Fake News, Voter Fraud, hanging chads, fixed outcome ...

Do you support universal suffrage for all US Citizens?

  • Yes, and The Congress needs to set the standard for an ID

    Votes: 10 83.3%
  • No, only property owners should vote

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
What is a citizen to do?

Show 'em your fucking driver's license and vote. If you don't drive get one of the free ID cards that are provided by EVERY STATE that has attempted to implement a Voter ID law.


"Voter suppression" my ass. Fraud prevention.

Is "Asshole" your nom de plume? Is that what you were called growing up (if you ever did)?
How’d they apply for welfare?

who says they're *on* welfare, bigot boy?

voting is a right..... or are you such a moron that you think it's only a right for white Christian males?
OK then, who has a job without an ID?

Hook, line, sinker.
and now we are confounded by Russian's interference, and a President who wants to suppress the vote by calling for photo ID's 98 days before the next election.

What's a citizen to do?

It's been 18 years + since hanging chads and a divided Supreme Court decided the Presidential Election in 2000.

Cutting back the number of polling places, the days and hours of voting, and denying others to vote who do not have an ID defined by St. Legislators or Governors, have worked to suppress the vote of too many legitimate voters.

If you voted yes, should the Several States and each county an parish abide by such a Congressional Act?

Nobody has ever needed an ID to vote.

They need the ID to prove they are the person listed on the voter roll.

They are who they say they are.
Depends what you want more: to keep complaining about "so and so interfered in our banana republic elections" or to have fair elections where US citizens only are electing their government and President providing their legal IDs for voting. Something tells me I know what you and your liberal buddies will choose.

View attachment 208146

Wrong. What I do know and you cannot honestly refute is that states run by Republican's seek to suppress the vote of likely Democratic Voters.

That is an opinion shared only by open borders extremists. The claim that photo ID suppresses the vote is ludicrous. Old people already HAVE photo ID, and those who live in the inner city have no problem obtaining them. The claim that it disenfranchises blacks is a lie that requires people to believe that black people are too stupid to figure out how to use modern technology. That is an absurd, offensive, and racist claim that you people make in an effort to enshrine voting by the illegals, the multi State voting groups, and of course that well known Democrat voting bloc, the dead.

Nice spin; sadly those square and triangular ball bearings you used to build it restrict its ability to turn.

I do not oppose a voter ID. \

I do oppose those who do not have one, and have a record of voting, or one whose ID is is rejected by the volunteer polling Captain are denied their right to vote. if there is a rational reason, they should be allowed to vote on a provisional ballot and no result should be released until all provisional ballots have been evaluated, and counted if there is no evidence of fraud.
While you’re in hypothetical Matrix La-la land scenarios, let’s put some more possibilities in like they are really aliens who look like humans.
and now we are confounded by Russian's interference, and a President who wants to suppress the vote by calling for photo ID's 98 days before the next election.

What's a citizen to do?

It's been 18 years + since hanging chads and a divided Supreme Court decided the Presidential Election in 2000.

Cutting back the number of polling places, the days and hours of voting, and denying others to vote who do not have an ID defined by St. Legislators or Governors, have worked to suppress the vote of too many legitimate voters.

If you voted yes, should the Several States and each county an parish abide by such a Congressional Act?

you forgot about removing people from voter rolls who haven't recently voted.

adorable, aren't they?

Should anyone ever be removed from the voter rolls for any reason?

if they moved and filed a change of address
if their right to vote was taken away because they're a felon.

what other reason should there be?

or do you think they should lose their vote if they haven't voted in a while but think Donald is such a dangerous loon that they want to vote to keep him in check and vote for anyone who will do that?

because that's the real reason they want to cull the voter rolls.

And when they died. Many times the County / Parish Clerks office does not cull out the deceased, which creates confusion - sometimes intentionally used by that hacks that fraud is on going.
and now we are confounded by Russian's interference, and a President who wants to suppress the vote by calling for photo ID's 98 days before the next election.

What's a citizen to do?

It's been 18 years + since hanging chads and a divided Supreme Court decided the Presidential Election in 2000.

Cutting back the number of polling places, the days and hours of voting, and denying others to vote who do not have an ID defined by St. Legislators or Governors, have worked to suppress the vote of too many legitimate voters.

If you voted yes, should the Several States and each county an parish abide by such a Congressional Act?

you forgot about removing people from voter rolls who haven't recently voted.

adorable, aren't they?

you forgot about removing people from voter rolls who haven't recently voted.

like.....dead people?

or....people that have moved out of state, or even to a different district??
What is a citizen to do?

