Fake News Pundits Trying to Claim "Nothing Accomplished" In Trump's First 100 Days

Didn't repeal Obamacare.

Hasn't secured funding for the wall.

Has yet to get his budget passed.

Showed a lack of diplomacy with foreign leaders.

Didn't even authorize Afghanistan, that was signed off by an Obama appointed general.

Those are just some of the things.
Didn't repeal Obamacare.

Hasn't secured funding for the wall.

Has yet to get his budget passed.

Showed a lack of diplomacy with foreign leaders.

Didn't even authorize Afghanistan, that was signed off by an Obama appointed general.

Those are just some of the things.

Oh look! Another liberal shill n00b.


Hmm, that looks familiar, where have I seen that before?

Oh yeah:


Communism isn't coming anytime soon in America, commie lemming.

Trump's working more than I've seen any other president work in my lifetime.

I approve of the job he's doing.
Didn't repeal Obamacare.

Hasn't secured funding for the wall.

Has yet to get his budget passed.

Showed a lack of diplomacy with foreign leaders.

Didn't even authorize Afghanistan, that was signed off by an Obama appointed general.

Those are just some of the things.

Oh look! Another liberal shill n00b.


Hmm, that looks familiar, where have I seen that before?

Oh yeah:


Communism isn't coming anytime soon in America, commie lemming.

Trump's working more than I've seen any other president work in my lifetime.

I approve of the job he's doing.

Well, you are free to think whatever you want of me, but I would hardly say he's working more than any of his predecessors in my lifetime. The golfing, the trips to Florida, the reckless spending of taxpayer dollars does not give me reason to approve.
Didn't repeal Obamacare.

Hasn't secured funding for the wall.

Has yet to get his budget passed.

Showed a lack of diplomacy with foreign leaders.

Didn't even authorize Afghanistan, that was signed off by an Obama appointed general.

Those are just some of the things.

Oh look! Another liberal shill n00b.


Hmm, that looks familiar, where have I seen that before?

Oh yeah:


Communism isn't coming anytime soon in America, commie lemming.

Trump's working more than I've seen any other president work in my lifetime.

I approve of the job he's doing.
Trump's working more than I've seen any other president work in my lifetime.

Really? I can't lie. I've seen more of Trump on the golf course, especially on the weekends, than I have anywhere else since he took office. That, and we've got two active military conflicts going on, what's turning into either a standoff or a pissing match in the Pacific, a health insurance policy that the man's long derided and for which he all but abdicated his responsibility to submit a specific proposal to Congress for revising it, and a "ton" of items he committed -- and unprompted by anyone else -- to having accomplished in his first 100 days and that remain incomplete.

And as goes health insurance/O-care, coming up with a bipartisan health-care bill is something Trump said would be easy...It's apparently so easy he's not had his staff coordinate with Democrats to write a draft one and send it to Congress. Nevermind that after taking office, he remarked, "nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.” That's only so if "nobody" is a pseudonym for "Donald Trump."

And what about things that should indeed be "slam dunks" for a former business executive come GOP president having a GOP run Senate? How about merely availing oneself of the "low hanging" fruit that allows one to appear to have "hit the ground running" and is prepared to govern? What "fruit" might that be? Filling the appointed positions in his Administration. As of Feb 21st, there were ~550 such positions and Trump had filled four. How much progress has he made on that front? (There are a total of about 2,000 positions presidents fill by appointment, though only about a quarter of them require Senate confirmation.)

As a point of comparison, Obama who, like Trump, had the benefit of having his party control the House and Senate, had approximately 25 appointments filled. And just so you get some sense of things, Trump could have on November 10th, tasked a small team of four junior members of his team to identify and vette people for myriad positions and then submit a summary "status report" and CV for each approved individual to Trump or one of his senior aides for approval -- approval to reach out to the individuals or approval to actually nominate them if the "vetters" took the initiative to contact them before hand -- whether they started at the bottom and worked their way up or the other way around.

I mean really. That was a super easy "peach" to grab seeing as for the thousand-plus non-confirmation positions, all that's really needed are people who are reasonably decent at managing themselves and a small cadre of "direct reports," collaborating with others, and being something of an "expert" -- by education, experience, or a combination of both, but not necessarily world renowned PhDs or something -- in the area to which they'd be appointed.

How "expert" need such people be? Well, when I was in my mid-20s to mid-30s, just about everyone in my peer group whom I knew well enough to have their phone number, and who wasn't a private sector colleague, was appointed to some role in the government. They were seen as expert enough at something to have been asked to speak at a middle school graduation or a high school seminar of some sort. Some of them had been panelists at public policy symposia and/or lectures held by low and middle-tier non-profits and think tanks. Some had clerked for a federal judge and one for a "Supreme." In other words, very knowledgeable, but certainly not "the" leading authority and thought leader in their field.

