Families First Coronavirus Response Act question

My Company pays, and we Employ around 10, 000
Good on them! My company pays but we have to.
I wonder how big companies got out of this? And the thing is, the ones that have the obligation get paid back through tax credits. So wtf
Well, this is no offense whatsoever, intended...but I'd have to read what you're talking about before bitchin and just believin
Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Employee Paid Leave Rights | U.S. Department of Labor (dol.gov)
The paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave provisions of the FFCRA apply to certain public employers, and private employers with fewer than 500 employees

Generally, the Act provides that employees of covered employers are eligible for:

  • Two weeks (up to 80 hours) of paid sick leave at the employee’s regular rate of pay where the employee is unable to work because the employee is quarantined (pursuant to Federal, State, or local government order or advice of a health care provider), and/or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and seeking a medical diagnosis; or
  • Two weeks (up to 80 hours) of paid sick leave at two-thirds the employee’s regular rate of pay because the employee is unable to work because of a bona fide need to care for an individual subject to quarantine (pursuant to Federal, State, or local government order or advice of a health care provider), or to care for a child (under 18 years of age) whose school or child care provider is closed or unavailable for reasons related to COVID-19, and/or the employee is experiencing a substantially similar condition as specified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with the Secretaries of the Treasury and Labor; and
  • Up to an additional 10 weeks of paid expanded family and medical leave at two-thirds the employee’s regular rate of pay where an employee, who has been employed for at least 30 calendar days, is unable to work due to a bona fide need for leave to care for a child whose school or child care provider is closed or unavailable for reasons related to COVID-19.
Yeah, see that's what I thought it would say.

These are businesses' that will have a hardship whereas the larger companies can cover it on their own, so they don't need the tax credit. Paid sick leave is already a part of most large corporations, and its mandatory in some places. so with that, and fmla, it's covered and unnecessary to include in this tax payer funded bill.
Except the people arent being paid. They told my friends husband he will only get paid if he gets covid from his wife. Then, they will throw him on temporary disability.
This woman i work with has a son in law. He got covid and was out for a couple weeks. He works for printpack, a fortune 500 company. They told him to fuck off.
I dont agree with this Act. I dont agree with 90% of what comes out of Washington. But they left big companies to do their own thing while forcing smaller companies to pay. It isnt right.
They didnt force smaller companies to pay - its a fully refunded credit:

Employers with fewer than 500 full-time or part-time employees can quickly begin taking advantage of two new refundable payroll tax credits designed to reimburse them, dollar for dollar, for the cost of providing leave to employees affected by COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the coronavirus. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Labor (DOL) unveiled the plan in a March 20 press release.
I know it is. But they still have to go through a process. They are STILL being forced to pay their wages. Bigger companies dont have to fuck with it.
Thats my point.
What if those smaller companies cant afford to pay wages with no production? They still have to. What if they cant afford to pay 2/3 wages to employees for 3 months because their school got shut down and daycare wasnt available? They cant fire them or anything. They are forced to pay whether they can afford it or not.
The big companies can tell the employees to fuck off.
If your small company isn't anticipating 2 weeks of wages for an employee that, as of 5 minutes ago, was going to be working for those two weeks - - - then you sort of deserve that Darwin award. You're being reimbursed, in full too- so it's like a present. I dont understand the beef there. And not only are they being fully reimbursed, but there were other grants in the Relief bill for Small businesses as well.
You work for a small company? You are covered.
You work at a big company? You are fucked if they deem it.
THAT is a problem and they are clearly picking sides.
No, the problem is that the big companies that dont pay sick leave are greedy.

The program did the right thing - they paid the cost for the smaller companies who cannot afford it.
Why do big corporations and businesses (500 or more employees) get out of having to pay employees for being off for having covid, being quarantined because of advice from local health officials, or having to take care of someone covid related?
I am asking because this lady i know has covid. Her husbands business sent him home for 14 days with no pay. They refuse to pay him because they have more than 500 employees.
Can someone explain the reasoning for this?
Is this just another example of the duopolies sucking off corporations?
Those companies also got a bailout, did they not?

This entire fraud is a treasury raid.
You work for a small company? You are covered.
You work at a big company? You are fucked if they deem it.
THAT is a problem and they are clearly picking sides.
AND, most small businesses are being destroyed by lockdowns.

