Fake Senate ACA Replacement Already Blocked!

Hard to believe the Repubs will not support whatever HC Bill they end up with in the Senate. I would venture a guess they might lose the Senate in 2018 or 2020 if they don't pass something. Bitching about the ACA is so yesterday, they are in power now and they better be doing something or they're gone. And rightfully so.

I mean, they only had seven years to come up with something...
This bill reeks of desperation

Only desperation is ending anything Obama created/accomplished. And that list is very short

You must relish the thought of 20+ million losing their health care benefits
U.S. judge finds that Aetna deceived the public about its reasons for quitting Obamacare

They threatened to pull out of exchanges if their merger wasn't approved and then when it wasn't they pulled out of even profitable ones. They now will be out entirely in 2018.

I remember another source that I haven't found yet that had more juicy tidbits.

I'm going to look into the other merger that was blocked to see if anything similar happened.
Go ahead but you'll just be playing with yourself. I am not a liberal so I don't embrace judges as gods. And I don't accept cherry picked data or opinion that defy logic. If the practice was profitable why wouldn't they stay? Of course they would. Problem is you lefties cannot accept the policies of your god not working in the real world. You can't force businesses to lose money and expect them to survive.
Your denial is fresh. Would this even warrant a second glance from you? Or even a motivated investigation?

I bet I can find more dirt on them leaving profitable exchanges.
Private companies are not the property of the US government. It's more complicated than retail since people are paying for insurance so I'd say the fair thing is for them to have an escrow account if they want to get into it.

It's also more complicated if the government moves the goal posts on them.
That's like saying NBA teams or players aren't the property of the NBA. If the NBA says the LA Lakers aren't in the NBA anymore, guess what?

So they may not be the property of the government but they can only do business if the government allows them to do business. Are they breaking any laws?

The sad thing is that a lot of the shit corporations do are legal because they've paid our government to allow them to do whatever it is they want to do.

We the people are the boss. Our government represents us. Government is the boss. Sorry you hate it.
You lie every time you post. You obviously hate the truth. Your interpretations are juvenile beyond comprehension. The government belongs to the people, we own the government. Sorry if your smug retarded ass doesn't like that! You belong in Cuba.
All of a sudden the government you hate belongs to the people? All of a sudden WE own the government, the same one you despise and want to eliminate?
I realize this is a small slice of the healthcare pie but what the hell do these guys do to contain cost for the consumer? It appears to be absolutely nothing.

Highest-paid health insurance CEO earned $22M in 2016 | FierceHealthcare

View attachment 134966

I just skimmed over the article but didn't any mention of the millions they have in stock options. While I'm all for capitalism and CEO's making their worth most of these guys did not work their way up in the health insurance business and are just figureheads that know very little about health insurance. Just high paid networkers. They should all make less than 8 mil a year including stock options.
Here is what I don't understand.

The most likely of people to have medical problems, expensive medical problems are the old. Yet they are covered under medicare for 139 a month. Although that only covers 80 percent of part B (hospital) it still covers most seniors.

Then the private insurance companies are offering all sorts of low cost supplemental/advantage plans, most with things like free gym membership without a monthly premium.

But buy something on Obamacare. High premiums, greater than 400/month easily, and high out of pocket for example 750 dollars to go to the emergency room and not be admitted.

But since most people are covered by employer subsidized health care insurance most either don't care or think Obamacare is great stuff because their uncle Lou has coverage and it is FREEEEEEEEE.

In my opinion medicare is far superior then anything I see on the exchanges, price wise. Is that because it is heavily subsidized by the government?

Duh? Which is why "Medicare for All" is simply "Welfare for All".
Here is what I don't understand.

The most likely of people to have medical problems, expensive medical problems are the old. Yet they are covered under medicare for 139 a month. Although that only covers 80 percent of part B (hospital) it still covers most seniors.

Then the private insurance companies are offering all sorts of low cost supplemental/advantage plans, most with things like free gym membership without a monthly premium.

But buy something on Obamacare. High premiums, greater than 400/month easily, and high out of pocket for example 750 dollars to go to the emergency room and not be admitted.

But since most people are covered by employer subsidized health care insurance most either don't care or think Obamacare is great stuff because their uncle Lou has coverage and it is FREEEEEEEEE.

In my opinion medicare is far superior then anything I see on the exchanges, price wise. Is that because it is heavily subsidized by the government?

