Family Values means on counselling for battered women

Isn't there funds from states to help with the battered women? Why would the federal government even get involved with this?


New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence - Home
o and the local way of dealing with it......

both of you are most likely to get tossed in jail for 48 a friend of mine found out when she and her man decided to go at it public at the stoplight....both of them got tossed...
i would think counseling would be more on how to move out and away..battered women rarely work or if they do they rarely get to keep their they dont have any resources....i would hope that is the type of counseling one is discussing

I believe that any "counseling" that is done should be done about the time a young woman starts to date, like around 16. Not once they've been beat. I believe that men who feel the need to totally control a woman can tell who will be receptive and who won't. The desparate woman who feels she can't LIVE without a man is perfect for him. My man likes a feisty woman who stands up to him. He would never be interested in a desparate woman.

But you see these young girls just frantic if they don't have a boyfriend and they don't really care -- long as he has a penis , that's all they care about.
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If the state cant handle the issue the feds can step in.

Go ahead and pretend this is not an issue.

Its one more heartless disply by the cons like appluading death and cheering to let people die while booing US soldiers in combat zones.

You are the party let them die
nice blaming the victim....

Of course! Who else! It's not like a battered woman is just looking for a nice guy who won't hit her. Those are just the guys who get their walking papers first. It is not unusual to find a woman that is in her sixth, seventh, tenth battering relationship. Why? What is it about these women that makes them reject men who don't hit them? Counseling these women on leaving a batterer doesn't help. They just find a new batterer.

It's because a man who wants an EQUAL, wants a strong woman who doesn't except him to make her happy and be the end all in her life isn't attracted to a desparate, clingy, needy, meek woman. That's why. If I died tomorrow, my husband would NEVER be attracted to this type. If anything, he'd want a woman to control HIM. LOL. not really, but he wants independence in a woman, feistiness, not desparation and neediness.
If the state cant handle the issue the feds can step in.

Go ahead and pretend this is not an issue.

Its one more heartless disply by the cons like appluading death and cheering to let people die while booing US soldiers in combat zones.

You are the party let them die

You, my dear, are full of shit!! So full, your eyes are brown.
If the state cant handle the issue the feds can step in.

Go ahead and pretend this is not an issue.

Its one more heartless disply by the cons like appluading death and cheering to let people die while booing US soldiers in combat zones.

You are the party let them die

Babbling incoherently is what gets your credibility into trouble. ;)
i would think counseling would be more on how to move out and away..battered women rarely work or if they do they rarely get to keep their they dont have any resources....i would hope that is the type of counseling one is discussing

I believe that any "counseling" that is done should be done about the time a young woman starts to date, like around 16. Not once they've been beat. I believe that men who feel the need to totally control a woman can tell you will be receptive and who won't. The desparate woman who feels she can't LIVE without a man is perfect for him. My man likes a feisty woman who stands up to him. He would never be interested in a desparate woman.

But you see these young girls just frantic if they don't have a boyfriend and they don't really care -- long as he has a penis , that's all they care about.

Many are part of the vicious cycle.

Its what they saw at home.

They are the ones who get targeted by men who were from the same kind of homes.

It has to be stopped by society if you dont want the cycle to continue.
If the state cant handle the issue the feds can step in.

Go ahead and pretend this is not an issue.

Its one more heartless disply by the cons like appluading death and cheering to let people die while booing US soldiers in combat zones.

You are the party let them die

You, my dear, are full of shit!! So full, your eyes are brown.

Hey! My Eyes are Brown! :evil:
How many of you lefties have been in a women's shelter? How many of you have been to a house in the middle of the night and had a woman stand there and beg you not to arrest her husband because "she loves him", all the while the blood from her broken nose is trickling down her chin?

When I was a cop, I'd only been on the job for six months. We got a call of a domestic disturbance in progress. I rolled up and could see a guy sitting on his wife's chest beating the living crap out of her. I ran in (trying to be the hero) and knocked him off and was cuffing him up. She got up, picked up a pair of scissors, and run them into my chest, puncturing a lung. When I got out of surgery, my boss handed me a letter of reprimand for not waiting for backup. She shows up at his trial with her jaw wired shut, telling the jury how the big bad cops abused her husband and that he really wasn't doing anything she hadn't caused. Six years later he finally killed her.

