 years senator of NY State, Sec of state and for more just google it Now trump the con man the vile nasty pos you want as president?

What did she accomplish as Senator? Secretary of State?
Too long to write Google her accomplishments

Did you really write, and I quote: "Too long to write Google her accomplishments". When asked, Hillary Clinton has not been able to give even one example nor have her strongest supporters.

Glad to see you went out of your way to confirm that her "accomplishments" have been only negative.
What Is Hillary’s Greatest Accomplishment?

There are so many but I mostly agree with the top three:

1. Her China speech on women.

Speeches aren't accomplishments. Trump gives two or three speeches every day.

2. Her role in killing Osama bin Laden.

She played absolutely no role in that. In fact, Obama played no role in it.

3. The effort to create and implement the toughest sanctions ever on Iran—helping to lead us to the agreement currently on the table.

ROFL! What role was that?
You just can't take it, can you. After all the GOP/Bush failure, you just can't take it. Sad. Sad and pitiful.
Watching any Hillary supporter accuse Trump of being scandalous is just the height of hilarity, I mean seriously.
I like how people here rate truths they can't accept as funny? Funny.
Because the 40 years has been a failure. Failed as a wife.
Failed first lady.
Failed at being self sufficient as first lady. We were dead broke when we left the white house.
Had to move to a liberal state, she knew she could win. To become senator. With no accomplishments, unless you consider the Iraq vote she gave a yes too. An accomplishment?
Secretary of State? Benghazi, emails?
President nominee in 2008? Really, lol!
She is a train wreck, Trump will bury her in the debates!
Bury her with what exactly?

What you rightwing jackasses fail to understand is that hatred doesn't win elections.

What NEW scandal will Trump pull out of his A$$? Benghazi or something from 20+ years ago?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

What NEW scandal will Mr. Trump pull out?

Benghazi hearings are still taking place. They would have been finished long ago except for this administration stonewalling turning over documents and having to be sued, time after time, to produce them. As you know, new documents were turned over just last week.

The email hearings are still going on along with the FBI INVESTIGATION. That would be a criminal investigation as they do NOT do "security inquiries".

The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation is also being investigated. Isn't it curious that as soon as the Clintons learned that their slush fund was coming under scrutiny, they scrambled and filed FIVE YEARS of "AMENDED" tax returns? I thought so too!

Then there was the sniper fire she was able to dodge.
As if 11+ hours of Congressional hearings on live TV wasn't enough, your rightwing DUMBA$$ is STILL hinging on this fake Benghazi scandal?


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I like how people here rate truths they can't accept as funny? Funny.
Because the 40 years has been a failure. Failed as a wife.
Failed first lady.
Failed at being self sufficient as first lady. We were dead broke when we left the white house.
Had to move to a liberal state, she knew she could win. To become senator. With no accomplishments, unless you consider the Iraq vote she gave a yes too. An accomplishment?
Secretary of State? Benghazi, emails?
President nominee in 2008? Really, lol!
She is a train wreck, Trump will bury her in the debates!
Bury her with what exactly?

What you rightwing jackasses fail to understand is that hatred doesn't win elections.

What NEW scandal will Trump pull out of his A$$? Benghazi or something from 20+ years ago?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

What NEW scandal will Mr. Trump pull out?

Benghazi hearings are still taking place. They would have been finished long ago except for this administration stonewalling turning over documents and having to be sued, time after time, to produce them. As you know, new documents were turned over just last week.

The email hearings are still going on along with the FBI INVESTIGATION. That would be a criminal investigation as they do NOT do "security inquiries".

The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation is also being investigated. Isn't it curious that as soon as the Clintons learned that their slush fund was coming under scrutiny, they scrambled and filed FIVE YEARS of "AMENDED" tax returns? I thought so too!

Then there was the sniper fire she was able to dodge.
As if 11+ hours of Congressional hearings on live TV wasn't enough, your rightwing DUMBA$$ is STILL hinging on this fake Benghazi scandal?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

As you know, and can't help but lie about, is the FACT that new emails and information were FINALLY released by the State Department last week. Had this "transparent" released the documents seven investigations ago, it would be over.
I like how people here rate truths they can't accept as funny? Funny.
Because the 40 years has been a failure. Failed as a wife.
Failed first lady.
Failed at being self sufficient as first lady. We were dead broke when we left the white house.
Had to move to a liberal state, she knew she could win. To become senator. With no accomplishments, unless you consider the Iraq vote she gave a yes too. An accomplishment?
Secretary of State? Benghazi, emails?
President nominee in 2008? Really, lol!
She is a train wreck, Trump will bury her in the debates!
Bury her with what exactly?