Duh? Which is why "Medicare for All" is simply "Welfare for All".

Not if one is paying for it.
Go ahead but you'll just be playing with yourself. I am not a liberal so I don't embrace judges as gods. And I don't accept cherry picked data or opinion that defy logic. If the practice was profitable why wouldn't they stay? Of course they would. Problem is you lefties cannot accept the policies of your god not working in the real world. You can't force businesses to lose money and expect them to survive.
Your denial is fresh. Would this even warrant a second glance from you? Or even a motivated investigation?

I bet I can find more dirt on them leaving profitable exchanges.
Private companies are not the property of the US government. It's more complicated than retail since people are paying for insurance so I'd say the fair thing is for them to have an escrow account if they want to get into it.

It's also more complicated if the government moves the goal posts on them.
That's like saying NBA teams or players aren't the property of the NBA. If the NBA says the LA Lakers aren't in the NBA anymore, guess what?

So they may not be the property of the government but they can only do business if the government allows them to do business. Are they breaking any laws?

The sad thing is that a lot of the shit corporations do are legal because they've paid our government to allow them to do whatever it is they want to do.

We the people are the boss. Our government represents us. Government is the boss. Sorry you hate it.
You lie every time you post. You obviously hate the truth. Your interpretations are juvenile beyond comprehension. The government belongs to the people, we own the government. Sorry if your smug retarded ass doesn't like that! You belong in Cuba.
All of a sudden the government you hate belongs to the people? All of a sudden WE own the government, the same one you despise and want to eliminate?
Listen you little maggot. I've never said I hated the government, I just don't worship it like you lefties do. I don't let asshole assign my emotions for me. You talk out of your ass and I'll call you on it. WE have always owned the government, libs don't seems to know it but it's how we were founded as a nation. You all have everything bass ackwards. WE are citizens, not subjects. That's why WE the people oppose you leftists.
Here is what I don't understand.

The most likely of people to have medical problems, expensive medical problems are the old. Yet they are covered under medicare for 139 a month. Although that only covers 80 percent of part B (hospital) it still covers most seniors.

Then the private insurance companies are offering all sorts of low cost supplemental/advantage plans, most with things like free gym membership without a monthly premium.

But buy something on Obamacare. High premiums, greater than 400/month easily, and high out of pocket for example 750 dollars to go to the emergency room and not be admitted.

But since most people are covered by employer subsidized health care insurance most either don't care or think Obamacare is great stuff because their uncle Lou has coverage and it is FREEEEEEEEE.

In my opinion medicare is far superior then anything I see on the exchanges, price wise. Is that because it is heavily subsidized by the government?

Duh? Which is why "Medicare for All" is simply "Welfare for All".
Then all of Medicare must be welfare to you, along with Medicaid and probably social security
Your denial is fresh. Would this even warrant a second glance from you? Or even a motivated investigation?

I bet I can find more dirt on them leaving profitable exchanges.
Private companies are not the property of the US government. It's more complicated than retail since people are paying for insurance so I'd say the fair thing is for them to have an escrow account if they want to get into it.

It's also more complicated if the government moves the goal posts on them.
That's like saying NBA teams or players aren't the property of the NBA. If the NBA says the LA Lakers aren't in the NBA anymore, guess what?

So they may not be the property of the government but they can only do business if the government allows them to do business. Are they breaking any laws?

The sad thing is that a lot of the shit corporations do are legal because they've paid our government to allow them to do whatever it is they want to do.

We the people are the boss. Our government represents us. Government is the boss. Sorry you hate it.
You lie every time you post. You obviously hate the truth. Your interpretations are juvenile beyond comprehension. The government belongs to the people, we own the government. Sorry if your smug retarded ass doesn't like that! You belong in Cuba.
All of a sudden the government you hate belongs to the people? All of a sudden WE own the government, the same one you despise and want to eliminate?
Listen you little maggot. I've never said I hated the government, I just don't worship it like you lefties do. I don't let asshole assign my emotions for me. You talk out of your ass and I'll call you on it. WE have always owned the government, libs don't seems to know it but it's how we were founded as a nation. You all have everything bass ackwards. WE are citizens, not subjects. That's why WE the people oppose you leftists.
Of course honey bunch, you continue to be as full of shyte as ever.
Then all of Medicare must be welfare to you, along with Medicaid and probably social security

