Fani's Tattoo she got with her lover in Belize will likely end this nightmare for Trump

This is the Village in what Hillary spoke of. That is why there has been little advancement over several millennium. I am not knocking it, it's just that applied in our nation and we will end up with massive destitution. So, the village has many huts with men and women in separate ways of keeping it going. Not spoken about from Progs though in their total equality mode. And just outside the village are castles where the equal villagers like Hillary and Joe and many others live in doing very little to earn it. They spout we are all part of the Village. And the Village is poorer than it needs to be for it.
She's a Canadian worthless one at that

Biden: ‘If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black’​

That was 3 or 4 years ago. He owns your ass and he knows it. Funny, a bunch of blacks voting for a lifetime corrupt old white racist, how stupid do you have to be, must be pretty damn stupid.
We were saying that to each other. So just go on back under your rock trying to gaslight black people into voting for the white supremacy Republicans push.
Could a tattoo, inscribed at Belize, decide whether the district attorney of Georgia’s Fulton County, Fani Willis, and her special prosecutor and boyfriend, Nathan Wade, should be disqualified from the sprawling racketeering case that they have brought against President Trump and 18 others?

The possibility that a tale told in ink and skin could shape one of the most anticipated prosecutions in American history became legible after Judge Scott McAfee rebuffed the request by Ms. Willis and Mr. Wade to cancel an evidentiary hearing set for Thursday. The two prosecutors have confessed to a “personal relationship,” but deny that it predates Mr. Wade’s hiring.

The lawyer leading the push to disqualify the amorous pair, Ashleigh Merchant, represents one of Mr. Trump’s co-defendants, Michael Roman. She claims that the romance predates Ms. Willis picking Mr. Wade — Ms. Merchant claims he is unqualified — and that the two were motivated by joint pecuniary interest. Judge McAfee allows that it is “possible that the facts alleged by the defendant could result in disqualification.”

My understanding is the tattoo was created in 2021 when both Fani and her boyfriend went to Belize and got a $70 tattoo but they denied they were in a relationship But witnesses say they started going on romantic trips long before 2022. Fani has lied and the judge wants to see the tattoo and get some information from the tattoo artist.

She is a corrupt, ignorant and racist negress.

Batboy 464kb.jpg
In my working career, I came across a lot of world class liars. Willis and Wade are liars but they're not very good. They'll increase the pressure on them until they eventually crack. That's for sure. If they had any sense, they would withdraw themselves from the case before they make themselves look even worse than they already do, but I'm afraid sense and intelligence is in short supply with those two. Actually, they could be exhibit A illustrating how our justice system has failed. MAGA
In my working career, I came across a lot of world class liars. Willis and Wade are liars but they're not very good. They'll increase the pressure on them until they eventually crack. That's for sure. If they had any sense, they would withdraw themselves from the case before they make themselves look even worse than they already do, but I'm afraid sense and intelligence is in short supply with those two. Actually, they could be exhibit A illustrating how our justice system has failed. MAGA

Um, not really. While I do see a lot of salacious stuff about relationships, I really don't see how them fucking makes Trump any less guilty of trying to overturn the election.
Um, not really. While I do see a lot of salacious stuff about relationships, I really don't see how them fucking makes Trump any less guilty of trying to overturn the election.
I didn't say it made Trump any less guilty because in our system, he starts at not guilty. You know, innocent until proven guilty. What I'm questioning is the reliability, fairness and equal administration of our laws. The obvious biases of W&W along with the money, romance and qualification questions, cast doubt on their ability to administer a fair investigation-trial. The timing, 3 1/2 years later, also indicates this is more about election tampering-interference than it is about their phony charges. He'll end up being not guilty in the end but the election tamperers know that the time and money he will spend defending himself will hurt his campaign. This shouldn't be happening.
I didn't say it made Trump any less guilty because in our system, he starts at not guilty. You know, innocent until proven guilty. What I'm questioning is the reliability, fairness and equal administration of our laws. The obvious biases of W&W along with the money, romance and qualification questions, cast doubt on their ability to administer a fair investigation-trial. The timing, 3 1/2 years later, also indicates this is more about election tampering-interference than it is about their phony charges. He'll end up being not guilty in the end but the election tamperers know that the time and money he will spend defending himself will hurt his campaign. This shouldn't be happening.

Funny, you didn't have any problem with Ken Starr when he pulled the same kind of shit on Clinton.

It's taken 3 1/2 years to get here because Trump and his cronies have fought investigation every step of the way.

The American people deserve to have these cases resolved before they vote, IMHO.

Candidacy for an office should not confer immunity from crimes.
It sounds like you guys are fairly desperate.

Willis and Wade didn't start their relationship until AFTER he got the contact, which was approved by the County Board of Supervisors.

Furthermore, two Republicans were approached before Wade was offered the job. They both refused out of fear of reprisals from MAGAts.

Makes no difference before or after.
The obvious fact is $650,000 for one case is about 10 times too high.
Obvious corruption.
It is not the relationship that is illegal, but a relationship makes it suspicious.
And it does not matter if they were already close or the money made them close.
In fact, if the relationship started after the contract, that is likely worse, as a quid pro quo.
Do you have your own domain? That you own?

They give me directory space, and whatever I put in that space ends up visible on the internet.
I create all the subdirectories I want, and they all appear as extensions to the original URL they gave me.
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Try not to soil yourself. She's not going to prison.

But Trump is.

I have not found any description of the actual charges, but they seem to be claims of some sort of alternate elector fraud, and I think that is impossible.
Trump could not have had anything to do with electors, and there is no way to commit any sort of elector fraud since everyone already knows who won.
That tatoo doesn't change the evidence against trump. So don't cry when the case continues.

I don't suppose you have a link to any good summation of case, because I don't get how there could even be a case?
Funny, you didn't have any problem with Ken Starr when he pulled the same kind of shit on Clinton.

It's taken 3 1/2 years to get here because Trump and his cronies have fought investigation every step of the way.

The American people deserve to have these cases resolved before they vote, IMHO.

Candidacy for an office should not confer immunity from crimes.

The Clintons obviously were guilty with Whitewater.
Whitewater was deliberately made to go bankrupts through ridiculous land deals, so that they could double dip and get the land and get bailed out by the fed.
It was just not possible to prove intent beyond a reasonable doubt.
Funny, you didn't have any problem with Ken Starr when he pulled the same kind of shit on Clinton.

It's taken 3 1/2 years to get here because Trump and his cronies have fought investigation every step of the way.

The American people deserve to have these cases resolved before they vote, IMHO.

Candidacy for an office should not confer immunity from crimes.

Actually the charges are less than a year old, not 3 1/2 years.

Candidacy IS supposed to effectively give diplomatic immunity.
The voters are supposed to decide for themselves.

When you have 91 charges all at once, some from activities 30 years ago, it clearly is "piling on" and it deliberate election abuse.
Um, not really. While I do see a lot of salacious stuff about relationships, I really don't see how them fucking makes Trump any less guilty of trying to overturn the election.

The question is not whether or not Trump is guilty, but if there is money being used to bribe people into selective and illegal prosecution intended to bias an election.
The payment of $650,000 is 10 times too high not to be a bribe.
I don't suppose you have a link to any good summation of case, because I don't get how there could even be a case?
Of course you don't. Even though this relationship had nothing to do with the evidence in this case you can't see where there could be a case.

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