Family is the Building Block of society

Votar Roja

Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2023
Family is the Building Block of society

Has anyone ever said to you:: Why do you care how LGBTQ live their lives? It doesn't effect you personally does it?
People who say that are idiots and morons. They have no clue about the building blocks of society and civilization.

OP COMMENT: The destruction of the family by the Left brings us ever closer to an implosion of society. Family has always been the essential social unit.

A community of strong and stable families lead to a strong and stable community. America's first mistake was kicking God and His moral standards out of the public square and filled the void with lunacy, lust, and love of money. Divorce, abortion, drugs, distractions, the public school system, and more have damaged the basic building blocks of society which is God and family. No wonder there's so much strife and division.
A community of strong and stable families lead to a strong and stable community. America's first mistake was kicking God and His moral standards out of the public square and filled the void with lunacy, lust, and love of money. Divorce, abortion, drugs, distractions, the public school system, and more have damaged the basic building blocks of society which is God and family. No wonder there's so much strife and division.

You are not wrong sir. I agree completely.

If you are action Jackson shouldn't Carl Weathers be your avatar? :D

Family is the Building Block of society​

Not if you have become a Mutant .
Engineered neurological impairment plus permanent DNA post Killer shots damage have brought us a new virus strain of a two legged virus .
Family is the Building Block of society

Has anyone ever said to you:: Why do you care how LGBTQ live their lives? It doesn't effect you personally does it?
People who say that are idiots and morons. They have no clue about the building blocks of society and civilization.

OP COMMENT: The destruction of the family by the Left brings us ever closer to an implosion of society. Family has always been the essential social unit.

Who ever said anything otherwise? It's just the right wing's definition of a family that is the issue. Anything that doesn't include one man and one out and therefore an abomination in front of God and all just and righteous Christians.
Family is the Building Block of society

Has anyone ever said to you:: Why do you care how LGBTQ live their lives? It doesn't effect you personally does it?
People who say that are idiots and morons. They have no clue about the building blocks of society and civilization.

OP COMMENT: The destruction of the family by the Left brings us ever closer to an implosion of society. Family has always been the essential social unit.

Allowing LGBT people to marry and adopt or have children and build a family should be something you support then.
Family is the Building Block of society

Has anyone ever said to you:: Why do you care how LGBTQ live their lives? It doesn't effect you personally does it?
People who say that are idiots and morons. They have no clue about the building blocks of society and civilization.

OP COMMENT: The destruction of the family by the Left brings us ever closer to an implosion of society. Family has always been the essential social unit.

this habit america's rich have of divorcing as soon as the wife grows pubic hair is sick if the "elite" do not take simple vows seriously, how can we expect them to respect their oath pf officfe? ?
Who ever said anything otherwise? It's just the right wing's definition of a family that is the issue. Anything that doesn't include one man and one out and therefore an abomination in front of God and all just and righteous Christians.
This is not a musical. Marriage is hard work. To stay together or to divorce has changed to the divorce side in a huge way over the last few decades. Part of it is that life is hard. It got a little easier with a little more comfort for people and the result is in a marriage with stresses which is many, people decide to split. That opened the door to all of the other options we see today. It is expensive. And for the children there is a huge effect. Single parents proliferate with massive costs to the taxpayers. The only way this exists is with generous government libations to grease the wheels for it. That book tells us how to live from human experience. Whether we pay attention to it or not is up to each individual. Somehow, we demand that someone else pays for our transgressions though. If things get not good, there will either be massive poverty or massive exterminations. History tells us that. I want utopia just like you.
Family is the Building Block of society

Has anyone ever said to you:: Why do you care how LGBTQ live their lives? It doesn't effect you personally does it?
People who say that are idiots and morons. They have no clue about the building blocks of society and civilization.

OP COMMENT: The destruction of the family by the Left brings us ever closer to an implosion of society. Family has always been the essential social unit.

It is a sure sign of how fallen and degraded our society has become, when any of this even needs to be said, and where there is anything the least bit controversial about saying so.
Who ever said anything otherwise? It's just the right wing's definition of a family that is the issue. Anything that doesn't include one man and one out and therefore an abomination in front of God and all just and righteous Christians.

That's how God established, it; that's how nature establishes it.

Attempting to willfully deny or defy this will only ever produce bad results. We've seen all the proof that we need, but some people stubbornly refuse to accept it.
Allowing LGBT people to marry and adopt or have children and build a family should be something you support then.

As an electrician, I should then support the idea of trying to plug a plug into another plug, or a receptacle into another receptacle?

Those of you on the degenerate left wrong are so deeply fucked in your heads and in your souls that you cannot even see how fucked you are.

A community of strong and stable families lead to a strong and stable community. America's first mistake was kicking God and His moral standards out of the public square and filled the void with lunacy, lust, and love of money. Divorce, abortion, drugs, distractions, the public school system, and more have damaged the basic building blocks of society which is God and family. No wonder there's so much strife and division.
It's good they kicked your fake god out of the public square. Why worship a man made creation?
That's how God established, it; that's how nature establishes it.

Except it didn't. Per the Old Testament a Man could have several wives. Indeed a Man was mandated to marry the widow of his Brother.

Christians have multiple wives in Africa. Muslims have multiple wives. LDS conservatives have multiple wives. IN many cultures it was religiously acceptable to adopt adults as members of the family and sons of the household husband.

So your definition is off if you go by religion alone.
Family is the Building Block of society

Has anyone ever said to you:: Why do you care how LGBTQ live their lives? It doesn't effect you personally does it?
People who say that are idiots and morons. They have no clue about the building blocks of society and civilization.

OP COMMENT: The destruction of the family by the Left brings us ever closer to an implosion of society. Family has always been the essential social unit.

So, social justice family man, HAIL MAGA
It's good they kicked your fake god out of the public square. Why worship a man made creation?
As America spirals down into the sewers of oblivion, degradation, and base filth. Where kids cut off their genitals and Presidents sniff little girls and sanctions his son's crack addiction and federal gun violations. And where men force their way into women's sports and restrooms. That's the godless nation you revel in.
As an electrician, I should then support the idea of trying to plug a plug into another plug, or a receptacle into another receptacle?

Those of you on the degenerate left wrong are so deeply fucked in your heads and in your souls that you cannot even see how fucked you are.

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The only people fucked in the head are those who need to bash and oppress others to feel superior about themselves. The LGBTQ+ community has won. Get used to it.
Freakazoids can live their lives any way they want within the law but they keep whining about it. Shut up and be thankful you live in the most tolerant country in the world. One thing they crave and are never going to get is total acceptance from the normal population. Anheuser Bush made that erroneous assumption and it cost them billions.

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