Fake News Libturd Style

It's hilarious how you support fake news! You're gullible!
So name me a REP who is "outraged" that Trump won? He was the number one reason the down ballot REPs slaughtered the DEMs across the country.
Timeline: Obama is elected by 'White guilters' and the OJ jury...twice.
Eight years later the DEMs have LOST about a thousand legislative positions in the country.
Reason? Blame the negroes for not turning out. Blame the Latinos. Blame the "educated" White women. Blame the Russians. Blame the fact that Wisconsin was 'too far away to campaign even ONE time.
Solution: Put Keith Ellison in charge of the DNC and reelect nancy as once again the MINORITY house leader.
Well DONE!!!!
The media has redirected their gullible naive minds away from what was found and has them believing the only reason their witch did not win it was because of putin.

Good God they are easy.

Actually..no, that is what YOU are saying. Please don't attribute your delusional thinking to the rest of us.

Whether Hillary would have won or lost without Russia's meddling is an unknown and ultimately irrelevant. What matters is that a foreign power did this. If that is too much for your little bird brain to grasp, then this might be the time for a strategic retreat to your Safe Space and a fresh pair of Depends. :)

So you're okay with corruption?

Are you OK with corruption?

What specific corruption was exposed?

I am not ok with foreign intervention EVER. Why are you?

Are there any kind of rules to become a USMB mod?
Like a semi adherence to the truth?
Or can you become a mod and spew whatever false narrative you want?
The entire thread is based on falsehood :lol:
The falsehood is YOU can't show a single fucking sentence from an official CIA report!
It's 100% "anonymous sources".
Any clue how fucking stupid that sounds?
Actually..no, that is what YOU are saying. Please don't attribute your delusional thinking to the rest of us.

Whether Hillary would have won or lost without Russia's meddling is an unknown and ultimately irrelevant. What matters is that a foreign power did this. If that is too much for your little bird brain to grasp, then this might be the time for a strategic retreat to your Safe Space and a fresh pair of Depends. :)

So you're okay with corruption?

Are you OK with corruption?

What specific corruption was exposed?

I am not ok with foreign intervention EVER. Why are you?

Are there any kind of rules to become a USMB mod?
Like a semi adherence to the truth?
Or can you become a mod and spew whatever false narrative you want?
The entire thread is based on falsehood :lol:
The falsehood is YOU can't show a single fucking sentence from an official CIA report!
It's 100% "anonymous sources".
Any clue how fucking stupid that sounds?
I like how they can't justify the report! Should have heard a guy from slate magazine on face the nation this morning. Calling it unjustified election and recall. See how they work? Here we go, all, all biased. Did I say all biased? Bipartisan my ass.
Not going to hold the bitch responsible for putting her emails on unsecured emails?

No, you are not. Makes you a fucking idiot.

I love too how you feign outrage over that and not about ALL of the other countries hacking our emails just about every day.

Very well documented too. Now, all of a sudden you just care sooooo much. Of course ignoring the bitch and the unsecured servers.

Plus how you ignore all of the disgraceful information and lies and bribes and what the Clinton Foundation was up to.

So, please. Go yell in your little echo chambers about how unjust things are for little fucking hillary.

Just don't do it with me.

Wah Wah Wah

Just admit it. You support Russia intervening in our elections as long as your candidate benefits.


You have proof of this intervention or are you just posting fake news? Hillary warned you that fake news like this could get someone killed.
Prove it's fake news.
We don't prove negatives here. Or anywhere else. Essentially you people on the left are charging that from somewhere inside the Russian border a computer hacker was able to access Mrs Clinton's ILLEGAL ( FBI claim) server and dump some of those emails into the public domain. This had nothing to do with the election. Of course, you lefties cannot accept the fact that you don't get to win elections at a 100% clip, so you hack up this oyster of a talking point. Its an abject failure. BTW, did the FBI also meddle in the election? After all their people also went through that same server. and dumped emails, some 30k into the public domain.
Stop crying.
No, it was the DNC and Podesta's. NOT Hillary's. She gave those to the FBI, and THEY feqed it all up...Comey is GOP, after all. So's Putin.
Isn't it a little early in the day to become incoherent?
Why weren't the GOP and Trump emails hacked?
What emails? Umm, hey cupcake, Trump was a private citizen. Why would the Cossacks be interested in his emails?
You go on believing in a conspiracy.

If they did hack Trump's emails, it might have been just boring stuff - no scandal - so no reason to share.

No question Hillary's emails were hacked but it was largely due to her making it so easy. She was so reckless. I bet Trump has better security.

