False Accusations Against Kavanaugh referred for criminal charges...

BREAKING: Judiciary Refers Potential False Allegations Against Kavanaugh For Criminal Investigation

"In a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Chris Wray, Chairman Chuck Grassley sought a criminal referral of the actions by a named individual who provided Congress with the information, diverting Committee resources from an ongoing investigation," The Senate Judiciary Committee said in a statement.

"Committee investigators have actively pursued a number of tips the committee has received regarding the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, though the committee has not been able to substantiate any allegations of wrongdoing by Kavanaugh," the statement continued. "One tip was referred to the committee by staff for Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI). While Whitehouse referred the accuser to a reporter, the committee took the claim seriously and questioned Judge Kavanaugh about the allegations under penalty of felony."

"Judge Kavanaugh denied any misconduct," the statement said. "After the transcripts of that interview became public, the individual recanted the claims on a social media post."

Here we go... This is number one!

BREAKING: Judiciary Refers Potential False Allegations Against Kavanaugh For Criminal Investigation

Grassley is attacking a women, whose credibility has likely been accepted by most of the nation, and clearly every women who has ever been sexually abused.

Evidence that Grassley is beyond a reasonable doubt not very bright, and has demonstrated once again that the Republican Leadership remains opposed to an Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

Why did the Republican Party go full on to oppose the ERA?

Why is the Republican Party opposed to equal pay for equal work?

Why does the Republican Party oppose R v. W and oppose a curriculum of health to include age appropriate Human Sexuality?

Why does the Republican Party oppose equal rights and equal opportunities for minorities, gays and lesbians?

Why does the Republican Party lie and mislead the public on economic issues, the motives of others which is untrue and meant to hurt?

Why do they oppose the most important personal issue, the good Health (why do they oppose universal health care, the EPA, FDA and regulations to keep the air we breath, the food we eat, the water we drink and the very soil we walk upon safe for us, our kids and their kids far into the future)?

When your losing the battle, deflect and use the victim card... Then lie your ass off about the environment and every other lie you can think of.. We do not oppose any of those things. We want reasonable regulations not left wing kill America stupidity..

View attachment 219422

There is nothing reasonable about the deregulation of laws that prevent fouling our air, water and soil. Greed and Profit is the singular reason for deregulating the pollution created by the coal and oil industries.

My apology to the Ostrich, you belong to this set:

Still resorting to memes, the argument of the intellectually weak
I have a question that begs to be answered - ford says in her letter ‘Both loudly stumbled down the stairwell, at which point other persons at the house were talking with them. I exited the bathroom, ran outside of the house and went home.”
This would mean that after just being “sexually assaulted” she left her other female friend at the house without warning her about what had supposedly just happened to her. She would’ve just left her to fend for herself. Is this plausible? What would this say about ford & her care about another female - her intimate friend, Leland Ingham?
If ford was so scared that she left the house without warning leland about what allegedly just had happened to her- then when they (ford & leland) next met or talked on the phone - which could’ve even been the next day - why was leland not at least then told about this purported foiled savaging of her? For ford not to have talked to leland about such a fearful experience surpasses any level of credibility.
I find it impossible to believe that ford
Lindsey Graham has issued a letter to the ethics committee for the leak of the FORD letter and the misconduct of Democrats in the House for releasing home addresses and phone numbers from a classified list. Maxine Waters and her staff are suspected as the breach was tracked back to her classified IP by the FBI Cyber Crimes Division and House IT investigators.

Let's pray action is taken!
Its actually a crime. The release of Classified Information.. It can be dealt with by both Ethics and Criminal judicial actions.. It also violates the security agreement she signed to get access. That should be pulled immediately!
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Leland Ingham
Her statement to the FBI and Senate investigators said the event never happened... And that she never met Kavanaugh... How do you reconcile that conflict?

Ford's recollection is suspect at a minimum... With everything so foggy in her mind how does only one person become crystal clear? Credibility is zero here...

I wonder how Her FBI interview will go on Monday after they have talked with all of her witnesses?
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BREAKING: Judiciary Refers Potential False Allegations Against Kavanaugh For Criminal Investigation

"In a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Chris Wray, Chairman Chuck Grassley sought a criminal referral of the actions by a named individual who provided Congress with the information, diverting Committee resources from an ongoing investigation," The Senate Judiciary Committee said in a statement.

"Committee investigators have actively pursued a number of tips the committee has received regarding the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, though the committee has not been able to substantiate any allegations of wrongdoing by Kavanaugh," the statement continued. "One tip was referred to the committee by staff for Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI). While Whitehouse referred the accuser to a reporter, the committee took the claim seriously and questioned Judge Kavanaugh about the allegations under penalty of felony."

"Judge Kavanaugh denied any misconduct," the statement said. "After the transcripts of that interview became public, the individual recanted the claims on a social media post."

Here we go... This is number one!

BREAKING: Judiciary Refers Potential False Allegations Against Kavanaugh For Criminal Investigation
Kavanaugh is the one in trouble.

