Fake Senate ACA Replacement Already Blocked!

You just contradicted yourself. Did the left pool 30 million dollars into the last campaign or not? Sure did. Is that legal? Sure is.

Republicans also pooled $30M together and unlike Democrats, didn't pool that $30M from mostly small donors. But think about what that means; it means that candidates focus on raising money instead of raising votes. The average representative spends close to 80% of their time raising money. And from whom are they doing that raising? Wealthy donors and corporations. So that's why you get legislation that benefits those interests, that's why you get representatives who are so tone deaf to regular people. They spend most of their time around rich people and lobbyists, so their world view is going to be shaped by those encounters.
The rich and Republicans realized they could get more done at the state level

Report: Dark Money Surges in State and Local Elections
Go play with your little red pecker, junior.
Once agin sweetie pie, put a bag over your head and give me a BJ. Its all your good for, that and baking cookies
You're. Learn to spell like a fourth grader.
Oh wow that was a good one retard. Please erase that waste of a post and I'll delete mine. Stop wasting everyones time with nothing but bullshit. At least end your post with something we can work with. For example the fact that the GOP will either ruin the healthcare reforms/gains Obama made in the ACA or they will break their promise and not repeal Obamacare. They will essentially make the ACA the law of the land when they had the power to fix it. All because of a few guys like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. I love it!!! Reminds me of when we wanted Single payer and we couldn't get it because of one or two blue dog democrats.

Who's Blocking Health Care Reform Now? Blue Dogs? Senate Dems? House Progressives? Or the White House Itself? | Black Agenda Report

Blame this guy for what's wrong with the ACA darrell issa - Google Search

A true asshole.
The bullshit is all yours, don't try to pin it on me. Nor can you jerk me around to where you want to go.
That's the problem with you guys. I walked into someone's home and they were watching Fox. I tried to explain to them why Trump will be a horrible president and they didn't listen to a word I said. All they did was start screaming republican talking points (hillary lied, benghazi, obama's a muslim)

Screaming with their hands over their ears. I don't care anymore. I'm successful. Clearly you guys are not. Sitting around waiting for Trump to make things great again and meanwhile he's going to cut your ss and medicare. Fucking idiots. You were idiots during Reagan, Bush and you are still idiots.
There you go again with the you guys. Just because you are incapable of independent thought doesn't mean we all are. You keep spewing more garbage. Go start a new thread.
You just contradicted yourself. Did the left pool 30 million dollars into the last campaign or not? Sure did. Is that legal? Sure is.

Republicans also pooled $30M together and unlike Democrats, didn't pool that $30M from mostly small donors. But think about what that means; it means that candidates focus on raising money instead of raising votes. The average representative spends close to 80% of their time raising money. And from whom are they doing that raising? Wealthy donors and corporations. So that's why you get legislation that benefits those interests, that's why you get representatives who are so tone deaf to regular people. They spend most of their time around rich people and lobbyists, so their world view is going to be shaped by those encounters.
The rich and Republicans realized they could get more done at the state level

Report: Dark Money Surges in State and Local Elections
The rich supported Hillary. Don't let the facts get in your way.
If money is speech, then that means some people have more speech than others. Which undermines the premise of one person, one vote. Also, if money is speech, then speech isn't free.

Some people do have more "speech" than others. Does that undermine the premise of one person, one vote, in your view? Should government ensure that everyone has the same amount of "speech"?
The rich supported Hillary. Don't let the facts get in your way.

The rich supported Trump too. The problem is that the candidates spend most of their time around rich people and lobbyists, so their worldview is shaped by that. That's why we never get legislation that benefits citizens without benefiting the wealthy or corporations.
Unfortunately they no longer have the votes for a straight repeal, which I would like to see. Name one welfare program that has been totally eliminated in the last 80 years. You know the commiecrats want to just put bandaids on maobamacare..

Well, Conservatives "reformed" welfare in 1996 (Personal Work Responsibility and Accountability Act)...so if you are still having ideological problems with welfare today, then that means the welfare reform from 20 years ago wasn't all it was cracked up to be. And since that was the lone legislative accomplishment of the Republican Party over the last 37 years, your complaints about welfare today undermine that accomplishment leaving the Conservative Movement and Republican Party with no legislative accomplishments they can point to in 37 years.

If a legislative accomplishment has to violate both the text and intent of the Constitution, as our whole welfare state does, I wouldn't call it an accomplishment. I call it treason.

Some people do have more "speech" than others. Does that undermine the premise of one person, one vote, in your view? Should government ensure that everyone has the same amount of "speech"?