Not all Dems were hacked. Obama wasn't hacked. It's called security. I think Hillary and the DNC had security similar to what the Obamacare website had, which is to say they had none that an amateur hacker couldn't easily get around. That is why they were exposed. And the libs act more outraged over the hacking than over the dirty secrets revealed. Hillary lied her ass off about the content and devices. And the left stomps their feet like children and cry about the mean old hackers exposing them. I remember when they loved whistle blowers.

Assange has taken credit so is the left now saying that he works for Russia?
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
You're a fucking LIAR!!!
C&P the reports from the CIA/NSA to your assertion. You can't!
They won't. They are happy because it affected their opponent and that is more important to them than evidence that a foreign state directly attempted to influence. There is no way of knowing whether or not it a tually made a difference in the election, but tbat isnt the point. Americans should be outraged. The fact that some are going so far as to justify and applaud it is beyond disconcerting. It's disgusting.
Again, influence how?
I'm not sure we will know the degree to which it affected the election, but I'm sure it had some influence. Either way, that is water under the bridge now.

Are you OK with this happening? Or, do you think we should take it seriously? Do you see it as undermining the integrity of our elections?

I do.
No, no you don't get off with that response, influence the election is a huge word. How did they influence voters? That has to be the question to answer since it is the accusation. Come on how?

Yes. I can. Who are you to make demands when you won't even answer questions?

There is no objective way right now to measure the damage done by the hacks, releasing to wikileaks, Russian propagated fake news, etc.

I think it would be naive to assume there was no effect. You can look at the proliferation of fake news and conspiracy theories spawned by all this, as one example and the willingness of people to believe it. You think it hasn't influenced opinions? There has been little attempt to critically analyze the material in its appropriate context. It's been released in data dumps.

Did it influence the election? Yes. Look at how the polls dropped after each release. Of course the polls were notoriously off this time but I think that has much to do with the many wildcards thrown into the election.
Yeah what did come out of the emails is that Hillary had to cheat against Sanders. You still supported her. Hillary even received the question of the debates in advance. Talk about rigging the election.
You mean it came out that staffers BSed about it lol, dupe. No evidence of actual cheating. ZZZZZ

MAYBE a couple questions....zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Denied at that.
Wah Wah Wah

Just admit it. You support Russia intervening in our elections as long as your candidate benefits.


You have proof of this intervention or are you just posting fake news? Hillary warned you that fake news like this could get someone killed.
Prove it's fake news.
We don't prove negatives here. Or anywhere else. Essentially you people on the left are charging that from somewhere inside the Russian border a computer hacker was able to access Mrs Clinton's ILLEGAL ( FBI claim) server and dump some of those emails into the public domain. This had nothing to do with the election. Of course, you lefties cannot accept the fact that you don't get to win elections at a 100% clip, so you hack up this oyster of a talking point. Its an abject failure. BTW, did the FBI also meddle in the election? After all their people also went through that same server. and dumped emails, some 30k into the public domain.
Stop crying.
No, it was the DNC and Podesta's. NOT Hillary's. She gave those to the FBI, and THEY feqed it all up...Comey is GOP, after all. So's Putin.
Isn't it a little early in the day to become incoherent?
Sorry about reality, shyttehead dupe.
Why weren't the GOP and Trump emails hacked?
What emails? Umm, hey cupcake, Trump was a private citizen. Why would the Cossacks be interested in his emails?
You go on believing in a conspiracy.

If they did hack Trump's emails, it might have been just boring stuff - no scandal - so no reason to share.

No question Hillary's emails were hacked but it was largely due to her making it so easy. She was so reckless. I bet Trump has better security.

Not all Dems were hacked. Obama wasn't hacked. It's called security. I think Hillary and the DNC had security similar to what the Obamacare website had, which is to say they had none that an amateur hacker couldn't easily get around. That is why they were exposed. And the libs act more outraged over the hacking than over the dirty secrets revealed. Hillary lied her ass off about the content and devices. And the left stomps their feet like children and cry about the mean old hackers exposing them. I remember when they loved whistle blowers.

