Families making $25,000 a year end up with a whopping 60 BUCKS MORE!

And don't forget, that guy making 25000 who is in good health and doesn't want Obamacare has to pay a huge tax penalty, thrown on them by the liberals who pretend to love him.

Gotta love those scummy liberals!
The chances they would have enough deductions at $10.4k to 19k is slim under the old code. Under the new bill, they get DOUBLE the standard deduction, making it nearly impossible they would have enough deductions to meet the minimum requirement.

I know what the standard deduction is under the new bill. You are too fucking stupid to follow anything I'm saying, even though it's very simple. Idiot, I have been pointing out that many people who itemize now won't be able to because of the increased standard deduction. And, you, fucking idiot, tell me that the standard deduction is increased, as if that somehow refutes me. Every post of your is pile of stupid shit. Stop replying to my posts. At least, I'm sure, you understand the phrase "You're an idiot." And, don't call me an idiot again, until you step up your game.

Under the current code, there's a very good chance than any single guy who works full-time, even at McDonald's, itemizes, if he has a mortgage or high medical expenses. The IRS demands about $5K, in income and payroll taxes, for a guy earning $25K.

Idiot, I have been pointing out that many people who itemize now won't be able to because of the increased standard deduction.

LOL... So we save them from having to keep track of their receipts and probably hire a tax prep agent to tabulate their itemized deduction by going ahead and granting them twice the standard deduction as before, and THIS you see as a problem? :rofl:
And don't forget, that guy making 25000 who is in good health and doesn't want Obamacare has to pay a huge tax penalty, thrown on them by the liberals who pretend to love him.

When that young man ODs on beer or falls out of a tree, he'll go to the hospital and run up a bill, possibly in the tens of thousands. I'll be robbed to pay his medical debt. If you get cancer, that shithead friend of yours will scream and cry that it's unfair if an insurance company that you weren't previously paying for insurance refuses to pay for your cancer treatment.
The chances they would have enough deductions at $10.4k to 19k is slim under the old code. Under the new bill, they get DOUBLE the standard deduction, making it nearly impossible they would have enough deductions to meet the minimum requirement.

I know what the standard deduction is under the new bill. You are too fucking stupid to follow anything I'm saying, even though it's very simple. Idiot, I have been pointing out that many people who itemize now won't be able to because of the increased standard deduction. And, you, fucking idiot, tell me that the standard deduction is increased, as if that somehow refutes me. Every post of your is pile of stupid shit. Stop replying to my posts. At least, I'm sure, you understand the phrase "You're an idiot." And, don't call me an idiot again, until you step up your game.

Under the current code, there's a very good chance than any single guy who works full-time, even at McDonald's, itemizes, if he has a mortgage or high medical expenses. The IRS demands about $5K, in income and payroll taxes, for a guy earning $25K.

The IRS demands about $5K, in income and payroll taxes, for a guy earning $25K.

Why do you keep mentioning payroll taxes?
They have nothing to do with the Trump tax cut discussion.
The standard deduction and exemption, $10,400, leaves that guy with $14,600 in taxable income in 2017.
$9325 is taxed at 10% = $932.50
$5275 is taxed at 15% = $791.25
$1723.75 total Federal Income Tax liability.
If you want to add the $1912.50 payroll tax to that, $3636.25 is not the $5000 you claim

any single guy who works full-time, even at McDonald's, itemizes, if he has a mortgage or high medical expenses.

Show me the mortgage the guy working at McDonalds can afford on $25,000 a year.

I have been pointing out that many people who itemize now won't be able to because of the increased standard deduction.

They can still itemize, but for a massive majority of them, that would be stupid because the standard deduction will be more than their itemized deductions.
And don't forget, that guy making 25000 who is in good health and doesn't want Obamacare has to pay a huge tax penalty, thrown on them by the liberals who pretend to love him.

When that young man ODs on beer or falls out of a tree, he'll go to the hospital and run up a bill, possibly in the tens of thousands. I'll be robbed to pay his medical debt. If you get cancer, that shithead friend of yours will scream and cry that it's unfair if an insurance company that you weren't previously paying for insurance refuses to pay for your cancer treatment.

