family meeting this weekend could decide biden presidency. Jill will cast the deciding vote


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho

Breaking report: Biden feels humiliatd, devoid of confidence after debate, will have family discussion on future of his re election campaign at camp david sunday


Breaking report: Biden feels humiliatd, devoid of confidence after debate, will have family discussion on future of his re election campaign at camp david sunday

Who will replace him? Is Biden Replacement Theory real?

No matter who they choose many will be upset. Especially those who already voted and supported him as their anointed leader.

This was planned I suspect. There is no other reason for the early debate even if he was behind.
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Who will replace him? No matter who they choose many will be upset. Especially those who already voted and supported him as their anointed leader.

This was planned I suspect. There is no other reason for the early debate even if he was behind.
hard to say. newsome wants to wait until the next cycle. Hillary, but then you have 2 women.
If newsome did run with hillary, that might be tough competition for trump
big mike???? maybe
I don't care about the gun application personally. But Biden Inc. and the $50 million they took in from hostile countries had better be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
tax evasion is the one I want em on
they say trump cut taxes for the rich and everyone needs to pay their fair share. All smoke and mirrors

Damn, hard to keep-up with this shit-show. :eusa_wall:

Biden denies report he will 'discuss the future of his re-election campaign with family'​

Joe Biden's campaign Saturday denied a report that he "is expected to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with family at Camp David on Sunday" after a problematic debate.

Biden has been called on to drop out of the race after he fumbled his words at the CNN debate versus Donald Trump. Raw Story reported this weekend that he was reportedly "meeting with his campaign co-chair in the Hamptons" amid the growing concerns about his age and mental state.

Later in the day, NBC News reported that "he and first lady Jill Biden are scheduled to join their children and grandchildren" at the pre-planned event.

Breaking report: Biden feels humiliatd, devoid of confidence after debate, will have family discussion on future of his re election campaign at camp david sunday

Dementia ridden Piss Pot will do exactly as ordered and if you believe nonsense you are as Gullible as they want you to be .
The arbiters are unseen and doubtless guarded by their long term pre-planned strategy , updated daily from latest computer runs .

Breaking report: Biden feels humiliatd, devoid of confidence after debate, will have family discussion on future of his re election campaign at camp david sunday

Jill Biden has always been about protecting her own power/prestige and bank account.
The videos of her pulling him away from little children, whispering something in his ear when he repeatedly chases after some grade school aged girl - whatever she says to him - he obeys.

Whether he stays in or leaves - will be up to Jill and no one else.
And her doing the right thing - I would give it a 20% chance.
I hope I am wrong
They waiting on poll numbers to decide
They ALL would rather bankrupt and send the Country into street civil war than admit they are wrong. A truly disgusting bunch of American enemies.

Decent posters who consider them “friends” or “decent” citizens are wrong and naive. They would have ALL the opposition killed or jailed if they could. Then they would mock and snicker about it. They would allow your kids taken off to GOVT camps and schools to get away from a Christian upbringing. Friendly up with them is equivalent to supplying arms and housing to muslim terrorists on USA soil. It’s a war, they started it in 2020. Not decent folks. Evil and mostly stupid is a dangerous combination.

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