He lied to the Senate. That's a felony.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh Lied Repeatedly in Confirmation Process

Could Brett Kavanaugh be impeached? Some House Democrats appear willing to try if the nominee is confirmed

Bernie Sanders calls for FBI to investigate whether Kavanaugh told truth in hearing

Former Federal Prosecutor: Kavanaugh's Lies To Senate Will Help FBI Build A Case Against Him

He could even be impeached.

But Republicans like liars.

Look at who they made president.
Ok so why not impeach him for perjury rather than allowing the freak show of baseless accusations?
That is a very good point. Congress, the FBI and the courts all hate being lied to, and perjury is a serious matter. Just ask Bubba Clinton. If it was such a slam dunk case that Kavanaugh lied under oath to Congress, the democrats would have been all over it and never would have exploited Ford in the first place. The fact that they're not tells me that their lawyers informed them that it would not be an easy matter. The further fact that random internet keyboard jockeys insist that he did because of a YouTube video claiming it sounds like he did is totally irrelevant.
BREAKING: Judiciary Refers Potential False Allegations Against Kavanaugh For Criminal Investigation

"In a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Chris Wray, Chairman Chuck Grassley sought a criminal referral of the actions by a named individual who provided Congress with the information, diverting Committee resources from an ongoing investigation," The Senate Judiciary Committee said in a statement.

"Committee investigators have actively pursued a number of tips the committee has received regarding the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, though the committee has not been able to substantiate any allegations of wrongdoing by Kavanaugh," the statement continued. "One tip was referred to the committee by staff for Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI). While Whitehouse referred the accuser to a reporter, the committee took the claim seriously and questioned Judge Kavanaugh about the allegations under penalty of felony."

"Judge Kavanaugh denied any misconduct," the statement said. "After the transcripts of that interview became public, the individual recanted the claims on a social media post."

Here we go... This is number one!

BREAKING: Judiciary Refers Potential False Allegations Against Kavanaugh For Criminal Investigation

Grassley is attacking a women, whose credibility has likely been accepted by most of the nation, and clearly every women who has ever been sexually abused.

Evidence that Grassley is beyond a reasonable doubt not very bright, and has demonstrated once again that the Republican Leadership remains opposed to an Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

Why did the Republican Party go full on to oppose the ERA?

Why is the Republican Party opposed to equal pay for equal work?

Why does the Republican Party oppose R v. W and oppose a curriculum of health to include age appropriate Human Sexuality?

Why does the Republican Party oppose equal rights and equal opportunities for minorities, gays and lesbians?

Why does the Republican Party lie and mislead the public on economic issues, the motives of others which is untrue and meant to hurt?

Why do they oppose the most important personal issue, the good Health (why do they oppose universal health care, the EPA, FDA and regulations to keep the air we breath, the food we eat, the water we drink and the very soil we walk upon safe for us, our kids and their kids far into the future)?
They do not oppose those things

Wrong, and this comment of your's is absurd and thus out of touch with political reality and recent history.
No it is not what you call reality is ideological nonsense

Oh, Mea Culpa, your analysis and conclusion is so spot on I need to confess my sin. Please forgive me. Oh wise and wonderful man, the Delphi of the Internet, I offer my most humble apology to you.

BREAKING: Judiciary Refers Potential False Allegations Against Kavanaugh For Criminal Investigation

"In a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Chris Wray, Chairman Chuck Grassley sought a criminal referral of the actions by a named individual who provided Congress with the information, diverting Committee resources from an ongoing investigation," The Senate Judiciary Committee said in a statement.

"Committee investigators have actively pursued a number of tips the committee has received regarding the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, though the committee has not been able to substantiate any allegations of wrongdoing by Kavanaugh," the statement continued. "One tip was referred to the committee by staff for Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI). While Whitehouse referred the accuser to a reporter, the committee took the claim seriously and questioned Judge Kavanaugh about the allegations under penalty of felony."

"Judge Kavanaugh denied any misconduct," the statement said. "After the transcripts of that interview became public, the individual recanted the claims on a social media post."

Here we go... This is number one!

BREAKING: Judiciary Refers Potential False Allegations Against Kavanaugh For Criminal Investigation
Kavanaugh is the one in trouble.

He lied to the Senate. That's a felony.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh Lied Repeatedly in Confirmation Process

Could Brett Kavanaugh be impeached? Some House Democrats appear willing to try if the nominee is confirmed

Bernie Sanders calls for FBI to investigate whether Kavanaugh told truth in hearing

Former Federal Prosecutor: Kavanaugh's Lies To Senate Will Help FBI Build A Case Against Him

He could even be impeached.

But Republicans like liars.

Look at who they made president.

Not once in any of your links does it specify the lies the good judge supposedly made. Not once!

Some things are self evident. His deportment, his responses not responsive to the questions, his prepared statement, denial, and as Shakespeare pointed out centuries ago,

The Queen in "Hamlet" by Edwin Austin Abbey
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
I have a feeling that we will be seeing this a few more times in the next week...

"Committee investigators have actively pursued a number of tips the committee has received regarding the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, though the committee has not been able to substantiate any allegations of wrongdoing by Kavanaugh,"

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