So all young men making 25000 who are healthy sit in trees and drink beer? You people are hilarious!!!

It's called personal choice. He has a right to choose. He doesn't need liberals to choose for him. Republicans gave him back that right. I thought you guys were so pro-choice? What happened to giving someone a choice?
Show me the mortgage the guy working at McDonalds can afford on $25,000 a year.

LOL... It's like I said earlier... they need to go find the poor underachieving schmuck who is relegated to eating cat food because he can no longer claim his tax deduction for his million-dollar property.
And don't forget, that guy making 25000 who is in good health and doesn't want Obamacare has to pay a huge tax penalty, thrown on them by the liberals who pretend to love him.

When that young man ODs on beer or falls out of a tree, he'll go to the hospital and run up a bill, possibly in the tens of thousands. I'll be robbed to pay his medical debt. If you get cancer, that shithead friend of yours will scream and cry that it's unfair if an insurance company that you weren't previously paying for insurance refuses to pay for your cancer treatment.

So all young men making 25000 who are healthy sit in trees and drink beer? You people are hilarious!!!

It's called personal choice. He has a right to choose. He doesn't need liberals to choose for him. Republicans gave him back that right. I thought you guys were so pro-choice? What happened to giving someone a choice?

address the situation of if that young man runs of tens of thousands of dollars of medical bills, and doesn't pay them. address the situation of someone with an illness going to an insurance company, after the fact, and demanding coverage for that illness? airplanemechanic, people who make personal choices should have to live with the consequences, and the fact that you refuse to answer me shows that you're just a hypocrite.
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And don't forget, that guy making 25000 who is in good health and doesn't want Obamacare has to pay a huge tax penalty, thrown on them by the liberals who pretend to love him.

When that young man ODs on beer or falls out of a tree, he'll go to the hospital and run up a bill, possibly in the tens of thousands. I'll be robbed to pay his medical debt. If you get cancer, that shithead friend of yours will scream and cry that it's unfair if an insurance company that you weren't previously paying for insurance refuses to pay for your cancer treatment.

So all young men making 25000 who are healthy sit in trees and drink beer? You people are hilarious!!!

It's called personal choice. He has a right to choose. He doesn't need liberals to choose for him. Republicans gave him back that right. I thought you guys were so pro-choice? What happened to giving someone a choice?

address the situation of if that young man runs of tens of thousands of dollars of medical bills, and doesn't pay them. address the situation of someone with an illness going to an insurance company, after the fact, and demanding coverage for that illness? airplanemechanic, people who make personal choices should have to live with the consequences, and the fact that you refuse to answer me shows that you're just a hypocrite.

"people who make personal choices should have to live with the consequences" Sooooo, your version of "living with the consequences" is for all of us to pay tons extra to help subsidize that idiot for his poor choices. Is that correct? My version of his "living with the consequences for his poor decisions" is he dies from them. I don't have to live with less to support him.

Where am I wrong?
Let's deny them that 60 bucks like good Democrats.
That doesn't make any sense.

Besides, the GOP is going after Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security next. You must be dancing.

Lol, liberals has been saying that my entire life, and it never happens. You need to quite using recycled untrue talking points.
And don't forget, that guy making 25000 who is in good health and doesn't want Obamacare has to pay a huge tax penalty, thrown on them by the liberals who pretend to love him.

When that young man ODs on beer or falls out of a tree, he'll go to the hospital and run up a bill, possibly in the tens of thousands. I'll be robbed to pay his medical debt. If you get cancer, that shithead friend of yours will scream and cry that it's unfair if an insurance company that you weren't previously paying for insurance refuses to pay for your cancer treatment.

So all young men making 25000 who are healthy sit in trees and drink beer? You people are hilarious!!!