What you rightwing jackasses fail to understand is that hatred doesn't win elections.

What NEW scandal will Trump pull out of his A$$? Benghazi or something from 20+ years ago?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

What NEW scandal will Mr. Trump pull out?

Benghazi hearings are still taking place. They would have been finished long ago except for this administration stonewalling turning over documents and having to be sued, time after time, to produce them. As you know, new documents were turned over just last week.

The email hearings are still going on along with the FBI INVESTIGATION. That would be a criminal investigation as they do NOT do "security inquiries".

The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation is also being investigated. Isn't it curious that as soon as the Clintons learned that their slush fund was coming under scrutiny, they scrambled and filed FIVE YEARS of "AMENDED" tax returns? I thought so too!

Then there was the sniper fire she was able to dodge.
As if 11+ hours of Congressional hearings on live TV wasn't enough, your rightwing DUMBA$$ is STILL hinging on this fake Benghazi scandal?


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I like how people here rate truths they can't accept as funny? Funny.
Because the 40 years has been a failure. Failed as a wife.
Failed first lady.
Failed at being self sufficient as first lady. We were dead broke when we left the white house.
Had to move to a liberal state, she knew she could win. To become senator. With no accomplishments, unless you consider the Iraq vote she gave a yes too. An accomplishment?
Secretary of State? Benghazi, emails?
President nominee in 2008? Really, lol!
She is a train wreck, Trump will bury her in the debates!
Bury her with what exactly?

What you rightwing jackasses fail to understand is that hatred doesn't win elections.

What NEW scandal will Trump pull out of his A$$? Benghazi or something from 20+ years ago?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

What NEW scandal will Mr. Trump pull out?

Benghazi hearings are still taking place. They would have been finished long ago except for this administration stonewalling turning over documents and having to be sued, time after time, to produce them. As you know, new documents were turned over just last week.

The email hearings are still going on along with the FBI INVESTIGATION. That would be a criminal investigation as they do NOT do "security inquiries".

The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation is also being investigated. Isn't it curious that as soon as the Clintons learned that their slush fund was coming under scrutiny, they scrambled and filed FIVE YEARS of "AMENDED" tax returns? I thought so too!

Then there was the sniper fire she was able to dodge.
As if 11+ hours of Congressional hearings on live TV wasn't enough, your rightwing DUMBA$$ is STILL hinging on this fake Benghazi scandal?


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

As you well know, had this failed administration been TRULY TRANSPARENT, the Benghazi disaster would have been completed. Instead, they chose to stonewall. The fact that it is still around and new disclosures coming as recently as last week are the fault of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama. Do you know where he was and what he was doing during the 11 hour attack? We do know he got up bright and early the next morning to fly out to Las Vegas to raise cash.

Stop looking in the mirror. There is nobody else there in your mother's basement with you.

Name Hillary's accomplishment. She's done nothing that any real voter can be proud of. She is scandal after scandal going all the way back to being a staffer during Whitewater. You've got wish in one hand and shit in the other and you are rubbing them together like you are an alchemist. Let me give you a piece of advice: you can't shine shit.
8 years senator of NY State, Sec of state and for more just google it Now trump the con man the vile nasty pos you want as president?

What did she accomplish as Senator? Secretary of State?
Too long to write Google her accomplishments

Did you really write, and I quote: "Too long to write Google her accomplishments". When asked, Hillary Clinton has not been able to give even one example nor have her strongest supporters.

Glad to see you went out of your way to confirm that her "accomplishments" have been only negative.
What Is Hillary’s Greatest Accomplishment?

There are so many but I mostly agree with the top three:

1. Her China speech on women.
2. Her role in killing Osama bin Laden.
3. The effort to create and implement the toughest sanctions ever on Iran—helping to lead us to the agreement currently on the table.

‘Nearly every foreign policy victory of President Obama’s second term has Secretary Clinton’s fingerprints on it’

By Harry Reid, Senate Democratic leader.

‘The SCHIP program … which expanded health coverage to millions of lower-income children’

By Anita Dunn, Democratic political strategist.

‘Rebuilding America’s leadership and prestige overseas after the Bush years’

Bill Richardson is a former secretary of energy and governor of New Mexico.