It appears to be a massive competition killer that the top employers want, so they can kill wages/salaries. But that's just speculation on my part.
My Company pays, and we Employ around 10, 000
Good on them! My company pays but we have to.
I wonder how big companies got out of this? And the thing is, the ones that have the obligation get paid back through tax credits. So wtf
Well, this is no offense whatsoever, intended...but I'd have to read what you're talking about before bitchin and just believin
Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Employee Paid Leave Rights | U.S. Department of Labor (dol.gov)
The paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave provisions of the FFCRA apply to certain public employers, and private employers with fewer than 500 employees

Generally, the Act provides that employees of covered employers are eligible for:

  • Two weeks (up to 80 hours) of paid sick leave at the employee’s regular rate of pay where the employee is unable to work because the employee is quarantined (pursuant to Federal, State, or local government order or advice of a health care provider), and/or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and seeking a medical diagnosis; or
  • Two weeks (up to 80 hours) of paid sick leave at two-thirds the employee’s regular rate of pay because the employee is unable to work because of a bona fide need to care for an individual subject to quarantine (pursuant to Federal, State, or local government order or advice of a health care provider), or to care for a child (under 18 years of age) whose school or child care provider is closed or unavailable for reasons related to COVID-19, and/or the employee is experiencing a substantially similar condition as specified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with the Secretaries of the Treasury and Labor; and
  • Up to an additional 10 weeks of paid expanded family and medical leave at two-thirds the employee’s regular rate of pay where an employee, who has been employed for at least 30 calendar days, is unable to work due to a bona fide need for leave to care for a child whose school or child care provider is closed or unavailable for reasons related to COVID-19.
Yeah, see that's what I thought it would say.

These are businesses' that will have a hardship whereas the larger companies can cover it on their own, so they don't need the tax credit. Paid sick leave is already a part of most large corporations, and its mandatory in some places. so with that, and fmla, it's covered and unnecessary to include in this tax payer funded bill.
Except the people arent being paid. They told my friends husband he will only get paid if he gets covid from his wife. Then, they will throw him on temporary disability.
This woman i work with has a son in law. He got covid and was out for a couple weeks. He works for printpack, a fortune 500 company. They told him to fuck off.
I dont agree with this Act. I dont agree with 90% of what comes out of Washington. But they left big companies to do their own thing while forcing smaller companies to pay. It isnt right.
Careful, Harley, your centrist side is showing. You appear to be correct. With as many tax breaks, that smaller companies and individual rarely can take advantage going to large corporation, it would not have hurt my feelings to say they were required, whether reimbursed or not. Of course that brings up unfunded mandates and would inspire big business republicans to hire lynch mobs, costing them even more money.
Im not defending forcing companies to do anything against their will. I am against this Act.
I am simply pointing out the favor towards big companies from the corrupt congress.
And I agree. It is poorly crafted.
You work for a small company? You are covered.
You work at a big company? You are fucked if they deem it.
THAT is a problem and they are clearly picking sides.
No, the problem is that the big companies that dont pay sick leave are greedy.

The program did the right thing - they paid the cost for the smaller companies who cannot afford it.
IF they can afford it at the time. As i said, they were even forced to pay 3 MONTHS of salary for certain circumstances.
Sure, they are greedy. So dont work for them. But my point is the duopoly gave them a free pass and not the small businesses.
I know 2 people that work for big business and they didnt get paid. If they worked for my company, they would have been. Our company doesnt have a choice. Unlike the big rollers.
The choice was taken away.
You work for a small company? You are covered.
You work at a big company? You are fucked if they deem it.
THAT is a problem and they are clearly picking sides.
AND, most small businesses are being destroyed by lockdowns.

It appears to be a massive competition killer that the top employers want, so they can kill wages/salaries. But that's just speculation on my part.
Look at the results too. The billionaires have made almost a trillion dollars through the lockdown. Small companies got rewarded for being forced to give their business to those rich people by putting a for sale sign on their building.
I remember reading that in one day during the lockdown, bezos made like 25B. In ONE FUCKING DAY.
"Dont go to the mom and pop shop with 6 other customers, you will die. Instead go to walmart with 100 customers. You will live!!!"
You work for a small company? You are covered.
You work at a big company? You are fucked if they deem it.
THAT is a problem and they are clearly picking sides.
AND, most small businesses are being destroyed by lockdowns.