What would have been the benefit of filling those "easy" positions? As I said, it creates a tone of seriousness and readiness to govern. That's something that Trump, given his absolute lack of government experience, needs. And it quickly gets the vacancy numbers low so that it's one less thing for critics, rightly so, to cite as being indicative of Trump's ineptitude and unpreparedness -- even on a basic operations management level -- for the job he won.

By far the best way to silence one's critics is to deliver results in line with the expectations oneself set by making attestations of one's abilities and making promises about what one would accomplish and when. When one doesn't follow through on such statements, the answer to the question "who knew...." is clear. Your critics knew, they knew you did not know, and for your own good, they told you so and what to do about it. The next question, then, is did you take heed of their input?

When one is out of one's depth, so long as one has enough integrity and intelligence to admit to oneself that one is so positioned, listening to one's critics, at least until one gets one's head above water and is able to proceed unaided, is one's best course of action.
If the media are trying to convince TRUMP voters that he is a FAILURE, they are FAILING:

All of the MSM anti-Trump BULLSHIT is NOT WORKING...but it IS changing Hillary voters......INTO TRUMP SUPPORTERS!

Keep it up, jackasses.

New Poll Shows 96% Of Trump Supporters Would Vote For Him Again; Just 85% Of Clinton Supporters Feel The Same

New Poll Shows 96% Of Trump Supporters Would Vote For Him Again; Just 85% Of Clinton Supporters Feel The Same
Just as it was in the campaign months. Every time the MSM and liberals tried to attack Trump with some phony accusations (Khizir Khan, Steve Kovaleski, outsourcing, John McCain, etc), the Trump supporters knew they were fake, and Trump's support went up another few notches. They're still trying. It's the definition of insanity. :rolleyes:

It's their big push now. The FALSE idea that Trump has not accomplished anything in his first 100 days (except maybe the nomination of SCOTUS judge Gorsuch). Trump, referring to his own administration, has said "No administration has accomplished more in its first 90 days."

Not hard to see who's right. Try these dozen. Already, Trumps has >>>

1. Ended US in TPP.

2. Reduced illegal border crossings 70%.

3. Deported scores of illegal aliens.

4. Abolished "catch & release"

5. Signed Congressional ethics pledge - No public lobbying for 5 years after leaving Congress & no lobbying for other countries.

6. Syria airstrike - widely praised (even by Democrats)

7. Thousands of jobs saved (Carrier, Ford, Boeing, etc) -which Obama failed to do)

8. Muslim ban (not Trump's fault treasonous judges took action against us)

9. Signed 28 bills already

10. Biggest increase in the military in many years

11. Cut business regulations (any addition of business regulations requires 2 others to be cut)

12. Signed 212 bills undoing Obama damage.
Fine. Please do provide specific instances where the noted pundits claimed Trump has accomplished nothing. Surely you've seen or head them doing so for you to assert that they have. Give us some quoted examples of a few of them doing just that.
Why ? Are the 900 Million instances in the last 90 days not enough ? :laugh:

Please give us specific instances where there's proof of fish being able to swim .:slap:
Those holes that the Tomahawks made AROUND the airfield were an excellent help since Assad wanted to plant some trees, anyway....
You're claiming the airstrikes didn't damage Assad's airforce ? Is that the latest from the Fake left ?
Fine. Please do provide specific instances where the noted pundits claimed Trump has accomplished nothing. Surely you've seen or head them doing so for you to assert that they have. Give us some quoted examples of a few of them doing just that.
Why ? Are the 900 Million instances in the last 90 days not enough ? :laugh:

Please give us specific instances where there's proof of fish being able to swim .:slap:

They lie all day, every day....

if you google "Trump First 100 days"....here is the result.

About 47,800,000 results (0.56 seconds)

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Donald Trump’s First 100 Days: The Worst on Record

The New York Times · 1 hour ago

Poll: Majority disapprove of Trump's first 100 days as president

AOL · 8 hours ago

In Gettysburg speech, Trump made 100 days of promises. Did he keep them?

