First Ladies of the USA - time for some civillity, folks.

Now we need to send her to Malaysia to find out the truth about the plane. I never did believe it crashed. The plane is numero uno in national security. We've got to find that plane. PRONTO.
Four Americans perished. It would be nice for their families to know what happened to their loved ones, all right. :thup:
Barack and Michelle are at the Red Sox baseball game, sitting in the first row with the Secret Service seated directly behind them. One of the Secret Service agents leans forward and says something to the President. Barack stares at the agent, looks at Michelle, looks back at the agent, and shakes his head.

The agent then says, "Mr. President, it was a request from the team owner who is a big campaign contributor, and the fans will love it!"

So, Barack shrugs and says, "Well, if it will help my poll numbers." He gets up, grabs Michelle by her collar and the seat of her pants, and drops her right over the wall into the field. She gets up kicking, screaming and swearing. The crowd goes wild; cheering, applauding, and high-fiving. Barack is bowing and smiling, and leans over to the agent and says, "You were right, I would have never believed that!"

Noticing the agent has gone totally pale, Barack asks what was wrong.

The agent replies, "Sir, I said, they want you to throw out the first PITCH!!!"
Barack and Michelle are at the Red Sox baseball game, sitting in the first row with the Secret Service seated directly behind them. One of the Secret Service agents leans forward and says something to the President. Barack stares at the agent, looks at Michelle, looks back at the agent, and shakes his head.

The agent then says, "Mr. President, it was a request from the team owner who is a big campaign contributor, and the fans will love it!"

So, Barack shrugs and says, "Well, if it will help my poll numbers." He gets up, grabs Michelle by her collar and the seat of her pants, and drops her right over the wall into the field. She gets up kicking, screaming and swearing. The crowd goes wild; cheering, applauding, and high-fiving. Barack is bowing and smiling, and leans over to the agent and says, "You were right, I would have never believed that!"

Noticing the agent has gone totally pale, Barack asks what was wrong.

The agent replies, "Sir, I said, they want you to throw out the first PITCH!!!"
:lol: That was funny!
So tyrannical to suggest healthy eating habits, I think Hitler came up with that one to destroy human lives...

This is where Stephanie has REAL PROBLEMS....the idea that healthy eating habits might even be brought up in her hearing. Have another Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich with fries and a shake, Stephanie....better yet, have two.

Not the Job of the federal government..understand?

A North Carolina elementary school forced a preschool student to eat cafeteria chicken nuggets for lunch on Jan. 30 after officials reportedly determined that her homemade meal wasn’t up to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s standards for healthfulness, according to a report from the Carolina Journal.

The newspaper reported that the four-year-old girl brought a turkey and cheese sandwich, a banana, potato chips and apple juice in her packed lunch from home. That meal didn’t meet with approval from the government agent who was on site inspecting kids’ lunches that day.

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Division of Child Development and Early Education requires that all lunches served in pre-kindergarten programs must meet USDA guidelines. Meals, the guidelines say, must include one serving each of meat, milk and grain and two servings of fruit or vegetables. Those guidelines apply to home-packed lunches as well as cafeteria meals.

Nanny state report: NC school officials reject preschooler?s homemade lunch | The Daily Caller

The FLOTUS isn't part of the federal gummint. Nor is the concept "suggest". Just as in the last administration it was "not the job of the federal gummint" to promote reading.

And btw that story on the four-year-old girl's lunch was largely withdrawn in terms of its players by the same paper that reported it (here and here). This was found by following your own link. Always pays to read the whole thing.
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Barack and Michelle are at the Red Sox baseball game, sitting in the first row with the Secret Service seated directly behind them. One of the Secret Service agents leans forward and says something to the President. Barack stares at the agent, looks at Michelle, looks back at the agent, and shakes his head.

The agent then says, "Mr. President, it was a request from the team owner who is a big campaign contributor, and the fans will love it!"

So, Barack shrugs and says, "Well, if it will help my poll numbers." He gets up, grabs Michelle by her collar and the seat of her pants, and drops her right over the wall into the field. She gets up kicking, screaming and swearing. The crowd goes wild; cheering, applauding, and high-fiving. Barack is bowing and smiling, and leans over to the agent and says, "You were right, I would have never believed that!"

Noticing the agent has gone totally pale, Barack asks what was wrong.

The agent replies, "Sir, I said, they want you to throw out the first PITCH!!!"