When it comes to our elections, yes.
Once agin sweetie pie, put a bag over your head and give me a BJ. Its all your good for, that and baking cookies
You're. Learn to spell like a fourth grader.
Oh wow that was a good one retard. Please erase that waste of a post and I'll delete mine. Stop wasting everyones time with nothing but bullshit. At least end your post with something we can work with. For example the fact that the GOP will either ruin the healthcare reforms/gains Obama made in the ACA or they will break their promise and not repeal Obamacare. They will essentially make the ACA the law of the land when they had the power to fix it. All because of a few guys like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. I love it!!! Reminds me of when we wanted Single payer and we couldn't get it because of one or two blue dog democrats.

Who's Blocking Health Care Reform Now? Blue Dogs? Senate Dems? House Progressives? Or the White House Itself? | Black Agenda Report

Blame this guy for what's wrong with the ACA darrell issa - Google Search

A true asshole.
The bullshit is all yours, don't try to pin it on me. Nor can you jerk me around to where you want to go.
That's the problem with you guys. I walked into someone's home and they were watching Fox. I tried to explain to them why Trump will be a horrible president and they didn't listen to a word I said. All they did was start screaming republican talking points (hillary lied, benghazi, obama's a muslim)

Screaming with their hands over their ears. I don't care anymore. I'm successful. Clearly you guys are not. Sitting around waiting for Trump to make things great again and meanwhile he's going to cut your ss and medicare. Fucking idiots. You were idiots during Reagan, Bush and you are still idiots.

You go into somebody's home and start telling them what to watch on TV and what their politics should be? Maybe you shoulda kept your effing mouth shut.
I always fuck with them about politics. They are the perfect suckers who vote for Trump and Republicans. And they were willed a lot of money because no way a hair dresser could have that kind of home and lifestyle. But I know that the money is drying up and the dad is getting older and eventually won't be able to work. They have no savings, paid very little into social security. They're going to need us liberals one day and I can't wait to see that day. But they'll just blame liberals for their woes. That's what Republicans do. Just like no Republican today has a problem with the Republicans for inventing NAFTA. They only blame Clinton for signing it. So when they take a 30% cut to their social security and medicare and go broke, I'm going to tell them they voted for it. And I hope they yell at me then that Obama is a muslim and about Hillary's emails.
If a legislative accomplishment has to violate both the text and intent of the Constitution, as our whole welfare state does, I wouldn't call it an accomplishment. I call it treason..

This is why we have a Supreme Court. They answer that ideological question, not you.
Once agin sweetie pie, put a bag over your head and give me a BJ. Its all your good for, that and baking cookies
You're. Learn to spell like a fourth grader.
Oh wow that was a good one retard. Please erase that waste of a post and I'll delete mine. Stop wasting everyones time with nothing but bullshit. At least end your post with something we can work with. For example the fact that the GOP will either ruin the healthcare reforms/gains Obama made in the ACA or they will break their promise and not repeal Obamacare. They will essentially make the ACA the law of the land when they had the power to fix it. All because of a few guys like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. I love it!!! Reminds me of when we wanted Single payer and we couldn't get it because of one or two blue dog democrats.

Who's Blocking Health Care Reform Now? Blue Dogs? Senate Dems? House Progressives? Or the White House Itself? | Black Agenda Report

Blame this guy for what's wrong with the ACA darrell issa - Google Search

A true asshole.
The bullshit is all yours, don't try to pin it on me. Nor can you jerk me around to where you want to go.
That's the problem with you guys. I walked into someone's home and they were watching Fox. I tried to explain to them why Trump will be a horrible president and they didn't listen to a word I said. All they did was start screaming republican talking points (hillary lied, benghazi, obama's a muslim)

Screaming with their hands over their ears. I don't care anymore. I'm successful. Clearly you guys are not. Sitting around waiting for Trump to make things great again and meanwhile he's going to cut your ss and medicare. Fucking idiots. You were idiots during Reagan, Bush and you are still idiots.

You go into somebody's home and start telling them what to watch on TV and what their politics should be? Maybe you shoulda kept your effing mouth shut.
Free speech.
Some people do have more "speech" than others. Does that undermine the premise of one person, one vote, in your view? Should government ensure that everyone has the same amount of "speech"?

When it comes to our elections, yes.

Wow! So what's the plan? Do we have minders that follow us around to make sure some people aren't speaking out more than their share? Do we force the introverts to talk more?
If money is speech, then that means some people have more speech than others. Which undermines the premise of one person, one vote. Also, if money is speech, then speech isn't free.

Some people do have more "speech" than others. Does that undermine the premise of one person, one vote, in your view? Should government ensure that everyone has the same amount of "speech"?

Not when it's set up like it is now ,with both parties getting the highest job positions based on how much money they bring for the parties.
Wow! So what's the plan? Do we have minders that follow us around to make sure some people aren't speaking out more than their share? Do we force the introverts to talk more?

