Fake News 60 Minutes makes up Pompeo position. More political hackery from CBS


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Another example of the Dimwinger media making up shit to attack the Trump administration.

60 Minutes Falsely Accuses Pompeo of Trying to ‘Resurrect’ Theory that Coronavirus Was ‘Man-Made’
Mairead McArdle
National ReviewMay 11, 2020, 10:53 AM CDT


CBS News’ 60 Minutes misrepresented Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s position regarding the origin of the novel coronavirus in a Sunday tweet.
“Last Sunday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo attempted to resurrect a debunked theory that the virus was man-made in China,” read a Sunday tweet from the 60 Minutes account.

60 Minutes



As the U.S. took the lead for illness and death from coronavirus, the White House moved the focus to the Chinese government. Last Sunday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo attempted to resurrect a debunked theory that the virus was man-made in China. https://cbsn.ws/3fIezVd

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6:11 PM - May 10, 2020
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During the interview referenced in the 60 Minutes tweet, Pompeo was asked by ABC’s Martha Raddatz whether he thinks the coronavirus was “man-made or genetically modified.”
“Look, the best experts so far seem to think it was man-made. I have no reason to disbelieve that at this point,” Pompeo said, apparently misspeaking.
Raddatz pointed out that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has said the scientific consensus was that the virus was not manmade or genetically modified.
“That’s right. I agree with that,” Pompeo said, clarifying his earlier remark. “Yeah, I’ve seen their analysis. I’ve seen the summary that you saw that was released publicly. I have no reason to doubt that that is accurate at this point.”
“I’ve seen what the Intelligence Community has said. I have no reason to believe that they’ve got it wrong,” the secretary of state responded, adding that “what’s important” is that the Chinese Communist Party “had the opportunity to prevent all of the calamity that has befallen the world, and here we find ourselves today.”
The State Department called the network’s mischaracterization of Pompeo’s position “deeply irresponsible.” CBS News also neglected to reach out to the State Department for comment or clarification before airing the report, the department said.
On Wednesday, Pompeo said at a press briefing that there is “significant evidence” to believe the coronavirus originated in a lab, but added that, “we don’t have certainty about whether it began in the lab or whether it began someplace else.”
60 Minutes has been working very hard to defend the Xi regime and bash the Trump administration. I watched Scott Pelley's report last week defending the Wuhan lab vigorously. There was no criticism of China whatsoever while nearly every statement had some negative directed at President Trump.
Another example of the Dimwinger media making up shit to attack the Trump administration.

60 Minutes Falsely Accuses Pompeo of Trying to ‘Resurrect’ Theory that Coronavirus Was ‘Man-Made’
Mairead McArdle
National ReviewMay 11, 2020, 10:53 AM CDT


CBS News’ 60 Minutes misrepresented Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s position regarding the origin of the novel coronavirus in a Sunday tweet.
“Last Sunday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo attempted to resurrect a debunked theory that the virus was man-made in China,” read a Sunday tweet from the 60 Minutes account.

60 Minutes

As the U.S. took the lead for illness and death from coronavirus, the White House moved the focus to the Chinese government. Last Sunday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo attempted to resurrect a debunked theory that the virus was man-made in China. https://cbsn.ws/3fIezVd
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6:11 PM - May 10, 2020
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2,890 people are talking about this

During the interview referenced in the 60 Minutes tweet, Pompeo was asked by ABC’s Martha Raddatz whether he thinks the coronavirus was “man-made or genetically modified.”
“Look, the best experts so far seem to think it was man-made. I have no reason to disbelieve that at this point,” Pompeo said, apparently misspeaking.
Raddatz pointed out that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has said the scientific consensus was that the virus was not manmade or genetically modified.
“That’s right. I agree with that,” Pompeo said, clarifying his earlier remark. “Yeah, I’ve seen their analysis. I’ve seen the summary that you saw that was released publicly. I have no reason to doubt that that is accurate at this point.”
“I’ve seen what the Intelligence Community has said. I have no reason to believe that they’ve got it wrong,” the secretary of state responded, adding that “what’s important” is that the Chinese Communist Party “had the opportunity to prevent all of the calamity that has befallen the world, and here we find ourselves today.”
The State Department called the network’s mischaracterization of Pompeo’s position “deeply irresponsible.” CBS News also neglected to reach out to the State Department for comment or clarification before airing the report, the department said.
On Wednesday, Pompeo said at a press briefing that there is “significant evidence” to believe the coronavirus originated in a lab, but added that, “we don’t have certainty about whether it began in the lab or whether it began someplace else.”

I record that program now so I can edit out the bullshit but it's rapidly getting to the point that it's not worth recording any of it in the first place. I even record Sunday Morning now so I can tolerate watching parts of it but even it's getting to be pretty much of a futile exercise too. That's pretty much all for any MSM network now, the rest I just won't waste my time on anymore.
60 Minutes has been pathetic for decades. They will say anything and accept anything that they think is negative to the Republicans. Remember the Killian Documents in the 2004 Presidential election? The way they accepted obvious fraudulent documents as "legit" without even checking, because they put Dubya in a bad light?

Thank God for Rove and Roger Stone for cooking up and passing those docs to that POS Rather.
The media is in full lying mode from now until November 3rd...turn it off...do not let them infect you with TDS....
IMO 60 minutes is worse than CNN, Morning Joe etc. because they pretend to be an impartial show when they are every bit as partisan as the rest of the anti-Trump Media. At least CNN and the other clown shows wear their TDS on their faces for all to see.

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