Assange has taken credit so is the left now saying that he works for Russia?
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
They won't. They are happy because it affected their opponent and that is more important to them than evidence that a foreign state directly attempted to influence. There is no way of knowing whether or not it a tually made a difference in the election, but tbat isnt the point. Americans should be outraged. The fact that some are going so far as to justify and applaud it is beyond disconcerting. It's disgusting.
When you have any evidence that Russia was behind the hacked DNC/Hillary's illegal server/Podseta computers by all means post it. Meantime how about not making yourself look like a more of a LIB fool everyone knows who are?
You have proof of this intervention or are you just posting fake news? Hillary warned you that fake news like this could get someone killed.
Prove it's fake news.
We don't prove negatives here. Or anywhere else. Essentially you people on the left are charging that from somewhere inside the Russian border a computer hacker was able to access Mrs Clinton's ILLEGAL ( FBI claim) server and dump some of those emails into the public domain. This had nothing to do with the election. Of course, you lefties cannot accept the fact that you don't get to win elections at a 100% clip, so you hack up this oyster of a talking point. Its an abject failure. BTW, did the FBI also meddle in the election? After all their people also went through that same server. and dumped emails, some 30k into the public domain.
Stop crying.
No, it was the DNC and Podesta's. NOT Hillary's. She gave those to the FBI, and THEY feqed it all up...Comey is GOP, after all. So's Putin.
Isn't it a little early in the day to become incoherent?
Sorry about reality, shyttehead dupe.
Describe how Washinton Posts 'anomomous CIA sources' are reality. This ought to be good for a laugh!
Why weren't the GOP and Trump emails hacked?
What emails? Umm, hey cupcake, Trump was a private citizen. Why would the Cossacks be interested in his emails?
You go on believing in a conspiracy.

If they did hack Trump's emails, it might have been just boring stuff - no scandal - so no reason to share.

No question Hillary's emails were hacked but it was largely due to her making it so easy. She was so reckless. I bet Trump has better security.

Not all Dems were hacked. Obama wasn't hacked. It's called security. I think Hillary and the DNC had security similar to what the Obamacare website had, which is to say they had none that an amateur hacker couldn't easily get around. That is why they were exposed. And the libs act more outraged over the hacking than over the dirty secrets revealed. Hillary lied her ass off about the content and devices. And the left stomps their feet like children and cry about the mean old hackers exposing them. I remember when they loved whistle blowers.

Assange has taken credit so is the left now saying that he works for Russia?
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
You're a fucking LIAR!!!
C&P the reports from the CIA/NSA to your assertion. You can't!
BS, dingbat. LOL. You jackasses want top secret evidence reported lol. Guess what, for the millionth time in a row, it's NOT A CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!!!
Why weren't the GOP and Trump emails hacked?
What emails? Umm, hey cupcake, Trump was a private citizen. Why would the Cossacks be interested in his emails?
You go on believing in a conspiracy.

If they did hack Trump's emails, it might have been just boring stuff - no scandal - so no reason to share.

No question Hillary's emails were hacked but it was largely due to her making it so easy. She was so reckless. I bet Trump has better security.

Not all Dems were hacked. Obama wasn't hacked. It's called security. I think Hillary and the DNC had security similar to what the Obamacare website had, which is to say they had none that an amateur hacker couldn't easily get around. That is why they were exposed. And the libs act more outraged over the hacking than over the dirty secrets revealed. Hillary lied her ass off about the content and devices. And the left stomps their feet like children and cry about the mean old hackers exposing them. I remember when they loved whistle blowers.

Assange has taken credit so is the left now saying that he works for Russia?
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
They won't. They are happy because it affected their opponent and that is more important to them than evidence that a foreign state directly attempted to influence. There is no way of knowing whether or not it a tually made a difference in the election, but tbat isnt the point. Americans should be outraged. The fact that some are going so far as to justify and applaud it is beyond disconcerting. It's disgusting.
When you have any evidence that Russia was behind the hacked DNC/Hillary's illegal server/Podseta computers by all means post it. Meantime how about not making yourself look like a more of a LIB fool everyone knows who are?
Yup, IT'S A CIA NSA CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!! Brainwashed functional idiots....
You have proof of this intervention or are you just posting fake news? Hillary warned you that fake news like this could get someone killed.
Prove it's fake news.
We don't prove negatives here. Or anywhere else. Essentially you people on the left are charging that from somewhere inside the Russian border a computer hacker was able to access Mrs Clinton's ILLEGAL ( FBI claim) server and dump some of those emails into the public domain. This had nothing to do with the election. Of course, you lefties cannot accept the fact that you don't get to win elections at a 100% clip, so you hack up this oyster of a talking point. Its an abject failure. BTW, did the FBI also meddle in the election? After all their people also went through that same server. and dumped emails, some 30k into the public domain.
Stop crying.
No, it was the DNC and Podesta's. NOT Hillary's. She gave those to the FBI, and THEY feqed it all up...Comey is GOP, after all. So's Putin.
Isn't it a little early in the day to become incoherent?
Sorry about reality, shyttehead dupe.
Reality is fake news takes main stage!

Still no evidence. Hearsay is not evidence! Never is!
Why weren't the GOP and Trump emails hacked?
What emails? Umm, hey cupcake, Trump was a private citizen. Why would the Cossacks be interested in his emails?
You go on believing in a conspiracy.

