Fake News Pundits Trying to Claim "Nothing Accomplished" In Trump's First 100 Days

It's funny to see that while it was the MSM and liberals that first started saying that the ALT-Right was promoting 'Fake News', now it's the Alt-Right and other conservatives that have using the 'Fake News' accusation.


The left used the accusation to hide the fact that they were getting busted right and left for lying, obfuscating, and refusing to act as the "press" and instead acting as a political branch.
You failed to notice the distinction between what Leibovich said and what the thread title and OP assert. "Nothing legislatively" is not the same thing as "not accomplished anything" or "nothing accomplished.".

That is what I corrected you on. :rolleyes:
It's funny to see that while it was the MSM and liberals that first started saying that the ALT-Right was promoting 'Fake News', now it's the Alt-Right and other conservatives that have using the 'Fake News' accusation.


The left used the accusation to hide the fact that they were getting busted right and left for lying, obfuscating, and refusing to act as the "press" and instead acting as a political branch.

Feeling better? You can have a banana now.

What's pitiful is that before I noted it, you were, apparently, unaware of and failed to take into consideration the distinction I pointed out. Did you miss, not pay attention, or perhaps fall asleep, in the middle school classes, wherein the teacher(s) covered the concepts and used of modifiers, participles, and adjectival/adverbial phrases? Whatever the cause, now you know why you should not have done, whatever it was you did that led your not grasping the distinction between qualified and unqualified terms; that distinction is important if one is to fully and accurately comprehend all of what one reads.
You are a legend - in your own mind. :slap:

No, but I understand why it seems so to you.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
― Arthur C. Clarke, Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry Into the Limits of the Possible
It's their big push now. The FALSE idea that Trump has not accomplished anything in his first 100 days (except maybe the nomination of SCOTUS judge Gorsuch). Trump, referring to his own administration, has said "No administration has accomplished more in its first 90 days."

Not hard to see who's right. Try these dozen. Already, Trumps has >>>

1. Ended US in TPP.

2. Reduced illegal border crossings 70%.

3. Deported scores of illegal aliens.

4. Abolished "catch & release"

5. Signed Congressional ethics pledge - No public lobbying for 5 years after leaving Congress & no lobbying for other countries.

6. Syria airstrike - widely praised (even by Democrats)

7. Thousands of jobs saved (Carrier, Ford, Boeing, etc) -which Obama failed to do)

8. Muslim ban (not Trump's fault treasonous judges took action against us)

9. Signed 28 bills already

10. Biggest increase in the military in many years

11. Cut business regulations (any addition of business regulations requires 2 others to be cut)

12. Signed 212 bills undoing Obama damage.
Signed 212 bills? Just how drunk are you??

All total, he's signed 30 bills...

Signed Legislation
I have no doubt you think so.
You also have no doubt that all these things have already been accomplished by Trump (among others) :biggrin:

1. Ended US in TPP.

2. Reduced illegal border crossings 70%.

3. Deported scores of illegal aliens.

4. Abolished "catch & release"

5. Signed Congressional ethics pledge - No public lobbying for 5 years after leaving Congress & no lobbying for other countries.

6. Syria airstrike - widely praised (even by Democrats)

7. Thousands of jobs saved (Carrier, Ford, Boeing, etc) -which Obama failed to do)

8. Muslim ban (not Trump's fault treasonous judges took action against us)

9. Signed 28 bills already

10. Biggest increase in the military in many years

11. Cut business regulations (any addition of business regulations requires 2 others to be cut)

12. Signed 212 bills undoing Obama damage.

Plus + on immigration >>

  • Increases in Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents,

  • Increase in immigration judges,

  • Withholding visas from countries that refuse to repatriate deported aliens,

  • An end to catch-and-release,

  • The construction of more detention facilities for detained illegal aliens along the border,

  • Granting Border Patrol access to federal lands,

  • Ending Pres. Obama's Priority Enforcement Program (PEP),

  • Reinstating Secure Communities and encouraging increased participation from local police in immigration enforcement,

  • Creation of an office for victims of illegal-alien crimes.
I have no doubt you think so.
You also have no doubt that all these things have already been accomplished by Trump (among others) :biggrin:

1. Ended US in TPP.

2. Reduced illegal border crossings 70%.

3. Deported scores of illegal aliens.

4. Abolished "catch & release"

5. Signed Congressional ethics pledge - No public lobbying for 5 years after leaving Congress & no lobbying for other countries.

6. Syria airstrike - widely praised (even by Democrats)

7. Thousands of jobs saved (Carrier, Ford, Boeing, etc) -which Obama failed to do)

8. Muslim ban (not Trump's fault treasonous judges took action against us)

9. Signed 28 bills already

10. Biggest increase in the military in many years

11. Cut business regulations (any addition of business regulations requires 2 others to be cut)

12. Signed 212 bills undoing Obama damage.

Plus + on immigration >>

  • Increases in Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents,

  • Increase in immigration judges,

  • Withholding visas from countries that refuse to repatriate deported aliens,

  • An end to catch-and-release,

  • The construction of more detention facilities for detained illegal aliens along the border,

  • Granting Border Patrol access to federal lands,

  • Ending Pres. Obama's Priority Enforcement Program (PEP),

  • Reinstating Secure Communities and encouraging increased participation from local police in immigration enforcement,

  • Creation of an office for victims of illegal-alien crimes.
You keep trying that. Maybe one day it'll work.

