Falsehood: North Korea has a "nuclear ICBM" that can hit USA

Ted Frazier

Gold Member
Nov 12, 2016
I recently visited a political message board,
in which a dumb user falsely claimed that North Korea just tested a "nuclear ICBM." (I am not talking about that USMB. There are no dumb people here).

This claim is false, as North Korea does not have the technology to deliver a nuclear weapon in an ICBM.

If you run into that person in that other message board which is not this one, call him a dumbass.
I recently visited a political message board,
in which a dumb user falsely claimed that North Korea just tested a "nuclear ICBM." (I am not talking about that USMB. There are no dumb people here).

This claim is false, as North Korea does not have the technology to deliver a nuclear weapon in an ICBM.

If you run into that person in that other message board which is not this one, call him a dumbass.
It looks like if they don't have it now they soon will. The missiles are getting more sophisticated by the day. Somebody needs to take fatboy out.
And you know this how? From CNN
North Korea ICBM test: US policy on North Korea has 'failed' - CNNPolitics.com

I recently visited a political message board,
in which a dumb user falsely claimed that North Korea just tested a "nuclear ICBM." (I am not talking about that USMB. There are no dumb people here).

This claim is false, as North Korea does not have the technology to deliver a nuclear weapon in an ICBM.

If you run into that person in that other message board which is not this one, call him a dumbass.
I recently visited a political message board,
in which a dumb user falsely claimed that North Korea just tested a "nuclear ICBM." (I am not talking about that USMB. There are no dumb people here).

This claim is false, as North Korea does not have the technology to deliver a nuclear weapon in an ICBM.

If you run into that person in that other message board which is not this one, call him a dumbass.
Keep Dreaming That NORTH KOREA and IRAN cannot and won't be able to do this. THAT IS A BLATANT LIE!

Bill Clinton..... For some unknown and inexplicable reason, BILL CLINTON gave The Chinese our Rocket Guidance Secrets, and did so openly, stating it was for "PEACEFUL SPACE EXPLORATION." He then opened the flood gates for CHINA to overwhelm American Industries with knock offs, and Slave Labor made goods. Nice 1-2 punch in the mouth Slick Willy gave America fight there....and we haven't even started talking about NAFTA...

This is why your children work in low paying service industry jobs now.

But back to Rocket Surgery....
Have the Chinese landed a man on the moon, yet?

GINA after getting our Rocket Guidance Technology then gave that "Rocket Guidance Technology" to North Korea.

Who then shared it with IRAN.

Iran and North Korea test Nuclear Weapons in a joint venture in North Korea.
And Obama gave Iran the GREEN LIGHT, to continue to develop ICMBs and Nukes, in the single biggest betrayal of America in my opinion that I have seen!
I find it rather strange that almost nobody considers the fact that Bill Clinton sold or gave nuclear technology to N.K. against the advice of almost everyone in the intelligence field during his futile and laughable search for a legacy. You could add on the fact the Clinton sold ICBM technology to China which used to be an ally of N.K. Do the math. China is probably just as afraid of the insanity of the instability of the N.K. dictatorship as the U.S.is these days so they aren't likely to offer advanced ICBM technology to the regime. Despite the MSM's call for another shooting war the fact is that NK is an isolated little bit of geopolitical insanity which, so far, doesn't seem capable of much more than torturing students, starving citizens and shooting themselves in the foot.
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Keep Dreaming That NORTH KOREA and IRAN cannot and won't be able to do this. THAT IS A BLATANT LIE!

Bill Clinton..... For some unknown and inexplicable reason, BILL CLINTON gave The Chinese our Rocket Guidance Secrets, and did so openly, stating it was for "PEACEFUL SPACE EXPLORATION." He then opened the flood gates for CHINA to overwhelm American Industries with knock offs, and Slave Labor made goods. Nice 1-2 punch in the mouth Slick Willy gave America fight there....and we haven't even started talking about NAFTA...

This is why your children work in low paying service industry jobs now.

But back to Rocket Surgery....
Have the Chinese landed a man on the moon, yet?

They then gave that "Rocket Guidance Technology" to North Korea.
Who then shared it with IRAN.
Iran and North Korea test Nuclear Weapons in a joint venture in North Korea.
And Obama gave Iran the GREEN LIGHT, to continue to develop ICMBs and Nukes, in the single biggest betrayal of America in my opinion that I have seen!

