Fake News Libturd Style

No, it was the DNC and Podesta's. NOT Hillary's. She gave those to the FBI, and THEY feqed it all up...Comey is GOP, after all. So's Putin.
Isn't it a little early in the day to become incoherent?
Sorry about reality, shyttehead dupe.
Reality is fake news takes main stage!

Still no evidence. Hearsay is not evidence! Never is!
The evidence is top secret, conspiracy nutjob dunce dupe. LOL DUHHHHH
Why is it top secret? An accusation was made, back it up fk!

Oh, and if it's top secret how'd the MSM get it?
They ALL got the conclusions. Change the channel, stupid.
Putin, Comey, and 25 years 25 years of fake news about the Clintons won the election. A disgrace.
Only RW dupes think Dems expect a hack of the election, but after all that and Trump's rig talk, the recounts and investigations are a good idea, dupe.
Look at all the democrat voter fraud they found in Michigan....

Judge cancelled it! Judge cancelled it!

Nothing to see here!
If they did hack Trump's emails, it might have been just boring stuff - no scandal - so no reason to share.

No question Hillary's emails were hacked but it was largely due to her making it so easy. She was so reckless. I bet Trump has better security.

Not all Dems were hacked. Obama wasn't hacked. It's called security. I think Hillary and the DNC had security similar to what the Obamacare website had, which is to say they had none that an amateur hacker couldn't easily get around. That is why they were exposed. And the libs act more outraged over the hacking than over the dirty secrets revealed. Hillary lied her ass off about the content and devices. And the left stomps their feet like children and cry about the mean old hackers exposing them. I remember when they loved whistle blowers.

Assange has taken credit so is the left now saying that he works for Russia?
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
You're a fucking LIAR!!!
C&P the reports from the CIA/NSA to your assertion. You can't!
BS, dingbat. LOL. You jackasses want top secret evidence reported lol. Guess what, for the millionth time in a row, it's NOT A CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!!!
Right it's just fake
Fake is FBI agents killed by Hillary, Obama gives money to keep Mosque open, Obama gave stand down, Ambassador raped, Obama gay, Volt costs 278k and catches fire, video never important, -just about everything you dupes know. NOT CIA/NSA conclusions. Except Iraq and Bay of Pigs ....

2 things: WHY THE FEQ didn't cowardly corporate media pay attention to this in OCTOBER? Why does our media SUQ?
Fake was "hands up don't shoot " and the destruction of private property and libturds carrying the fake news at the White House.

Still no evidence
Isn't it a little early in the day to become incoherent?
Sorry about reality, shyttehead dupe.
Reality is fake news takes main stage!

Still no evidence. Hearsay is not evidence! Never is!
The evidence is top secret, conspiracy nutjob dunce dupe. LOL DUHHHHH
Why is it top secret? An accusation was made, back it up fk!

Oh, and if it's top secret how'd the MSM get it?
They ALL got the conclusions. Change the channel, stupid.
Well show me what they got! Why the secrets?
Franco still believes hands up don't shoot
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
You're a fucking LIAR!!!
C&P the reports from the CIA/NSA to your assertion. You can't!
BS, dingbat. LOL. You jackasses want top secret evidence reported lol. Guess what, for the millionth time in a row, it's NOT A CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!!!
Right it's just fake
Fake is FBI agents killed by Hillary, Obama gives money to keep Mosque open, Obama gave stand down, Ambassador raped, Obama gay, Volt costs 278k and catches fire, video never important, -just about everything you dupes know. NOT CIA/NSA conclusions. Except Iraq and Bay of Pigs ....

2 things: WHY THE FEQ didn't cowardly corporate media pay attention to this in OCTOBER? Why does our media SUQ?
Fake was "hands up don't shoot " and the destruction of private property and libturds carrying the fake news at the White House.

Still no evidence
Top secret, dunce. lol

"Hands" who knows. "Bad news"? Not political. The rest?????
That is the phonies BS response I have had in a long long time. Prove to me that the tooth fairy doesn't exist.
So the CIA confirms that the Russians attempted to mess with our elections and you promptly label it fake news with no supporting evidence? Talk about BS.
NO you fuck-witt!
Wrong as always!
The Washington Post claimed an 'anonymous unnamed source' at the CIA claimed the Russians affected the election outcome.
Yet the OFFICIAL CIA announcement said the CIA had NO information proving the Russians did fuck all!
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Google "Russia influence election" and look at recent articles. They have a "a high degree of confidence" which is typically as close as you can get in that biz. They also have "high degree of confidence" that the the GOP was hacked, but they open not to release that info to wikileaks. That is interesting.
I don't want to read a high level of confidence, I want to see they have evidence. Faked is all it is!

Post evidence Or it's fake
Sure, like they ever release intelligence. You don't demand evidence for your claims, innuendo is enough. Double standards much?