For the most part, yeah - they are. And the thing with welfare is that it only works if a small minority of the population is dependent on it. A safety net only works if there are people keeping it afloat. If everyone jumps in the safety net, it isn't viable - it collapses.
Then all of Medicare must be welfare to you, along with Medicaid and probably social security

For the most part, yeah - they are. And the thing with welfare is that it only works if a small minority of the population is dependent on it. A safety net only works if there are people keeping it afloat. If everyone jumps in the safety net, it isn't viable - it collapses.
It is only a small minority of the population who receives welfare, and it represents a small portion of our budget
Private companies are not the property of the US government. It's more complicated than retail since people are paying for insurance so I'd say the fair thing is for them to have an escrow account if they want to get into it.

It's also more complicated if the government moves the goal posts on them.
That's like saying NBA teams or players aren't the property of the NBA. If the NBA says the LA Lakers aren't in the NBA anymore, guess what?

So they may not be the property of the government but they can only do business if the government allows them to do business. Are they breaking any laws?

The sad thing is that a lot of the shit corporations do are legal because they've paid our government to allow them to do whatever it is they want to do.

We the people are the boss. Our government represents us. Government is the boss. Sorry you hate it.
You lie every time you post. You obviously hate the truth. Your interpretations are juvenile beyond comprehension. The government belongs to the people, we own the government. Sorry if your smug retarded ass doesn't like that! You belong in Cuba.
All of a sudden the government you hate belongs to the people? All of a sudden WE own the government, the same one you despise and want to eliminate?
Listen you little maggot. I've never said I hated the government, I just don't worship it like you lefties do. I don't let asshole assign my emotions for me. You talk out of your ass and I'll call you on it. WE have always owned the government, libs don't seems to know it but it's how we were founded as a nation. You all have everything bass ackwards. WE are citizens, not subjects. That's why WE the people oppose you leftists.
Of course honey bunch, you continue to be as full of shyte as ever.
Leftists hate America. You prove it.
That's like saying NBA teams or players aren't the property of the NBA. If the NBA says the LA Lakers aren't in the NBA anymore, guess what?

So they may not be the property of the government but they can only do business if the government allows them to do business. Are they breaking any laws?

The sad thing is that a lot of the shit corporations do are legal because they've paid our government to allow them to do whatever it is they want to do.

We the people are the boss. Our government represents us. Government is the boss. Sorry you hate it.
You lie every time you post. You obviously hate the truth. Your interpretations are juvenile beyond comprehension. The government belongs to the people, we own the government. Sorry if your smug retarded ass doesn't like that! You belong in Cuba.
All of a sudden the government you hate belongs to the people? All of a sudden WE own the government, the same one you despise and want to eliminate?
Listen you little maggot. I've never said I hated the government, I just don't worship it like you lefties do. I don't let asshole assign my emotions for me. You talk out of your ass and I'll call you on it. WE have always owned the government, libs don't seems to know it but it's how we were founded as a nation. You all have everything bass ackwards. WE are citizens, not subjects. That's why WE the people oppose you leftists.
Of course honey bunch, you continue to be as full of shyte as ever.
Leftists hate America. You prove it.
I'd rather you put a bag over your head and sucked mine. Its about all your kind is good for.
Can't win without votes! Three GOP or more vote, "Nyet(?)" or however that is said(?)!

Enough GOP senators to block Obamacare replacement will announce opposition: NBC News, citing source

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(At GOP, the "Nyet" votes have it. . . .speaking of Lands of Many Nations!)

Hard to believe the Repubs will not support whatever HC Bill they end up with in the Senate. I would venture a guess they might lose the Senate in 2018 or 2020 if they don't pass something. Bitching about the ACA is so yesterday, they are in power now and they better be doing something or they're gone. And rightfully so.
Can't win without votes! Three GOP or more vote, "Nyet(?)" or however that is said(?)!

Enough GOP senators to block Obamacare replacement will announce opposition: NBC News, citing source

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(At GOP, the "Nyet" votes have it. . . .speaking of Lands of Many Nations!)
Why are they going to block it? They haven't read it! It was just now posted!

Because they are republican members of the democrat party...that's why...
They have read enough, they want no part of it.
Two paragraphs? Schumer started his speech as it was being posted.

I wished that was getting more airplay. He criticized the bill before he ever read it!
Can't win without votes! Three GOP or more vote, "Nyet(?)" or however that is said(?)!

