Family is the Building Block of society

Indeed. It also has nothing to do with families. Family members are by far the majority of criminals related to child physical or sexual abuse.

Their concern is not abuse child abuse. Its about Da Gayz, insuring Da Gayz can't have their own families, and their fear that somehow Da Gayz are going to rub off Da Gay on the kids, or heavens to betsy - them!

Well logically yes, straights are not part of the LG community. It literally has no intersection with families or abuse of children however. Thats the hole in your head, not reality.
are you saying pedos has nothing to do with molesting children??

are you saying pedos has nothing to do with molesting children??

No. I am saying
1. This topic is not related to the thread topic.
2. You are tailoring your definition so you can exclude Da Gayz because you don't like Da Gayz. Pedos want children and can they can be straight or gay.
3. By far the highest rate of abuse is female children / girls / preteen girls by their straight relatives. By your logic, straights are pedos and therefor all straights and all LGBTQ should be kept away from children. Again, that presents a bit of a problem.
4. Also you are a precocious pig fucker for thinking Step Parents aren't parents.
Wait, aren't you the guy cheering at the thought of shooting cops in the head? Yes.

progressive hunter said:
cops are getting to authoritarian and thinking they make the laws and can treat people any way they want to,,

makes it really hard to not cheer when one gets shot in the back of the head while sitting in their car,,
No. I am saying
1. This topic is not related to the thread topic.
2. You are tailoring your definition so you can exclude Da Gayz because you don't like Da Gayz. Pedos want children and can they can be straight or gay.
3. By far the highest rate of abuse is female children / girls / preteen girls by their straight relatives. By your logic, straights are pedos and therefor all straights and all LGBTQ should be kept away from children. Again, that presents a bit of a problem.
4. Also you are a precocious pig fucker for thinking Step Parents aren't parents.
so why did you bring it up??
You forgot about the Catholic priests molesting boys and girls . . . . .

Statistical fact: More molesters are found among the general public than are found in the priesthood.

Stated differently, it is more likely that you are a Chester than the local priest is.

And by the way you ignorant bigoted POS, its turns out that almost all of those cases were about priests and young men, not children. Do you know what that means? It means that the real problem among priests is homosexuality, not pedophilia.

There you go. You learned 2 new things today dickhead. Now you can shut your fucking piehole.
Time to re-set the thread back onto the topic:

Family is the Building Block of society

Has anyone ever said to you:: Why do you care how LGBTQ live their lives? It doesn't effect you personally does it?
People who say that are idiots and morons. They have no clue about the building blocks of society and civilization.

OP COMMENT: The destruction of the family by the Left brings us ever closer to an implosion of society. Family has always been the essential social unit.

Statistical fact: More molesters are found among the general public than are found in the priesthood.


Stated differently, it is more likely that you are a Chester than the local priest is.

And you.

And by the way you ignorant bigoted POS, its turns out that almost all of those cases were about priests and young men, not children. Do you know what that means? It means that the real problem among priests is homosexuality, not pedophilia.


There you go. You learned 2 new things today dickhead. Now you can shut your fucking piehole.
I didn't learn anything. I read a poster having a meltdown making claims for which no link was provided.

Try again, Skippy.
Help me out. How does that relate to the family being the building block?

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