Zackly and Bingo. They continue to crow about "three million Amish" voting with no evidence whatsoever. Having it both ways: Priceless.

Oh wait, they changed that to "three million illegals". Whatever.
So the CIA confirms that the Russians attempted to mess with our elections and you promptly label it fake news with no supporting evidence? Talk about BS.
NO you fuck-witt!
Wrong as always!
The Washington Post claimed an 'anonymous unnamed source' at the CIA claimed the Russians affected the election outcome.
Yet the OFFICIAL CIA announcement said the CIA had NO information proving the Russians did fuck all!
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Google "Russia influence election" and look at recent articles. They have a "a high degree of confidence" which is typically as close as you can get in that biz. They also have "high degree of confidence" that the the GOP was hacked, but they open not to release that info to wikileaks. That is interesting.
I don't want to read a high level of confidence, I want to see they have evidence. Faked is all it is!

Post evidence Or it's fake
Sure, like they ever release intelligence. You don't demand evidence for your claims, innuendo is enough. Double standards much?

Zackly and Bingo. They continue to crow about "three million Amish" voting with no evidence whatsoever. Having it both ways: Priceless.

Oh wait, they changed that to "three million illegals". Whatever.
The election was over a month ago, live with it. bedwetter
Lame duck is on his way out time to move on to bigger and better things
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
They won't. They are happy because it affected their opponent and that is more important to them than evidence that a foreign state directly attempted to influence. There is no way of knowing whether or not it a tually made a difference in the election, but tbat isnt the point. Americans should be outraged. The fact that some are going so far as to justify and applaud it is beyond disconcerting. It's disgusting.
How did it affect the election? Come on girl you keep posting more fake crap!
What exactly did Putin do?
Exactly! All morning it's been someone connected to Russia what's that actually mean? Oh yeah, no one knows and it's faked
I know Hillary gives classified information to our enemies. She is president material. Putin says he will work with Trump, and all a sudden Putin rigged our election. Liberals are crazy.View attachment 101599

Yet another fake quote from Googly Image meme generators. What's stupefying is that y'all seem to think the ability to write your own caption onto a picture somehow makes it a real thing.

The actual quote, from the October 19 debate:

“Every time Donald thinks things are not going in his direction he claims whatever it is… is rigged against him. He became the first person, Republican or Democrat, who refused to say that he would respect the results of this election. Now, that is a direct threat to our democracy"

--- see the word "anybody" in there, Dumbass?
You're a fucking LIAR!!!
C&P the reports from the CIA/NSA to your assertion. You can't!
BS, dingbat. LOL. You jackasses want top secret evidence reported lol. Guess what, for the millionth time in a row, it's NOT A CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!!!
Right it's just fake
Fake is FBI agents killed by Hillary, Obama gives money to keep Mosque open, Obama gave stand down, Ambassador raped, Obama gay, Volt costs 278k and catches fire, video never important, -just about everything you dupes know. NOT CIA/NSA conclusions. Except Iraq and Bay of Pigs ....

2 things: WHY THE FEQ didn't cowardly corporate media pay attention to this in OCTOBER? Why does our media SUQ?
Fake was "hands up don't shoot " and the destruction of private property and libturds carrying the fake news at the White House.

Still no evidence
Top secret, dunce. lol

"Hands" who knows. "Bad news"? Not political. The rest?????
Hands up started BLM asswipe. Baltimore, Ferguson Dallas! And encouraged by obummer, so yeah political and fake
where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news
NO you fuck-witt!
Wrong as always!
The Washington Post claimed an 'anonymous unnamed source' at the CIA claimed the Russians affected the election outcome.
Yet the OFFICIAL CIA announcement said the CIA had NO information proving the Russians did fuck all!
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Google "Russia influence election" and look at recent articles. They have a "a high degree of confidence" which is typically as close as you can get in that biz. They also have "high degree of confidence" that the the GOP was hacked, but they open not to release that info to wikileaks. That is interesting.
I don't want to read a high level of confidence, I want to see they have evidence. Faked is all it is!

Post evidence Or it's fake
Sure, like they ever release intelligence. You don't demand evidence for your claims, innuendo is enough. Double standards much?

Zackly and Bingo. They continue to crow about "three million Amish" voting with no evidence whatsoever. Having it both ways: Priceless.

Oh wait, they changed that to "three million illegals". Whatever.
The election was over a month ago, live with it. bedwetter
Lame duck is on his way out time to move on to bigger and better things
Forget history is how the GOP even continues, typical ignoramus dupe.

OP- STILL no Dem fake news. It only works with GOP dupes...
where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news

Any evidence would probably show how they padded their totals by 20 or 30 million votes.

