Fake Senate ACA Replacement Already Blocked!

Private companies are not the property of the US government. It's more complicated than retail since people are paying for insurance so I'd say the fair thing is for them to have an escrow account if they want to get into it.

It's also more complicated if the government moves the goal posts on them.
That's like saying NBA teams or players aren't the property of the NBA. If the NBA says the LA Lakers aren't in the NBA anymore, guess what?

So they may not be the property of the government but they can only do business if the government allows them to do business. Are they breaking any laws?

The sad thing is that a lot of the shit corporations do are legal because they've paid our government to allow them to do whatever it is they want to do.

We the people are the boss. Our government represents us. Government is the boss. Sorry you hate it.
You lie every time you post. You obviously hate the truth. Your interpretations are juvenile beyond comprehension. The government belongs to the people, we own the government. Sorry if your smug retarded ass doesn't like that! You belong in Cuba.

Yes the government belongs to the people. And we the people are the boss. We are the referee in the game of business. Now of course they don't let stupid people like you make any decisions. Instead we elect representatives to go to Washington and regulate things like CORPORATIONS.

I know you want corporations to be treated like humans but they never die and don't care if they pollute as long as they are maximizing profits.

Funny we watch Terminator and worry about robots becoming too smart and taking over. Meanwhile we have corporations who are now treated like people and have a lot of power and control over us. Maybe it's not like in Terminator where we are at literal war with them but these corporations have waged class warfare on us.
Corporations are treated like people, you have no idea what Citizens United was. Your cartoon show didn't go to that level of detail.
So now you like and defend Citizens United? Funny because ever since the RWNJ's on the SCOTUS passed Citizens United it has been very unpopular with most Republicans. Even they couldn't defend it. But now I see you guys are ready to go to the next level and give Corporations all the power and rights humans have. Sick.
The SCOTUS defended it because it's legal. Period. And I didn't make your claims. Like I said ...you're a liar.
That's like saying NBA teams or players aren't the property of the NBA. If the NBA says the LA Lakers aren't in the NBA anymore, guess what?

So they may not be the property of the government but they can only do business if the government allows them to do business. Are they breaking any laws?

The sad thing is that a lot of the shit corporations do are legal because they've paid our government to allow them to do whatever it is they want to do.

We the people are the boss. Our government represents us. Government is the boss. Sorry you hate it.
You lie every time you post. You obviously hate the truth. Your interpretations are juvenile beyond comprehension. The government belongs to the people, we own the government. Sorry if your smug retarded ass doesn't like that! You belong in Cuba.

Yes the government belongs to the people. And we the people are the boss. We are the referee in the game of business. Now of course they don't let stupid people like you make any decisions. Instead we elect representatives to go to Washington and regulate things like CORPORATIONS.

I know you want corporations to be treated like humans but they never die and don't care if they pollute as long as they are maximizing profits.

Let's talk about this silly debate over whether corporations are "people". We can talk about the technical details of "legal personhood" if you like. We'd probably agree on a lot. The current status quo regarding the corporate charter is deeply flawed. But that's not really what we're talking about, is it?

In point of fact, corporations are organizations - groups of people who share ownership and control of a company. So, when you regulate corporations, you're regulating people. When conservatives and libertarians (and, believe it or not, some liberals) raise concerns over the Constitutionality of laws targeting corporations, we're concerned about the rights of the flesh-and-blood people that these laws impact. Do people forfeit their rights if they own, or work for, a corporation?

Meanwhile we have corporations who are now treated like people and have a lot of power and control over us. Maybe it's not like in Terminator where we are at literal war with them but these corporations have waged class warfare on us.

This is the most important argument currently under debate. There's a radical difference between free-market economic power, and coercive state power. Do you recognize that difference at all? No matter how much money Wellpoint has, they can't force me to buy their insurance. Only government can do that.

To Restore Democracy: First Abolish Corporate Personhood
There's no "personhood". There's no constitution reason to deny a group of people pooling their money for a cause. There's good reason to prevent unions from taking dues and funneling it into Democrat coffers but liberals are too corrupt to care.
One person one vote. No reason a mega corporation should have so much influence in our politics. Even Republicans occasionally admit they would like campaign finance reform.

I know all your arguments. You've been making them since the founding fathers.
That's like saying NBA teams or players aren't the property of the NBA. If the NBA says the LA Lakers aren't in the NBA anymore, guess what?