I heard that joke back in the 80s...but it was Reagan, not Obama. :D
Sooo.... what happens to the concept of "First Lady" when we finally catch up with the world and elect a female POTUS? :eusa_think:
First Consort?

Of course, FLOTUS might still be operative... ya never know...

Or she may show up to the party 'stag'...


First Dude of the United States of America

That's hard to pronounce though. Needs a vowel movement between the F and D.

FEDOTUS - "First Ever Dude..." or FIALLODOTUS - "First Ever In A Long Line Of Dudes"... (one time use only)

FEDLOTUS - First Estrogen-Deficient Lady...?

We prolly have to fall back on SOTPOTUS - "Spouse Of The President'"...

What if this female POTUS has no spouse?

While we're working that out, what do we figure the role of this First Dude will be to follow a legacy of healthy eating, reading or wearing pill box hats?
But you see, I might have said the same thing if I had been writing the OP though I probably would have chosen another illustration to use rather than the spending issue. I have already commented on the spending issue in this thread--I do think it is criticizable--but I did that without blasting Stat or calling Michelle names.

When I state my opinion here, I certainly expect it to be fair game for reasoned rebuttal. I usually don't take a side when I write an OP, at least until my second post, but I have no problem with those who do. And when I take a position, I fully expect it to be challenged or whatever.

I was hoping this thread would provide a way to talk about how to do that without being snarky and hateful.

I never blasted Stat or called Michelle names. I did tease Stat about being bossy, yes. I also posted what he called those who did try to discuss the spending the day before. He chose that illustration because he tried to shut down discussion on the very subject in someone else's thread.

Stat will claim he wanted civillity, but he bailed on that himself very quickly

Oh. That would be the thread I started asking a simple question but quickly went by the wayside.

I guess simple questions are not wanted and more volatile ones are. depends on the thread starter? Gosh, so many things to mull over on the whys and wherefores.

Gracie, there may just simply not be a compilation of such a comparison. I only came up with the NTU page you started the other thread with, and this from Snopes.

It would be a pretty difficult task inasmuch as expenses for everything have exponentially increased and at the same time roles of First Ladies have gone on their own upsurge with the corresponding social acceptance on the roles of women being more than ornaments. Those are two big variables. It's kind of like declaring "gas used to be 25¢ a gallon" without taking into account that 25¢ was worth a lot more at the time than it is now, and then complicating that with shifting socially-accepted roles for women. You'll end up with apples and kumquats.
Barack and Michelle are at the Red Sox baseball game, sitting in the first row with the Secret Service seated directly behind them. One of the Secret Service agents leans forward and says something to the President. Barack stares at the agent, looks at Michelle, looks back at the agent, and shakes his head.

The agent then says, "Mr. President, it was a request from the team owner who is a big campaign contributor, and the fans will love it!"

So, Barack shrugs and says, "Well, if it will help my poll numbers." He gets up, grabs Michelle by her collar and the seat of her pants, and drops her right over the wall into the field. She gets up kicking, screaming and swearing. The crowd goes wild; cheering, applauding, and high-fiving. Barack is bowing and smiling, and leans over to the agent and says, "You were right, I would have never believed that!"

Noticing the agent has gone totally pale, Barack asks what was wrong.

The agent replies, "Sir, I said, they want you to throw out the first PITCH!!!"

I heard that joke back in the 80s...but it was Reagan, not Obama. :D

Old jokes are being recycled.......wasn't funny then, either.
Barack and Michelle are at the Red Sox baseball game, sitting in the first row with the Secret Service seated directly behind them. One of the Secret Service agents leans forward and says something to the President. Barack stares at the agent, looks at Michelle, looks back at the agent, and shakes his head.

The agent then says, "Mr. President, it was a request from the team owner who is a big campaign contributor, and the fans will love it!"

So, Barack shrugs and says, "Well, if it will help my poll numbers." He gets up, grabs Michelle by her collar and the seat of her pants, and drops her right over the wall into the field. She gets up kicking, screaming and swearing. The crowd goes wild; cheering, applauding, and high-fiving. Barack is bowing and smiling, and leans over to the agent and says, "You were right, I would have never believed that!"

Noticing the agent has gone totally pale, Barack asks what was wrong.

The agent replies, "Sir, I said, they want you to throw out the first PITCH!!!"

I heard that joke back in the 80s...but it was Reagan, not Obama. :D

Old jokes are being recycled.......wasn't funny then, either.

That's why I didn't pass it on back then....wasn't funny.

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