The plan is simple; all elections are publicly funded. All campaigns are publicly funded. Candidates no longer must raise money. That way, there's a level playing field where ideas can compete for votes instead of candidates competing for money. It works in every other western democracy, so why can't it work here? We all agree the system is broken, we just have to agree why it's broken. And the why is the money.
Let's talk about this silly debate over whether corporations are "people". We can talk about the technical details of "legal personhood" if you like. We'd probably agree on a lot. The current status quo regarding the corporate charter is deeply flawed. But that's not really what we're talking about, is it?

In point of fact, corporations are organizations - groups of people who share ownership and control of a company. So, when you regulate corporations, you're regulating people. When conservatives and libertarians (and, believe it or not, some liberals) raise concerns over the Constitutionality of laws targeting corporations, we're concerned about the rights of the flesh-and-blood people that these laws impact. Do people forfeit their rights if they own, or work for, a corporation?

This is the most important argument currently under debate. There's a radical difference between free-market economic power, and coercive state power. Do you recognize that difference at all? No matter how much money Wellpoint has, they can't force me to buy their insurance. Only government can do that.

To Restore Democracy: First Abolish Corporate Personhood
There's no "personhood". There's no constitution reason to deny a group of people pooling their money for a cause. There's good reason to prevent unions from taking dues and funneling it into Democrat coffers but liberals are too corrupt to care.
One person one vote. No reason a mega corporation should have so much influence in our politics. Even Republicans occasionally admit they would like campaign finance reform.

I know all your arguments. You've been making them since the founding fathers.

No reason a mega union should either. No difference at all, other than mega corps give money to both sides but the unions only give to the Dems.

Same reason Democrats take money from rich people and corporations. If Republicans are doing it they have to. Maybe neither should be allowed to? But we've had this conversation before over 4 years. It's called Campaign finance Reform. I'm not getting into that debate. Fucking groundhog day conversation.
You're. Learn to spell like a fourth grader.
Oh wow that was a good one retard. Please erase that waste of a post and I'll delete mine. Stop wasting everyones time with nothing but bullshit. At least end your post with something we can work with. For example the fact that the GOP will either ruin the healthcare reforms/gains Obama made in the ACA or they will break their promise and not repeal Obamacare. They will essentially make the ACA the law of the land when they had the power to fix it. All because of a few guys like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. I love it!!! Reminds me of when we wanted Single payer and we couldn't get it because of one or two blue dog democrats.

Who's Blocking Health Care Reform Now? Blue Dogs? Senate Dems? House Progressives? Or the White House Itself? | Black Agenda Report

Blame this guy for what's wrong with the ACA darrell issa - Google Search

A true asshole.
The bullshit is all yours, don't try to pin it on me. Nor can you jerk me around to where you want to go.
That's the problem with you guys. I walked into someone's home and they were watching Fox. I tried to explain to them why Trump will be a horrible president and they didn't listen to a word I said. All they did was start screaming republican talking points (hillary lied, benghazi, obama's a muslim)

Screaming with their hands over their ears. I don't care anymore. I'm successful. Clearly you guys are not. Sitting around waiting for Trump to make things great again and meanwhile he's going to cut your ss and medicare. Fucking idiots. You were idiots during Reagan, Bush and you are still idiots.

You go into somebody's home and start telling them what to watch on TV and what their politics should be? Maybe you shoulda kept your effing mouth shut.
I always fuck with them about politics. They are the perfect suckers who vote for Trump and Republicans. And they were willed a lot of money because no way a hair dresser could have that kind of home and lifestyle. But I know that the money is drying up and the dad is getting older and eventually won't be able to work. They have no savings, paid very little into social security. They're going to need us liberals one day and I can't wait to see that day. But they'll just blame liberals for their woes. That's what Republicans do. Just like no Republican today has a problem with the Republicans for inventing NAFTA. They only blame Clinton for signing it. So when they take a 30% cut to their social security and medicare and go broke, I'm going to tell them they voted for it. And I hope they yell at me then that Obama is a muslim and about Hillary's emails.

So you go into somebody's home and deliberately fuck with them. That makes you an asshole IMHO. Can't imagine why they'd let your sorry ass in their home, you wouldn't be welcome in mine. Which I know doesn't bother you one bit, but it sure does say something about your character.

And I would presume you do the same thing around here, you deliberately provoke people don't you? That kind of attitude makes you a person who I don't want to converse with any more. It ain't a question of a difference of opinion, it's a question of disrespect and you just lost any claim you might have had to be respected. We won't be talking any more.
Wow! So what's the plan? Do we have minders that follow us around to make sure some people aren't speaking out more than their share? Do we force the introverts to talk more?