Enough GOP senators to block Obamacare replacement will announce opposition: NBC News, citing source

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(At GOP, the "Nyet" votes have it. . . .speaking of Lands of Many Nations!)

Hard to believe the Repubs will not support whatever HC Bill they end up with in the Senate. I would venture a guess they might lose the Senate in 2018 or 2020 if they don't pass something. Bitching about the ACA is so yesterday, they are in power now and they better be doing something or they're gone. And rightfully so.
Can't win without votes! Three GOP or more vote, "Nyet(?)" or however that is said(?)!

Enough GOP senators to block Obamacare replacement will announce opposition: NBC News, citing source

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(At GOP, the "Nyet" votes have it. . . .speaking of Lands of Many Nations!)
Why are they going to block it? They haven't read it! It was just now posted!

Because they are republican members of the democrat party...that's why...
They have read enough, they want no part of it.
Two paragraphs? Schumer started his speech as it was being posted.

I wished that was getting more airplay. He criticized the bill before he ever read it!
How many republicans criticized the ACA before it was formally presented. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Then all of Medicare must be welfare to you, along with Medicaid and probably social security

For the most part, yeah - they are. And the thing with welfare is that it only works if a small minority of the population is dependent on it. A safety net only works if there are people keeping it afloat. If everyone jumps in the safety net, it isn't viable - it collapses.
It is only a small minority of the population who receives welfare, and it represents a small portion of our budget

Exactly. If everyone were on welfare, it wouldn't be viable. Medicare "works" by heavily subsidizing insurance for seniors with tax dollars. How would it work if everyone piled on?
Then all of Medicare must be welfare to you, along with Medicaid and probably social security

For the most part, yeah - they are. And the thing with welfare is that it only works if a small minority of the population is dependent on it. A safety net only works if there are people keeping it afloat. If everyone jumps in the safety net, it isn't viable - it collapses.
It is only a small minority of the population who receives welfare, and it represents a small portion of our budget

Exactly. If everyone were on welfare, it wouldn't be viable. Medicare "works" by heavily subsidizing insurance for seniors with tax dollars. How would it work if everyone piled on?
It would be a whole lot cheaper that the private insurance we have right now. The profit motive for health care, the need for a shareholder return would be ended.
U.S. judge finds that Aetna deceived the public about its reasons for quitting Obamacare

They threatened to pull out of exchanges if their merger wasn't approved and then when it wasn't they pulled out of even profitable ones. They now will be out entirely in 2018.

I remember another source that I haven't found yet that had more juicy tidbits.

I'm going to look into the other merger that was blocked to see if anything similar happened.
Go ahead but you'll just be playing with yourself. I am not a liberal so I don't embrace judges as gods. And I don't accept cherry picked data or opinion that defy logic. If the practice was profitable why wouldn't they stay? Of course they would. Problem is you lefties cannot accept the policies of your god not working in the real world. You can't force businesses to lose money and expect them to survive.
Your denial is fresh. Would this even warrant a second glance from you? Or even a motivated investigation?

I bet I can find more dirt on them leaving profitable exchanges.
Private companies are not the property of the US government. It's more complicated than retail since people are paying for insurance so I'd say the fair thing is for them to have an escrow account if they want to get into it.

It's also more complicated if the government moves the goal posts on them.
That's like saying NBA teams or players aren't the property of the NBA. If the NBA says the LA Lakers aren't in the NBA anymore, guess what?

So they may not be the property of the government but they can only do business if the government allows them to do business. Are they breaking any laws?

The sad thing is that a lot of the shit corporations do are legal because they've paid our government to allow them to do whatever it is they want to do.

We the people are the boss. Our government represents us. Government is the boss. Sorry you hate it.
You lie every time you post. You obviously hate the truth. Your interpretations are juvenile beyond comprehension. The government belongs to the people, we own the government. Sorry if your smug retarded ass doesn't like that! You belong in Cuba.

Yes the government belongs to the people. And we the people are the boss. We are the referee in the game of business. Now of course they don't let stupid people like you make any decisions. Instead we elect representatives to go to Washington and regulate things like CORPORATIONS.

I know you want corporations to be treated like humans but they never die and don't care if they pollute as long as they are maximizing profits.