Domestic violence is a bad thing and there is NEVER an easy answer or solution. But it is a LOCAL issue and needs to have LOCAL answers. The federal government is NOT the answer to every question and is NOT the answer here. And I hate to tell you this, but the federal government is FREAKIN BROKE. Check with your District Attorney's office and find out what percentage of men charged with domestic abuse are actually prosecuted with help from the wife? It's in the single digits folks, I can guarantee you.

Local issue, local answers...

Women get DVP's. Some of get 3 or 4 of the things.

Two weels after they are issued the guys right back in the house with em.

Any wonder why LE doesn't take them as seriously as they should??

Not the case all the time but man I can't tell you how many times I've seen it happen just that way.

No way is this a Fed issue. Local all the way.
i would think counseling would be more on how to move out and away..battered women rarely work or if they do they rarely get to keep their they dont have any resources....i would hope that is the type of counseling one is discussing

I believe that any "counseling" that is done should be done about the time a young woman starts to date, like around 16. Not once they've been beat. I believe that men who feel the need to totally control a woman can tell who will be receptive and who won't. The desparate woman who feels she can't LIVE without a man is perfect for him. My man likes a feisty woman who stands up to him. He would never be interested in a desparate woman.

But you see these young girls just frantic if they don't have a boyfriend and they don't really care -- long as he has a penis , that's all they care about.

you have a really low opinion of women, dont you?
i would think counseling would be more on how to move out and away..battered women rarely work or if they do they rarely get to keep their they dont have any resources....i would hope that is the type of counseling one is discussing

I believe that any "counseling" that is done should be done about the time a young woman starts to date, like around 16. Not once they've been beat. I believe that men who feel the need to totally control a woman can tell you will be receptive and who won't. The desparate woman who feels she can't LIVE without a man is perfect for him. My man likes a feisty woman who stands up to him. He would never be interested in a desparate woman.

But you see these young girls just frantic if they don't have a boyfriend and they don't really care -- long as he has a penis , that's all they care about.

Many are part of the vicious cycle.

Its what they saw at home.

They are the ones who get targeted by men who were from the same kind of homes.

It has to be stopped by society if you dont want the cycle to continue.

Exactly! That's what I just said. Start in when the gals are beginning to date. But even gals from homes where they DIDN'T see beating, can be desparate for boyfriends and ignore the control and all the signs of a batterer-to-be. It isn't always girls from abusive homes.
If the state cant handle the issue the feds can step in.

Go ahead and pretend this is not an issue.

Its one more heartless disply by the cons like appluading death and cheering to let people die while booing US soldiers in combat zones.

You are the party let them die

Babbling incoherently is what gets your credibility into trouble. ;)

You have no authority to dole out credibility.

You are a partisan hack who cheers death and pretends this issue is not a problem.

save your infantile insults for someone who cares what you think
i would think counseling would be more on how to move out and away..battered women rarely work or if they do they rarely get to keep their they dont have any resources....i would hope that is the type of counseling one is discussing

I believe that any "counseling" that is done should be done about the time a young woman starts to date, like around 16. Not once they've been beat. I believe that men who feel the need to totally control a woman can tell who will be receptive and who won't. The desparate woman who feels she can't LIVE without a man is perfect for him. My man likes a feisty woman who stands up to him. He would never be interested in a desparate woman.

But you see these young girls just frantic if they don't have a boyfriend and they don't really care -- long as he has a penis , that's all they care about.

you have a really low opinion of women, dont you?

What are you talking about? I AM a woman. I'm saying, some young girls are desparate for boyfriends and the ones that are, they are more likely to fall in with a control freak and potential batterer and feel that's their lot in life.
I believe that any "counseling" that is done should be done about the time a young woman starts to date, like around 16. Not once they've been beat. I believe that men who feel the need to totally control a woman can tell you will be receptive and who won't. The desparate woman who feels she can't LIVE without a man is perfect for him. My man likes a feisty woman who stands up to him. He would never be interested in a desparate woman.

But you see these young girls just frantic if they don't have a boyfriend and they don't really care -- long as he has a penis , that's all they care about.

Many are part of the vicious cycle.

Its what they saw at home.

They are the ones who get targeted by men who were from the same kind of homes.

It has to be stopped by society if you dont want the cycle to continue.

Exactly! That's what I just said. Start in when the gals are beginning to date. But even gals from homes where they DIDN'T see beating, can be desparate for boyfriends and ignore the control and all the signs of a batterer-to-be. It isn't always girls from abusive homes.