It's called personal choice. He has a right to choose. He doesn't need liberals to choose for him. Republicans gave him back that right. I thought you guys were so pro-choice? What happened to giving someone a choice?

address the situation of if that young man runs of tens of thousands of dollars of medical bills, and doesn't pay them. address the situation of someone with an illness going to an insurance company, after the fact, and demanding coverage for that illness? airplanemechanic, people who make personal choices should have to live with the consequences, and the fact that you refuse to answer me shows that you're just a hypocrite.

address the situation of someone with an illness going to an insurance company, after the fact, and demanding coverage for that illness?

You're right. The pre-existing condition part of Obamacare is a really bad idea.
Why do you keep mentioning payroll taxes?
They have nothing to do with the Trump tax cut discussion.

Payroll taxes are the largest tax most on most Americans, but they're totally ignored in these discussions. Of course, they have nothing to do with the Trump tax discussion, but they should be. Brainless Republican shitheads, like that fucktard "Boss", don't even know payroll taxes exist.

The standard deduction and exemption, $10,400, leaves that guy with $14,600 in taxable income in 2017.
$9325 is taxed at 10% = $932.50
$5275 is taxed at 15% = $791.25
$1723.75 total Federal Income Tax liability.
If you want to add the $1912.50 payroll tax to that, $3636.25 is not the $5000 you claim

Payroll taxes cost the taxpayer 15.2%. It's only a gimmick that half of that is shown on the paystub.

Show me the mortgage the guy working at McDonalds can afford on $25,000 a year.

Mortgages are cheaper than rent. Anyone who rents can afford a mortgage.

They can still itemize, but for a massive majority of them, that would be stupid because the standard deduction will be more than their itemized deductions.

The reason the Republicans doubled the standard deduction is to practically eliminate extra deductions from itemizing. Under the new bill, middle-class homeowners will no longer be able to itemize, especially married home owners.
Why do you keep mentioning payroll taxes?
They have nothing to do with the Trump tax cut discussion.

Payroll taxes are the largest tax most on most Americans, but they're totally ignored in these discussions. Of course, they have nothing to do with the Trump tax discussion, but they should be. Brainless Republican shitheads, like that fucktard "Boss", don't even know payroll taxes exist.

The standard deduction and exemption, $10,400, leaves that guy with $14,600 in taxable income in 2017.
$9325 is taxed at 10% = $932.50
$5275 is taxed at 15% = $791.25
$1723.75 total Federal Income Tax liability.
If you want to add the $1912.50 payroll tax to that, $3636.25 is not the $5000 you claim

Payroll taxes cost the taxpayer 15.2%. It's only a gimmick that half of that is shown on the paystub.

Show me the mortgage the guy working at McDonalds can afford on $25,000 a year.

Mortgages are cheaper than rent. Anyone who rents can afford a mortgage.

They can still itemize, but for a massive majority of them, that would be stupid because the standard deduction will be more than their itemized deductions.

The reason the Republicans doubled the standard deduction is to practically eliminate extra deductions from itemizing. Under the new bill, middle-class homeowners will no longer be able to itemize, especially married home owners.

Payroll taxes are the largest tax most on most Americans, but they're totally ignored in these discussions.

Of course they're ignored.
Because these discussions are about INCOME TAXES.

Mortgages are cheaper than rent. Anyone who rents can afford a mortgage.

Excellent. So show me the mortgage that $25K worker has, and I'll highlight your idiocy.

The reason the Republicans doubled the standard deduction is to practically eliminate extra deductions from itemizing.

Itemize. Itemize all you want. Then take the larger of your itemized deductions or the new, almost doubled, standard deduction. No one is stopping you.

Under the new bill, middle-class homeowners will no longer be able to itemize, especially married home owners.

If you want to itemize and take $20,000 in itemized deductions, go ahead.
If you prefer to take the $24,000 new standard deduction for a married couple, do that instead.

No one says you can't take the smaller number.
Can you just imagine how much people making 25 thousand a year can do with 60 bucks? That's like 5 dollars a month. You could buy one grande nonfat no foam latte at 120 degrees from Starbucks.

Hearing the GOP talk about "we are doubling this and tripling that" broken down into real dollars and cents is an eye opener.

And if you make 50 to 75 grand? OMG! Almost 900 dollars! You could use it to pay for that Obamacare you can only afford if you pay like 10 times that amount.