So they may not be the property of the government but they can only do business if the government allows them to do business. Are they breaking any laws?

The sad thing is that a lot of the shit corporations do are legal because they've paid our government to allow them to do whatever it is they want to do.

We the people are the boss. Our government represents us. Government is the boss. Sorry you hate it.
You lie every time you post. You obviously hate the truth. Your interpretations are juvenile beyond comprehension. The government belongs to the people, we own the government. Sorry if your smug retarded ass doesn't like that! You belong in Cuba.

Yes the government belongs to the people. And we the people are the boss. We are the referee in the game of business. Now of course they don't let stupid people like you make any decisions. Instead we elect representatives to go to Washington and regulate things like CORPORATIONS.

I know you want corporations to be treated like humans but they never die and don't care if they pollute as long as they are maximizing profits.

Funny we watch Terminator and worry about robots becoming too smart and taking over. Meanwhile we have corporations who are now treated like people and have a lot of power and control over us. Maybe it's not like in Terminator where we are at literal war with them but these corporations have waged class warfare on us.
Corporations are treated like people, you have no idea what Citizens United was. Your cartoon show didn't go to that level of detail.
So now you like and defend Citizens United? Funny because ever since the RWNJ's on the SCOTUS passed Citizens United it has been very unpopular with most Republicans. Even they couldn't defend it. But now I see you guys are ready to go to the next level and give Corporations all the power and rights humans have. Sick.
The SCOTUS defended it because it's legal. Period. And I didn't make your claims. Like I said ...you're a liar.
The SCOTUS did Citizens United after Bush appointed Alito and Roberts, two corporate cronies. I know.
That's like saying NBA teams or players aren't the property of the NBA. If the NBA says the LA Lakers aren't in the NBA anymore, guess what?

So they may not be the property of the government but they can only do business if the government allows them to do business. Are they breaking any laws?

The sad thing is that a lot of the shit corporations do are legal because they've paid our government to allow them to do whatever it is they want to do.

We the people are the boss. Our government represents us. Government is the boss. Sorry you hate it.
You lie every time you post. You obviously hate the truth. Your interpretations are juvenile beyond comprehension. The government belongs to the people, we own the government. Sorry if your smug retarded ass doesn't like that! You belong in Cuba.
All of a sudden the government you hate belongs to the people? All of a sudden WE own the government, the same one you despise and want to eliminate?
Listen you little maggot. I've never said I hated the government, I just don't worship it like you lefties do. I don't let asshole assign my emotions for me. You talk out of your ass and I'll call you on it. WE have always owned the government, libs don't seems to know it but it's how we were founded as a nation. You all have everything bass ackwards. WE are citizens, not subjects. That's why WE the people oppose you leftists.

Oh you guys worship Trump, McConnell, Ryan or whoever is in charge. But if one of them gets out of line, like Paul Ryan, he will be thrown under the bus so fast and be labeled a RINO by the rest of you.

And doesn't matter if you put Ben Carson, Carli, Don, Christie, Rubio, Cruz. Doesn't matter. They all have the same agenda.

Notice Trump isn't tearing up NAFTA? And notice the GOP house and senate aren't fixing NAFTA? You got conned my stupid fucking friend.
Like I said, you're a liar. Every. Fucking. Post.

You spewed off on a tangent and couldn't even address the point.
You have no point. Or your point is old and tired. Go ahead, you guys are in power. We can't stop you. Don't say I didn't warn you.
You lie every time you post. You obviously hate the truth. Your interpretations are juvenile beyond comprehension. The government belongs to the people, we own the government. Sorry if your smug retarded ass doesn't like that! You belong in Cuba.
All of a sudden the government you hate belongs to the people? All of a sudden WE own the government, the same one you despise and want to eliminate?
Listen you little maggot. I've never said I hated the government, I just don't worship it like you lefties do. I don't let asshole assign my emotions for me. You talk out of your ass and I'll call you on it. WE have always owned the government, libs don't seems to know it but it's how we were founded as a nation. You all have everything bass ackwards. WE are citizens, not subjects. That's why WE the people oppose you leftists.

Oh you guys worship Trump, McConnell, Ryan or whoever is in charge. But if one of them gets out of line, like Paul Ryan, he will be thrown under the bus so fast and be labeled a RINO by the rest of you.

And doesn't matter if you put Ben Carson, Carli, Don, Christie, Rubio, Cruz. Doesn't matter. They all have the same agenda.

