Families of Live Oak students sue school district over Cinco de Mayo Flag incident


This Space for Rent
Oct 29, 2008
Families of Live Oak students sue school district over Cinco de Mayo incident

The parents of three of the four boys who were sent home from Live Oak High School on Cinco de Mayo filed a lawsuit today against the Morgan Hill Unified School District, Principal Nick Boden and Assistant Principal Miguel Rodriguez for violating their First and Fourteenth Amendment rights.

"The families are hoping to have their Constitutional rights vindicated," their attorney William J. Becker Jr. said Wednesday by phone.

MorganHillTimes.com | Families of Live Oak students sue school district over Cinco de Mayo incident
I knew this was coming and good for t hem, I hope they bankrupt that school and send a message.
I knew this was coming and good for t hem, I hope they bankrupt that school and send a message.

Bankrupt the school? So you believe this is about money, not about correcting the wrong done to them?
While I think what the school did was completely wrong, all they have to do is convincingly articulate that the kids were somehow causing a distraction to other students. Schools have long been allowed to limit the first amendment rights of students in school.
Funny how our judicial system pretends to put a price on injustices (including medical malpractice suits). Unfortunately, there are no guidelines.
I say, set common sensical Tort guidelines that put a realistic guideline on settlements that won't injure the taxpayers and consumers, but still give realistically just compensation to the Court decided injured party.
Otherwise, we just continue to pad trial lawyers pockets that launch the ultra-successful trial lawyers into running for congress or the presidency (like John Edwards who made his money from medical malpractice lawsuits).
I've said it before and it needs to be said again, Shakespeare got it right and had a clue centuries ago.
Otherwise, lawyers who become legislators, will continue to break and run our nation into the ground, and the majority, us, will continue to pay, and pay, and pay, irrespective of our founding principles.
I knew this was coming and good for t hem, I hope they bankrupt that school and send a message.

Bankrupt the school? So you believe this is about money, not about correcting the wrong done to them?

We correct the wrongs done to people financially in this country IE BP forks over $20B.

BP is forking over 20Billion to clean up the oil mess and to reemburse people who have lost their livelyhood. You want a public school district to go broke because of what mess to be cleaned up, who has lost their livelyhood?

BTW..the girl in Mississippi suing over the prom is asking ONE DOLLAR in compensation. Just a comparison here.

But you apparently are thinking money only.
I hope they win and take Morgan Hill for millions.

So you too want this to be about the money.

BTW. Did you even know that the school district apologized almost immediately to the students and parents and said that the principal of the HS was out of line in what he did?
I hope they win and take Morgan Hill for millions.

So you too want this to be about the money.

BTW. Did you even know that the school district apologized almost immediately to the students and parents and said that the principal of the HS was out of line in what he did?

Yes i knew they apologized. To late though the damage was done.

No its not about money for me. I want it to be a mistake they never forget or make again. I want a nice message sent to the rest of CA schools of what could happen for mistakes like this.
While I think what the school did was completely wrong, all they have to do is convincingly articulate that the kids were somehow causing a distraction to other students. Schools have long been allowed to limit the first amendment rights of students in school.

They will lose this case. if it even makes it to court, which it probably won't.
I knew this was coming and good for t hem, I hope they bankrupt that school and send a message.

Bankrupt the school? So you believe this is about money, not about correcting the wrong done to them?

How do you correct what happened? Can you go back and undue them being sent home? The law is not about correcting anything, it is about punishing people who do wrong.
While I think what the school did was completely wrong, all they have to do is convincingly articulate that the kids were somehow causing a distraction to other students. Schools have long been allowed to limit the first amendment rights of students in school.

Not in California.
Bankrupt the school? So you believe this is about money, not about correcting the wrong done to them?

We correct the wrongs done to people financially in this country IE BP forks over $20B.

BP is forking over 20Billion to clean up the oil mess and to reemburse people who have lost their livelyhood. You want a public school district to go broke because of what mess to be cleaned up, who has lost their livelyhood?

BTW..the girl in Mississippi suing over the prom is asking ONE DOLLAR in compensation. Just a comparison here.

But you apparently are thinking money only.

Guarantee you would feel different if this had been a gay issue. You're damned right it's about money. That is how we tell organizations that they allowed something bad to happen. Apologies after the fact don't mean shit, especially when the bad actor in the ordeal kept his job.

IF it were me, I'd settle for $1M and this offender losing his job. Otherwise off to court we go.
So you too want this to be about the money.

Thats the only thing that gets libz attention.
I say give them cowards a tatse of their own nasty medicine.

Bitter is'nt it?

Btw.... They only appologized after they were brought out into the light. Their nothing better than roaches, when the lights come on, they run like crazy
What is wrong with making a point and making money

I'd like to see you try to live without money. Or t-shirts. Or points
While I think what the school did was completely wrong, all they have to do is convincingly articulate that the kids were somehow causing a distraction to other students. Schools have long been allowed to limit the first amendment rights of students in school.

They will lose this case. if it even makes it to court, which it probably won't.

Its CA. All they have to say is that they were emotionally damaged by the incident and they will win.

I absolutely love this thread. BTW....if you didn't know...Morgan Hill is a pretty conservative farming community. But, by all means, soak everyone in that community...which is what these families would do.


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