Show 'em your fucking driver's license and vote. If you don't drive get one of the free ID cards that are provided by EVERY STATE that has attempted to implement a Voter ID law.


"Voter suppression" my ass. Fraud prevention.
/----/ The liberal's argument is a speciousone. They know about the free state issued ID because it was their party that created them pushed them trough.
and now we are confounded by Russian's interference, and a President who wants to suppress the vote by calling for photo ID's 98 days before the next election.

What's a citizen to do?

It's been 18 years + since hanging chads and a divided Supreme Court decided the Presidential Election in 2000.

Cutting back the number of polling places, the days and hours of voting, and denying others to vote who do not have an ID defined by St. Legislators or Governors, have worked to suppress the vote of too many legitimate voters.

If you voted yes, should the Several States and each county an parish abide by such a Congressional Act?

you forgot about removing people from voter rolls who haven't recently voted.

adorable, aren't they?

Should anyone ever be removed from the voter rolls for any reason?

if they moved and filed a change of address
if their right to vote was taken away because they're a felon.

what other reason should there be?

or do you think they should lose their vote if they haven't voted in a while but think Donald is such a dangerous loon that they want to vote to keep him in check and vote for anyone who will do that?

because that's the real reason they want to cull the voter rolls.

And when they died. Many times the County / Parish Clerks office does not cull out the deceased, which creates confusion - sometimes intentionally used by that hacks that fraud is on going.

there is that.... but the hacks think them remaining on the rolls is somehow "fraud".

idiots are too stupid to understand that its only fraud if someone VOTES using the dead person's name.

but they are that stupid... which is how they voted for Donald in the first place.
and now we are confounded by Russian's interference, and a President who wants to suppress the vote by calling for photo ID's 98 days before the next election.

What's a citizen to do?

It's been 18 years + since hanging chads and a divided Supreme Court decided the Presidential Election in 2000.

Cutting back the number of polling places, the days and hours of voting, and denying others to vote who do not have an ID defined by St. Legislators or Governors, have worked to suppress the vote of too many legitimate voters.

If you voted yes, should the Several States and each county an parish abide by such a Congressional Act?

you forgot about removing people from voter rolls who haven't recently voted.

adorable, aren't they?

Should anyone ever be removed from the voter rolls for any reason?

if they moved and filed a change of address
if their right to vote was taken away because they're a felon.

what other reason should there be?

or do you think they should lose their vote if they haven't voted in a while but think Donald is such a dangerous loon that they want to vote to keep him in check and vote for anyone who will do that?

because that's the real reason they want to cull the voter rolls.

if they moved and filed a change of address

People do that all the time. It doesn't automatically remove them from the voter rolls.
What if you move and don't change your address?

what other reason should there be?

Dying is a good reason.

or do you think they should lose their vote if they haven't voted in a while

No. But if they don't vote in a while, don't respond to a letter and then don't vote for a while,
is that okay?
and now we are confounded by Russian's interference, and a President who wants to suppress the vote by calling for photo ID's 98 days before the next election.

What's a citizen to do?

It's been 18 years + since hanging chads and a divided Supreme Court decided the Presidential Election in 2000.

Cutting back the number of polling places, the days and hours of voting, and denying others to vote who do not have an ID defined by St. Legislators or Governors, have worked to suppress the vote of too many legitimate voters.

If you voted yes, should the Several States and each county an parish abide by such a Congressional Act?

How do you suppress a vote by requiring a photo ID? That has never been satisfactorily explained. The Supreme Court did not decide the election between gore and bush, as has been repeatedly reported, numerous news groups did their own recounts and found that bush legitimately won by around 250 votes. That is KNOWN! Why do you insist on perpetuating that particular lie?

Straw Man Alert ^^^. It is not the photo ID which bothers me, it is the timing and the type of photo ID which the State decides is legit or not.

The Supreme Court voted 5-4 in Bush v. Gore:

Bush v. Gore | Summary, Decision, Significance, & Facts
?Bush v. Gore, case in which, on December 12, 2000, the Supreme Court of the United States reversed a Florida Supreme Court request for a selective manual recount of that state’s U.S. presidential election ballots. The 5–4 decision effectively awarded Florida’s 25 votes in the electoral college—and thus the election itself—to Republican candidate George W. Bush.?

Bush v. Gore | Summary, Decision, Significance, & Facts

It matters not that Bush received 250 more votes, if the number of hanging chads for Gore were not counted.

The United States Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that the fix directed by the Florida Supreme Court was unconstitutional. The USSC also voted 5-4 that time had run out on the election, and precluded another attempt by the Florida Supreme Court to steal the election.
who says they're *on* welfare, bigot boy?

voting is a right..... or are you such a moron that you think it's only a right for white Christian males?

