Fake News Media ENDS WH Press Briefings

When you touch someone deliberately when they haven't given consent, you have committed assault.
Nope. Ask a cop.
No. Ask a judge or lawyer. While such a thing can be deemed assault, that does not automatically constitute assault. Look it up.

And by your own logic, Acosta could have just punched her in the throat out of self defense, as she touched him first.

Come on.
He had Trump's mic. She was entitled to retrieve it. He was committing another crime by declining to return it. Any way you look at it, Acosta was in the wrong.
BTW, Acosta struck her arm with an edge-hand (shuto)...that's felonious assault if he's had a single minute of martial arts training....LOCK HIM UP!

Her left hand starts out as a fist. It looks like she is going to punch him.
He defensively moves his right shoulder back.
His left side naturally moves forward.
His hand is still pointing when defensively blocks her punch.
The punch turns out to be a grab for the mic.
It looks like she was assaulting him.

Am I right? I don't know, but you can interpret it that way too.

You're actually trying to blame Trump's aid for it? You know what you are?

Can you say "douchebag?"
You're trying to claim a fake video prove something and you wanna call somebody else a douchebag?

You know what that make you?

A liar.
She was entitled to retrieve it.
She was not entitled to touch him, though. Sorry bud, but you backed yourself into a corner with your bad logic and facts.

Frankly,I felt horrible for her. What a horrible position to be put in by the child president.
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Stephanie Grisham says it's because the sniveling losers used them to "get famous" at the President's expense. Trying to out-commie each other, they ignored the news of the day and focused solely on their vendetta to get Trump. They howled like long-tail cats around rocking chairs when the WH first used only the camera on Sarah. They went ballistic when little Jimmy Acosta was temporarily banned after playing keep-away with the mike, refusing to end his argument with the President....it's as close as we've seen Trump almost losing his shit and knocking one of these midgets out cold.


Stephanie Grisham says reporters used White House press briefings to ‘get famous’
Sounds like your thread title is a bald faced lie. tRump has taught you well.

No the Fake News White House - an outfit that has been caught red-handed on three separate occasions, putting out doctored and faked videos about Democrats, really is the one shutting down the White House Press Corps briefings because the Press Corps keeps calling them out for lying.

As is typical of anything run by Trump, they

1. Deny they did any such thing.

2. Find a quick Democratic target and put out doctored video (Jim Accosta assaulting an intern, Drunk Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden admitting to bribery), all to deflect from some terrible thing Trump has done.

3. When caught, deny, deny , deny and invoke the words “fake news”.

4. When the video is confirmed to be fake, those not paying close attention will assume it’s the MSM because Trump has vociferously denied using faked video.
She was entitled to retrieve it.
She was not entitled to touch him, though. Sorry bud, but you backed yourself into a corner with your bad logic and facts.

Frankly,I felt horrible for her. What a horrible position to be put in by the child president.
If he has her mic and he refuses to return, yes she is entitled to touch him. She's entitled to use whatever force is required, short of seriously injuring him, to retrieve it. Trump could have had a couple of security people wrestle him to the ground and pry it from his hands.

You really don't know shit about the law. Whatever justifies the thuggish behavior of leftwingers is legal in your view.
Stephanie Grisham says it's because the sniveling losers used them to "get famous" at the President's expense. Trying to out-commie each other, they ignored the news of the day and focused solely on their vendetta to get Trump. They howled like long-tail cats around rocking chairs when the WH first used only the camera on Sarah. They went ballistic when little Jimmy Acosta was temporarily banned after playing keep-away with the mike, refusing to end his argument with the President....it's as close as we've seen Trump almost losing his shit and knocking one of these midgets out cold.


Stephanie Grisham says reporters used White House press briefings to ‘get famous’
Sounds like your thread title is a bald faced lie. tRump has taught you well.

No the Fake News White House - an outfit that has been caught red-handed on three separate occasions, putting out doctored and faked videos about Democrats, really is the one shutting down the White House Press Corps briefings because the Press Corps keeps calling them out for lying.

As is typical of anything run by Trump, they

1. Deny they did any such thing.

2. Find a quick Democratic target and put out doctored video (Jim Accosta assaulting an intern, Drunk Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden admitting to bribery), all to deflect from some terrible thing Trump has done.

3. When caught, deny, deny , deny and invoke the words “fake news”.

4. When the video is confirmed to be fake, those not paying close attention will assume it’s the MSM because Trump has vociferously denied using faked video.
The video wasn't faked, and your post is a total pack of lies, as usual.
If he has her mic and he refuses to return, yes she is entitled to touch him.
Utter nonsense, and you just made that up.
Nope. If someone takes your property, you are entitled to retrieve it. I had a friend who caught some thief stealing tools out of his truck. He beat the thief bad enough to put him in the hospital. The cops didn't say a thing about it. They just took the thief to the hospital and then to jail.
Trump loathes accountability. He has never really faced it.

And he has his anti-American supporters believing that a free press is "the enemy of the people".

He cannot leave office fast enough! We absolutely need people asking him hard questions. Otherwise all we have is propaganda.
Trump has made his presidency off the backs of ignorant people as this quote explains.
“There was no point in seeking to
convert the intellectuals. For
intellectuals would never be converted
and would anyway always yield to the
stronger, and this will always be "the
man in the street." Arguments must
therefore be crude, clear and forcible,
and appeal to emotions and instincts,
not the intellect. Truth was
unimportant and entirely subordinate
to tactics and psychology.“
Wow.... you folks really are ignorant of history...
She was entitled to retrieve it.
She was not entitled to touch him, though. Sorry bud, but you backed yourself into a corner with your bad logic and facts.

