Fake Senate ACA Replacement Already Blocked!

So what youre telling us is that you looking for the govt to come up with a solution to the problem that they just created? Lol.

Well, Obamacare's not the problem. The problem is that profit motives for insurers run in direct conflict with guaranteeing universal coverage. The two cannot exist in the same space. They are diametrically opposed to one another. Obama should have been honest about that, because it's ultimately what it all boils down to.
I am sure the insurers yearn for the good old days when they could pick and choose who they would insure, and then write off up to 40% of each premium dollar as overhead.
Obviously more than you do. Millions signed up for it because they had pre-existing conditions or the gov't was paying some if not all of their medical costs. Millions more went on Medicaid and can't find a doctor, do you know how many counties there are in America were there is NO insurance company offering a plan under the ACA? I heard 70% this morning and it's getting worse. Have you seen the rise on premiums over the past few years since ObamaCare went into effect? And how much more the insurance companies are asking to raise premiums next year? Hells bells, most people can't afford to use the insurance they have, the co-pays and deductibles are too high.

The problem is simple; you cannot guarantee universal coverage in a for-profit insurance market. You just can't.
Maybe you need to blame the insurance industry and not the ACA

Yes! The insurance companies are the problem, specifically their profit motive. You can't guarantee universal coverage in a for-profit insurance system. Insurance companies will always put their profit motives ahead of patient needs.
Let Obamacare die on its own. Now that the insurance bailouts are ending, so will Obamacare.

It doesn't seem to be dying. Quite the opposite. Obamacare is more popular than Trump. Not sure why Conservatives oppose a market-based approach to health insurance. There's no other way to make the system work unless you go full single-payer.
I am gonna say Murkowski and Collins are at least 2 I can think of....very moderate and usually I despise them but on this I agree 100%. GOP needs to learn that WE the people don't want our health care slashed and not just affordable for the rich who can go fuck themselves. Either let Obamacare collapse or get head OUT of their asses and give us something better.
Obviously from someone that isn't paying for their own Obamacare.

You call yourself "Thinker", yet you do so little critical thinking. There is no way to guarantee universal access in a for-profit private insurance system. Insurers only make money by denying claims. And if they have to pay all claims, then they're not going to make money. So we as a society have to decide whether or not we want universal coverage, or for-profit private insurance. Because you can't have both.
I am sure the insurers yearn for the good old days when they could pick and choose who they would insure, and then write off up to 40% of each premium dollar as overhead.

Some, maybe. Others, not so much. For all the talk of major insurers leaving the exchanges, there's little talk of the new insurers entering them like Centene, which is expanding its marketplace presence.
Obviously from someone that isn't paying for their own Obamacare.

You call yourself "Thinker", yet you do so little critical thinking. There is no way to guarantee universal access in a for-profit private insurance system. Insurers only make money by denying claims. And if they have to pay all claims, then they're not going to make money. So we as a society have to decide whether or not we want universal coverage, or for-profit private insurance. Because you can't have both.

Yea, pretty sure we don't want universal coverage, then every suck ass clown that doesn't know better will want it. As far as the handle...some idiot already took "the derp".
I am gonna say Murkowski and Collins are at least 2 I can think of....very moderate and usually I despise them but on this I agree 100%. GOP needs to learn that WE the people don't want our health care slashed and not just affordable for the rich who can go fuck themselves. Either let Obamacare collapse or get head OUT of their asses and give us something better.

The problem is there is no better system other than single-payer. The major problem with any insurance reform is that you cannot be profitable and guarantee universal coverage. The cognitive dissonance in the arguments about insurance give me a headache.
So obiecare will be left to fail. Not a risky gamble, many will be hurt though.
Why isn't Obamacare help along to success, its easily done

Easily done my ass. ObamaCare was a POS from day one and is getting worse. It never had a hope in hell of working out, and most people were against it from the getgo.
Must be why millions have signed up for it. Lets be honest, you don't know the first thing about the ACA

Obviously more than you do. Millions signed up for it because they had pre-existing conditions or the gov't was paying some if not all of their medical costs. Millions more went on Medicaid and can't find a doctor, do you know how many counties there are in America were there is NO insurance company offering a plan under the ACA? I heard 70% this morning and it's getting worse. Have you seen the rise on premiums over the past few years since ObamaCare went into effect? And how much more the insurance companies are asking to raise premiums next year? Hells bells, most people can't afford to use the insurance they have, the co-pays and deductibles are too high.
Maybe you need to blame the insurance industry and not the ACA

Insurance companies are not in business to help failed gov't programs succeed, especially when they're losing money.
Let Obamacare die on its own. Now that the insurance bailouts are ending, so will Obamacare.

It doesn't seem to be dying. Quite the opposite. Obamacare is more popular than Trump. Not sure why Conservatives oppose a market-based approach to health insurance. There's no other way to make the system work unless you go full single-payer.
Neither statement is true. It is not market-based, it is subsidy based, be it the bailouts for insurance companies or tax payer subsidized premium payments. Single payer is a loser. It is not workable.

Obamacare Implosion: Last Major Healthcare Provider Pulls Out Of Iowa Leaving No Options In 2018 | Zero Hedge
Insurance companies are not in business to help failed gov't programs succeed, especially when they're losing money.

Insurance companies are in business to make profit. They only make profit when they don't pay claims. That's why you can't guarantee universal coverage, like Trump did, and have private insurance. Conservatives need to be honest about it.

