False Flag


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
My apologies to the mods if there is already a thread on this, I can't find one though I'm astounded that there isn't one.

Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe is crashing and burning in his bid to become governor of Virginia. After a parade of Obama, Biden, and Harris, McAuliffe has gone from a tie in polling with Republican Glenn Youngkin to a now 11% deficit. And he continues to drop like Biden.

In what is a desperate move, and now clearly a suicidal one, The McAuliffe camp hired 5 actors to pose as "White Supremacists" along with Tiki Torches and Khaki pants to try and smear Younkin.


The Reich press immediately started pimping the claim on Twitter that Younkin was somehow a hated white - actually he is white. At any rate, the the situation started to deteriorate rapidly..

NBC hack demagogue elizabeth holms vomited out on Twitter;

These men approached @GlennYoungkin’s bus as it pulled up saying what sounded like, “We’re all in for Glenn.” Here they are standing in front of the bus as his campaign event at Guadalajara started.

Just a couple of minor problems...

It gets worse, MUCH worse...

These aren't just Reich hacks, these are directly associated with McAuliffes campaign staff.

I doubt the Reich press is reporting this at all, but it's proven impossible to suppress as Twitter and even Meta (fascistbook) exploded with the story - 5 days before McAuliffe's pending shellacking.

If the Reich had ANY chance of holding Virginia before this, it sure doesn't now.
My apologies to the mods if there is already a thread on this, I can't find one though I'm astounded that there isn't one.

Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe is crashing and burning in his bid to become governor of Virginia. After a parade of Obama, Biden, and Harris, McAuliffe has gone from a tie in polling with Republican Glenn Youngkin to a now 11% deficit. And he continues to drop like Biden.

In what is a desperate move, and now clearly a suicidal one, The McAuliffe camp hired 5 actors to pose as "White Supremacists" along with Tiki Torches and Khaki pants to try and smear Younkin.

View attachment 557948

The Reich press immediately started pimping the claim on Twitter that Younkin was somehow a hated white - actually he is white. At any rate, the the situation started to deteriorate rapidly..

NBC hack demagogue elizabeth holms vomited out on Twitter;

These men approached @GlennYoungkin’s bus as it pulled up saying what sounded like, “We’re all in for Glenn.” Here they are standing in front of the bus as his campaign event at Guadalajara started.

Just a couple of minor problems...

Reminds me of the Hillary paid for Russian Dossier, that was used to frame one Donald Trump, that has been proven to be a Hillary hit job. McAweful is a subjugate of the Clintons. Progressives are and always will be cheaters, liars, and thieves. Just like their prog slaves....
My apologies to the mods if there is already a thread on this, I can't find one though I'm astounded that there isn't one.

Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe is crashing and burning in his bid to become governor of Virginia. After a parade of Obama, Biden, and Harris, McAuliffe has gone from a tie in polling with Republican Glenn Youngkin to a now 11% deficit. And he continues to drop like Biden.

In what is a desperate move, and now clearly a suicidal one, The McAuliffe camp hired 5 actors to pose as "White Supremacists" along with Tiki Torches and Khaki pants to try and smear Younkin.

View attachment 557948

The Reich press immediately started pimping the claim on Twitter that Younkin was somehow a hated white - actually he is white. At any rate, the the situation started to deteriorate rapidly..

NBC hack demagogue elizabeth holms vomited out on Twitter;

These men approached @GlennYoungkin’s bus as it pulled up saying what sounded like, “We’re all in for Glenn.” Here they are standing in front of the bus as his campaign event at Guadalajara started.

Just a couple of minor problems...

It gets worse, MUCH worse...

These aren't just Reich hacks, these are directly associated with McAuliffes campaign staff.

I doubt the Reich press is reporting this at all, but it's proven impossible to suppress as Twitter and even Meta (fascistbook) exploded with the story - 5 days before McAuliffe's pending shellacking.

If the Reich had ANY chance of holding Virginia before this, it sure doesn't now.

Definitely a false flag. Most of the individuals have been identified as left-wing or Democrat operatives.

I'm shocked how the left-wing USMB members haven't already jumped on this Tiki-torch thing. I thought they'd be all over it by now. Just goes to show you how uninformed they are.
And today McAuliffe hires a lawyer with a track record for over turning elections in favor of democrats...a Hillary friend....if McAuliffe tries to overturn the election if he looses all hell will break loose.....
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My apologies to the mods if there is already a thread on this, I can't find one though I'm astounded that there isn't one.

Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe is crashing and burning in his bid to become governor of Virginia. After a parade of Obama, Biden, and Harris, McAuliffe has gone from a tie in polling with Republican Glenn Youngkin to a now 11% deficit. And he continues to drop like Biden.

In what is a desperate move, and now clearly a suicidal one, The McAuliffe camp hired 5 actors to pose as "White Supremacists" along with Tiki Torches and Khaki pants to try and smear Younkin.

View attachment 557948

The Reich press immediately started pimping the claim on Twitter that Younkin was somehow a hated white - actually he is white. At any rate, the the situation started to deteriorate rapidly..

NBC hack demagogue elizabeth holms vomited out on Twitter;

These men approached @GlennYoungkin’s bus as it pulled up saying what sounded like, “We’re all in for Glenn.” Here they are standing in front of the bus as his campaign event at Guadalajara started.

Just a couple of minor problems...

It gets worse, MUCH worse...

These aren't just Reich hacks, these are directly associated with McAuliffes campaign staff.

I doubt the Reich press is reporting this at all, but it's proven impossible to suppress as Twitter and even Meta (fascistbook) exploded with the story - 5 days before McAuliffe's pending shellacking.

If the Reich had ANY chance of holding Virginia before this, it sure doesn't now.

LOL, trying to head this one off early, huh?

I don't blame ya, it looks pretty bad.

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