USA Today · 4 mins ago

More for trump first 100 days
Donald Trump's First 100 Days: The Worst on Record - The New York ...
2 hours ago - Trump's supporters deserve to be disappointed, and his opponents should be cheered by how unsuccessful his agenda has been.
Trump Wants It Known: Grading 100 Days Is 'Ridiculous' (but His Were ...
2 days ago - If nothing else, Mr. Trump's first 100 days have certainly been eventful. Whether they have accomplished much is more a subject of debate.
Trump's first 100 days on the global stage - CNNPolitics.com - CNN.com
5 hours ago - Almost 100 days after Trump entered the White House dismissing the international system, Trump seems to be assuming a US president's ...
Trump's First 100 Days: What Mattered, And What Didn't - POLITICO ...
7 hours ago - The indelible takeaway from those first 100 days is that Trump's assault on political norms has continued. In fact, he has violated Washington ...
Trump's first 100 days: A packed agenda, with mixed results | Fox News
1 day ago - President Trump's first 100 days in office had all the hallmarks of a chief executive's approach: Busy, brash and bold.
First 100 days of Donald Trump's presidency - Wikipedia
First 100 days of Donald Trump's presidency - Wikipedia
The first 100 days of Donald Trump's presidency began with his inauguration as the 45th President of the United States, which occurred at noon on January 20, ...
How do Donald Trump's first 100 days rate historically? | PolitiFact
Claim: "No administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days."
Claimed by: Donald Trump
Fact check by PolitiFact: False
President Donald Trump: The First 100 Days - The Onion - America's ...
BERKELEY, CA—Advising students to remain in their dormitories and classrooms until the situation was resolved, the University of California, Berkeley declared ...
FACT CHECK: Donald Trump's Plan For His First 100 Days As ... - NPR
In late October, Donald Trump released an action plan for what he hopes to accomplish in his first 100 days in office. Below, NPR reporters and ...
Donald Trump's first 100 days as president – daily updates | US news ...
Donald Trump risks marking his 100th day in office on Saturday with a government shutdown, as lawmakers return from a spring recess ...
A President's First 100 Days Really Do Matter | FiveThirtyEight
A President’s First 100 Days Really Do Matter
What standard should Trump be held to? Available evidence generally suggests that presidents' first 100 days have become less productive ...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next
well, Obama DID save Chrysler and GM.....(two to one on the scoreborad).....AND
Carrier saved a few hundred of jobs because Trump bribed them with government contracts.....AND, Boeing is benefiting from Obama's deal with Iran....

Glad I could help, nitwit.....LOL
Obama caused Americans to LOSE millions of jobs, by supporting illegal aliens with the anchor baby racket, sanctuary cities, amnesty attempts, et al. Also H1B visas, TPP, etc

2. You just committed FELONY, which is punishable by 5 yeras in a state prison. Maybe I won't report it.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine
It's their big push now. The FALSE idea that Trump has not accomplished anything in his first 100 days (except maybe the nomination of SCOTUS judge Gorsuch). Trump, referring to his own administration, has said "No administration has accomplished more in its first 90 days."

Not hard to see who's right. Try these dozen. Already, Trumps has >>>

1. Ended US in TPP.

2. Reduced illegal border crossings 70%.

3. Deported scores of illegal aliens.

4. Abolished "catch & release"

5. Signed Congressional ethics pledge - No public lobbying for 5 years after leaving Congress & no lobbying for other countries.

6. Syria airstrike - widely praised (even by Democrats)

7. Thousands of jobs saved (Carrier, Ford, Boeing, etc) -which Obama failed to do)

8. Muslim ban (not Trump's fault treasonous judges took action against us)

9. Signed 28 bills already

10. Biggest increase in the military in many years

11. Cut business regulations (any addition of business regulations requires 2 others to be cut)

12. Signed 212 bills undoing Obama damage.

Add rapid increases in GDP & market due to confidence.

Add interest rate increases as a result of that confidence. It was long overdue, but couldn't have been done under an Obama admin, because we'd have dove back into a recession.

Add political correctness has regressed improving normal brain function, which halts or delays the goal for well behaved two legged vegetables.

Add the left has been further exposed for what they truly are, which is fragile and dishonest.
Fine. Please do provide specific instances where the noted pundits claimed Trump has accomplished nothing. Surely you've seen or head them doing so for you to assert that they have. Give us some quoted examples of a few of them doing just that.
Why ? Are the 900 Million instances in the last 90 days not enough ? :laugh:

Please give us specific instances where there's proof of fish being able to swim .:slap:
Why ? Are the 900 Million instances in the last 90 days not enough ? :laugh:

900M is indeed more than "a few" examples of "news pundits having claimed Trump has accomplished nothing " Yet, for all those 900M instances you've alleged exist, I have looked and cannot find any, and neither have you, nor anyone else who allegedly is aware of a meaningful share of those 900M instances of that having happened, shared a few specific examples. With purportedly 900M instances of it, one would think I could find one and that you and those who concur with you could, with almost no effort, identify scores of them.
Please give us specific instances where there's proof of fish being able to swim .