I agree, junior high courses in what are the laws and what is the repercussions of this type of violence could go along way. For BOTH boys and girls
i would think counseling would be more on how to move out and away..battered women rarely work or if they do they rarely get to keep their they dont have any resources....i would hope that is the type of counseling one is discussing

I believe that any "counseling" that is done should be done about the time a young woman starts to date, like around 16. Not once they've been beat. I believe that men who feel the need to totally control a woman can tell you will be receptive and who won't. The desparate woman who feels she can't LIVE without a man is perfect for him. My man likes a feisty woman who stands up to him. He would never be interested in a desparate woman.

But you see these young girls just frantic if they don't have a boyfriend and they don't really care -- long as he has a penis , that's all they care about.

It's more than that! It's more than just having a boyfriend. Some battered women reject men who don't beat them up! That's the problem. Teaching girls that they don't have to accept beatings doesn't help if they have this sickness that requires being beaten up to feel loved. If by some miracle, for some reason, the batterer gets help and isn't a batterer anymore, that relationship is OVER. The formerly battered woman leaves her now boring relationship and finds a new batterer. Pity for these women is part of the pay-off. All of it is some kind of plea for attention. The government should not be in the business of helping battered woman under any circumstances. If the violence is that severe, take the kids away. Leave the women where they are. If these women want help that badly, they can go to the community, the church, someplace else.
Many are part of the vicious cycle.

Its what they saw at home.

They are the ones who get targeted by men who were from the same kind of homes.

It has to be stopped by society if you dont want the cycle to continue.

Exactly! That's what I just said. Start in when the gals are beginning to date. But even gals from homes where they DIDN'T see beating, can be desparate for boyfriends and ignore the control and all the signs of a batterer-to-be. It isn't always girls from abusive homes.

I agree, junior high courses in what are the laws and what is the repercussions of this type of violence could go along way. For BOTH boys and girls

Absolutely. in the book I read "Battered Women who Kill" the vast majority of the MEN who battered came from abusive homes, usually where their mothers beat THEM.
i would think counseling would be more on how to move out and away..battered women rarely work or if they do they rarely get to keep their they dont have any resources....i would hope that is the type of counseling one is discussing

I believe that any "counseling" that is done should be done about the time a young woman starts to date, like around 16. Not once they've been beat. I believe that men who feel the need to totally control a woman can tell you will be receptive and who won't. The desparate woman who feels she can't LIVE without a man is perfect for him. My man likes a feisty woman who stands up to him. He would never be interested in a desparate woman.

But you see these young girls just frantic if they don't have a boyfriend and they don't really care -- long as he has a penis , that's all they care about.

It's more than that! It's more than just having a boyfriend. Some battered women reject men who don't beat them up! That's the problem. Teaching girls that they don't have to accept beatings doesn't help if they have this sickness that requires being beaten up to feel loved. If by some miracle, for some reason, the batterer gets help and isn't a batterer anymore, that relationship is OVER. The formerly battered woman leaves her now boring relationship and finds a new batterer. Pity for these women is part of the pay-off. All of it is some kind of plea for attention. The government should not be in the business of helping battered woman under any circumstances. If the violence is that severe, take the kids away. Leave the women where they are. If these women want help that badly, they can go to the community, the church, someplace else.

Wow, that is sick! Why on earth would anyone WANT to be beaten up?
Many are part of the vicious cycle.

Its what they saw at home.

They are the ones who get targeted by men who were from the same kind of homes.

It has to be stopped by society if you dont want the cycle to continue.

Exactly! That's what I just said. Start in when the gals are beginning to date. But even gals from homes where they DIDN'T see beating, can be desparate for boyfriends and ignore the control and all the signs of a batterer-to-be. It isn't always girls from abusive homes.

I agree, junior high courses in what are the laws and what is the repercussions of this type of violence could go along way. For BOTH boys and girls

Yep, Junior High Courses. Johnny can't read now. He has absolutely NO CLUE what the capital of Oklahoma is (Oklahoma City for those of you that just went "huh"?) and we are going to add more CRAP to the school day by yanking all the female students out of class and giving them a course saying that they shouldn't let someone cave in their nose.

You have this outlook that the answer is ALWAYS the government. Got an itch? Then there should be a Department of Itching that is responsible for it. Got bad TV reception. Another government agency. Tire's gone flat? Wow, such a chance for a government agency - The Department of Air!

Okay, let me say two words that just must scare the HELL out of you... PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. I realize that you felt this uncontrollable shiver run down your spine, but it actually becomes VERY REFRESHING when you are responsible for YOURSELF. So, you teach your kids that NO ONE should touch them unless they want them to and leave Johnny in the school house learning the three "R"'s.

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