FAKE NEWS: Trump's Supreme Court pick founded "Fascism Forever" club


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
There is no end to the fake news propaganda that the liberal regressive media is propagating against Trump.

They have completely lost it again, no surprise, since they actually think that anyone who disagrees with them is at least as bad as Hitler.

"Neil Gorsuch, President Trump’s nominee to be the next Supreme Court judge, founded a “Fascism Forever” club at his preparatory school to oppose “left wing tendencies of the faculty”."

Supreme Court choice founded fascist club

The news are as fake as their journalistic standard is credible. How long before bankruptcy?
Why would you propagate Fake News by repeating it?

I am not propagating fake news, I am debunking fake news, and as such, spreading the truth.

Everyone should hold the media accountable, and also let everyone who has read fake news know that they were lied to.
Why would you propagate Fake News by repeating it?

I am not propagating fake news, I am debunking fake news, and as such, spreading the truth.

Everyone should hold the media accountable, and also let everyone who has read fake news know that they were lied to.
The media you claim to be holding to account is not American media, it is in the UK.
Why would you propagate Fake News by repeating it?

I am not propagating fake news, I am debunking fake news, and as such, spreading the truth.

Everyone should hold the media accountable, and also let everyone who has read fake news know that they were lied to.
The media you claim to be holding to account is not American media, it is in the UK.
For YEARS we've said we don't give a damn what foreigners think about our country or its policies.

Now we do?
This does not appear to be fake news, (Google it) it is rather a right wing conservative's reaction to a more liberal society and education. As a Catholic I grew up with these people, they often had a kind of fascist bent. One of them cheered when Kennedy was shot, hard to believe but true. I'm not quite sure why catholicism leans to conservative thinking, but I've seen it often and look only at our current SCOTUS for examples. I've often wondered if the thinking is not patterned on the church itself, the one true church with a rigid hierarchy similar to fascism. An appeal to authority and nationalism. Consider too that Mussolini, an eventual catholic, became the founder of fascism. In todays post truth world fascism is now really mixed up as conservatives hide from their own belief system even as they shout nationalist's slogans and elect a petty dictator as leader.
I read the title on some webpage, didn't even bother reading it.

The NAZI party would be proud.
You should know. I am sure you are a member.


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