It appears to be a massive competition killer that the top employers want, so they can kill wages/salaries. But that's just speculation on my part.
Look at the results too. The billionaires have made almost a trillion dollars through the lockdown. Small companies got rewarded for being forced to give their business to those rich people by putting a for sale sign on their building.
I remember reading that in one day during the lockdown, bezos made like 25B. In ONE FUCKING DAY.
"Dont go to the mom and pop shop with 6 other customers, you will die. Instead go to walmart with 100 customers. You will live!!!"
Sounds like the forced design that sees family farms go down, to be consolidated by big agra. Is this sort of, I watched them come for the farmer, but said nothing, as I wasn't a farmer? Now coming for small business. Surprising how much of the small business corona virus money actuall went to large businesses, as perk exceptions like the one you are pointing out were also granted. Nothing like getting the best of both worlds, eh?
Hope your friend and his wife are both okay, TN. Maybe he should call his Congressional Representative's office. I know, it seems weird, but they help out with things like this, and they could at least check to see if there is anything he can do. It doesn't seem right somehow that if he has been ordered into quarantine that he wouldn't be paid sick time. That will cause a shitload of people not to Quarantine!

I thought I heard something about two weeks sick leave for Covid being given to everyone, but that was way back, and I don't know the particulars.

The contact tracers aren't going to like this!
You work for a small company? You are covered.
You work at a big company? You are fucked if they deem it.
THAT is a problem and they are clearly picking sides.
No, the problem is that the big companies that dont pay sick leave are greedy.

The program did the right thing - they paid the cost for the smaller companies who cannot afford it.
IF they can afford it at the time. As i said, they were even forced to pay 3 MONTHS of salary for certain circumstances.
Sure, they are greedy. So dont work for them. But my point is the duopoly gave them a free pass and not the small businesses.
I know 2 people that work for big business and they didnt get paid. If they worked for my company, they would have been. Our company doesnt have a choice. Unlike the big rollers.
The choice was taken away.
The small businesses got a LITERALLY free pass...wtf are you talking about?

The Gov't paid for it. In full!

And not only that, they also offered readily available Loans for small businesses who, if they could show they used it due to the pandemic, were forgiven from paying back.
Hope your friend and his wife are both okay, TN. Maybe he should call his Congressional Representative's office. I know, it seems weird, but they help out with things like this, and they could at least check to see if there is anything he can do. It doesn't seem right somehow that if he has been ordered into quarantine that he wouldn't be paid sick time. That will cause a shitload of people not to Quarantine!

I thought I heard something about two weeks sick leave for Covid being given to everyone, but that was way back, and I don't know the particulars.

The contact tracers aren't going to like this!
That's the problem. People's willingness to lay down and do nothing. There were hundreds of billions of funds for small businesses left un-used.
Why do big corporations and businesses (500 or more employees) get out of having to pay employees for being off for having covid, being quarantined because of advice from local health officials, or having to take care of someone covid related?
I am asking because this lady i know has covid. Her husbands business sent him home for 14 days with no pay. They refuse to pay him because they have more than 500 employees.
Can someone explain the reasoning for this?
Is this just another example of the duopolies sucking off corporations?
It was my understanding that every company had to give the 10 paid days for covid, covid related.

But those with less than 500 employees got reimbursed by the govt for it.

Your neighbor situation seems wrong.
Why do big corporations and businesses (500 or more employees) get out of having to pay employees for being off for having covid, being quarantined because of advice from local health officials, or having to take care of someone covid related?
I am asking because this lady i know has covid. Her husbands business sent him home for 14 days with no pay. They refuse to pay him because they have more than 500 employees.
Can someone explain the reasoning for this?
Is this just another example of the duopolies sucking off corporations?
It was my understanding that every company had to give the 10 paid days for covid, covid related.

But those with less than 500 employees got reimbursed by the govt for it.

Your neighbor situation seems wrong.
Nope. Companies with more than 500 employees didnt have to do jack squat. The choice was only taken away from the little guys.
Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Employer Paid Leave Requirements | U.S. Department of Labor (dol.gov)
The paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave provisions of the FFCRA apply to certain public employers, and private employers with fewer than 500 employees.
You work for a small company? You are covered.
You work at a big company? You are fucked if they deem it.
THAT is a problem and they are clearly picking sides.
No, the problem is that the big companies that dont pay sick leave are greedy.

