Family loses house to Big Brother over a friggin MOUSE!

At least there is really a mouse. A man in Louisiana lost his property over a frog that's been extinct for 100 years.
Family to Lose Everything because of "Endangered" Mouse

Posted on July 7, 2014 by Onan Coca — 242 Comments

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The federal government and the environmental regulators who act capriciously in its name continue their assault on innocent American citizens.

The most recent horror story proving that the federal government has grown far too big and far too powerful comes to us from New Mexico. A family in the southwestern state is in danger of losing everything – their home and their livelihood – because the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has decided that a mouse that lives on their land is an endangered species.

A family’s livestock enterprise in New Mexico is in danger of being completely shut down now that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has declared the meadow jumping mouse to be an endangered species, Watchdog reports.

The new regulations came into effect from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service last month, and as a result, the U.S. Forest Service is considering installing 8-foot high fences to protect the mouse, which would permanently prevent the Lucero family’s livestock from grazing.

The family is already in possession of grazing permits from the federal government, but the permits become irrelevant in the event that a new species is declared endangered.

The Lucero family has had their livestock graze on the land in the Santa Fe National Forest for more than a century, starting first with sheep, but then switching to cattle in the 1920s.

“We’re not insensitive to protecting the mouse,” Orlando Lucero said. “But let’s work on something that keeps everyone’s interests in mind.”

No decision has been made by the Forest Service officials, but they have stated that they are required by law to protect the meadow jumping mouse through the Endangered Species Act, and grazing has been listed as one of the primary threats to the mouse’s habitat.

At the moment, the Forest Service is engaging in a preliminary scoping process, in order to determine what action needs to be taken to secure the longevity of the jumping mouse.

It may take anywhere from 30 days to eight months for a decision to be reached.

“It’s been our experience that a fence like that to protect that occupied habitat seems to be the best way we can do our affirmative duty and protect that habitat,” said Robert Trujillo, the acting director of Wildlife, Fish and Rare Plants for the Southwest Region of the US Forest Service.

“Why would we give it up after four generations?” Orlando Lucero argued. “We were here before the (Forest Service), back during land grants. We’re not going to go nowhere.”

By Jonah Bennett from the Daily Caller News Foundation

Read more at Family to Lose Everything because of "Endangered" Mouse | The Last Resistance

I'd find the nearest pet store, buy every cat and snake they had and release them into my yard.
That will pretty much take care of my rodent problem
Eminent domain, the family will receive adequate money, I know two very conservative atheists that took the state for a quarter million, for a few feet of a small mulch business. Not taking "welfare" only applied to that couple when it wasn't hundreds of thousands.

No they will not. The federal government owns the land on which the rancher grazes his cattle. The rancher applies for certain permits that grant permission for grazing.
The rancher would be out of business and powerless to do anything about it.
And under "sovereign immunity" the rancher is prohibited from bringing civil action against the federal government.
Nice set up.
Meanwhile... wind turbines granted exemption from destroying endangered bird species... ownership is responsible for the deaths of billions of birds a year. Kinda puts the few hundred wind energy kills a year into perspective doesn't it?
Meanwhile... wind turbines granted exemption from destroying endangered bird species... ownership is responsible for the deaths of billions of birds a year. Kinda puts the few hundred wind energy kills a year into perspective doesn't it?

Oh bite me. We're talking raptors. Now if you can show me where a tabby took out a Golden Eagle I'll apologize.

I can't wait. :D
How come I don't care? I wish we had a bigger mouse problem and less of human overpopulation problem.

Absolutely agree. We need a massive culling of the humyn population--preferably starting in Europe. We white "people" with our cities of millions need to be purged first. With us out of the way, there will be much more lebensraum for the faltering populations of countries like China and Japan.

Such a system can only work by educating the populace on the dangers of humyn overpopulation, and informing them that not having babies is the best thing they can do to help. Thankfully, universities in Western countries are leading the charge in this process.
You first: kill yourself!

If forward-thinking progressive like myself were the first to go, who would remain behind to ensure that dishonest Wrongpublicans followed through with the plan as well?

You are too funny for words. You've got to be a troll, even "forward-thinking" progressives, as arrogant as many are, fail to be as abjectly ignorant as you present yourself.
With your expensive advanced degrees in such useful and important fields as womyn's (sic) and African-American studies, added to your claim not to use force, violence, or any weapons to help yourself, I'm pretty sure you'd perish pretty quickly if the real producers were to leave you to your own devices.
If were the progressive leader you would have us believe, you would lead the way, having persuaded the rest of us that your way was the best way to acheive your goals.
maybe you should stop reading garbage called "the last resistance" and take off the tinfoil hat

you also might want to consider not getting your "news" from someone calling himself onan coca

Well, maybe YOU should need to read the dozens of accounts from reputable sources that have already reported on this travesty.

Take off your Obamabot glasses and look around at what is really happening. :eek:

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