The plan is simple; all elections are publicly funded. All campaigns are publicly funded. Candidates no longer must raise money. That way, there's a level playing field where ideas can compete for votes instead of candidates competing for money. It works in every other western democracy, so why can't it work here? We all agree the system is broken, we just have to agree why it's broken. And the why is the money.

But money isn't the only form of expressing our political values. The fact is, some people - celebrities, influential academics, etc.... - have much more of a public venue for their opinions than others. Should government do something about that? Should the government ensure that the town drunk has as much of a voice as George Will?
But money isn't the only form of expressing our political values. The fact is, some people - celebrities, influential academics, etc.... - have much more of a public venue for their opinions than others. Should government do something about that? Should the government ensure that the town drunk has as much of a voice as George Will?

The issue I have is that candidates spend their time raising money and not listening to citizens or devising legislation. If you're spending 80% of your time hanging around with rich people, don't you think that will shape your world view?
Private companies are not the property of the US government. It's more complicated than retail since people are paying for insurance so I'd say the fair thing is for them to have an escrow account if they want to get into it.

It's also more complicated if the government moves the goal posts on them.
That's like saying NBA teams or players aren't the property of the NBA. If the NBA says the LA Lakers aren't in the NBA anymore, guess what?

So they may not be the property of the government but they can only do business if the government allows them to do business. Are they breaking any laws?

The sad thing is that a lot of the shit corporations do are legal because they've paid our government to allow them to do whatever it is they want to do.

We the people are the boss. Our government represents us. Government is the boss. Sorry you hate it.
You lie every time you post. You obviously hate the truth. Your interpretations are juvenile beyond comprehension. The government belongs to the people, we own the government. Sorry if your smug retarded ass doesn't like that! You belong in Cuba.

Yes the government belongs to the people. And we the people are the boss. We are the referee in the game of business. Now of course they don't let stupid people like you make any decisions. Instead we elect representatives to go to Washington and regulate things like CORPORATIONS.

I know you want corporations to be treated like humans but they never die and don't care if they pollute as long as they are maximizing profits.

Funny we watch Terminator and worry about robots becoming too smart and taking over. Meanwhile we have corporations who are now treated like people and have a lot of power and control over us. Maybe it's not like in Terminator where we are at literal war with them but these corporations have waged class warfare on us.
Corporations are treated like people, you have no idea what Citizens United was. Your cartoon show didn't go to that level of detail.
So now you like and defend Citizens United? Funny because ever since the RWNJ's on the SCOTUS passed Citizens United it has been very unpopular with most Republicans. Even they couldn't defend it. But now I see you guys are ready to go to the next level and give Corporations all the power and rights humans have. Sick.

Citizens United decided a speech issue, where only certain corporations were banned form political speech 30 or 60 days before an election. As usual it has been mischaracterized by regressives. And you folks claim to be for free speech. LMAO

You're. Learn to spell like a fourth grader.
Oh wow that was a good one retard. Please erase that waste of a post and I'll delete mine. Stop wasting everyones time with nothing but bullshit. At least end your post with something we can work with. For example the fact that the GOP will either ruin the healthcare reforms/gains Obama made in the ACA or they will break their promise and not repeal Obamacare. They will essentially make the ACA the law of the land when they had the power to fix it. All because of a few guys like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. I love it!!! Reminds me of when we wanted Single payer and we couldn't get it because of one or two blue dog democrats.

Who's Blocking Health Care Reform Now? Blue Dogs? Senate Dems? House Progressives? Or the White House Itself? | Black Agenda Report

Blame this guy for what's wrong with the ACA darrell issa - Google Search

A true asshole.
The bullshit is all yours, don't try to pin it on me. Nor can you jerk me around to where you want to go.
That's the problem with you guys. I walked into someone's home and they were watching Fox. I tried to explain to them why Trump will be a horrible president and they didn't listen to a word I said. All they did was start screaming republican talking points (hillary lied, benghazi, obama's a muslim)

Screaming with their hands over their ears. I don't care anymore. I'm successful. Clearly you guys are not. Sitting around waiting for Trump to make things great again and meanwhile he's going to cut your ss and medicare. Fucking idiots. You were idiots during Reagan, Bush and you are still idiots.

You go into somebody's home and start telling them what to watch on TV and what their politics should be? Maybe you shoulda kept your effing mouth shut.
Free speech.

Being an asshole. Is that who you really want to be? If so, congrats.
Citizens United decided a speech issue, where only certain corporations were banned form political speech 30 or 60 days before an election. As usual it has been mischaracterized by regressives. And you folks claim to be for free speech. LMAO

The Citizens United decision's chief argument was that money doesn't give the appearance of corruption...which we can all admit is completely absurd, right?

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