Frankly,I felt horrible for her. What a horrible position to be put in by the child president.
If he has her mic and he refuses to return, yes she is entitled to touch him. She's entitled to use whatever force is required, short of seriously injuring him, to retrieve it. Trump could have had a couple of security people wrestle him to the ground and pry it from his hands.

You really don't know shit about the law. Whatever justifies the thuggish behavior of leftwingers is legal in your view.

You’re the one justifying thuggish behaviour. You’re suggesting using violence to silence the questions of an accredited reporter.

The Constitution is clear on the role of the press to keep government in check. This administration attacks and denigrate anyone who criticizes Trump.

You’re the one who defending thugs.
She was entitled to retrieve it.
She was not entitled to touch him, though. Sorry bud, but you backed yourself into a corner with your bad logic and facts.

Frankly,I felt horrible for her. What a horrible position to be put in by the child president.
If he has her mic and he refuses to return, yes she is entitled to touch him. She's entitled to use whatever force is required, short of seriously injuring him, to retrieve it. Trump could have had a couple of security people wrestle him to the ground and pry it from his hands.

You really don't know shit about the law. Whatever justifies the thuggish behavior of leftwingers is legal in your view.

You’re the one justifying thuggish behaviour. You’re suggesting using violence to silence the questions of an accredited reporter.

The Constitution is clear on the role of the press to keep government in check. This administration attacks and denigrate anyone who criticizes Trump.

You’re the one who defending thugs.
That reporter was a thug who was breaking the law. Yeah, society uses violence to enforce laws. Do you propose that we allow thugs like Acosta to assault people?
No great loss. Past administrations simply used these press conferences to play the media. If this administration feels the tables have turned then it makes complete sense to end them.
Stephanie Grisham says it's because the sniveling losers used them to "get famous" at the President's expense. Trying to out-commie each other, they ignored the news of the day and focused solely on their vendetta to get Trump. They howled like long-tail cats around rocking chairs when the WH first used only the camera on Sarah. They went ballistic when little Jimmy Acosta was temporarily banned after playing keep-away with the mike, refusing to end his argument with the President....it's as close as we've seen Trump almost losing his shit and knocking one of these midgets out cold.


Stephanie Grisham says reporters used White House press briefings to ‘get famous’
Well, everything about this thread is stupid and wrong.

First, the title is hot garbage, as it is the WH "ending" press briefings.

Of course, they have had remarkably few press briefings thus far, so this isn't much of a change.

This is to avoid the embarrassing duty of constantly lying for the president.

Okay, Dork. there has been an official announcement that, for the forseen future, there will be no more White House press briefings. Journalists will still have unlimited access to members of the WH Press Office.

Why should there be a "briefing" when the president stops and talks to them every time he leaves to get on his chopper or Air Force One?
If he has her mic and he refuses to return, yes she is entitled to touch him.
Utter nonsense, and you just made that up.
Nope. If someone takes your property, you are entitled to retrieve it. I had a friend who caught some thief stealing tools out of his truck. He beat the thief bad enough to put him in the hospital. The cops didn't say a thing about it. They just took the thief to the hospital and then to jail.

Your friend broke the law. He should have been arrested and faced serious charges for what he did. You are NOT legally entitled to do whatever you want to retrieve your property.

Furthermore, the mic didn’t belong to the intern and she had no legal right to try to take it from Accosta. The judge ruled in favour of the reporter.
Those weren't press conferences. That was just one of the fronts for the ongoing coup against President Trump. Acosta is a total dick.
Your friend broke the law. He should have been arrested and faced serious charges for what he did. You are NOT legally entitled to do whatever you want to retrieve your property.

If the thief didn't press charges or want to complain and testify, then its just water under the bridge.

Unless the thief was crippled for life, he probably wouldn't want having to testify which would require he incriminate himself. After all, he is a thief.
That reporter was a thug who was breaking the law. Yeah, society uses violence to enforce laws. Do you propose that we allow thugs like Acosta to assault people?
Feigned indignation.

what the hell difference does it make. The institution of WH Press Briefings has been suspended until such time as they can be returned to order.

In the mean time, President Trump will continue to have frequent press conferences on the WH lawn, impromptu meetings with other world leaders, and other locations as he continues to have the most transparent administration in history.
If he has her mic and he refuses to return, yes she is entitled to touch him.
Utter nonsense, and you just made that up.
Nope. If someone takes your property, you are entitled to retrieve it. I had a friend who caught some thief stealing tools out of his truck. He beat the thief bad enough to put him in the hospital. The cops didn't say a thing about it. They just took the thief to the hospital and then to jail.

Your friend broke the law. He should have been arrested and faced serious charges for what he did. You are NOT legally entitled to do whatever you want to retrieve your property.

Furthermore, the mic didn’t belong to the intern and she had no legal right to try to take it from Accosta. The judge ruled in favour of the reporter.
Most cops just don't care when thieves get what they deserve. However, it is still legal to use an appropriate amount of force to retrieve your property. He went over the line, but the principle is still there.

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