‘The Pediatric Research Equity Act’

By Chris Dodd, former U.S. Senator for Connecticut, Democratic party.

Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments, So Quit Saying She Doesn’t Have Any | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

You don’t have to like Hillary Clinton or her ideas. I get it. She’s a Democrat, a progressive (in most eyes), and conservatives don’t like that. However, you cannot say she does not have any accomplishments. Here are just a few:

These are not all of her accomplishments. Her activism on behalf of women a children across the world is renowned. Her activism for raising the minimum wage and combating climate change is stellar. You do not have to support what she does or stands for. But do not say she doesn’t have any accomplishments. The conservatives who say this are the ones who are pushing for Ted Cruz – who brought on a $24 billion shut down. That, to them, is an accomplishment?

Your desperation is duly noted!

"According to you, and I quote:"

"What Is Hillary’s Greatest Accomplishment?"

"There are so many but I mostly agree with the top three:"

"1. Her China speech on women.
2. Her role in killing Osama bin Laden.
3. The effort to create and implement the toughest sanctions ever on Iran—helping to lead us to the agreement currently on the table."


Who could make this up!


What was her role in killing Osama bin Laden? Did she fly one of the helicopters?

There are no sanctions and Iran has told us to shove it and are continuing their nuclear and weapons capability.

Keep up the good work, you're somewhat amusing.
When you look at GOP accomplishments, you get things like:

Stopped millions from health care
Invaded Iraq
Government shut down
Tax cuts for billionaires
Helped move millions of jobs to China
Spent trillions on Iraq
Cut food stamps for poor children

What else is there? Let Bin Laden go?

Helped move millions of jobs to China

That's awful! How'd they do it? Any specifics?
Sure, from 2001 to 2008 millions of jobs were moved to China and over 42,000 factories closes.

Democratic lawmakers think it’s unfair that a company can take a deduction for moving costs when those costs include money spent transporting jobs out of the country. To remedy this, Senate Democrats proposed the Bring Jobs Home Act in 2012 and again in 2014. The bill failed both times.

Is there a corporate tax break that ships jobs overseas?

GOP, U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Beat Back Bill To Combat Outsourcing

Honestly, I don't understand your kind. During all the Bush years and the years under Obama, there have been news stories about the US Chamber of Commerce and how they give to Democrats one tenth of what they give to Republicans.

Then there are all the stories about how they give to Republicans. All the stories about how the GOP blocks any bill that would work to keep jobs here.

‘US’ Chamber Of Commerce Hosts Seminars With Chinese Gov Officials To Teach American Firms How To Outsource



If you want to know anything, don't you ever spend the time to go look it up? Don't you want to know the facts? How can you make any reasonable replies when you don't even know what's going on?

I don't get this urge to remain stupid. Perhaps you could explain it.

I take it that you do understand that the President of the United States is not affiliated in any way with 'US' Chamber of Commerce. Nor is it under the control of the government.
When you look at GOP accomplishments, you get things like:

Stopped millions from health care
Invaded Iraq
Government shut down
Tax cuts for billionaires
Helped move millions of jobs to China
Spent trillions on Iraq
Cut food stamps for poor children

What else is there? Let Bin Laden go?

Helped move millions of jobs to China

That's awful! How'd they do it? Any specifics?
Sure, from 2001 to 2008 millions of jobs were moved to China and over 42,000 factories closes.

Democratic lawmakers think it’s unfair that a company can take a deduction for moving costs when those costs include money spent transporting jobs out of the country. To remedy this, Senate Democrats proposed the Bring Jobs Home Act in 2012 and again in 2014. The bill failed both times.

Is there a corporate tax break that ships jobs overseas?

GOP, U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Beat Back Bill To Combat Outsourcing

Honestly, I don't understand your kind. During all the Bush years and the years under Obama, there have been news stories about the US Chamber of Commerce and how they give to Democrats one tenth of what they give to Republicans.

Then there are all the stories about how they give to Republicans. All the stories about how the GOP blocks any bill that would work to keep jobs here.

‘US’ Chamber Of Commerce Hosts Seminars With Chinese Gov Officials To Teach American Firms How To Outsource



If you want to know anything, don't you ever spend the time to go look it up? Don't you want to know the facts? How can you make any reasonable replies when you don't even know what's going on?

I don't get this urge to remain stupid. Perhaps you could explain it.

