Family is the Building Block of society

You're saying step parents aren't step parents. On behalf of step parents - die in a fire you piece of shit.

I am in favor of screening efforts to keep out pedophiles. Following your logic gays would be out, but also straight people. Unless you're employing robots thats not going to work. You do want to exclude pedophiles, but can't exclude groups because thats not the problem.
can under natural actions can they have children,, if yes them they are a family,,

only men and women can have children and provide the balance it takes to raise a child properly,,

having sex with young boys is a big tenet of being gay,, I have seen this personally,,

when you figure out a way to determine between straight and pedo I am willing to listen and take actions to keep them away from children,,
can under natural actions can they have children,, if yes them they are a family,,

only men and women can have children and provide the balance it takes to raise a child properly,,
So I'll restate. On behalf of step parents everywhere, die in a fire you prick.
having sex with young boys is a big tenet of being gay,, I have seen this personally,,
Sure you have. You should quit reading that type of entertainment material.
when you figure out a way to determine between straight and pedo I am willing to listen and take actions to keep them away from children,,
By your logic everyone must be kept away from children. Thats going to be a problem.
So I'll restate. On behalf of step parents everywhere, die in a fire you prick.

Sure you have. You should quit reading that type of entertainment material.

By your logic everyone must be kept away from children. Thats going to be a problem.
are you saying the step father is now the father of the child?? what about the real father?? is he no longer the father??

by my logic people with thousands of yrs history of molesting young children should be kept away from children,,

youre the one that wants to allow them access to molest children,,
straight by definition dont molest children,, thats an LGBTQ+ thing,,
You are lying to cover up for your religious leaders.

Running cover for pedos. How low can a person go? You wouldn't do that would you?

From a study...

"Science and case management experience has shown us that most child molesters are heterosexual. Abuse is about power and control and is not anchored by sexual orientation. Dr. Gene Abel, a researcher in the field of sexual violence for over twenty-five years, wrote an article for the average parent in Redbook magazine to take the knowledge he gained in doing over 100 scientific articles to provide specific warning signs for parents and caregivers. In this article, he explicitly states that most cases of boys being molested are attributed to heterosexuals."

"Medical data backs up this psychological observation. In a 1994 study, researchers reviewed 352 medical charts, representing all of the children seen in the emergency room or child abuse clinic of a Denver children’s hospital as a result of being sexually abused. In looking at charts for a one year period (from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992), the researchers found that the molester was a gay or lesbian adult in fewer than 1 percent of cases (2 of 269) in which the adult molester could be identified. (Jenny, Roesler, and Poyer, 1994)."

You are lying to cover up for your religious leaders.

Running cover for pedos. How low can a person go? You wouldn't do that would you?

From a study...

"Science and case management experience has shown us that most child molesters are heterosexual. Abuse is about power and control and is not anchored by sexual orientation. Dr. Gene Abel, a researcher in the field of sexual violence for over twenty-five years, wrote an article for the average parent in Redbook magazine to take the knowledge he gained in doing over 100 scientific articles to provide specific warning signs for parents and caregivers. In this article, he explicitly states that most cases of boys being molested are attributed to heterosexuals."

"Medical data backs up this psychological observation. In a 1994 study, researchers reviewed 352 medical charts, representing all of the children seen in the emergency room or child abuse clinic of a Denver children’s hospital as a result of being sexually abused. In looking at charts for a one year period (from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992), the researchers found that the molester was a gay or lesbian adult in fewer than 1 percent of cases (2 of 269) in which the adult molester could be identified. (Jenny, Roesler, and Poyer, 1994)."

I think pedos should be castrated and burned,, not sure how thats trying to run cover for them,,

and religion has nothing to do with it,,
I think pedos should be castrated and burned,, not sure how thats trying to run cover for them,,

So why would you cover for them by denying that religious heterosexual leaders can be pedos?

and religion has nothing to do with it,,
They hide behind religion and get away with it because some people will say they couldn't have molested anyone because they are not gay.

I will pray for you to find the one true God.
So why would you cover for them by denying that religious heterosexual leaders can be pedos?

They hide behind religion and get away with it because some people will say they couldn't have molested anyone because they are not gay.