In the Imaginarium all things are possible. Why stop at "20 or 30 million"? As an Fabricator of Undocumented Current Knowledge Snippets Transmitted Into Cyberspace Kernels (FUCKSTICK) you're entitled to 88 billion gazillion gadzooksamillion aliens from the planet Scwartz, without which your human impression of a stick of Velveeta Cheese with hairy mold would have won unanimously.
where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news
Google "Russia influence election" and look at recent articles. They have a "a high degree of confidence" which is typically as close as you can get in that biz. They also have "high degree of confidence" that the the GOP was hacked, but they open not to release that info to wikileaks. That is interesting.
I don't want to read a high level of confidence, I want to see they have evidence. Faked is all it is!

Post evidence Or it's fake
Sure, like they ever release intelligence. You don't demand evidence for your claims, innuendo is enough. Double standards much?

Zackly and Bingo. They continue to crow about "three million Amish" voting with no evidence whatsoever. Having it both ways: Priceless.

Oh wait, they changed that to "three million illegals". Whatever.
The election was over a month ago, live with it. bedwetter
Lame duck is on his way out time to move on to bigger and better things
Forget history is how the GOP even continues, typical ignoramus dupe.

OP- STILL no Dem fake news. It only works with GOP dupes...
History is dentures create fake news through their rigged MSM biased stations. They are all fake
where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news

Any evidence would probably show how they padded their totals by 20 or 30 million votes.

In the Imaginarium all things are possible. Why stop at "20 or 30 million"? As an Fabricator of Undocumented Current Knowledge Snippets Transmitted Into Cyberspace Kernels (FUCKSTICK) you're entitled to 88 billion gazillion gadzooksamillion aliens from the planet Scwartz, without which your human impression of a stick of Velveeta Cheese with hairy mold would have won unanimously.
Well we do know 20000 ballot try in Florida by the democrats.
What is wrong is you should care that a foreign power interfered in our elections.

Maybe next time it will be the GOP that is hacked.

We don't even know what is true and what is false and you assholes don't care as long as your guy wins.
There should be a investigation on the DNC/Hildabeast, the fuck ups were soooooo loose with their emails that the whole world over hacked them... not just Russia. Lol

The whole world huh? Why are you so intent on defending Russia?
What is wrong is you should care that a foreign power interfered in our elections.

Maybe next time it will be the GOP that is hacked.

We don't even know what is true and what is false and you assholes don't care as long as your guy wins.
No, we know liberals will do anything to win an election even if they have to make up fake news. The media was in bed with Hillary and she still lost. Get over it.

:lmao: "Make up fake news" huh?

Like "Hillary in bed with Yoko"?
Like "Bill Clinton's illegitimate son"?
Like "Hillary has Parkinsons / Dementia / measles / halitosis / cancer / scorpio / Globner's Disease"?
Like "John Podesta running a child porn ring out of a pizza shop"?
Like "Rump won the popular vote"?
Like ""FBI Agent Suspected In Hillary Email Leaks Found Dead In Apparent Murder-Suicide"?

Like "Three million Amish voting for Rump"? :lmao:
where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news

Any evidence would probably show how they padded their totals by 20 or 30 million votes.

In the Imaginarium all things are possible. Why stop at "20 or 30 million"? As an Fabricator of Undocumented Current Knowledge Snippets Transmitted Into Cyberspace Kernels (FUCKSTICK) you're entitled to 88 billion gazillion gadzooksamillion aliens from the planet Scwartz, without which your human impression of a stick of Velveeta Cheese with hairy mold would have won unanimously.
Well we do know 20000 ballot try in Florida by the democrats.
No evidence of any systemic fraud.
What is wrong is you should care that a foreign power interfered in our elections.

Maybe next time it will be the GOP that is hacked.

We don't even know what is true and what is false and you assholes don't care as long as your guy wins.
There should be a investigation on the DNC/Hildabeast, the fuck ups were soooooo loose with their emails that the whole world over hacked them... not just Russia. Lol

The whole world huh? Why are you so intent on defending Russia?

Says the far left drone known for posting fake news and claiming as fact!
where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news

Any evidence would probably show how they padded their totals by 20 or 30 million votes.

In the Imaginarium all things are possible. Why stop at "20 or 30 million"? As an Fabricator of Undocumented Current Knowledge Snippets Transmitted Into Cyberspace Kernels (FUCKSTICK) you're entitled to 88 billion gazillion gadzooksamillion aliens from the planet Scwartz, without which your human impression of a stick of Velveeta Cheese with hairy mold would have won unanimously.
Well we do know 20000 ballot try in Florida by the democrats.
No evidence of any systemic fraud.

Three in Florida, Virginia charged with voter fraud
Putin, Comey, and 25 years 25 years of fake news about the Clintons won the election. A disgrace.
Only RW dupes think Dems expect a hack of the election, but after all that and Trump's rig talk, the recounts and investigations are a good idea, dupe.
Look at all the democrat voter fraud they found in Michigan....

What "fraud" is that?

aaaaand two hundred posts later................. still no answer.

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