Sure, from 2001 to 2008 millions of jobs were moved to China and over 42,000 factories closes.

That's awful. But That doesn't show that was a "GOP accomplishment".

Democratic lawmakers think it’s unfair that a company can take a deduction for moving costs when those costs include money spent transporting jobs out of the country.

Democrats think a lot of imaginary things are unfair.

The bill failed both times.

Is there a corporate tax break that ships jobs overseas?

Thanks for the link. I liked this part.

"When we asked Democratic groups for evidence for their claims, they pointed us to Republican votes on a failed tax reform bill -- a bill that experts told us would not have affected corporations’ behavior."

It's nice when a liberal disproves his own claim.

If you want to know anything, don't you ever spend the time to go look it up?

I do, but the easiest way to disprove a liberal claim, is to ask the claimant to prove it.

Thanks again!
As you pointed out the bill to bring back American jobs failed both times because of GOP opposition, but you left out the reason it failed. The GOP bitched that giving companies a tax break for the expense of moving back to the US would cost the government revenue, but the GOP had no problem with with the tax deduction for moving jobs out of the US costing the government revenue.

That's right, the GOP "logic" is you can't give a tax break to business for moving jobs back to the US because it costs the government revenue, but you CAN give a tax break to businesses that costs the government revenue if they outsource American jobs!!! :cuckoo:

Companies would get the same tax deduction for moving jobs back to the US as they got for moving them away.

A "tax break" is an entirely different thing. But, of course, you know that.

Moving jobs back to the US WOULD, however, subject the company to a draconian, highest in the world, corporate tax.

Drop that to 15 percent and see what happens.

WASHINGTON — Shortly before the House Benghazi committee ramped up its battles with the Department of Defense in its probe of the 2012 terrorist attack, the committee’s own top lawyer admitted at least four times in interviews with military officials that there was no more they could have done on that tragic night.

That’s according to a letter obtained by The Huffington Post that is being sent Monday to the chairman of the committee, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), from the top Democrats on the Benghazi panel and the House Armed Services Committee, Reps. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) and Adam Smith (D-Wash.).

watched for 5 days as CNN reported on Americans dying(inside America) during the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. Republicans never answered for that.
Now republicans insist that Democrats are responsible when a CIA outpost is attacked half a world away and nothing is done for 12 hours.

As you know...the FACTS of Katrina lie with DEMOCRAT Governor Kathleen Blanco and New Orleans DEMOCRAT Mayor Ray Nagin...now in prison.

When Katrina struck, the Federal Government was prohibited from sending troops into a state without the formal invitation of the Governor. Governor Blanco wanted to handle the disaster herself, with the National Guard and get the credit so she did not make the formal request for three days.

As for Mayor Ray Nagin, he failed to order the evacuation soon enough and had no plan in place to deal with a major hurricane.

As for President Obama/Secretary of State Clinton's handling of Benghazi.

They knew immediately that the attack was a planned terrorist attack coming on September 11th. SHOCK! They had been warned. Our troops were "spun up" and simply waiting for a phone call. They could have been, on the ground, in Benghazi within THREE HOURS. The call never came. Ambassador Stevens was already dead along with the other civilian on duty. The other two were not, and a major counter attack would have sent a message to terrorists and other countries. Don't mess with us!

Instead, this administration sent this message.

Hatred helped Obama. Hillary hasn't debated someone who isn't afraid to hit her back. Trump will, hell no democrat has had a hard debate.
Describe how hatred helped Obama. I gotta hear this one.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Hatred of Bush.
Of the slimebag that got 1000's killed by starting a BS war? GWB should be hung by his neck
He liberated a country dumbass, to NAD Obama cut and ran and screwed it up. Making all those 1000's of soldiers that died. Died in vain.
When you look at GOP accomplishments, you get things like:

Stopped millions from health care
Invaded Iraq
Government shut down
Tax cuts for billionaires
Helped move millions of jobs to China
Spent trillions on Iraq
Cut food stamps for poor children

What else is there? Let Bin Laden go?

Helped move millions of jobs to China

That's awful! How'd they do it? Any specifics?
Sure, from 2001 to 2008 millions of jobs were moved to China and over 42,000 factories closes.

Democratic lawmakers think it’s unfair that a company can take a deduction for moving costs when those costs include money spent transporting jobs out of the country. To remedy this, Senate Democrats proposed the Bring Jobs Home Act in 2012 and again in 2014. The bill failed both times.