Trump has been a failure. Part of the reason is that he has no plans of his own. He just relies on someone else to do it so he can claim credit for them.

TPP was a blow against America. It would have lowered or eliminated thousands of tariffs on American goods and services. America will likely now be shut out of the growth in Asian economies. It did have jurisdictional issues that could have been fixed.

Launching a strike in Syria is easy. What is step 2? This administration has no clue.

Trump did not save any jobs. Carries did not intend to move all of their jobs to Mexico. Only their low skills jobs. The remaining jobs will be lost once the automation is complete. Ford did nothing that was not planned or dictated by market conditions.

Trump's Muslim ban was a bad idea that did nothing to make us safe. It was a complete waste of time and it was deservedly overturned.

He has taken a very anti-consumer bend on regulations. Thanks to Trump and Republicans, financial advisors can continue to cheat their clients, big airlines can continue to pull a bait and switch on consumers, ISPs can sell your information and coal companies can put coal waste in rivers.
Trump has been a failure. Part of the reason is that he has no plans of his own. He just relies on someone else to do it so he can claim credit for them.

TPP was a blow against America. It would have lowered or eliminated thousands of tariffs on American goods and services. America will likely now be shut out of the growth in Asian economies. It did have jurisdictional issues that could have been fixed.

Launching a strike in Syria is easy. What is step 2? This administration has no clue.

Trump did not save any jobs. Carries did not intend to move all of their jobs to Mexico. Only their low skills jobs. The remaining jobs will be lost once the automation is complete. Ford did nothing that was not planned or dictated by market conditions.

Trump's Muslim ban was a bad idea that did nothing to make us safe. It was a complete waste of time and it was deservedly overturned.

He has taken a very anti-consumer bend on regulations. Thanks to Trump and Republicans, financial advisors can continue to cheat their clients, big airlines can continue to pull a bait and switch on consumers, ISPs can sell your information and coal companies can put coal waste in rivers.
Trump has been a success, despite the ludicrous campaign to denigrate him. All that denigration will pass as irrelevant, when the SCOTUS becomes conservative majority. Then the crybabies can cry all they want. Who cares ?

And if you think that Trump's Muslim ban was a bad idea, you are either uninformed, or an idiot. Oh, you're informed ? Yeah ? So tell us what Koran 8:12. .....9:5......9:123........and 4:34 say. We await.
You keep trying that. Maybe one day it'll work.

Still crying over Hillary loss, huh ? Well, you have my sympathy. HA HA HA HA.



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You know, it's becoming more and more apparent that quite a few Americans have the memory of a goldfish. The last bill that was shot down was because they had the CBO grade it, and when the CBO said that it would increase costs, as well as throw a bunch of people who currently have healthcare off of it, nobody voted for it because it would have killed their political career.

This time? Ryan said that they weren't going to wait for the CBO to grade it because there wasn't enough time before they went on vacation, so they rammed it through before it was graded.

However.............the Senate has said that they are going to wait for the CBO to grade it before voting on it. And, if they get the CBO grade and don't like it, they are going to change the bill.

And, if that happens, the bill will have to go back to the House for another vote with the changes.

Nope, Trump hasn't gotten rid of the ACA yet.

Trump has been a failure. Part of the reason is that he has no plans of his own. He just relies on someone else to do it so he can claim credit for them.

TPP was a blow against America. It would have lowered or eliminated thousands of tariffs on American goods and services. America will likely now be shut out of the growth in Asian economies. It did have jurisdictional issues that could have been fixed.

Launching a strike in Syria is easy. What is step 2? This administration has no clue.

Trump did not save any jobs. Carries did not intend to move all of their jobs to Mexico. Only their low skills jobs. The remaining jobs will be lost once the automation is complete. Ford did nothing that was not planned or dictated by market conditions.

Trump's Muslim ban was a bad idea that did nothing to make us safe. It was a complete waste of time and it was deservedly overturned.

He has taken a very anti-consumer bend on regulations. Thanks to Trump and Republicans, financial advisors can continue to cheat their clients, big airlines can continue to pull a bait and switch on consumers, ISPs can sell your information and coal companies can put coal waste in rivers.
Trump has been a success, despite the ludicrous campaign to denigrate him. All that denigration will pass as irrelevant, when the SCOTUS becomes conservative majority. Then the crybabies can cry all they want. Who cares ?

And if you think that Trump's Muslim ban was a bad idea, you are either uninformed, or an idiot. Oh, you're informed ? Yeah ? So tell us what Koran 8:12. .....9:5......9:123........and 4:34 say. We await.

Trump has not been a success. That is yet to be determined. The Republican healthcare bill is DOA in the Senate. He clearly has no tax plan in mind. He signed a CR that is a grab bag of special interest spending.

Does not matter what is in the Koran. When you look at the origin of terrorist attacks they came from countries that were not covered in Trump's plan. Some of them were done by radicalized American citizens.

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