Family Values means on counselling for battered women


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
From Family PAC Federal Vice President Sandy Rios on Fox:

“Is the White House out of their mind? Does the West Wing not know what the left wing is doing? We’re $14 trillion in debt and now we’re going to cover birth control, breast pumps, counseling for abuse? Are we going to do pedicures and manicures as well?”

Fox News Compares Helping Battered Women To Getting a Manicure | Addicting Info

Counseling for abused women = PEDICURE according to FOX.
Isn't there funds from states to help with the battered women? Why would the federal government even get involved with this?
I talked to a couple of people yesterday in the thread that joked about giving a woman two black eyes.
Isn't there funds from states to help with the battered women? Why would the federal government even get involved with this?

VAWA, the Violence Against Women Act.

Why? Because it's the right thing to do (I know, that's hard for callous conservatives to wrap their arms around).
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Isn't there funds from states to help with the battered women? Why would the federal government even get involved with this?

VAWA, the Violence Against Women Act.

Why? Because it's the right thing to do (I know, that's hard for callous conservatives to wrap their arms around).

Go hug a tree asshat.
Conservatives are concerned with family violence, of any type.
There are plenty of state funded policies that deal with violence against women, such as DELTA.

Wouldn't "the right thing to do" is put a Cadillac in every garage? Just another ultra liberal figuring out a way to spend more money that we don't have. You never fail, wry, Frisco has taught you well. :razz:
I talked to a couple of people yesterday in the thread that joked about giving a woman two black eyes.

Well I tell you what - that sonofabitch would have to go to sleep SOME time. And when he DID - bam! with a cast iron skillet. I'm not kidding. We've been married 41 years and I always tell my man that if you gonna hit me, make it good the first time, you won't get a second chance.

Young women need to be taught from an early age that they don't NEED a man to be worthy in life. Women need to be empowered to fight back, to be strong. I read a book a while back entitled "Battered Women Who Kill" - about 11 women who finally had had all they wanted and shot and killed their abusive husbands. They all got away with it. Because - they had called the police and reported it and had obtained restraining orders. They killed in the heat of yet another beating. But - women need to be taught at a young age to get away from the FIRST sign of control, the first slap. I know, because that's what I did when i was 19. Best thing I ever did. Don't wait until you've had his baby, it's too late, well it's never too late, but much more difficult to get away, unless you shoot him and prove it's self-defense. Ever see the movie "Sleeping with the Enemy?" SHE made the mistake of giving her real name when she took the swimming lessons. Had a good outcome though, thank goodness.
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VAWA is one of the WORST programs to ever come along. Not come along in a long time, but EVER come along. I've done some work with VAWA, it's enough to make you vomit. The primary beneficiaries of VAWA are immigrant women who use VAWA for their own evil purpose.

I'm not going to say that battered women don't need counseling. Very few battered women benefit from counseling. Many women want to hang on until they are battered to death. Many more are counseled to leave the batterer. They just find a new batterer. Some are so beaten and demoralized, and ruined that they decide that love is better found with other women. They find lesbian batterers.

With very few exceptions, battered women don't need counseling. They need psychiatric care. Counseling does not help women that have some unaddressed inner need to be battered. Left alone, they will find a new battering relationship, and reject all men who don't hit them regularly and hard.
The system is in place. Abused women, men and children already get counseling. Slick democrats turn it into a political issue and left wingers pick up the ball and run with it. Nothing new.
I talked to a couple of people yesterday in the thread that joked about giving a woman two black eyes.

Well I tell you what - that sonofabitch would have to go to sleep SOME time. And when he DID - bam! with a cast iron skillet. I'm not kidding. We've been married 41 years and I always tell my man that if you gonna hit me, make it good the first time, you won't get a second chance.

Normal women do not stay in battering relationships. It is not unusual to find women who refuse to leave. They have a million excuses as to why. When all those excuses are dealt with, they have a shelter, they have support, they get job training, all the excuses are taken away, these women will go out and find a brand new batterer. The excuses have been dealt with, not the reasons.
i would think counseling would be more on how to move out and away..battered women rarely work or if they do they rarely get to keep their they dont have any resources....i would hope that is the type of counseling one is discussing
Some people think beating women is just a joke


Are allies in Saudia Arabia. Fox News says so, it must be true (lol).

Saudi Facebook Campaign Calls For Men To Beat Women Drivers | Fox News

I'd suggest you do a little research. Read the book "Not Without My Daughter" -- Saudi men are most certainly allowed to beat their wives. Women over there for the most part aren't much above a stray dog in status.
How many of you lefties have been in a women's shelter? How many of you have been to a house in the middle of the night and had a woman stand there and beg you not to arrest her husband because "she loves him", all the while the blood from her broken nose is trickling down her chin?

When I was a cop, I'd only been on the job for six months. We got a call of a domestic disturbance in progress. I rolled up and could see a guy sitting on his wife's chest beating the living crap out of her. I ran in (trying to be the hero) and knocked him off and was cuffing him up. She got up, picked up a pair of scissors, and run them into my chest, puncturing a lung. When I got out of surgery, my boss handed me a letter of reprimand for not waiting for backup. She shows up at his trial with her jaw wired shut, telling the jury how the big bad cops abused her husband and that he really wasn't doing anything she hadn't caused. Six years later he finally killed her.

Domestic violence is a bad thing and there is NEVER an easy answer or solution. But it is a LOCAL issue and needs to have LOCAL answers. The federal government is NOT the answer to every question and is NOT the answer here. And I hate to tell you this, but the federal government is FREAKIN BROKE. Check with your District Attorney's office and find out what percentage of men charged with domestic abuse are actually prosecuted with help from the wife? It's in the single digits folks, I can guarantee you.

Local issue, local answers...
nice blaming the victim....

Of course! Who else! It's not like a battered woman is just looking for a nice guy who won't hit her. Those are just the guys who get their walking papers first. It is not unusual to find a woman that is in her sixth, seventh, tenth battering relationship. Why? What is it about these women that makes them reject men who don't hit them? Counseling these women on leaving a batterer doesn't help. They just find a new batterer.

I'd suggest you do a little research. Read the book "Not Without My Daughter" -- Saudi men are most certainly allowed to beat their wives. Women over there for the most part aren't much above a stray dog in status.

You can't suggest anything to wry...he already knows it all. Just ask him, he'll tell you.

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