Notice Trump isn't tearing up NAFTA? And notice the GOP house and senate aren't fixing NAFTA? You got conned my stupid fucking friend.
Like I said, you're a liar. Every. Fucking. Post.

You spewed off on a tangent and couldn't even address the point.
You have no point. Or your point is old and tired. Go ahead, you guys are in power. We can't stop you. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Like I said, you're a liar. Every. Fucking. Post.

You spewed off on a tangent and couldn't even address the point.
Your denial is fresh. Would this even warrant a second glance from you? Or even a motivated investigation?

I bet I can find more dirt on them leaving profitable exchanges.
Private companies are not the property of the US government. It's more complicated than retail since people are paying for insurance so I'd say the fair thing is for them to have an escrow account if they want to get into it.

It's also more complicated if the government moves the goal posts on them.
That's like saying NBA teams or players aren't the property of the NBA. If the NBA says the LA Lakers aren't in the NBA anymore, guess what?

So they may not be the property of the government but they can only do business if the government allows them to do business. Are they breaking any laws?

The sad thing is that a lot of the shit corporations do are legal because they've paid our government to allow them to do whatever it is they want to do.

We the people are the boss. Our government represents us. Government is the boss. Sorry you hate it.
You lie every time you post. You obviously hate the truth. Your interpretations are juvenile beyond comprehension. The government belongs to the people, we own the government. Sorry if your smug retarded ass doesn't like that! You belong in Cuba.

Yes the government belongs to the people. And we the people are the boss. We are the referee in the game of business. Now of course they don't let stupid people like you make any decisions. Instead we elect representatives to go to Washington and regulate things like CORPORATIONS.

I know you want corporations to be treated like humans but they never die and don't care if they pollute as long as they are maximizing profits.

Let's talk about this silly debate over whether corporations are "people". We can talk about the technical details of "legal personhood" if you like. We'd probably agree on a lot. The current status quo regarding the corporate charter is deeply flawed. But that's not really what we're talking about, is it?

In point of fact, corporations are organizations - groups of people who share ownership and control of a company. So, when you regulate corporations, you're regulating people. When conservatives and libertarians (and, believe it or not, some liberals) raise concerns over the Constitutionality of laws targeting corporations, we're concerned about the rights of the flesh-and-blood people that these laws impact. Do people forfeit their rights if they own, or work for, a corporation?

Meanwhile we have corporations who are now treated like people and have a lot of power and control over us. Maybe it's not like in Terminator where we are at literal war with them but these corporations have waged class warfare on us.

This is the most important argument currently under debate. There's a radical difference between free-market economic power, and coercive state power. Do you recognize that difference at all? No matter how much money Wellpoint has, they can't force me to buy their insurance. Only government can do that.

People coming together to pool resources doesn't end their 1st Amendment Right, genius...that is why corporations can donate money...they are doing so as a collective of people...no different from a teachers union donating money to the democrats.....is a teachers union a "person?"
All of a sudden the government you hate belongs to the people? All of a sudden WE own the government, the same one you despise and want to eliminate?
Listen you little maggot. I've never said I hated the government, I just don't worship it like you lefties do. I don't let asshole assign my emotions for me. You talk out of your ass and I'll call you on it. WE have always owned the government, libs don't seems to know it but it's how we were founded as a nation. You all have everything bass ackwards. WE are citizens, not subjects. That's why WE the people oppose you leftists.

Oh you guys worship Trump, McConnell, Ryan or whoever is in charge. But if one of them gets out of line, like Paul Ryan, he will be thrown under the bus so fast and be labeled a RINO by the rest of you.

And doesn't matter if you put Ben Carson, Carli, Don, Christie, Rubio, Cruz. Doesn't matter. They all have the same agenda.

Notice Trump isn't tearing up NAFTA? And notice the GOP house and senate aren't fixing NAFTA? You got conned my stupid fucking friend.
Like I said, you're a liar. Every. Fucking. Post.

You spewed off on a tangent and couldn't even address the point.
You have no point. Or your point is old and tired. Go ahead, you guys are in power. We can't stop you. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Like I said, you're a liar. Every. Fucking. Post.

You spewed off on a tangent and couldn't even address the point.
Only a piece of low life lying shit like you would have the cajones to call someone else a liar.
Can't win without votes! Three GOP or more vote, "Nyet(?)" or however that is said(?)!