Is there a corporate tax break that ships jobs overseas?

GOP, U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Beat Back Bill To Combat Outsourcing

Honestly, I don't understand your kind. During all the Bush years and the years under Obama, there have been news stories about the US Chamber of Commerce and how they give to Democrats one tenth of what they give to Republicans.

Then there are all the stories about how they give to Republicans. All the stories about how the GOP blocks any bill that would work to keep jobs here.

‘US’ Chamber Of Commerce Hosts Seminars With Chinese Gov Officials To Teach American Firms How To Outsource



If you want to know anything, don't you ever spend the time to go look it up? Don't you want to know the facts? How can you make any reasonable replies when you don't even know what's going on?

I don't get this urge to remain stupid. Perhaps you could explain it.

When you look at GOP accomplishments, you get things like:

Stopped millions from health care
Invaded Iraq
Government shut down
Tax cuts for billionaires
Helped move millions of jobs to China
Spent trillions on Iraq
Cut food stamps for poor children

What else is there? Let Bin Laden go?

Helped move millions of jobs to China

That's awful! How'd they do it? Any specifics?
Sure, from 2001 to 2008 millions of jobs were moved to China and over 42,000 factories closes.

Democratic lawmakers think it’s unfair that a company can take a deduction for moving costs when those costs include money spent transporting jobs out of the country. To remedy this, Senate Democrats proposed the Bring Jobs Home Act in 2012 and again in 2014. The bill failed both times.

Is there a corporate tax break that ships jobs overseas?

GOP, U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Beat Back Bill To Combat Outsourcing

Honestly, I don't understand your kind. During all the Bush years and the years under Obama, there have been news stories about the US Chamber of Commerce and how they give to Democrats one tenth of what they give to Republicans.

Then there are all the stories about how they give to Republicans. All the stories about how the GOP blocks any bill that would work to keep jobs here.

‘US’ Chamber Of Commerce Hosts Seminars With Chinese Gov Officials To Teach American Firms How To Outsource



If you want to know anything, don't you ever spend the time to go look it up? Don't you want to know the facts? How can you make any reasonable replies when you don't even know what's going on?

I don't get this urge to remain stupid. Perhaps you could explain it.

Sure, from 2001 to 2008 millions of jobs were moved to China and over 42,000 factories closes.

That's awful. But That doesn't show that was a "GOP accomplishment".

Democratic lawmakers think it’s unfair that a company can take a deduction for moving costs when those costs include money spent transporting jobs out of the country.

Democrats think a lot of imaginary things are unfair.

The bill failed both times.

Is there a corporate tax break that ships jobs overseas?

Thanks for the link. I liked this part.

"When we asked Democratic groups for evidence for their claims, they pointed us to Republican votes on a failed tax reform bill -- a bill that experts told us would not have affected corporations’ behavior."

It's nice when a liberal disproves his own claim.

If you want to know anything, don't you ever spend the time to go look it up?

I do, but the easiest way to disprove a liberal claim, is to ask the claimant to prove it.

Thanks again!
As you pointed out the bill to bring back American jobs failed both times because of GOP opposition, but you left out the reason it failed. The GOP bitched that giving companies a tax break for the expense of moving back to the US would cost the government revenue, but the GOP had no problem with with the tax deduction for moving jobs out of the US costing the government revenue.

That's right, the GOP "logic" is you can't give a tax break to business for moving jobs back to the US because it costs the government revenue, but you CAN give a tax break to businesses that costs the government revenue if they outsource American jobs!!! :cuckoo:


WASHINGTON — Shortly before the House Benghazi committee ramped up its battles with the Department of Defense in its probe of the 2012 terrorist attack, the committee’s own top lawyer admitted at least four times in interviews with military officials that there was no more they could have done on that tragic night.

That’s according to a letter obtained by The Huffington Post that is being sent Monday to the chairman of the committee, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), from the top Democrats on the Benghazi panel and the House Armed Services Committee, Reps. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) and Adam Smith (D-Wash.).

watched for 5 days as CNN reported on Americans dying(inside America) during the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. Republicans never answered for that.
Now republicans insist that Democrats are responsible when a CIA outpost is attacked half a world away and nothing is done for 12 hours.