If they did hack Trump's emails, it might have been just boring stuff - no scandal - so no reason to share.

No question Hillary's emails were hacked but it was largely due to her making it so easy. She was so reckless. I bet Trump has better security.

Not all Dems were hacked. Obama wasn't hacked. It's called security. I think Hillary and the DNC had security similar to what the Obamacare website had, which is to say they had none that an amateur hacker couldn't easily get around. That is why they were exposed. And the libs act more outraged over the hacking than over the dirty secrets revealed. Hillary lied her ass off about the content and devices. And the left stomps their feet like children and cry about the mean old hackers exposing them. I remember when they loved whistle blowers.

Assange has taken credit so is the left now saying that he works for Russia?
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
You're a fucking LIAR!!!
C&P the reports from the CIA/NSA to your assertion. You can't!
BS, dingbat. LOL. You jackasses want top secret evidence reported lol. Guess what, for the millionth time in a row, it's NOT A CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!!!
Right it's just fake
Prove it's fake news.
We don't prove negatives here. Or anywhere else. Essentially you people on the left are charging that from somewhere inside the Russian border a computer hacker was able to access Mrs Clinton's ILLEGAL ( FBI claim) server and dump some of those emails into the public domain. This had nothing to do with the election. Of course, you lefties cannot accept the fact that you don't get to win elections at a 100% clip, so you hack up this oyster of a talking point. Its an abject failure. BTW, did the FBI also meddle in the election? After all their people also went through that same server. and dumped emails, some 30k into the public domain.
Stop crying.
No, it was the DNC and Podesta's. NOT Hillary's. She gave those to the FBI, and THEY feqed it all up...Comey is GOP, after all. So's Putin.
Isn't it a little early in the day to become incoherent?
Sorry about reality, shyttehead dupe.
Reality is fake news takes main stage!

Still no evidence. Hearsay is not evidence! Never is!
The evidence is top secret, conspiracy nutjob dunce dupe. LOL DUHHHHH
We don't prove negatives here. Or anywhere else. Essentially you people on the left are charging that from somewhere inside the Russian border a computer hacker was able to access Mrs Clinton's ILLEGAL ( FBI claim) server and dump some of those emails into the public domain. This had nothing to do with the election. Of course, you lefties cannot accept the fact that you don't get to win elections at a 100% clip, so you hack up this oyster of a talking point. Its an abject failure. BTW, did the FBI also meddle in the election? After all their people also went through that same server. and dumped emails, some 30k into the public domain.
Stop crying.
No, it was the DNC and Podesta's. NOT Hillary's. She gave those to the FBI, and THEY feqed it all up...Comey is GOP, after all. So's Putin.
Isn't it a little early in the day to become incoherent?
Sorry about reality, shyttehead dupe.
Reality is fake news takes main stage!

Still no evidence. Hearsay is not evidence! Never is!
The evidence is top secret, conspiracy nutjob dunce dupe. LOL DUHHHHH
Why is it top secret? An accusation was made, back it up fk!

Oh, and if it's top secret how'd the MSM get it?
Last edited:
What emails? Umm, hey cupcake, Trump was a private citizen. Why would the Cossacks be interested in his emails?
You go on believing in a conspiracy.

If they did hack Trump's emails, it might have been just boring stuff - no scandal - so no reason to share.

No question Hillary's emails were hacked but it was largely due to her making it so easy. She was so reckless. I bet Trump has better security.

Not all Dems were hacked. Obama wasn't hacked. It's called security. I think Hillary and the DNC had security similar to what the Obamacare website had, which is to say they had none that an amateur hacker couldn't easily get around. That is why they were exposed. And the libs act more outraged over the hacking than over the dirty secrets revealed. Hillary lied her ass off about the content and devices. And the left stomps their feet like children and cry about the mean old hackers exposing them. I remember when they loved whistle blowers.

Assange has taken credit so is the left now saying that he works for Russia?
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
You're a fucking LIAR!!!
C&P the reports from the CIA/NSA to your assertion. You can't!
BS, dingbat. LOL. You jackasses want top secret evidence reported lol. Guess what, for the millionth time in a row, it's NOT A CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!!!
Right it's just fake
Fake is FBI agents killed by Hillary, Obama gives money to keep Mosque open, Obama gave stand down, Ambassador raped, Obama gay, Volt costs 278k and catches fire, video never important, -just about everything you dupes know. NOT CIA/NSA conclusions. Except Iraq and Bay of Pigs ....

2 things: WHY THE FEQ didn't cowardly corporate media pay attention to this in OCTOBER? Why does our media SUQ?

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