True...true and....true....

That's why people like Bill Clinton are the Left's HEROES.
Anything that destroys America makes one a hero to the Left. But then that's painfully apparent today.
Keep Dreaming That NORTH KOREA and IRAN cannot and won't be able to do this. THAT IS A BLATANT LIE!

Bill Clinton..... For some unknown and inexplicable reason, BILL CLINTON gave The Chinese our Rocket Guidance Secrets, and did so openly, stating it was for "PEACEFUL SPACE EXPLORATION." He then opened the flood gates for CHINA to overwhelm American Industries with knock offs, and Slave Labor made goods. Nice 1-2 punch in the mouth Slick Willy gave America fight there....and we haven't even started talking about NAFTA...

This is why your children work in low paying service industry jobs now.

But back to Rocket Surgery....
Have the Chinese landed a man on the moon, yet?

They then gave that "Rocket Guidance Technology" to North Korea.
Who then shared it with IRAN.
Iran and North Korea test Nuclear Weapons in a joint venture in North Korea.
And Obama gave Iran the GREEN LIGHT, to continue to develop ICMBs and Nukes, in the single biggest betrayal of America in my opinion that I have seen!

True...true and....true....

That's why people like Bill Clinton are the Left's HEROES.
Anything that destroys America makes one a hero to the Left. But then that's painfully apparent today.

Can you imagine how bad Hillary Clinton would have sold us out to Globalists, and the 1% who have no problems using Slave Labor from China to pad their profits?
She would have given even more money and weapons to terrorists than she and Obama did over the past 8 years. She actually wanted to go to WAR with Russia, and addressed Wall Street in a bizarre "GREED IS GOOD SPEECH" and told her audience, that "WAR SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AN INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY!"
Foreign enemies of the United States of America need not lift a finger against us......

The domestic, radical, "progressive" LEFT will destroy America from within for them.
Can you imagine how bad Hillary Clinton would have sold us out to Globalists, and the 1% who have no problems using Slave Labor from China to pad their profits?
She would have given even more money and weapons to terrorists than she and Obama did over the past 8 years. She actually wanted to go to WAR with Russia, and addressed Wall Street in a bizarre "GREED IS GOOD SPEECH" and told her audience, that "WAR SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AN INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY!"

Yes. And still maniacs claim Trump to be a "horrible" person after supporting Hillary's campaign.

Pure insanity (or evil). Maybe both.
Wow, as usual all you folks have is fingers for pointing, you have no ideas..Hey just like our feckless fearless leader, that hippy hairdo man Donald Trump...
The trump cult will do and say anything to protect and defend their leader. In this case, they are attempting to deflect pressure away from their leader by blaming a situation from a few days or a week ago, the first launching of an ICBM by North Korea, on things President Clinton did twenty years ago. Politicians have been kicking that N. Korea can up the road since the 1950's and the can is now in the trump court. They are claiming to have and ICBM that can reach American soil and American bases and facilities. What will trump do?
I recently visited a political message board,
in which a dumb user falsely claimed that North Korea just tested a "nuclear ICBM." (I am not talking about that USMB. There are no dumb people here).

This claim is false, as North Korea does not have the technology to deliver a nuclear weapon in an ICBM.

If you run into that person in that other message board which is not this one, call him a dumbass.

Imagine a world where the ONLY country to have dropped nuclear weapons on cities full of people, lambastes another country for trying to get nuclear weapons.
The commies' programs have dramatically improved in the last two years.

Only a matter of time.
The problem of solving the situation must include ensuring that South Korea and Japan don't get damaged.
The problem of solving the situation must include ensuring that South Korea and Japan don't get damaged.

The biggest problem is China.

China doesn't want America on its border. That means it doesn't want a united Korea, it also doesn't want war on its border. So, it's happy with the status quo.
I recently visited a political message board,
in which a dumb user falsely claimed that North Korea just tested a "nuclear ICBM." (I am not talking about that USMB. There are no dumb people here).

This claim is false, as North Korea does not have the technology to deliver a nuclear weapon in an ICBM.

If you run into that person in that other message board which is not this one, call him a dumbass.
Your OP is a lie and then provide no proof of your assertion.

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