The program did the right thing - they paid the cost for the smaller companies who cannot afford it.
IF they can afford it at the time. As i said, they were even forced to pay 3 MONTHS of salary for certain circumstances.
Sure, they are greedy. So dont work for them. But my point is the duopoly gave them a free pass and not the small businesses.
I know 2 people that work for big business and they didnt get paid. If they worked for my company, they would have been. Our company doesnt have a choice. Unlike the big rollers.
The choice was taken away.
The small businesses got a LITERALLY free pass...wtf are you talking about?

The Gov't paid for it. In full!

And not only that, they also offered readily available Loans for small businesses who, if they could show they used it due to the pandemic, were forgiven from paying back.
No, it isnt literally. They LITERALLY had the choice taken from them. And for having their choice taken away, they would be paid by tax credits NEXT YEAR.
Big business kept their choice. They have the ability to tell the employees to fuck off. No tax credits. No being FORCED to go against their will. NOTHING.
You work for a big company, the govt left you in the dust. As those people i mentioned can agree on.
Why do big corporations and businesses (500 or more employees) get out of having to pay employees for being off for having covid, being quarantined because of advice from local health officials, or having to take care of someone covid related?
I am asking because this lady i know has covid. Her husbands business sent him home for 14 days with no pay. They refuse to pay him because they have more than 500 employees.
Can someone explain the reasoning for this?
Is this just another example of the duopolies sucking off corporations?
It was my understanding that every company had to give the 10 paid days for covid, covid related.

But those with less than 500 employees got reimbursed by the govt for it.

Your neighbor situation seems wrong.
Nope. Companies with more than 500 employees didnt have to do jack squat. The choice was only taken away from the little guys.
Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Employer Paid Leave Requirements | U.S. Department of Labor (dol.gov)
The paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave provisions of the FFCRA apply to certain public employers, and private employers with fewer than 500 employees.
Wow! If that is true, that is a huge payoff to big corporations!!! :eek:
Why do big corporations and businesses (500 or more employees) get out of having to pay employees for being off for having covid, being quarantined because of advice from local health officials, or having to take care of someone covid related?
I am asking because this lady i know has covid. Her husbands business sent him home for 14 days with no pay. They refuse to pay him because they have more than 500 employees.
Can someone explain the reasoning for this?
Is this just another example of the duopolies sucking off corporations?
It was my understanding that every company had to give the 10 paid days for covid, covid related.

But those with less than 500 employees got reimbursed by the govt for it.

Your neighbor situation seems wrong.
Nope. Companies with more than 500 employees didnt have to do jack squat. The choice was only taken away from the little guys.
Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Employer Paid Leave Requirements | U.S. Department of Labor (dol.gov)
The paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave provisions of the FFCRA apply to certain public employers, and private employers with fewer than 500 employees.
The small companies got a hand out, and the big companies didn't.

Well, that's not exactly true, either. Other parts of the covid relief bill, they did in fact get handouts too. I honestly miss the beef here. Small businesses were given money to pay employees a sick leave if they got covid.
Why do big corporations and businesses (500 or more employees) get out of having to pay employees for being off for having covid, being quarantined because of advice from local health officials, or having to take care of someone covid related?
I am asking because this lady i know has covid. Her husbands business sent him home for 14 days with no pay. They refuse to pay him because they have more than 500 employees.
Can someone explain the reasoning for this?
Is this just another example of the duopolies sucking off corporations?
It was my understanding that every company had to give the 10 paid days for covid, covid related.

But those with less than 500 employees got reimbursed by the govt for it.

Your neighbor situation seems wrong.
Nope. Companies with more than 500 employees didnt have to do jack squat. The choice was only taken away from the little guys.
Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Employer Paid Leave Requirements | U.S. Department of Labor (dol.gov)
The paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave provisions of the FFCRA apply to certain public employers, and private employers with fewer than 500 employees.
The small companies got a hand out, and the big companies didn't.

Well, that's not exactly true, either. Other parts of the covid relief bill, they did in fact get handouts too. I honestly miss the beef here. Small businesses were given money to pay employees a sick leave if they got covid.
They didnt have to spend that loan money on payroll, though. They could have used every dime on utilities and mortgage or rent and they would have been in the clear.
You work for a small company? You are covered.
You work at a big company? You are fucked if they deem it.
THAT is a problem and they are clearly picking sides.
No, the problem is that the big companies that dont pay sick leave are greedy.