Yea, pretty sure we don't want universal coverage

Problem is, that's what Trump promised and campaigned on.
I am gonna say Murkowski and Collins are at least 2 I can think of....very moderate and usually I despise them but on this I agree 100%. GOP needs to learn that WE the people don't want our health care slashed and not just affordable for the rich who can go fuck themselves. Either let Obamacare collapse or get head OUT of their asses and give us something better.

The problem is there is no better system other than single-payer. The major problem with any insurance reform is that you cannot be profitable and guarantee universal coverage. The cognitive dissonance in the arguments about insurance give me a headache.
I agree I prefer single payer as well but I just don't understand WHY they don't put it in the bill where people can buy insurance across state lines....it would drive the price down so damn fast it would be beautiful to see.
Can't win without votes! Three GOP or more vote, "Nyet(?)" or however that is said(?)!

Enough GOP senators to block Obamacare replacement will announce opposition: NBC News, citing source

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(At GOP, the "Nyet" votes have it. . . .speaking of Lands of Many Nations!)

Hard to believe the Repubs will not support whatever HC Bill they end up with in the Senate. I would venture a guess they might lose the Senate in 2018 or 2020 if they don't pass something. Bitching about the ACA is so yesterday, they are in power now and they better be doing something or they're gone. And rightfully so.
Let Obamacare die on its own. Now that the insurance bailouts are ending, so will Obamacare.

It's time to move on. The ACA didn't work, plain and simple. Yeah, people signed up for it mostly cuz it was free or mostly subsidized; people love free stuff. But the truth is that we as a nation cannot afford free health care for everybody, to believe otherwise is to ignore reality. Not unless you want to have everybody paying a huge increase in taxes, and I mean everybody rather than just the top 50%. I think we can do better than the ACA and better than what we had before that, and better than a single payer system too. The problem is the politicians in Washington are too involved in their power games to do what's best for the rest of us, and we're too stupid to vote the bastards out of office.
Neither statement is true. It is not market-based

Yes, it is market-based because there is literally a marketplace exchange where insurance plans compete with one another on a level playing field. That is the very definition of market-based.

it is subsidy based,

No, the subsidies are a consequence of the market because insurers cannot be profitable if they have to provide universal coverage. That's why the subsidies are necessary. Trump campaigned on the promise that his repeal of Obamacare would provide universal coverage. Now, the realities of that promise show that you can't make a promise like that. That's why the Conservative bills are basically Obamacare minus Medicaid and subsidies. There literally is no other place to go than a) back to the system we had before or b) single payer.

be it the bailouts for insurance companies or tax payer subsidized premium payments. Single payer is a loser. It is not workable.

It's workable in every other First World, single-payer nation. All our allies have some form of it. You all don't seem to understand the difference between health care and health insurance. Health care is delivered to you, health insurance just pays for it. Apart from that function, insurance companies serve no other role when it comes to your health care other than restricting access.
I agree I prefer single payer as well but I just don't understand WHY they don't put it in the bill where people can buy insurance across state lines....it would drive the price down so damn fast it would be beautiful to see.

So some states already allow that to happen (GA is one). The problem is that each state regulates health insurance differently (10th Amendment), so an insurer can't offer plans across state lines because of the state-based regulations. That's the primary reason. There are myriad other reasons, but as those of us who live in Georgia know, it makes no sense to offer insurance across state lines since insurance is regulated at the state level.
There are states turning to the concept of a single-payer health coverage, only: Bypassing the insurance companies. Utah passed a plan for Universal Medicaid, which was vetoed. California is setting up a California Medicare. Democrats and Republicans alike are aware of problems.

So there is no Creator, endowing legal proceedings(?), but the concepts of "LIfe, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness" could be said to have basis in a community of humanity, even releasing itself from toil. Deuteronomy 23:19-20, exposes the Moses Atrocity--Telling all of Israel to go out there and screw everyone else into universal subjugation, arithmetic based. Not too up on arithmetic, explains most humanity so far. Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, called, "Oh, Christ!" showed the math of subjugation in Matthew 25:14-30, but failed to heap scorn, damnation, and cooties: On Egyptian-educated, Moses. Acts 7 does report that Moses did know the Egyptian subjugation arts, common in the Empire of Rome. So common were they known, no statement of them is shown.

"Insurance" requires a "Risk-pool" of payers. Republicans are taking that away.

In the Obama Stimulus, the Republicans further took Jesus Christ away from America. The remedy, "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit," following Matthew 20:1-16, was taken away, first order of business, by the Republicans: 2011. Jesus had never really slammed the Moses Atrocity, of course, and could be said Israeli Chauvinist--a child of something that does not exist!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Some mental problems actually do have to really be seen: To in fact, really be believed!)
There is apparently a lot to talk about(?). The 140-odd page "Discussion Draft" is heavily reliant on definitions of terms, for example. Anyone is reminded that in the closely contested South Carolina House District special election: Even the Republicans seemed to believe that the Carolinas had seceded, again. No one seems to have shown up from either major party(?).!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Some mental problems do in fact have to be seen to be believed!)
I read that twice and have no clue what you're trying to say.
i had the same problem but i didn't go back and prove it, so kudos to you for the stamina. :)
So obiecare will be left to fail. Not a risky gamble, many will be hurt though.
Why isn't Obamacare help along to success, its easily done

Easily done my ass. ObamaCare was a POS from day one and is getting worse. It never had a hope in hell of working out, and most people were against it from the getgo.
Must be why millions have signed up for it. Lets be honest, you don't know the first thing about the ACA
lets be honest, the reason they sign up is because of the fines if they don't in as much as anything.

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