Unlike you and the others who agree with you, I can provide that, and it's easy for me to do since I'm aware of myriad instances whereby there is video of fish actually swimming.

In contrast, you attest to being aware of 900M instances of "news pundits having claimed Trump has accomplished nothing," yet neither you nor another member has provided evidence of the existence of just a few of them.
Fine. Please do provide specific instances where the noted pundits claimed Trump has accomplished nothing. Surely you've seen or head them doing so for you to assert that they have. Give us some quoted examples of a few of them doing just that.
Why ? Are the 900 Million instances in the last 90 days not enough ? :laugh:

Please give us specific instances where there's proof of fish being able to swim .:slap:

They lie all day, every day....

if you google "Trump First 100 days"....here is the result.

About 47,800,000 results (0.56 seconds)

Search Results

Top stories
View attachment 123424
Donald Trump’s First 100 Days: The Worst on Record
The New York Times · 1 hour ago

View attachment 123422
Poll: Majority disapprove of Trump's first 100 days as president
AOL · 8 hours ago

View attachment 123423
In Gettysburg speech, Trump made 100 days of promises. Did he keep them?
USA Today · 4 mins ago

More for trump first 100 days
Donald Trump's First 100 Days: The Worst on Record - The New York ...
2 hours ago - Trump's supporters deserve to be disappointed, and his opponents should be cheered by how unsuccessful his agenda has been.
Trump Wants It Known: Grading 100 Days Is 'Ridiculous' (but His Were ...
2 days ago - If nothing else, Mr. Trump's first 100 days have certainly been eventful. Whether they have accomplished much is more a subject of debate.
Trump's first 100 days on the global stage - CNNPolitics.com - CNN.com
5 hours ago - Almost 100 days after Trump entered the White House dismissing the international system, Trump seems to be assuming a US president's ...
Trump's First 100 Days: What Mattered, And What Didn't - POLITICO ...
7 hours ago - The indelible takeaway from those first 100 days is that Trump's assault on political norms has continued. In fact, he has violated Washington ...
Trump's first 100 days: A packed agenda, with mixed results | Fox News
1 day ago - President Trump's first 100 days in office had all the hallmarks of a chief executive's approach: Busy, brash and bold.
First 100 days of Donald Trump's presidency - Wikipedia
First 100 days of Donald Trump's presidency - Wikipedia
The first 100 days of Donald Trump's presidency began with his inauguration as the 45th President of the United States, which occurred at noon on January 20, ...
How do Donald Trump's first 100 days rate historically? | PolitiFact
Claim: "No administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days."
Claimed by: Donald Trump
Fact check by PolitiFact: False
President Donald Trump: The First 100 Days - The Onion - America's ...
BERKELEY, CA—Advising students to remain in their dormitories and classrooms until the situation was resolved, the University of California, Berkeley declared ...
FACT CHECK: Donald Trump's Plan For His First 100 Days As ... - NPR
In late October, Donald Trump released an action plan for what he hopes to accomplish in his first 100 days in office. Below, NPR reporters and ...
Donald Trump's first 100 days as president – daily updates | US news ...
Donald Trump risks marking his 100th day in office on Saturday with a government shutdown, as lawmakers return from a spring recess ...
A President's First 100 Days Really Do Matter | FiveThirtyEight
A President’s First 100 Days Really Do Matter
What standard should Trump be held to? Available evidence generally suggests that presidents' first 100 days have become less productive ...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next

Why respond with dishonest snowflake sources to alter reality snowflake? Answer, you're a victim.
It's their big push now. The FALSE idea that Trump has not accomplished anything in his first 100 days (except maybe the nomination of SCOTUS judge Gorsuch). Trump, referring to his own administration, has said "No administration has accomplished more in its first 90 days."

Not hard to see who's right. Try these dozen. Already, Trumps has >>>

1. Ended US in TPP.

2. Reduced illegal border crossings 70%.

3. Deported scores of illegal aliens.

4. Abolished "catch & release"

5. Signed Congressional ethics pledge - No public lobbying for 5 years after leaving Congress & no lobbying for other countries.

6. Syria airstrike - widely praised (even by Democrats)

7. Thousands of jobs saved (Carrier, Ford, Boeing, etc) -which Obama failed to do)

8. Muslim ban (not Trump's fault treasonous judges took action against us)

9. Signed 28 bills already

10. Biggest increase in the military in many years

11. Cut business regulations (any addition of business regulations requires 2 others to be cut)

12. Signed 212 bills undoing Obama damage.
It's hilarious. The left have been screaming and sobbing a lot for not doing anything to them.

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