The program did the right thing - they paid the cost for the smaller companies who cannot afford it.
IF they can afford it at the time. As i said, they were even forced to pay 3 MONTHS of salary for certain circumstances.
Sure, they are greedy. So dont work for them. But my point is the duopoly gave them a free pass and not the small businesses.
I know 2 people that work for big business and they didnt get paid. If they worked for my company, they would have been. Our company doesnt have a choice. Unlike the big rollers.
The choice was taken away.
The small businesses got a LITERALLY free pass...wtf are you talking about?

The Gov't paid for it. In full!

And not only that, they also offered readily available Loans for small businesses who, if they could show they used it due to the pandemic, were forgiven from paying back.
No, it isnt literally. They LITERALLY had the choice taken from them. And for having their choice taken away, they would be paid by tax credits NEXT YEAR.
Big business kept their choice. They have the ability to tell the employees to fuck off. No tax credits. No being FORCED to go against their will. NOTHING.
You work for a big company, the govt left you in the dust. As those people i mentioned can agree on.
Yes, the small companies LITERALLY had it all taken care of for them with a tax credit. Bitching about when they get the credit, because it's in a few months, is quite nit-picky insane. They were able to pay their employees while they were sick as opposed to letting them go broke, firing them, or taking the hit themselves. That's a handout you're complaining about. Super weird.
Why do big corporations and businesses (500 or more employees) get out of having to pay employees for being off for having covid, being quarantined because of advice from local health officials, or having to take care of someone covid related?
I am asking because this lady i know has covid. Her husbands business sent him home for 14 days with no pay. They refuse to pay him because they have more than 500 employees.
Can someone explain the reasoning for this?
Is this just another example of the duopolies sucking off corporations?
It was my understanding that every company had to give the 10 paid days for covid, covid related.

But those with less than 500 employees got reimbursed by the govt for it.

Your neighbor situation seems wrong.
Nope. Companies with more than 500 employees didnt have to do jack squat. The choice was only taken away from the little guys.
Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Employer Paid Leave Requirements | U.S. Department of Labor (dol.gov)
The paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave provisions of the FFCRA apply to certain public employers, and private employers with fewer than 500 employees.
Wow! If that is true, that is a huge payoff to big corporations!!! :eek:
This whole year has been a huge payoff to the big guys.
U.S. Billionaires ‘Thriving’ – Gained $1 Trillion (Up 34%) Since The COVID Lockdowns Started | Climate Depot
More than 100,000 small businesses have permanently closed due to coronavirus, study estimates | TheHill

"you cant get covid at walmart!" lol
You work for a small company? You are covered.
You work at a big company? You are fucked if they deem it.
THAT is a problem and they are clearly picking sides.
No, the problem is that the big companies that dont pay sick leave are greedy.

The program did the right thing - they paid the cost for the smaller companies who cannot afford it.
IF they can afford it at the time. As i said, they were even forced to pay 3 MONTHS of salary for certain circumstances.
Sure, they are greedy. So dont work for them. But my point is the duopoly gave them a free pass and not the small businesses.
I know 2 people that work for big business and they didnt get paid. If they worked for my company, they would have been. Our company doesnt have a choice. Unlike the big rollers.
The choice was taken away.
The small businesses got a LITERALLY free pass...wtf are you talking about?

The Gov't paid for it. In full!

And not only that, they also offered readily available Loans for small businesses who, if they could show they used it due to the pandemic, were forgiven from paying back.
No, it isnt literally. They LITERALLY had the choice taken from them. And for having their choice taken away, they would be paid by tax credits NEXT YEAR.
Big business kept their choice. They have the ability to tell the employees to fuck off. No tax credits. No being FORCED to go against their will. NOTHING.
You work for a big company, the govt left you in the dust. As those people i mentioned can agree on.
Yes, the small companies LITERALLY had it all taken care of for them with a tax credit. Bitching about when they get the credit, because it's in a few months, is quite nit-picky insane. They were able to pay their employees while they were sick as opposed to letting them go broke, firing them, or taking the hit themselves. That's a handout you're complaining about. Super weird.
Gawd help those companies that cant afford 3 months salary with no production.
Too bad they didnt have a CHOICE, unlike the big guys that line congressmen pockets.

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