I will pray for you to find the one true God.
hetro/straight by definition dont molest children,, thats your spin on it,, and yes they hide behind religion to commit the disgusting acts,,

we all know pedo is part of the LGBTQ+ community and straight/hetro are not,,

so its you defending child molesters not me,,
Family is the Building Block of society

Has anyone ever said to you:: Why do you care how LGBTQ live their lives? It doesn't effect you personally does it?
People who say that are idiots and morons. They have no clue about the building blocks of society and civilization.

OP COMMENT: The destruction of the family by the Left brings us ever closer to an implosion of society. Family has always been the essential social unit.

Gay people have families…..

Everyone has a family.
Weird statement when your people are trying to get the age of consent to marriage down to twelve or otherwise fighting raising it.

I do not support that, and neither, I am quite sure, do the vast majority of Republican/conservatives. I cannot say what those who do support it are thinking, but they are not mainstream.

As always, you're left pointing to some freak fringe on my side, as an excuse, as a clumsy attempt at a tu quoque, to defend much more severely fucked-up shit that your entire side supports and promotes.
I do not support that, and neither, I am quite sure, do the vast majority of Republican/conservatives. I cannot say what those who do support it are thinking, but they are not mainstream.

As always, you're left pointing to some freak fringe on my side, as an excuse, as a clumsy attempt at a tu quoque, to defend much more severely fucked-up shit that your entire side supports and promotes.
At least we can credibly point to people on your side in favor of children brides, you don't have anyone but strawmen to point to on the left.
And straight men molesting young girls, which happens far more often, but you don't care about for...reasons.

Nobody on my side defends that. Again a failed attempt at a tu quoque, falsely accusing my side of supporting a counterpart to what your side openly supports.

And given that straight men outnumber faggots at least five to one, it only stands to reason that there would be more straight pedophiles going after little gild, than faggots going after little boys.

When you adjust for the rate at which straight men outnumber faggots, it becomes un deniable that a faggot is much more likely to be a childfucker than a non-faggot is.
hetro/straight by definition dont molest children,, thats your spin on it,, and yes they hide behind religion to commit the disgusting acts,,

Who's definition? Pedos?

we all know pedo is part of the LGBTQ+ community and straight/hetro are not,,

And my link...and dozens of other available links prove you wrong.

so its you defending child molesters not me,,
No. I am calling them out, all sexual orientations. You are running cover for them.

I will pray for you.
those are pedophiles not straight men,,

“Straight” is usually understood to mean that one is only sexually interested in the opposite sex. A man who goes after little girls, by this definition, would still be “straight”, albeit a childfucker.

A man who goes after little boys is absolutely not “straight”. any more than a man would be that is sexually interested in other grown men.
Who's definition? Pedos?

And my link...and dozens of other available links prove you wrong.

No. I am calling them out, all sexual orientations. You are running cover for them.

I will pray for you.
its an absolute fact that pedos are a part of the LGBT community and straight/hetero are not,,,

so itds you thats defending child molesters not me,,
“Straight” is usually understood to mean that one is only sexually interested in the opposite sex. A man who goes after little girls, by this definition, would still be “straight”, albeit a childfucker.

A man who goes after little boys is absolutely not “straight”. any more than a man would be that is sexually interested in other grown men.
since sex is an adult concept I would say straight means sex with another adult or of comparable age of the opposite sex,, young children are not included,,

it sure doesnt include child fuckers,, more so since they are included in the LGBTQ+ community,,
At least we can credibly point to people on your side in favor of children brides, you don't have anyone but strawmen to point to on the left.
Indeed. It also has nothing to do with families. Family members are by far the majority of criminals related to child physical or sexual abuse.

Their concern is not abuse child abuse. Its about Da Gayz, insuring Da Gayz can't have their own families, and their fear that somehow Da Gayz are going to rub off Da Gay on the kids, or heavens to betsy - them!
its an absolute fact that pedos are a part of the LGBT community and straight/hetero are not,,,
Well logically yes, straights are not part of the LG community. It literally has no intersection with families or abuse of children however. Thats the hole in your head, not reality.

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