Hatred helped Obama. Hillary hasn't debated someone who isn't afraid to hit her back. Trump will, hell no democrat has had a hard debate.
Describe how hatred helped Obama. I gotta hear this one.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Hatred of Bush.
Of the slimebag that got 1000's killed by starting a BS war? GWB should be hung by his neck
He liberated a country dumbass, to NAD Obama cut and ran and screwed it up. Making all those 1000's of soldiers that died. Died in vain.
Liberated a country. If someone invaded the US and claimed to have "liberated it", would they be hero's in your eyes?

Ask France, Italy, Great Britain, Poland, and the list goes on about the horror of the US "invading" a country.
" Trump is so crude" but Hillary's husband was accused of rape by a credible victim and Hillary blamed the DNA stain on Monica's (barely older than her daughter) dress on the "vast right wing conspiracy". Which candidate is crude and which candidate is a psychotic enabler?

Trump was accused of Rape by his wife....

Ken Starr didn't even believe your Credible Witness...
Regarding convicted rapist Mike Tyson Trump said “I heard he endorsed me. I don’t know anything about his trial. I really don’t.” Except that he repeatedly advocated for Tyson during the boxer’s 1992 rape trial, blamed the victim, and insisted that Tyson had been “railroaded.”

Trump, a longtime friend of Tyson, opined at length about the trial on television, in newspapers, and in magazines.

Trump has claimed Tyson was “railroaded” in the case and on several occasions offered criticism of Tyson’s defense attorney. Trump said in 1992 that Tyson could pay the victim with money from a fight to avoid serving time in prison. Trump also called into question whether the victim had been raped at all.
When you look at GOP accomplishments, you get things like:

Stopped millions from health care
Invaded Iraq
Government shut down
Tax cuts for billionaires
Helped move millions of jobs to China
Spent trillions on Iraq
Cut food stamps for poor children

What else is there? Let Bin Laden go?

Helped move millions of jobs to China

That's awful! How'd they do it? Any specifics?
Sure, from 2001 to 2008 millions of jobs were moved to China and over 42,000 factories closes.

Democratic lawmakers think it’s unfair that a company can take a deduction for moving costs when those costs include money spent transporting jobs out of the country. To remedy this, Senate Democrats proposed the Bring Jobs Home Act in 2012 and again in 2014. The bill failed both times.

Is there a corporate tax break that ships jobs overseas?

GOP, U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Beat Back Bill To Combat Outsourcing

Honestly, I don't understand your kind. During all the Bush years and the years under Obama, there have been news stories about the US Chamber of Commerce and how they give to Democrats one tenth of what they give to Republicans.

Then there are all the stories about how they give to Republicans. All the stories about how the GOP blocks any bill that would work to keep jobs here.

‘US’ Chamber Of Commerce Hosts Seminars With Chinese Gov Officials To Teach American Firms How To Outsource



If you want to know anything, don't you ever spend the time to go look it up? Don't you want to know the facts? How can you make any reasonable replies when you don't even know what's going on?

I don't get this urge to remain stupid. Perhaps you could explain it.

Sure, from 2001 to 2008 millions of jobs were moved to China and over 42,000 factories closes.

That's awful. But That doesn't show that was a "GOP accomplishment".

Democratic lawmakers think it’s unfair that a company can take a deduction for moving costs when those costs include money spent transporting jobs out of the country.

Democrats think a lot of imaginary things are unfair.

The bill failed both times.

Is there a corporate tax break that ships jobs overseas?

Thanks for the link. I liked this part.

"When we asked Democratic groups for evidence for their claims, they pointed us to Republican votes on a failed tax reform bill -- a bill that experts told us would not have affected corporations’ behavior."

It's nice when a liberal disproves his own claim.

If you want to know anything, don't you ever spend the time to go look it up?

I do, but the easiest way to disprove a liberal claim, is to ask the claimant to prove it.

Thanks again!
Democratic lawmakers think it’s unfair that a company can take a deduction for moving costs when those costs include money spent transporting jobs out of the country.

Democrats think a lot of imaginary things are unfair.


So far, all you did was unsuccessful deny. Totally expected.


The huge write off companies get for moving stuff out of the country...is imaginary.
The benefit the country would get by eliminating the write off...is imaginary.
The benefit the country would see if Obama's 20% tax credit for moving production back...is imaginary.
Moving jobs back to the US WOULD, however, subject the company to a draconian, highest in the world, corporate tax.

Drop that to 15 percent and see what happens.
The average corporate tax after the very generous deductions is 12%. If you will eliminate ALL deductions, I could accept a 15% corporate tax rate.

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