Enough GOP senators to block Obamacare replacement will announce opposition: NBC News, citing source

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(At GOP, the "Nyet" votes have it. . . .speaking of Lands of Many Nations!)

Hard to believe the Repubs will not support whatever HC Bill they end up with in the Senate. I would venture a guess they might lose the Senate in 2018 or 2020 if they don't pass something. Bitching about the ACA is so yesterday, they are in power now and they better be doing something or they're gone. And rightfully so.
Because they are republican members of the democrat party...that's why...
They have read enough, they want no part of it.
Two paragraphs? Schumer started his speech as it was being posted.

I wished that was getting more airplay. He criticized the bill before he ever read it!
How many republicans criticized the ACA before it was formally presented. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
I think they all knew it was mandatory insurance and therefore unconstitutional.
How the hell would a complete ignoramus like you know what is or isn't constitutional?
You lie every time you post. You obviously hate the truth. Your interpretations are juvenile beyond comprehension. The government belongs to the people, we own the government. Sorry if your smug retarded ass doesn't like that! You belong in Cuba.

Yes the government belongs to the people. And we the people are the boss. We are the referee in the game of business. Now of course they don't let stupid people like you make any decisions. Instead we elect representatives to go to Washington and regulate things like CORPORATIONS.

I know you want corporations to be treated like humans but they never die and don't care if they pollute as long as they are maximizing profits.

Let's talk about this silly debate over whether corporations are "people". We can talk about the technical details of "legal personhood" if you like. We'd probably agree on a lot. The current status quo regarding the corporate charter is deeply flawed. But that's not really what we're talking about, is it?

In point of fact, corporations are organizations - groups of people who share ownership and control of a company. So, when you regulate corporations, you're regulating people. When conservatives and libertarians (and, believe it or not, some liberals) raise concerns over the Constitutionality of laws targeting corporations, we're concerned about the rights of the flesh-and-blood people that these laws impact. Do people forfeit their rights if they own, or work for, a corporation?

Meanwhile we have corporations who are now treated like people and have a lot of power and control over us. Maybe it's not like in Terminator where we are at literal war with them but these corporations have waged class warfare on us.

This is the most important argument currently under debate. There's a radical difference between free-market economic power, and coercive state power. Do you recognize that difference at all? No matter how much money Wellpoint has, they can't force me to buy their insurance. Only government can do that.

To Restore Democracy: First Abolish Corporate Personhood
There's no "personhood". There's no constitution reason to deny a group of people pooling their money for a cause. There's good reason to prevent unions from taking dues and funneling it into Democrat coffers but liberals are too corrupt to care.
One person one vote. No reason a mega corporation should have so much influence in our politics. Even Republicans occasionally admit they would like campaign finance reform.

I know all your arguments. You've been making them since the founding fathers.
I'm not 250 years old but there's nothing the founders set up that restricted people's rights to pool resources for issues of the day. It's just that liberals think they can do it unopposed.
Hard to believe the Repubs will not support whatever HC Bill they end up with in the Senate. I would venture a guess they might lose the Senate in 2018 or 2020 if they don't pass something. Bitching about the ACA is so yesterday, they are in power now and they better be doing something or they're gone. And rightfully so.
They have read enough, they want no part of it.
Two paragraphs? Schumer started his speech as it was being posted.

I wished that was getting more airplay. He criticized the bill before he ever read it!
How many republicans criticized the ACA before it was formally presented. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
I think they all knew it was mandatory insurance and therefore unconstitutional.
How the hell would a complete ignoramus like you know what is or isn't constitutional?
Let us know when you grow some peach fuzz, junior.
Hard to believe the Repubs will not support whatever HC Bill they end up with in the Senate. I would venture a guess they might lose the Senate in 2018 or 2020 if they don't pass something. Bitching about the ACA is so yesterday, they are in power now and they better be doing something or they're gone. And rightfully so.
They have read enough, they want no part of it.
Two paragraphs? Schumer started his speech as it was being posted.

I wished that was getting more airplay. He criticized the bill before he ever read it!
How many republicans criticized the ACA before it was formally presented. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
I think they all knew it was mandatory insurance and therefore unconstitutional.
How the hell would a complete ignoramus like you know what is or isn't constitutional?

All he did was quote the supreme court. Jeez!
Two paragraphs? Schumer started his speech as it was being posted.