They can't be on welfare...for that they'd need a government issued photo ID.
And you can’t get a job without ID.

The Left are fond of painting themselves into a corner.

Can't get Social Security, can't cash a check, can't open a bank account, can't buy a plane, train or bus ticket.
We can't help it if you people are too stupid to vote.
Hanging chads? can't you punch a card? is that too tough?
and Russia, what did they do to sway the election? Expose the democrats and their racism, anti semitism and misogyny? And the fact the democrats actually RIGGED an election.

People in the DNC should be in jail.....
They can’t color in the lines either!
and now we are confounded by Russian's interference, and a President who wants to suppress the vote by calling for photo ID's 98 days before the next election.

What's a citizen to do?

It's been 18 years + since hanging chads and a divided Supreme Court decided the Presidential Election in 2000.

Cutting back the number of polling places, the days and hours of voting, and denying others to vote who do not have an ID defined by St. Legislators or Governors, have worked to suppress the vote of too many legitimate voters.

If you voted yes, should the Several States and each county an parish abide by such a Congressional Act?

How do you suppress a vote by requiring a photo ID? That has never been satisfactorily explained. The Supreme Court did not decide the election between gore and bush, as has been repeatedly reported, numerous news groups did their own recounts and found that bush legitimately won by around 250 votes. That is KNOWN! Why do you insist on perpetuating that particular lie?

1. New Restrictive Voting Laws for 2016
Election 2016: Restrictive Voting Laws by the Numbers

2. NAACP files suit, alleges voter suppression
The NAACP filed a federal lawsuit this week, allegedly that thousands of voters are being illegally removed from the rolls.
Author: WCNC Staff
Published: 11:05 PM EDT November 1, 2016
Updated: 10:48 AM EDT November 2, 2016
CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- The U.S. Department of Justice reportedly filed a statement of interest late Monday night supporting the North Carolina NAACP's federal lawsuit, alleging that thousands of voters are being illegally removed from the polls.

The purge program at issue here rested on a mass mailing and the silence of voters largely unaware of the potential injury to their voting rights," the U.S. Department of Justice's statement said.
NAACP files suit, alleges voter suppression

3. African American early voting is way down in North Carolina. Why is that?

4. Map: Areas hardest hit by slim polling options

I was waiting for it, thank you.

The inevitable blacks are too stupid to get a photo ID excuse.

I was waiting for you to show your ignorance.

You only watch news on Fox, you don't read.
It would cut into your time online showing your stupidity.

No. 1 is about the 14 states passing new laws that have nothing to do with blacks:
""In 2016, 14 states had new voting restrictions in place for the first time in a presidential election. Those 14 states were: Alabama, Arizona, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin.""

No. 4 is about Maricopa County in Arizona, you fucking idiot.
and now we are confounded by Russian's interference, and a President who wants to suppress the vote by calling for photo ID's 98 days before the next election.

What's a citizen to do?

It's been 18 years + since hanging chads and a divided Supreme Court decided the Presidential Election in 2000.

Cutting back the number of polling places, the days and hours of voting, and denying others to vote who do not have an ID defined by St. Legislators or Governors, have worked to suppress the vote of too many legitimate voters.

If you voted yes, should the Several States and each county an parish abide by such a Congressional Act?

So True ... :thup:
At an institution run by the government ...
It may just take you more than 98 days to get an ID.


and now we are confounded by Russian's interference, and a President who wants to suppress the vote by calling for photo ID's 98 days before the next election.

What's a citizen to do?

It's been 18 years + since hanging chads and a divided Supreme Court decided the Presidential Election in 2000.

Cutting back the number of polling places, the days and hours of voting, and denying others to vote who do not have an ID defined by St. Legislators or Governors, have worked to suppress the vote of too many legitimate voters.

If you voted yes, should the Several States and each county an parish abide by such a Congressional Act?

So True ... :thup:
At an institution run by the government ...
It may just take you more than 98 days to get an ID.


Well fuck! You have anywhere from 2 to 4 years between elections! Who wipes your ass?
who says they're *on* welfare, bigot boy?

voting is a right..... or are you such a moron that you think it's only a right for white Christian males?

They can't be on welfare...for that they'd need a government issued photo ID.
And you can’t get a job without ID.

The Left are fond of painting themselves into a corner.

That's a lie.
Look it up.
Applying for welfare does not require a gov't issued photo ID.
You fuckers lie constantly on this board.
US Welfare System - Help for US Citizens

This is how Trump won.
He knows how lazy people are and will go with their bi-ass rather than verify.

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