Funny we watch Terminator and worry about robots becoming too smart and taking over. Meanwhile we have corporations who are now treated like people and have a lot of power and control over us. Maybe it's not like in Terminator where we are at literal war with them but these corporations have waged class warfare on us.
U.S. judge finds that Aetna deceived the public about its reasons for quitting Obamacare

They threatened to pull out of exchanges if their merger wasn't approved and then when it wasn't they pulled out of even profitable ones. They now will be out entirely in 2018.

I remember another source that I haven't found yet that had more juicy tidbits.

I'm going to look into the other merger that was blocked to see if anything similar happened.
Go ahead but you'll just be playing with yourself. I am not a liberal so I don't embrace judges as gods. And I don't accept cherry picked data or opinion that defy logic. If the practice was profitable why wouldn't they stay? Of course they would. Problem is you lefties cannot accept the policies of your god not working in the real world. You can't force businesses to lose money and expect them to survive.
Your denial is fresh. Would this even warrant a second glance from you? Or even a motivated investigation?

I bet I can find more dirt on them leaving profitable exchanges.
Private companies are not the property of the US government. It's more complicated than retail since people are paying for insurance so I'd say the fair thing is for them to have an escrow account if they want to get into it.

It's also more complicated if the government moves the goal posts on them.
That's like saying NBA teams or players aren't the property of the NBA. If the NBA says the LA Lakers aren't in the NBA anymore, guess what?

So they may not be the property of the government but they can only do business if the government allows them to do business. Are they breaking any laws?

The sad thing is that a lot of the shit corporations do are legal because they've paid our government to allow them to do whatever it is they want to do.

We the people are the boss. Our government represents us. Government is the boss. Sorry you hate it.
You lie every time you post. You obviously hate the truth. Your interpretations are juvenile beyond comprehension. The government belongs to the people, we own the government. Sorry if your smug retarded ass doesn't like that! You belong in Cuba.

I think we are agreeing but you are so disagreeable you don't see it.

Do you realize the only thing you said that has any value was "The government belongs to the people, we own the government. " and I agree with that comment 100%. So unless you are going to say something I disagree with, I guess you and I are just two guys who lie, hate the truth, are juvenile, smug, retarded and an ass. And maybe you and me can take a trip to Cuba before Trump cuts off all ties again. Stupid fuck
You lie every time you post. You obviously hate the truth. Your interpretations are juvenile beyond comprehension. The government belongs to the people, we own the government. Sorry if your smug retarded ass doesn't like that! You belong in Cuba.
All of a sudden the government you hate belongs to the people? All of a sudden WE own the government, the same one you despise and want to eliminate?
Listen you little maggot. I've never said I hated the government, I just don't worship it like you lefties do. I don't let asshole assign my emotions for me. You talk out of your ass and I'll call you on it. WE have always owned the government, libs don't seems to know it but it's how we were founded as a nation. You all have everything bass ackwards. WE are citizens, not subjects. That's why WE the people oppose you leftists.
Of course honey bunch, you continue to be as full of shyte as ever.
Leftists hate America. You prove it.
I'd rather you put a bag over your head and sucked mine. Its about all your kind is good for.
Ice is a bitter angry loser. Don't mind him. Blames everyone else for his failures EXCEPT for the Republicans.
That's like saying NBA teams or players aren't the property of the NBA. If the NBA says the LA Lakers aren't in the NBA anymore, guess what?

So they may not be the property of the government but they can only do business if the government allows them to do business. Are they breaking any laws?

The sad thing is that a lot of the shit corporations do are legal because they've paid our government to allow them to do whatever it is they want to do.

We the people are the boss. Our government represents us. Government is the boss. Sorry you hate it.
You lie every time you post. You obviously hate the truth. Your interpretations are juvenile beyond comprehension. The government belongs to the people, we own the government. Sorry if your smug retarded ass doesn't like that! You belong in Cuba.
All of a sudden the government you hate belongs to the people? All of a sudden WE own the government, the same one you despise and want to eliminate?
Listen you little maggot. I've never said I hated the government, I just don't worship it like you lefties do. I don't let asshole assign my emotions for me. You talk out of your ass and I'll call you on it. WE have always owned the government, libs don't seems to know it but it's how we were founded as a nation. You all have everything bass ackwards. WE are citizens, not subjects. That's why WE the people oppose you leftists.
Of course honey bunch, you continue to be as full of shyte as ever.
Leftists hate America. You prove it.
I hate Americans like you. Is that the same thing as hating America? I don't think so because you hate liberals. Remember?

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