I wished that was getting more airplay. He criticized the bill before he ever read it!
How many republicans criticized the ACA before it was formally presented. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
I think they all knew it was mandatory insurance and therefore unconstitutional.
How the hell would a complete ignoramus like you know what is or isn't constitutional?
Go play with your little red pecker, junior.
Once agin sweetie pie, put a bag over your head and give me a BJ. Its all your good for, that and baking cookies
Nothing you say matches reality.

Look, I'm saying that for Conservatives to complain about welfare dependence today undermines their argument that their welfare reform was a success. The numbers you posted only show the first ten years of this. What about the next 10?
Listen you little maggot. I've never said I hated the government, I just don't worship it like you lefties do. I don't let asshole assign my emotions for me. You talk out of your ass and I'll call you on it. WE have always owned the government, libs don't seems to know it but it's how we were founded as a nation. You all have everything bass ackwards. WE are citizens, not subjects. That's why WE the people oppose you leftists.

Oh you guys worship Trump, McConnell, Ryan or whoever is in charge. But if one of them gets out of line, like Paul Ryan, he will be thrown under the bus so fast and be labeled a RINO by the rest of you.

And doesn't matter if you put Ben Carson, Carli, Don, Christie, Rubio, Cruz. Doesn't matter. They all have the same agenda.

Notice Trump isn't tearing up NAFTA? And notice the GOP house and senate aren't fixing NAFTA? You got conned my stupid fucking friend.
Like I said, you're a liar. Every. Fucking. Post.

You spewed off on a tangent and couldn't even address the point.
You have no point. Or your point is old and tired. Go ahead, you guys are in power. We can't stop you. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Like I said, you're a liar. Every. Fucking. Post.

You spewed off on a tangent and couldn't even address the point.
Only a piece of low life lying shit like you would have the cajones to call someone else a liar.
Peach fuzz. Grow some then come back.
There's no "personhood". There's no constitution reason to deny a group of people pooling their money for a cause. There's good reason to prevent unions from taking dues and funneling it into Democrat coffers but liberals are too corrupt to care.

If money is speech, then that means some people have more speech than others. Which undermines the premise of one person, one vote. Also, if money is speech, then speech isn't free.
I wished that was getting more airplay. He criticized the bill before he ever read it!
How many republicans criticized the ACA before it was formally presented. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
I think they all knew it was mandatory insurance and therefore unconstitutional.
How the hell would a complete ignoramus like you know what is or isn't constitutional?
Go play with your little red pecker, junior.
Once agin sweetie pie, put a bag over your head and give me a BJ. Its all your good for, that and baking cookies
You're. Learn to spell like a fourth grader.
Listen you little maggot. I've never said I hated the government, I just don't worship it like you lefties do. I don't let asshole assign my emotions for me. You talk out of your ass and I'll call you on it. WE have always owned the government, libs don't seems to know it but it's how we were founded as a nation. You all have everything bass ackwards. WE are citizens, not subjects. That's why WE the people oppose you leftists.

Oh you guys worship Trump, McConnell, Ryan or whoever is in charge. But if one of them gets out of line, like Paul Ryan, he will be thrown under the bus so fast and be labeled a RINO by the rest of you.

And doesn't matter if you put Ben Carson, Carli, Don, Christie, Rubio, Cruz. Doesn't matter. They all have the same agenda.

Notice Trump isn't tearing up NAFTA? And notice the GOP house and senate aren't fixing NAFTA? You got conned my stupid fucking friend.
Like I said, you're a liar. Every. Fucking. Post.

You spewed off on a tangent and couldn't even address the point.
You have no point. Or your point is old and tired. Go ahead, you guys are in power. We can't stop you. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Like I said, you're a liar. Every. Fucking. Post.

You spewed off on a tangent and couldn't even address the point.
Only a piece of low life lying shit like you would have the cajones to call someone else a liar.
And calling someone a liar for their opinion? You can't talk to people like this. I talk to them just for fun. Just to see their stupid little reactions. Intellectual Dishonesty at it's best.
There's no "personhood". There's no constitution reason to deny a group of people pooling their money for a cause. There's good reason to prevent unions from taking dues and funneling it into Democrat coffers but liberals are too corrupt to care.

If money is speech, then that means some people have more speech than others. Which undermines the premise of one person, one vote. Also, if money is speech, then speech isn't free.
When did I say money was speech? You can't read.

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