Wow! Republicans once again really doing a number on the American people.

Full Text of GOP Tax Scam:
Read the full GOP tax bill

Trump stands to save millions under new tax measure, experts say

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) saying this week, “For all those millions of Americans struggling paycheck to paycheck, help is on the way.”

But the biggest chunk of the plan offers a stark and permanent tax cut for American companies, dropping the corporate rate from 35 percent to 21 percent.

Income-tax rates for everyone will drop temporarily, though the financial impact will be largely concentrated at the top. Families earning less than $25,000 a year would receive an average tax cut of $60; families making between $50,000 and $75,000 will get an average cut of $890; and families making more than $1 million would get an average cut of nearly $70,000, the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center said.

So your problem with the tax plan is that it didn’t cut taxes enough? I agree. Flat tax baby. 13% is a fair number and we don’t tax the first 35,000 made. Boom, get on it, let’s do it.
Of course they're ignored.
Because these discussions are about INCOME TAXES.

Okay, I give. You've proven to me that you're a moron. Yes, the discussion is about income taxes. Moron, it shouldn't a discussion of just income taxes. Your post becomes increasingly stupid, so I'll stop with a reply to just this.
So your problem with the tax plan is that it didn’t cut taxes enough? I agree. Flat tax baby. 13% is a fair number and we don’t tax the first 35,000 made. Boom, get on it, let’s do it.

Sakinago, I don't think you have enough intelligence to even mop the floor at McDonald's. Given that the primary function of taxes is wealth redistribution, it's rather pointless to have a flat tax, even if it has a large exemption. Don't be an idiot, progressive taxes or no taxes.
Of course they're ignored.
Because these discussions are about INCOME TAXES.

Okay, I give. You've proven to me that you're a moron. Yes, the discussion is about income taxes. Moron, it shouldn't a discussion of just income taxes. Your post becomes increasingly stupid, so I'll stop with a reply to just this.

Yes, the discussion is about income taxes.

Exactly, cretin. It's also about your poor math skills.

it shouldn't a discussion of just income taxes.

Okay. What is your problem with paying payroll taxes on your $25,000 income?

You're going to get more than your fair share of Social Security benefits when you retire.
Assuming you don't smoke, drink or drug yourself to death early.
So your problem with the tax plan is that it didn’t cut taxes enough? I agree. Flat tax baby. 13% is a fair number and we don’t tax the first 35,000 made. Boom, get on it, let’s do it.

Sakinago, I don't think you have enough intelligence to even mop the floor at McDonald's. Given that the primary function of taxes is wealth redistribution, it's rather pointless to have a flat tax, even if it has a large exemption. Don't be an idiot, progressive taxes or no taxes.

Given that the primary function of taxes is wealth redistribution,

Can you point out where in the Constitution wealth redistribution is authorized?
Can you just imagine how much people making 25 thousand a year can do with 60 bucks? That's like 5 dollars a month. You could buy one grande nonfat no foam latte at 120 degrees from Starbucks.

Hearing the GOP talk about "we are doubling this and tripling that" broken down into real dollars and cents is an eye opener.

And if you make 50 to 75 grand? OMG! Almost 900 dollars! You could use it to pay for that Obamacare you can only afford if you pay like 10 times that amount.

Wow! Republicans once again really doing a number on the American people.

Full Text of GOP Tax Scam:
Read the full GOP tax bill

Trump stands to save millions under new tax measure, experts say

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) saying this week, “For all those millions of Americans struggling paycheck to paycheck, help is on the way.”

But the biggest chunk of the plan offers a stark and permanent tax cut for American companies, dropping the corporate rate from 35 percent to 21 percent.

Income-tax rates for everyone will drop temporarily, though the financial impact will be largely concentrated at the top. Families earning less than $25,000 a year would receive an average tax cut of $60; families making between $50,000 and $75,000 will get an average cut of $890; and families making more than $1 million would get an average cut of nearly $70,000, the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center said.
Meanwhile, thanks to Obamacare, families get to pay at least 25% more in healthcare costs starting January 1st.

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